Two Great Saints

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

gianna-molla.pngToday is the feast of two of my very favorite saints. First, St. Gianna Molla, who sacrificed her own life to give birth to her forth child, Gianna Emanuela. Today also marks the 50th anniversary of her death. Her example of total self giving and abandonment to Divine Providence as well as the great love between her and her husband Pietro is needed in the world today like never before.

“Sacrifice: the final end of prayer and action is not to receive praise or self advantage but to busy oneself, as did Jesus, with the total giving of oneself for others at the cost of renunciation and suffering, in the impassionate competition of love which arrives at the sacrificing of one’s own life.”

St Gianna Molla, pray for us! Pray for all mothers and their unborn children.
Beg from God the grace for us all to build a culture of life. Amen!

demontfort.jpgToday is also the feast of St. Louis Marie De Montfort, who literally wrote the book on proper Marian devotion. I cannot even begin to explain the impact his writing has had on my spiritual life.

“Would that everyone might know I should already be damned were it not for Mary!”
~St. Louis Marie DeMontfort, pray for us!

See my post: Totus Tuus for more on De Montfort and devotion to Our Lady who, I’m convinced, is the reason I’m still alive today.

Other posts:
My Morning Meditation With St. Gianna
No Greater Love
St. Gianna on Suffering
R.I.P. Pietro Molla

Why Would Pro-Life People Oppose IVF?

ChelseaIVF, Reproductive TechnologyLeave a Comment

People can be confused by the objection of the pro-life movement, and the Catholic Church, to IVF. Isn’t the whole point that we want people to have babies?

Actually no. What we want is for the laws to treat babies like people.

From Hilary White’s must-read article on how control over human fertility over the years has lead to the reduction of children to the status of things: IVF and the ‘Right’ to be a Parent: the Child as an Expensive Lifestyle Accessory – check it out!!

Taxpayer Funded Surrogacy

ChelseaReproductive Technology, SurrogacyLeave a Comment

surrogacy.pngThis ABC News story reports on the increasing number of military wives who are turning to surrogacy as a way of supplementing their husbands’ salaries – sometimes even doubling them with just one pregnancy. The story is from 2010, but I can’t imagine things have changed a whole lot since then (and if they have, they’ve probably only gotten worse).

A few important takeaways:

–One of the women is unapologetic about the fact that she did not tell her primary doctors that she was pregnant with another woman’s child and that, as a result, the health insurance she gets from the U.S. Military – TriCare, paid for by the taxpayers – foot the bill for her prenatal and delivery costs. And she’s not the only one who does this. TriCare issued a statement to ABC News saying that it has the right to recover funds that were misused, but, according to ABC, they don’t generally go after claims that they were used for surrogacy because, to use Elizabeth Vargas’ words, it’s “small peanuts” to them, amounting to “only” about $5-10,000. Well, TriCare, I don’t care how much it is, I don’t want to pay anything for it and I know a lot of other taxpayers who would be outraged to know that this is going on!

–According to Wendy Naugle of Glamour Magazine, surrogate agencies are actually targeting military families because they have a “sense of duty” and are generally more compassionate and want to help women in need. The motives, they say, are mixed – “it’s love and it’s money.” See my article: Porn Not the Only Industry Commodifying Women

–One of the women featured was a surrogate FOUR times. As shocking as that sounds, she’s actually not the most prolific surrogate. That award might go to ‘Super Surrogate’ Meredith Olafson who has just ‘retired’ after bearing 11 children for other people and 4 for herself and her husband. WHAT!?

With the news of Ms. Olafson’s retirement and the rise in military wives choosing surrogacy as a way of earning extra family income, BioEdge brings up an article in the leading journal Bioethics written by two New Zealand bioethicists suggesting that surrogate motherhood should be treated as a profession. That way, they say, the women can be both adequately compensated and protected by government regulators.

On that note, writing at CMR yesterday, Rebecca Taylor encouraged everyone to pray that God will reverse the total disregard for the sanctity of human life that is prevalent in IVF clinics and biotech labs around the world:

Without earnest and fervent prayer, the mass production and commodification of innocent human life will continue and expand.

A friend of mine told me that before she read my work, she just used to pray for and end to abortion and euthanasia. Now she realizes how much bigger the problem is and how much greater her prayers need to be.

So I ask you to pray not just for an end to abortion and euthanasia, but also for an end to the mass creation, destruction and manipulation of human life in the earliest stages. Pray for a change in the hearts and minds of our society away from the utilitarian perspective that is dominating our culture. Pray for conscience protections for medical professionals, not only so these healers will not be coerced into abortion, sterilization, and assisted suicide, but so that, in the future, they will not be forced into performing reproductive cloning or unethical human enhancements. Pray for all those that work in biotech fields that they have the wisdom to know what is moral and immoral and the courage to stand for what is right.

Yes, let’s pray:

Dear Lord Jesus,
I offer you my mind, my heart and my prayers that the culture of death and its commercialization of and experimentation on your unborn children will cease. I pledge to be an advocate for the dignity and respect due all human life. Please send your Holy Spirit to enlighten, strengthen and inspire me, so that I may effectively defend your little ones.

Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn, Pray for Us.

Welcome Conversion Diary Readers!

ChelseaPersonal4 Comments

welcome.jpgMy, but you are a curious bunch! Hello and welcome!!

I knew I would get a bounce when Jen generously gave me a shout-out on her blog the other day, but, I just checked my stats and…WOW! You guys far exceeded my expectations! Seriously, this is the biggest bounce in views I’ve seen here since my own appearance on LOTR a few years ago. Many thanks to Jen for her kind words and thank you all for being curious enough to click the link and find out what this little blog is all about. I hope that you like what you see and will come back to visit again – and again, and again…

By way of introduction, I will first refer you to my About Me page. You are coming here from a post by Jen about her recent appearance on Life on the Rock – which she rocked, of course! As I mentioned above, I, too, was a LOTR guest a few years ago. If you’re curious to know even more about me, you can watch my episode here:

I try to post here on a daily basis during the week, so, again, I hope you will check back here often. I also write and edit for which publishes lots of quality, Catholic material. My latest article was published today: Porn Not the Only Industry Commodifying Women. Click here for an archive of my other articles and, please, “like” Catholic Lane, Reflections of a Paralytic and Ignitum Today (another awesome Catholic blog that I contribute to) on Facebook.
So, that’s me. Who are you? Please leave me a comment and let me know who all you wonderful people are.

Before the major bounce from Jen, my stats also revealed that I have enjoyed a modest following of very loyal readers with my total visits usually split pretty evenly between “new and returning visitors”. So, to all of you who have been with me for a while now, know that I love and appreciate you, as well! I don’t do this to get attention for myself (AMDG, always!), but, let’s face it, if no one was reading, I wouldn’t have much incentive to keep writing.

Thanks, again – to readers old and new!! You guys, ROCK!

Music for Your Monday: Pregnant and I Know It

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging, Humor, Motherhood, Music, Pregnancy, video1 Comment

Oh, my heavens! I can’t think of a more delightful note to start the work-week off with than this hilarious spoof. Some of you may have seen this already. It went viral about a month ago, but I only just discovered it this weekend.

“Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle, yeah!” Haha! How cute is she? Happy Monday, everyone. 🙂

The video is the brainchild (pun intended) of Tommee and Angela Profitt. According to the Pregnant and I Know It website (where you can get awesome PAIKI merchandise), Tommee is a Touring Christian Recording Artist and Video Maker and Angela’s dream was to be a stay-at-home mom. Well, now her dream has come true! The unseen star of PAIKI, McKenlee Joy Profitt, was born on April 6. Hello, cuteness!


Click here to see more cute pics! All you beautiful ladies in need of a good pregnancy workout beat can download Pregnant and I Know It on iTunes.


ChelseaHumor, Motherhood, Pregnancy, WomenLeave a Comment

Saw this on Facebook today. So great!


Setting the Record Straight on the Latimer Case

ChelseaDeath, Euthanasia5 Comments

latimer2.jpgIn 1993, Robert Latimer murdered his 12-year old disabled daughter, gassing her to death with fumes from his truck. He was convicted of second degree murder with a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole for at least 10 years. For nearly two decades, Robert has received widespread sympathy and support from the Canadian public as a loving father who finally put an end to his poor, suffering daughter’s misery. But, whose misery was he trying to end, really?

Responding to yet another comment defending Latimer for killing his daughter, Mark Pickup attempts to set the record straight

Was Tracy’s life completely miserable as the media and Robert’s defense lawyers maintained? Was Tracy’s life unworthy of living? Was her life one of continual suffering? Did Tracy have no happiness, no joy? Did her life have no redeeming qualities as the defense lawyer, media and Laura Latimer portrayed?

Misery and pain were not the sum total of Tracy Latimer’s life any more than pain and misery are the sum total in the lives of countless other people with severe disabilities.

Tracy was a happy child. Professionals who worked with Tracy contradicted Laura’s dismal portrayal of Tracy. Even Laura contradicted herself through her handwritten notes in a communication book that always accompanied Tracy for caregivers to read. Samples of Laura’s notes alluding to Tracy being a happy child included comments like “Tracy was happy”, “Tracy ate a good ham supper, she was a very happy girl”, “When I came home, I gave Tracy a pudding. She was a happy girl.”, “Tracy seems cheerful and more like her old self.”, and “Tracy was very cheerful”.

Tracy did have joy — the irrepressible joy of childhood, despite her disability. According to testimony by family physician, Dr. Robert Kemp and Laura Latimer, Tracy loved music. Others testified that Tracy loved sleigh rides, television, games, parties, the circus, and pets.

Tracy Latimer went to a developmental center Monday to Friday for regular school days. She came home each day on the same school bus as her siblings and other children, and did so right up to the Friday before she was murdered by her father. There were discussions about integrating Tracy into the regular school system. All of this information brought out at the trial was available to read in the court transcripts if anybody cared to research it.

Please read the whole thing.

A recent study by Newcastle University found that most children with cerebral palsy have the same range of happiness and unhappiness as all children. By all accounts, Tracy Latimer was no different.

The “mercy killing” of sick and disabled people by their caregivers happens more often than we hear about even today and, when we do, so many people let their emotions blind them to principle. The sick and disabled need to be loved and cared for. Killing is not care and we are in for a world of trouble if it is accepted as such.

News Flash: It’s Not Just Eggs and Sperm That You’re “Donating”

ChelseaEgg Harvesting, Family, Infertility, IVF, Reproductive Technology, Sperm Donation1 Comment

The Tablet has an excellent article from Simi Lampert who explains why donating her eggs seemed like an easy way to make money — until she thought about her family and the fact that she was not only selling her eggs, but also, potentially, her biological children. She begins:

I decided to sell my eggs.

The notion got into my head about a year ago. “Donate” was officially the correct term, because selling eggs isn’t legally allowed, so to skirt around this issue, agencies call it “donating”—with $10,000 given as compensation for the medical processes and physical pain involved in the “donation.” But really, in plain terms, I would be selling my eggs.

Why did I want to do this? Mine was the shameful answer of single moms and young students everywhere: for the money. It seemed like a relatively simple thing to do for the amount I’d be paid. Plus, there was something cool about being able to give someone else the chance to have a child. I imagined a loving couple, happy but for the fact that they couldn’t have a baby without some help. I imagined myself, their savior, descending from nowhere, leaving them with their perfect baby, and then vanishing.

Plus, I really didn’t get why it was a big deal.

Please, please read the rest.

On the surface, “donating” gametes seems no different than donating other cells or organs. But, usually kidney donation does not result in the development of a living human organism. It’s easy to think you’re giving up “just and egg” or “just sperm”, but, once donated, those cells are used to create new human life – a very real, unique, human being who is biologically yours. What’s more, in doing so, you are, as Lampert finally realized, deliberately denying your child a connection to his/her biological roots – something that we’re now finding out many donor conceived people wish they had.

If only more women (and men) would think, not about themselves or even the poor, childless couple, but the children they are producing and the effect this might have on them.

On a related note. It was recently reported that a British man who ran a private sperm bank out of his home in the 1970s may be the biological father of as many as 300-600 of the roughly 1,500 children his “clinic” helped produce. The British government has since limited the number of families that can receive sperm from one donor. I don’t know what the magical number is in the UK, but we’re still seeing irresponsibly high numbers of children produced by the same sperm donor in other parts of the world:

Anonymous Donor Daddies: The Kids Aren’t Alright
Shocker: A Biological Connection is Important to Kids, Too
One Man Has 74 Offspring and More Donor Conceived Children Speak Out

Dick Clark, Requiescat in Pace

ChelseaDisabled1 Comment

Sad to hear about the passing of Dick Clark today at the tender age of 82.

I really think Dick the world a favor when he returned to his post as the host of Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve after a devastating stroke. Why? dick clarkResponding to critics of his “cringe-worthy” return who said that he should have “gracefully (left) the stage” after his health deteriorated, CMR‘s Matthew Archbold, writing at the Register last January, said it best:

Dick Clark is not a legacy, he is a human being.

In these modern times, we seem to feel increasingly “uncomfortable” with anyone who looks less handsome than an A-lister or doesn’t speak as well as Ryan Seacrest. We don’t do sickness anymore. We don’t do ailments. The disabled are something to be hidden away, embarrassed about.

We used to care for our grandparents at home so we all grew up knowing a little something about it. We watched our father carry his mother upstairs after dinner every night. We watched our mother wipe her mother’s face with a napkin. And we learned. We helped pick them up when they fell. And we tried not to notice how embarrassed they were.

But as a culture, we don’t really do that anymore. The old and disabled are all too frequently shipped off and visited infrequently. We prefer to remember them as they were we tell ourselves – as a way of honoring them. But that’s not what’s going on. We just don’t want to be reminded that life isn’t perfect, sickness happens, and disabilities don’t discriminate.

Maybe that’s why 90 percent of Down Syndrome babies are aborted. Maybe that’s why the elderly are euthanized for fear of becoming a burden. They must not be seen. They are the imperfect.


Dick Clark has had an amazing life. And this is the phase of life he’s in right now. Dick Clark was always a great host. But he seems to be more than that now. He seems heroic to me now. He knows he’s slurring his words. He knows he doesn’t look like the teenager he looked like for so long. And I think he’s exactly what we need to see. In these days when everyone on television looks vaguely perfect in a similar way, to me Dick Clark looks…human.

Thank you, Mr. Clark, not just for giving us years of entertainment, but also for embracing your humanity with all its hardships and “imperfections.” The latter, I believe, may be the greatest gift you left to us all.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!

The Best and Hardest Job(s) in the World

ChelseaFatherhood, Men, Motherhood, Parenting, video, Women1 Comment

I saw this on TV the other day. It’s a commercial from Procter and Gamble honoring Olympic mothers, but I thought it was particularly apropos considering the recent Hilary Rosen vs. Ann Romney “mommy wars”. That and, well, mothers can never really be thanked enough:

Honestly, though, as much as stay at home mothers have been dumped on lately, I really think it’s working fathers who are short shrifted in our society today. They’re often seen and portrayed by popular entertainment as little more than the money makers with little to no knowledge or care about the daily operations of the home or what is going on in their children’s lives. Jen Fulwiler masterfully addressed this in this post for the Register last week.

Being a mother and a father is hard work, to be sure, but it’s more than just a “job”. It’s a vocation. It’s who they are. They don’t get paid for it and there’s certainly no “quitting time.” Even for those who have regular day (or night) jobs. They don’t stop being parents when they go to work outside of the home.

So, thanks to all you mothers and fathers for all you do and the sacrifices you make to shape our future, one immortal unrepeatable individual at a time!