Sex, Happiness, and the Presidential Election

Chelsea2008 Election, Culture of Life, Family, SexLeave a Comment

Christopher West has a great column up at the Theology of the Body Institute on Sex, Happiness and the Presidential Election:

it seems to me that “what divides America” are two competing ideas of human happiness. Both have enormous and divergent personal, social, moral, cultural, economic, and political implications. And the pivot is what we do with the basic fact that sex leads to babies.

One idea says that the key to human happiness is to sever sex from fertility. Once we are free to indulge our sexual urges without the burden and “punishment” (as Obama – perhaps in a slip of the tongue – put it) of children, we will find the earthly paradise for which we all long. The other competing idea is that human happiness, instead, comes from embracing – with all its required sacrifices – the most natural and beautiful result of sex: the family.

Sometime during the twentieth century, our nation – at least the majority of those in academia, the media, and politics – bought into the sever-sex-from-babies version of happiness. In turn, these influencers systematically injected this belief into our educational system, entertainment, and legislation. Obama is a card-carrying member of this program. By and large, those who hold the same views elected him president.

Much is at stake in our understanding of sex and fertility. Our choices here have the power to orient – not just individuals, but entire nations – towards respect for human life, or towards its utter disregard. Indeed, our sexual choices – for good or for ill – are, ultimately, what shape the world in which we live.

Read more from the article and see a related post of mine, Sexual Unions Shape History

Thank God for New Life!

ChelseaPro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

The birth of new human life is always an amazing blessing upon the earth and this year has been filled with many of these new blessings to be thankful for!

Two of my best friends from grade school and high school had baby boys a few months apart from each other. First came Ryan in June:

And then Kale in August:

After years of infertility my friend and fellow blogger, Meredith, gave birth to twins, Jack (Santa) and Irene (in stripes) in September:
Mereditch, Jact and Irene
She was able to finally get pregnant with the help of NFP and NaProTechnology as she explains in my post: NFP Works!

Finally, last month we were blessed with the birth of our first boy grandchild on my mother’s side of the family! Meet my cousin Charlie:

And because this is too cute, here is Charlie’s sister, Abigail, singing about how much she loves their sister Rachel (who is holding her):

Thank God for these wondrous little gifts! Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all!

Pastor Encourages Married Couples to Have More Sex!

ChelseaContraception, Family, Marriage, Sex, video1 Comment

This is great! In an effort to reclaim sex for married people, Pastor Ed Young issued the married members of his church a seven day sex challenge – seven straight days of sex. Here, CNN talks to the pastor and his wife talk about their experience (they missed one day) and reads some reaction from other participants:

The sexual union is VITAL to the preservation of marriage and, by extension, the family. The marital embrace is where the husband and wife express with the language of their bodies what they nullexpressed at the altar with their minds and hearts on their wedding day. Each act of sexual intercourse is meant to be a re-committment of the spouses to each other, a renewal of the wedding vows. Most modern families are so busy, between work, kids, extracurricular activities, etc…that I’d be willing to bet that this is one of the first things that suffers between the husband and the wife and is the driving force behind so many divorces. How much healthier would marriages be if couples were regularly and honestly renewing their wedding vows?

So I encourage all my married readers, even if it requires you to take a weekend away from the kids, to make time for this intimacy. Don’t just “have sex.” Be a total gift of self to one another, holding nothing back (including your fertility). Take this advice from Christopher West:

If you really want “good sex,” start by inviting God – who is love – to be with you. (Don’t worry; God won’t blush. He created sex.) Keep the lights on. Consciously renew your wedding vows with the language of your bodies. Mean what you say, and say what you mean.

Take the risk of surrendering your whole self unconditionally to your spouse. Receive your spouse unconditionally. as you do, look deeply and steadily into each others’ eyes and thank God for the joy you know in being made in his image as you explode in the ecstasy of the true communion of persons. (from Good News About Sex and Marriage)

Seriously, it doesn’t get much hotter than that…unless you’ve ever read JP II’s Love and Responsibility, which offers detailed advice for married couples. Since love is an “ambition to ensure the good of another person,” JP II says:

intercourse must not serve merely as a means of allowing sexual excitement to reach its climax in one of the partners..but that climax must be reached in harmony, not at the expense of one partner, but with both partners fully involved…love demands that the reactions of the other person, the sexual ‘partner’ be fully taken into account….

There exists a rhythm dictated by nature itself which both spouses must discover so that climax may be reached both by the man and by the woman, and as far as possible occur in both simultaneously. (p. 272)

He specifically calls on the man to take the difference in male and female reactions into account (the man’s being shorter) and, out of the virtue of love, show “tenderness” to the woman in this regard during physical intercourse. YES! the POPE wrote that (before he was Pope)!

Also, for those times when there are serious reasons to avoid a pregnancy, periodic abstinence is a great expression of love, not to mention respect for the nature of the sexual act itself.

Do not deprive each other, except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, to be free for prayer, but then return to one another, so that Satan may not tempt you through your lack of self-control. (1 Corinth. 7:5)

Previous posts:
Spice Up Your Sex Life…Invite God!
Theology of the Body: Marriage
Sexual Unions Shape History

We Should All Be This Outraged

ChelseaDisabled, Eugenics, Euthanasia, video1 Comment

You must watch this video of Wesley Smith speaking at Princeton University after infanticide and euthanasia enthusiast Peter Singer received his tenured chair at the school a few years ago:

Holocaust Lessons Not Learned

ChelseaDisabled, Eugenics, Euthanasia, Suffering, Suicide5 Comments

nullGood news from Berlin (h/t Wesley Smith):

German historians have started compiling a central register of 9,000 mentally ill people murdered as part of the Nazis’ euthanasia policy, most of whom were previously unidentified.

More than 100,000 people are believed to have been killed during a drive inspired by Hitler that was carried out in six extermination centres in Germany between 1940 and 1945.

The idea of a Nazi euthanasia campaign, backed by propaganda films portraying the mentally handicapped and incurably ill as “useless mouths to feed”, was first outlined in Hitler’s 1924 book “Mein Kampf” and became known as Operation T4.

This is a truly noble undertaking, however, as Wesley rightly points out, this atrocity was not inspired by Hitler, but rather, Hitler was inspired by a pre-existing eugenics movement propagated mostly by German doctors and other “medical professionals.” Sadly, most people don’t know this or even understand that this is how the Holocaust, or the mindset that brought about the Holocaust, began.

The crucial work justifying the extermination of “undesirables” was a book titled The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life. It was written by two eminent German professors, Alfred Hoche, a psychiatrist, and Karl Binding, a jurist. As discussed by Robert Jay Lifton in his book The Nazi Doctors, the incurably ill, the mentally ill, the feeble-minded, the retarded and the deformed were all regarded as “lives unworthy of life.” The destruction of these “unworthy lives” was “medicalized” by the authors: this was a “healing treatment” or “healing work.”

It should be noted that the publication date of this book was 1920. The Nazi Party, though formed from the German Workers Party in 1920-1921, did not gain widespread support until 1929. Adolf Hitler did not come to power until 1933, when he was elected chancellor. (Human Dignity in the Biotech Century, p. 118-119)

nullThe concept of destroying life unworthy of life was already a widespread and accepted ideal in Germany once the Nazis came to power. The first official victim of the Holocaust, “Baby Knauer,” an infant born blind and missing his leg and part of his arm, was actually killed by one of Hitler’s doctors at the request of the child’s own father. This is what lead Hitler and the Nazis on a quest to eliminate the “genetically inferior” starting with more of the physically and mentally ill and eventually leading to any group of individuals they deemed inferior and “unfit” to live.

It should also be noted that Germany was not the only country engaging in eugenics, which started with forced sterilization, at the time. In fact, before Hitler, the United States lead the world in the forced sterilization of so-called “undesirables” and this likely was also a major Nazi influence, though they took it to a frightening new level.

As much as we condemn the Nazi Holocaust it doesn’t appear that we have learned learned a whole lot from it. Today the euthanasia/eugenics movement for the sick and the handicapped, the very inspiration for the Nazi killing spree, is still very much alive and well throughout the world. One only nullhas to look at some of the sympathetic comments made regarding the recent death of paralyzed rugby player Daniel James to see that there is still a general mindset that people who live with disabilities have less valuable lives and should be encouraged, even assisted, in their suicides.

Just three years ago the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave top honors to two movies with just that message. Clint Eastwood’s Million Dollar Baby, about a female boxer who becomes paralyzed and seeks suicide help from her trainer, swept the major awards winning Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and Best Picture. And the award for Best Foreign Language Film went to the movie Mar adentro, or The Sea Inside, the true story of Ramón Sampedro, a Spanish fisherman who fought for almost 30 years for his “right” to an assisted suicide after he was paralyzed in a diving accident.

terriIt is because of this “quality of life” mentality that the majority of the babies who are prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted, that family members opt to starve and dehydrate their severely disabled loved ones to death and assisted suicide is officially legal in countries like Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and even America in the states of Oregon and, as of 11/4/08, Washington.

This attitude is what causes people like Robert Latimer to be nationally sympathized for murdering his disable teenage daughter. And this is the mindset that I come in contact with on a regular basis when people are genuinely surprised that someone in my situation can possibly be so positive about my life.

Of course it is never “good” for human beings to be sick or live with terrible disabilities and incurable diseases, but it is a grave error to think that suffering makes life become less valuable. I applaud the German historians for remembering these often forgotten victims of the Holocaust and I pray someday we will learn from this very important lesson – no human life is ever worthless and the acceptance of ending the lives of one group of individuals inevitably leads to justifying the termination of others.

He also serves who only stands and waits.
-John Milton, On His Blindness

Million Dollar Question: Is Million-Dollar Baby Anti-Disability Propaganda?
Still more about Robert Latimer
War Against the Weak

Previous Posts:
I Enjoyed Every Minute of It
Live Life, Love Life and Honor Terri Schiavo
Better Off Dead?
Lives Not Worth Living
Lives Not Worth Living, Take II
Women Denied the Right to Kill Their Disabled Pre-Borns

Windpipe Transplant Video

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, videoLeave a Comment

Some video concerning the successful transplant of a windpipe grown from a patient’s own stem cells. The first is an interview with Paolo Macchiarini who performed the operation and the second features CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta explaining the procedure:

Ethical Stem Cell Success Stories

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research1 Comment


bandageScientists have grown what they call a “living bandage” for a common knee injury using the patient’s own stem cells and will soon begin testing it in human patients:

Scientists at Bristol University have now managed to heal cartilage tissue in a laboratory with stem cells taken from a patient’s own bone marrow. They used the cells to coat a sponge-like scaffold, made from collagen (a fibrous protein) and placed it inside the tear in the cartilage. The stem cells pulled the two pieces of torn cartilage together.


bandageUniversity of Utah researchers are enrolling people into a new adult stem cell clinical trial to treat ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure:

The one-year Cardiac Repair Cell Treatment of Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (IMPACT-DCM) study will look at the safety of injecting Cardiac Repair Cells (CRC) and their ability to improve heart function.

Patients enrolled in IMPACT-DCM will have their own bone marrow cells drawn (about 3 tablespoons worth), which will then be grown in a culture to expand the number of cells that will help the heart muscle and improve blood flow. Two weeks later, the patient’s stem cells will be injected directly into the left ventricle of the heart during a minimally invasive surgery developed by Amit N. Patel, M.D., national principal investigator for the IMPACT-DCM trial and director of cardiovascular regenerative medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine.


art_castilloClaudia Castillo received a new windpipe with tissue engineered from her own stem cells:

Castillo was given the stem cell surgery, the controversial branch of medicine that some say could lead to human cloning, after suffering a severe lung collapse.

The condition, caused by long-term tuberculosis left Castillo, a Colombian now living in Barcelona, unable to carry out simple domestic duties or care for her two children…

To create the new windpipe, the team took a seven-centimeter (2.75-inch) segment of trachea from a 51-year-old who had died. Over a six-week period, the team then removed all the cells from the donor trachea, because those cells could lead to rejection of the organ after transplant.

All that remained of the donor’s stripped-down trachea was a matrix of collagen, a sort of scaffolding onto which the team then put Castillo’s own stem cells — along with cells taken from a healthy part of her trachea. Birchall had already taken Castillo’s stem cells from her bone marrow and grown them into a large population in his Bristol lab.

I have said before that in the final analysis, the argument about whether or not to pursue research using human embryos does not rest on the success of ethical alternatives. I have begun shying away from beginning an ASC vs. ESC research debate as research on human embryos is unethical…period, regardless of any ethical alternatives. But their success is worth noting, nevertheless.

More success stories:
I mentioned stem cells treating knee injuries seven months ago in this post
Read more about ASCs and the heart here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here…aaaannndd here, WHEW! That’s all I’ve got anyway…

No One is Beyond Hope

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

Dr. StojanThis amazing story (h/t: St. Blogaustine) of the conversion of one of Serbia’s “abortion champions” proves that no one is beyond hope. After 26 years and 48,000 abortions, Stojan Adasevic began to be visited in his dreams by St. Thomas Acquinas and all of the children he had killed over the years:

In describing his conversion, Adasevic “dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from 4 to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence. The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat. One night he asked the man in black and white who he was. ‘My name is Thomas Aquinas,’ the man in his dream responded. Adasevic, educated in communist schools, had never heard of the Dominican genius saint. He didn’t recognize the name”

“Why don’t you ask me who these children are?” St. Thomas asked Adasevic in his dream.

“They are the ones you killed with your abortions,’ St. Thomas told him.

“Adasevic awoke in amazement and decided not to perform any more abortions,” the article stated.

The last abortion he performed was his cousin’s girlfriends’ ninth and his decision to abandon the practice was solidified when the baby’s heart came out still beating during the procedure. He has since become an outspoken champion for life, but not without paying a heavy price. After announcing that he would no longer perform abortions he had his salary cut in half, his daughter was fired from her job and his son was denied entrance into the university.

Some might be asking, why St. Thomas? Adasevic suggests that he wanted to “make amends” for the error of writing that human life begins forty days after fertilization.

“Stem Cell Divide” Premiers Tomorrow

ChelseaAmendment 2, Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

I will be heading to St. Louis to see The Stem Cell Divide at the St. Louis International Film Festival tomorrow. One early review doesn’t exactly sing it’s praises, but it does indicate that the movie is well balanced:

It looks at the controversy over stem cell research through the lens of the campaign for/against Missouri’s Amendment 2 in the 2006 election and does an admirable job of presenting many points of view

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Fight FOCA

ChelseaAbortion, Freedom of Choice Act, Politics1 Comment

Thanks to Jay for posting this today, reminding me that I had seen this a week or so ago and never got around to posting it. The Americans United for Life Action Committee is actively trying to fight the Freedom of Choice Act that President-elect Obama promised to sign into law when he is president:

This bill will not only repeal all state and federal abortion restrictions and enshrine unlimited abortion on demand into American law, but, as a priest friend of mine pointed out, it could mean the end of Catholic hospitals – or at least their involvement in pregnancy related health care – by nullifying any laws allowing doctors to conscientiously object to participating in the evil of abortion.

I don’t know if Obama can do this by executive order, but that probably doesn’t matter considering the major support he will have in Congress. At the moment the Democrats do not hold a filibuster-prof majority, but there are three seats still to be determined from last weeks election which, ironically, is the exact number the Democrats need to pick up in order to obtain the super-majority. Not that that really matters either since I’m sure we have enough moderate pro-choice Republicans in there to fill the gap.

At any rate, we owe it to ourselves and our country, to the unborn and their mothers, to at least try to do something to prevent such an abomination. Sign the petition to help AUL fight FOCA. Read AUL’s analysis of FOCA.

Previous posts:
“The Vortex”
Attention Roman Catholics for Obama
Barack Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion