KofC Ultrasound Program

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life, Ultrasound, videoLeave a Comment

Ultrasounds are an essential tool for helping women in crisis pregnancies choose life for their unborn children and the higher the quality the better in order to offer a clearer window into the womb. The problem is that, many pregnancy resource centers barely have enough money to keep their doors open, let alone afford high-tech equipment. Unlike their murderous counterparts, PRCs are, for the most part, 100% non-profit organizations, offering their services free of charge to women in need, and relying heavily on donations to continue their life-saving work.

However you may feel about the Knights of Columbus’ recent executive decision on what to do, or, rather, not do in this case, regarding some of its pro-abortion members, I think we can all agree that the organization still does some wonderful work on behalf of the unborn:

Treating Recurrent Miscarriage

ChelseaCreightonModel/NaProTechnology, Miscarriage, Natural Family Planning, Pregnancy1 Comment

PregnancyNew scientist recently did a story on whether or not women should put off “trying” again after a miscarriage:

HOW long should a woman who has had a miscarriage wait before trying to conceive again? The World Health Organization suggests six months, but it seems women might be better off trying again as soon as they want to.

The WHO guidance is based on a South American study that found more adverse outcomes in women who conceive early. Now Sohinee Bhattacharya at the University of Aberdeen, UK, and colleagues have analysed Scottish hospital records of 30,000 women who miscarried between 1981 and 2000. Those who became pregnant again within six months were less likely to experience another miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy than those who waited more than six months (BMJ, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.c3967). The new study suggests there is no physiological reason to delay pregnancy after miscarriage, says Bhattacharya.

Sounds encouraging. But, what if the miscarriages persist? This can be a heartbreaking thing for women to experience over and over…and over and over again.

PregnancyIt might surprise some people to know that the modern method of charting a woman’s cycle is not just for the purpose of natural family planning (by that I mean avoiding pregnancy, spacing out births, etc…), but it also helps identify and effectively treat many female medical problems, including Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion or miscarriage. Together with the application of NaProTechnology, women have successfully used the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System to achieve and maintain pregnancy after suffering multiple miscarriages. Charting her cycle before during and after miscarriage can help identify the underlying causes that are often overlooked and allow the NPT doctor to appropriately treat them.

For those skeptical of this kind of women’s health science you can take a look at peer-reviewed and academic literature that supports NaProTECHNOLOGY and the scientific foundations of the CrMS System as well as read the personal testimonies of “Women Healed”.

Other uses for NaProTechnology include:
Male Infertility
Post Partum Depression
even PMS! and more…

Find out more at http://www.naprotechnology.com

How Do You Respond to the Cross?

ChelseaFaith, Pro Life, Religion, Suffering1 Comment


The post I did yesterday reminds me of one of the meditations on my annual retreat this year. During one of his homilies, Father noted that on the day Jesus died there were three different reactions to the cross:

1. The bad thief who rebelled against it
2. The good thief who was merely resigned to it and
3. Christ who loved and embraced it

And so the question we must ask ourselves, he told us, is how do we respond to the crosses, big and small, in our lives? Well, how should we respond? St. Peter gives us a clue:

Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps. (1 Peter 2:21)

While our human nature rebels against it, to truly follow Christ we must ask God for the grace to learn to love the cross. To embrace and kiss it as our Savior did – it is, after all, the symbol of our salvation. How often do we desperately pray that God will deliver us or a loved one from suffering without also praising Him for the gift of being able to share in the Cross and asking for the strength to persevere in the midst of affliction? We must have faith in the “fiery furnace” even if He does not immediately (or ever in this life) take away our pain:

If our God, whom we serve, can save us from the white-hot furnace and from your hands, O king, may he save us! But even if he will not, know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue which you set up.” (Daniel 3:17-18)

Good Friday comes before Easter Sunday. Just as Christ was “made perfect” and “learned obedience from what he suffered” (Heb. 5:8-9), so too are we tested and purified by our own sufferings (see 1 Peter 1:6-9). Perseverance through suffering prepares us for the joy of eternal life. But this is the greatest and most beautiful part: we are not alone in our suffering! Fr. Jaques Phillipe says it well:

The most decisive motive to aid us in peacefully confronting the drama of suffering is this: we must take very seriously the mystery of the Incarnation and that of the Cross. Jesus took on our flesh, He really took upon Himself our sufferings. And in all people who suffer there is Jesus who suffers…In all suffering there is a germ of life and of the resurrection, because Jesus is there in person.

In all people who suffer there is Jesus – on the Cross and Risen from the dead. Christ did not come to eliminate human suffering, but to redeem our suffering by the shedding of his own blood and unite himself to us, so that we don’t have to suffer alone.

Brothers and sisters:
Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens,
Jesus, the Son of God,
let us hold fast to our confession.
For we do not have a high priest
who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
but one who has similarly been tested in every way,
yet without sin.
So let us confidently approach the throne of grace
to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help. (Heb. 4:14-16)

Prayer: You have given the sick and the suffering a share in your cross, give them patience and strength. Have mercy on your people, Lord.

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing 3 of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Encouragement: The Cross

ChelseaSufferingLeave a Comment

Because we always need to be reminded:

Unto many this seemeth an hard saying, “Deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow Jesus” (Matt. 16:24). But much harder will it be to hear that last word, “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire” (Matt. 25:41). For they who now willingly hear and follow the word of the Cross, shall not then fear (Psalm 112:7) to hear the sentence of everlasting damnation. This sign of the Cross shall be in the heaven, when the Lord shall come to judgment (Matt. 24:30). Then all the servants of the Cross, who in their life-time conformed themselves unto Christ crucified, shall draw near unto Christ the Judge with great confidence.

Why therefore fearest thou to take up the Cross which leadeth thee to a kingdom? In the Cross is salvation, in the Cross is life, in the Cross is protection against our enemies, in the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness, in the Cross is strength of mind, in the Cross joy of spirit, in the Cross the height of virtue, in the Cross the perfection of holiness.

Take up therefore thy Cross and follow Jesus (Luke 14:27), and thou shalt go into life everlasting.
Imitation of Christ, by Thomas á Kempis: Book 2, Chapter 12

A related post worth re-visiting: The Inspiring Story of Garvan Byrne

“In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:6-9).

Weighing the Issues

ChelseaAbortion, Family, Marriage, Politics, video1 Comment

In the realm of politics, so many issues are debated with great fervor and intensity. Lately we’ve been hearing a lot about immigration, government control/spending and, of course, the economy. As the political season kicks into high-gear, let’s take a moment to remember the most important issues facing our country today:

Not that other issues aren’t important at all (especially when we’re seeing unemployment rates above 10%!!), but for over 37 years, under Democrat and Republican presidents alike, our country has legally sanctioned the murders of tens of millions of unborn children. Unless something is done about this atrocity once and for all, we are a nation marked for death. Likewise, the family is the smallest social unit. As such it is an institution fundamental to the life of every society. (JP II, Letter to Families, 17). We can see today how marriage, the nucleus of the family, is being attacked both socially and legally. And religious freedom? Fuggedaboutit!

As far as Catholic political action is concerned, I know it can be frustrating voting every year and seeming like it never really gets us anywhere. If you’re in a bit of a political funk (who isn’t?), I highly suggest reading Archbishop Chaput’s book Render Unto Caesar. It’s encouraging, very historical, not at all what I was expecting, though he did manage to add this towards the end:

Understanding the moral differences among social issues is crucial. Not all evil things can or should be illegal. Not all issues have the same gravity. A healthy culture can tolerate some forms of evil in the interests of social peace. Nonetheless, some acts are so evil that tolerating them itself becomes a poison that weakens the whole of society…

In our day, sanctity-of-life issues are foundational – not because of anyone’s “religious” views about abortion, although these are important; but because the act of de-humanizing and killing the unborn child attacks human dignity in a uniqely grave way. Deliberately killing the innocent is always, inexcusably wrong. It sets a pattern on contempt for every other aspect of human dignity. In defining when human life begins and what is and isn’t a human person, the logic behind permissive abortion makes all human rights politically contingent.

Many social issues are important. Many require our attention. But some issues have more weight than others. Deliberately killing innocent human life, or standing by and allowing it, dwarfs all other social issues. Trying to avoid this fact by redefining when human personhood begins is simply a corrupt and corrupting form of verbal gymnastics. And this habit is not the special reserve of our political leaders. The challenge to American bishops as teachers is most forcefully shown by the mail many of us receive from our people in the pews. Quite a few American Catholics feel comfortable in the role of lions when they lecture the church to keep silent about immigration reform or abortion. But they turn into kittens when it comes to demanding the real change of direction from their own political parties and leaders on the very same issues. Persons who claim to be Catholic under such circumstances are deluding themselves. They want the eternity insurance of faith but refuse to pay the premium it involves. (Archbishop Chaput, Render Unto Caesar pp. 207 & 211-212)

TOB Tuesday: West is Back!

ChelseaTheology of the Body, TOB Tuesday2 Comments

Chris WestAfter the recent criticisms about his Theology of the Body interpretation and delivery from some prominent Catholic theologians, Christopher West took a 6 month sabbatical this year to reflect on his teaching methods. It is a shame that this decision caused West, who is one of the most popular TOB evangelists in the world, to miss the very first National TOB Congress, but I have to say, I am very impressed and encouraged by the graceful, humble way he has responded to his critics. I know that there is nothing dearer to West’s heart than trying to help others achieve a proper, faithful understanding of the teaching that has transformed his own personal life and, whether it was justified or not, I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to hear the work he has dedicated his life to dissected, criticized and discussed in such a public manner. And the debate is still raging!

So I was so pleased to get a notice from the TOB Institute that Christopher will be teaching the final TOB Immersion Course this year! I am in the process of soon lobbying my diocese to help with the cost of attending the TOB Institute at some point in the future. I would love to be able to make it to this course!

Chris WestPersonally, I’ve never had any beef with West’s presentation of the TOB. I have read nearly every major criticism of his work and, after 5+ years of reading his books/articles and listening to his talks (three times in person), I’m always left thinking – are we listening to the same man?! It was through Christopher West and the abundant TOB resources he has helped make available to the general public that I even found out about the TOB in the first place and was able to gain at least a most basic understanding of the material and a desire to explore it even further. For that, I am eternally grateful. I pray that his time off has served him well and I look forward to seeing him back in action.

That being said, I am also aware that he is not the be all and end all for trying to understand the first major teaching project of our late Holy Father’s pontificate. As the recent TOB Congress showed, there are many awesome TOB speakers, teachers and enthusiasts, each one with his or her own unique method of communicating. There really is “something for everyone” with regards to how the TOB is presented and if you are interested in learning more about the TOB, but don’t feel like you can yet handle the pope in his own words, I encourage you to look around to find a teacher or an author who is most helpful for you. Besides Ascension Press (and TheologyoftheBody.com), which carries most of Christopher West’s material, Our Father’s Will Communications has an extensive TOB library with speakers and authors like Katherine Zeno, Dr. Phil Mango, Fr. Thomas Loya and others. Catholic FamilyLand has a good selection of TOB material as well, including TOB commentary from Cardinal Francis Arinze. And don’t forget Jason and Chrystalina Evert and the TOB for Teens and Catholic Exchange has a good TOB “Channel” featuring a variety of different TOB columnists.

TOB Tuesdays

Defining Beauty

ChelseaDisabled, video2 Comments

For those who think that people with a disability have a lower “quality of life”, that life with a disability is not worth living:

Find out more about the documentary at:

Incidentally, my good friend Penny, who helped me out a lot after my accident, was the second runner up in Miss Wheelchair America 1993 and the very first “Miss Wheelchair USA” in 1995. She is the assistant director of Think First Missouri, an injury prevention program that I used to speak for as well.

Related posts:
People With Disabilities Can Live “Normal” Lives
Surprise! People W/ Disabilities Can Have Babies and Be Good Parents

Dick Van Dyke to Help Raise Adult Stem Cell Awareness!

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research3 Comments

Dick VanDykeGod love him! Dick Van Dyke has been named the first-ever spokesperson of Cell Therapy Foundation, a public charity founded in 2007 to advance awareness about the benefits of adult stem cell research. From CTF:

Mr. Van Dyke is scheduled to record a series of public service announcements focused on educating the public that adult stem cells, which come from bone marrow, fat, umbilical cord blood and placenta, skin, muscle, and other sources, have healing functions that are leading to new therapies for many diseases. An avid graphic artist and animation hobbyist, Mr. Van Dyke will also participate in the development of an animation film project that will visually explain the repair functionality of adult stem cells in a fun and creative way.

“I am truly impressed by the potential that adult stem cell research has already shown and am hopeful that by getting the message to more people, we can fund additional research that could positively impact thousands of lives around the world,” said Mr. Van Dyke.

How exciting! especially considering that so many other celebrities, including Van Dyke’s former onscreen wife Mary Tyler Moore, have been using their voices to advance stem cell research that destroys human embryos.

If you can, please help support the Cell Therapy Foundation

Marine Vet to Participate in First U.S. ASC Clinical Trial for SCI

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Many thanks to Dr. David Prentice for calling my attention to this awesome news!

TCA Cellular Therapy, LLC has enrolled its first patient to participate in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first adult stem cell clinical trial to treat spinal cord injuries. Enrollee and Marine Veteran, Matt Cole was paralyzed from the chest down in a 2005 insurgent attack in Iraq.

“Many spinal cord injury patients have no effective treatment available at this time,” stated Dr. Gutnisky. “I’m very encouraged by the results of the pre-clinical trials and anticipate this may become a significant therapy for these patients in the near future.”

Utilizing TCA Cellular’s proprietary therapy, a couple of thousand adult stem cells have been extracted from the patient’s own bone marrow, Mesenchymal Stem Cells have been separated, purified, multiplied to millions and will be infused into Cole’s spinal cord later this month.

This is great! Though it’s still a very early trial, researchers have had great success in the past few years using ASCs to restore some feeling and movement in patients with SCI: see here, here, here, here, here and here. And how nice that we’re starting out by helping one of our wounded service men! There actually is an Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine that, just a few years ago, received an $85 million Federal grant for orthopedic stem cell surgery for veterans injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have another trial in the works involving spray-on skin cells for burn victims.

Ironic that this comes within the same week that Geron was approved for the very first embryonic stem cell trial to treat spinal cord injury. Why do I have a feeling that, though the AP surprised us recently with a very favorable article on adult stem cell success, no mainstream media outlets will be reporting on this like they did the Geron trial?

TOB Tues (LATE!): The Curriculum for the Culture of Life

ChelseaCulture of Life, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

TOBI’m still bummed that I wasn’t able to attend the very first National Theology of the Body Congress last week. But I got lots of updates by following them on Twitter – mostly quotes from the different speakers throughout the three day event. By far, one of the best quotes I came across was from Cardinal Justin Rigali who, in his homily during the Mass on Friday, told attendees:

“The Theology of the Body is the curriculum for the Culture of Life.”

How true. The widespread acceptance of sexual immorality has dulled many of our other moral sensitivities. Lust has replaced love which has lead to the dehumanizing of men and women as objects of use and the unborn child as an undesirable consequence of a false idea of “sexual freedom” resulting in the acceptance of the murder of this unwanted human life no longer recognized as such. This is why John Paul II said that building a culture of life requires us to also teach others to accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (Evangelium Vitae, n. 97).

Sexuality, love, life. They’re all connected and what John Paul II has done in the TOB is put them in the proper context and show us how that connection is meant to be lived. TOB is more than just “Catholic sex ed”, as some most assuredly see it, a set of rules and regulations for the bedroom. It is a scriptural treatise on the dignity of the human person, body and soul, and what it means to be made in the “image and likeness of God.” In it the pope explains how we rediscover in the words of Christ “the meaning of the whole of existence, the meaning of life” (TOB 46:6).

Help spread this wonderful vision of the human person by sharing the gift of TOB with your friends and loved ones. Better yet, get some materials and start your own TOB study group with friends or church members.

TOB Tuesdays