An Edifying Cup of CoCoa

ChelseaPrayer, Suffering1 Comment

I know, it’s not exactly cold outside yet, but temperatures are surely cooling down here in the Midwest (especially with some storms in the area here) and with the windows open and the attic fan on, there is a cool breeze coming through the house that, while refreshing, started making me a little chilly. I’m not a regular coffee drinker and I don’t drink a lot of hot beverages in the warmer months, so I decided to take this opportunity to break out my favorite coffee mug (which does get a lot of use in the Winter) and enjoy a nice cup of (raspberry) cocoa while saying Evening Prayer tonight:

St. Gianna

And it ended up complimenting today’s evening prayer quite nicely. This was the reading, responsory and final prayer:

My brothers and sisters, count it pure joy when you are involved in every sort of trial. Realize that when your faith is tested this makes for endurance. Let endurance come to its perfection so that you may be fully mature and lacking in nothing (James 1:2-4).

Christ loved us and washed away our sins, in his own blood.
–Christ loved us and washed away our sins, in his own blood.

He made us a nation of kings and priests,
– in his own blood.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
–Christ loved us and washed away our sins, in his own blood.

Father, in your loving plan Christ your Son became the price of our salvation. May we be united with him in his suffering so that we may experience the power of his resurrection in the kingdom where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
– Amen.

Then I was reminded of today’s Morning Prayer reading:

I willingly boast of my weakness, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I am content with weakness, with mistreatment, with distress, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Christ; for when I am powerless, it is then that I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:9b-10).

And from the intercessions:
You have given the sick and the suffering a share in your cross,
give them patience and strength.
– Save those you have redeemed by your blood, Lord.

It was a very edifying cup of cocoa, to say the least!

Previous post:
Take Up Your Cross
St. Gianna on Suffering

Appeals Court Suspends Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding Ban

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research1 Comment

This just in (h/t Jill Stanek):

President Barack Obama’s administration can fund embryonic stem-cell research while it appeals a decision banning government support for any activity using cells taken from human embryos, an appeals court said.

The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington today put on hold a ruling by District Judge Royce Lamberth during its review of the ban. The Justice Department argued that the judge’s decision would cause irreparable harm to researchers, taxpayers and scientific progress.

Lifting the ban allows the government to temporarily continue funneling tens of millions of dollars to scientists seeking cures for diseases such as Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, and genetic conditions. Embryonic stem cells can grow into any kind of tissue and may have the potential to accelerate a range of research.

“The purpose of this administrative stay is to give the court sufficient opportunity to consider the merits of the emergency motion for stay and should not be construed in any way as a ruling on the merits of that motion,” the appeals court wrote in its decision

The above appeal was prompted by a denial by District Court Judge Royce Lamberth on Tuesday of the Obama Administration’s request for a stay on his preliminary injunction.

Judge Lamberth is one smart cookie and I, for one, am impressed with how he has handled this case. Some of his remarks are just priceless. My favorite (from his ruling Tues.):

Defendants are incorrect about much of their “parade of horribles” that will supposedly result from this Court’s preliminary injunction.

No doubt he is referring to the Administration’s assertion that the Court’s injunction

is an injury to NIH’s mission, the larger biomedical community, the public at large, and, most critically, the millions of people who are hoping to benefit from life-saving therapies made possible by hESC research.

The last part, about people hoping to benefit from life-saving therapies, especially has no basis in reality, since there is absolutely no evidence to support that hESCR will provide life-saving therapies for the sick and disabled.

Unlike other judges who use their authority to legislate from the bench, Lambeth is merely doing what judges are supposed to do, that is, uphold the law as it is written, period. From his Tuesday ruling:

In this Court’s view, a stay would flout the will of Congress, as this Court understands what Congress has enacted in the Dickey-Wicker Amendment. Congress remains perfectly free to amend or revise the statute. This Court is not free to do so.

Congress has mandated that the public interest is served by preventing taxpayer funding of research that entails the destruction of human embryos. It is well-established that “[i]t is in the public interest for courts to carry out the will of Congress and for an agency to implement properly the statute it administers.” Mylan Pharms., Inc. v. Shalala, 81 F. Supp. 2d 30, 45 (D.D.C. 2000).

Really, if the Administration has such a problem with this ruling, they should direct their concerns to Congress, not the Court. And some members of Congress know it. The Politico has a report on Rep. Dianna DeGette’s strengthened resolve to try get her ESCR funding bill passed through the House and notes that Sen. Tom Harkin, chair of the Labor and Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee, has scheduled a Sept. 16h hearing to review the ruling.

I don’t doubt that DeGette has a lot of support in Congress for her bill, which would also redefine cloning and effectively allow the government to fund the creation and use of cloned human embryos for scientific research. But I think she’s a bit presumptuous in saying that

“This is a positive wedge issue. Supporters can use it in an election because there is strong public support and its opponents look extreme.”

While there may be wide-spread public support for ESCR (depending on how you ask the question), Rasmussen recently found that 57% of voters do not support their taxes being used to fund such research. So, it’s not exactly a given that her bill’s supporters will be going out of their way to pass something so controversial so close to an election – not that poll numbers and public outcry has really stopped them from passing/pushing for unpopular legislation this year. It’s definitely something worth keeping an eye on, anyway.

P.S. Sorry if this post is a little confusing. I had already written a post about judge Lamberth’s Tuesday ruling and then, just as I was about to post it, news came that that appeals court made it’s ruling today. So I decided to just change the title and add that news on top of what I had already written, with a few minor adjustments.

Abortion and Men

ChelseaAbortion, Men, videoLeave a Comment

h/t Catholic Fire

Related: Remember the Hollow Men

TOB Tuesday: The Mystery of Woman

ChelseaSexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday, WomenLeave a Comment

Over at Catholic Exchange, Fr. Samuel Medley, SOLT has a beautiful article in which he reflects on the “mystery” of woman:

Woman is a wonderful mystery. Often even to herself, she is an enclosed garden, a fountain sealed. When approaching the topic of womanhood, and especially when approaching women, what is most important is to reveal that each woman is, like any wonderful mystery, meant to be accepted, contemplated, cherished, and most importantly, to be loved. This is ultimately what it what is at the heart of being feminine, to be a receiver of love, primarily the love of Jesus Christ. It is He who cries out, “How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride!” (Song 4:10). It is he who is pursuing woman, knocking on the heart of each one, daily walking alongside them, encouraging and affirming the mystery that they exist to remind the world that it exists primarily for God, to be loved by him and thus to become his beloved.

You are an enclosed garden, my sister, my bride,
an enclosed garden, a fountain sealed. – Song of Songs 4:12

This metaphor, says JP II, “expresses the whole personal dignity of the sex.” It indicates the woman’s “personal structure of self possession.”

The bride presents herself to the eyes of the man as the master of her own mystery. (TOB 110:7)

Part of this mystery, though I’m not sure that JP II specifically address, is stamped right into our very bodies in the “veiling” of our sexual organs – an indication of something sacred, set apart by God. It is inside the female body that God chose to continue His work of creating new, unique human souls. This should fill us with an overwhelming sense of awe and prompt us to have a “trembling reverence” in front of such a mystery!! How sad that, instead, Fr. Medley recalls, we live in a world in which the woman is, like no other time in history, is “more denigrated and objectified through the improper use of modern media, magazines, internet porn, and a role of women promoted in society that is not at all feminine or worthy of the beautiful mystery of woman.”

Notice that the woman in the Song of Songs does not open herself up to just any man, but only the one who would vow to commit his entire life to her, to set her as a “seal upon his heart” (SOS 8:6) and assure her that his love will be a love “as strong as death” (ibid) She does not settle for a man who lusts after her body, but one who is so captivated by her entire mystery as woman, who loves her genuinely, first as sister (for we are all brothers and sisters in Christ) and then wife and then offers himself as a free gift to her. This is the only kind of man worthy to behold such a mystery. This is the only kind of man that all women should hold out for and the kind of man that we should encourage all of our brothers to be by being guardians of our own purity, masters of our own mystery.

“When women are pure, men will respect, nay, venerate them; they will also hear the call challenging them to chastity.” (Alice von Hildebrand, The Privilege of Being a Woman p. 90)

Read more of Father’s beautiful affirmation of of the mystery and dignity of woman, which especially includes her unique ability to freely give and receive love.

Previous posts:
Sacred Femininity
Feminine Receptivity
TOB Tuesdays

Happy 30th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

ChelseaMarriage, PersonalLeave a Comment

Congratulations and many thanks to these two lovely people! My sisters and I owe our lives to their Sacramental union which took place 30 years ago today!

Mom and Dad

Here they are after they renewed their wedding vows this morning in Perdido Key, FL:

Mom and Dad

They are the super ag-blogging duo of ZimmComm New Media and this is their song:

Hope everyone has been having a great Labor Day! St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us!

Correction: There are Still TWO Active Abortion Facilities in MO

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood1 Comment

It’s still awesome that the Planned Parenthood in Columbia has temporarily halted its abortion practice, many lives will be saved as a result. But a friend of mine pointed out to me this weekend this does not leave our state with only one abortion clinic, as I said on Friday. Apparently there is another facility in the St. Louis area that is constantly ignored/overlooked by the media. It’s Dr. Allen Palmer’s Women’s Care Gynecology, Inc., in Bridgeton, a suburb close to the airport. It’s not as big as Planned Parenthood, but my friend assures me, sadly, that it executes many unborn babies and is still going strong. Here is the information he sent me about it:

    Here is how a federal court described the second St. Louis-area clinic, based on the pleadings filed by its owner, Dr. Allen Palmer, in the litigation against Missouri’s abortion clinic regulations of 2007:

    “Dr. Palmer has provided first-trimester surgical and medication abortions at the same location in Bridgeton, Missouri, for over thirty years. Until now, he has not been required by the State of Missouri to obtain a license from DHSS for his private practice, Women’s Care Gynecology, Inc. (“WCG”), because WCG’s abortion and related services account for under 51% of its patients and revenues. In the months preceding the effective date of the Act’s amendments, Dr. Palmer sought clarification from DHSS as to whether he is now required to obtain a license for his private practice, and if so, which aspects of the ASC licensing regulations he must meet. DHSS has determined that WCG will be regulated as an abortion facility. Additionally, DHSS determined that WCG must comply with the New Construction regulations.”

    Dr. Palmer has aggressively sued peaceful demonstrators who have carried signs in a parking lot near the building where he does abortions. He also intervened in the federal lawsuit that PP filed against the 2007 Missouri abortion regulations and law, resulting in the quote above (taken from the Court’s preliminary injunction of Sept. 24, 2007). Why his abortion business is always ignored by the major news outlets mystifies me. Apparently he does not seek the limelight, but even so, reporters appear to be professionally incompetent when they ignore him.

Take Up Your Cross

ChelseaFaith, SufferingLeave a Comment

In the book Saint Gianna Molla: Wife, Mother, Doctor, Pietro Molla recalls his wife saying to him as she was dying:

Pietro, I am cured now. Pietro, I was already over there and do you know what I saw? Some day I will tell you. But because we were so happy, we were too comfortable with our marvelous babies, full of health and grace, with all the blessings of heaven, they sent me down here, to suffer still, because it is not right to come to our Lord without enough suffering.

These words from St. Gianna came to my mind today as I listened to Christ’s words the Gospel reading for today’s Mass:

    Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. (Lk. 14:27)

We cannot follow Jesus Christ without sharing in his Cross. Whether big or small we all have a cross to carry at some point (sometimes many points) in our lives. These can be a subtle as a disagreeable co-worker/classmate/neighbor/son/daughter or as devastating as a terminal disease or life-altering disability. And, as St. Gianna discovered, the crosses that we carry are our keys to heaven, if we let them be, because they purify us (1 Peter 1:6-9) and produce perseverance (James 1:2-4). They remind us that we are creatures and totally dependent on God and teach us humility and self denial so that the power of Christ may more easily dwell in us (2 Corinth 12:9-10).

By taking up our own personal crosses we also “[fill] up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, which is the Church” (Colossians 1:24). Not that Christ did not do enough Himself, but he invites us to participate with him in our own salvation and the salvation of the world. In his book Death on a Friday Afternoon, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus explains that Christ’s victory is not a way of avoidance, but of solidarity in suffering:

When Jesus calls us, he calls us to come and die (Jn. 12:24). We will die anyway. The question is whether we will die senselessly or as companions and coworkers of the crucified and risen Lord. (p. 160)

It is not by fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our willingness to accept it, mature through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love. (Spe Salvi, 37)

Previous posts:
It is Not By Fleeing Suffering That We Are Healed
How Do You Respond to the Cross?
Christ Teaches Us How to Die

Cute Baby Gator Blogging!

ChelseaCute Baby BloggingLeave a Comment

I know. I’ve posted this the last two years in a row in honor of the start of my very favorite (non-religious) time of the year: FOOTBALL SEASON! But, I can’t help it; we’re just so darn cute (that’s me and my two younger sisters – years ago, obviously)!

Chelsea and CarlyChelsea, Carly and Caitlin

GO GATORS! –,==,< Cute baby video bonus: click the image below to watch a "Baby discussing some very serious topics". Hysterical! cute baby

Missouri Temporarily Down to Just One Two Abortion Facilities!

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood1 Comment

**9-6-10: Correction – St. Louis has TWO active abortion facilities: see this post for more.**

It’s been speculated for a while, but now the president of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri has finally confirmed it:

COLUMBIA — Planned Parenthood’s Columbia clinic has temporarily suspended its abortion services due to “scheduling issues,” leaving a St. Louis center as the only functioning abortion clinic in the state.

The Columbia clinic halted its abortion services two weeks ago, said Peter Brownlie, president of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri. Brownlie said he doesn’t expect the stoppage to be “lengthy,” but couldn’t say when Columbia’s abortion services will resume.

Of course that’s still one abortion facility too many, but this is EXCELLENT news, nonetheless.
40 Days for Life

For over a year now there has been a regular, weekly, prayerful presence outside this abortion facility as well as two successful daily 40 Days for Life campaigns. According to Kathy Forck, the director of these prayer vigils, no abortions have been done at the Columbia Planned Parenthood since August 9! Now we know why. And praise God for that! Any time an abortion facility has to “suspend” the killing of innocent human beings, even for a short time, it’s a good thing. Not only does it mean that fewer babies are being killed (though some women surely will be convinced to drive an extra couple hundred miles for their abortions), but it means lost revenue for Planned Parenthood. As a for-profit business that makes it’s money on the murder of innocent human beings and, when it’s not doing that, on promoting the sex crazed culture that accepts the murder of these innocent human beings, any dip in their profits, for whatever reason, is a giant plus in my book. Now, if only they would just permanently close their doors altogether!
40 Days for Life

Since they started coming to this facility, sidewalk counselors and spiritual supporters have helped save many lives and change many hearts. Up till now their “off-season” (non 40 Days for Life) vigils at this PP have been limited to the one day of the week when abortions were actually taking place inside. But, even though they are not committing abortions now, Kathy assures me that the weekly pro-life presence there will continue as long as women are still going in for pregnancy tests and possible abortion referrals.

With the fall 40 Days for Life campaign just around the corner (Sept. 22!), they will be looking for more volunteers to come help them keep peaceful vigil daily. If you are in the Columbia/Jeff City MO area find out how you can help here or find a location near you.

Previous posts:
Taking a Stand for Truth and Life
Peaceful Vigil in Columbia
A Very Confused Looking “Pro-Choice” Activist

Welcoming Clare

ChelseaAbortion, Adoption, Pro Life, video1 Comment

You know how pro-aborts love to tell pro-lifers that, if we’re soooo “pro-life”, we should offer to adopt so-called “unwanted” babies who would otherwise be aborted? Well, Bill and Rebecca Donaghy have done just that:

Clare is not their only adopted child. Their son, that super cute little boy you see in the video with them, was also adopted. I asked Bill how that adoption came about and he responded:

[O]ur son’s birth mom had already had an abortion once and was on the fence when he was conceived. Through a prolife friend at his grandmothers hair salon (!) she found a resource in the prolife center across the street from Planned Parenthood!!! Praise God!

Praise God, indeed!

Bill is a speaker for the Theology of the Body Institute. Visit his website: Mission Moment and check out Rebecca’s CD: Expecting Grace: Songs From a Mommy’s Heart

Previous post:
TOB Tuesday: The Golden Sea