The Dark Night of the Easter Triduum

ChelseaFaith, Religion, SufferingLeave a Comment

image: The Lamentation, Peter Paul Rubens c. 1609

Something strange is happening—there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and he has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began. God has died in the flesh and hell trembles with fear. -from an ancient homily on Holy Saturday

Do not hurry by the cross on your way to Easter joy

“The night becomes darker in fact before the morning begins, before the light begins. God intervenes in the darkest moment and resuscitates.” -Pope Francis, April 14, 2014

We Adore You, O Christ, and We Praise You

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.


“Look to the crucifix, kissing the wounds of Jesus…He has taken upon himself the whole of human suffering.” -Pope Francis, April 14, 2014

Christ Teaches Us How to Die

Surrogacy = Human Trafficking?

ChelseaEgg Harvesting, IVF, Reproductive Technology, Sperm Donation, SurrogacyLeave a Comment

inda-surrogacy2.jpgChristopher White from the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network has a great article in Forbe’s. In it he makes the case that surrogate parenthood for money is a form of human trafficking.

He also recently co-authored a piece for the National Review with Jennifer Lahl on Why Gestational Surrogacy is Wrong.

They’re both thoughtful pieces for a society that desperately needs to think.

We need to take our blinders off. To look past the feel-good narratives and think logically about what is really going on here and where it is taking us.

I don’t deny that many people who chose to use these technologies do so after much heartfelt deliberation and that they love and care for the children they create. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation.

Quoting Jessica Kern, a woman conceived and born via anonymous egg donation and surrogacy:

“As much as I do believe that surrogacy can come from a compassionate place… as a product of surrogacy, it’s hard not to be aware of the fact that there is a price tag. There is an awareness that, you know, in essence, you were bought by the family that you grew up with. You are a product at the end of the day.”

What makes all of this even worse is that, when these children finally start seeking out their biological heritage and questioning the way they were conceived, many of them are told to “get over it”. They wouldn’t be alive without this technology, so they should really be thankful for it.

“If that were true, then anyone who is the product of a rape would have to endorse rape,” said Barry Stevens, one of 500-1,000 half-siblings fathered by a fertility clinic owner in the U.K. “It’s quite possible to be grateful for your life and question aspects of your conception.”

Some will argue that IVF and surrogacy are just like adoption, where money also changes hands. But, Alana Newman, donor conceived, explains why that is far from the case. Adoption is all about what’s in the best interest of the child, whereas third party reproduction is about serving the best interests of adults.

And that’s really the problem here. Most of the consideration within surrogacy is towards the adults and what they want and what they’re looking for, not what’s in the best interest of the children. It’s time we give these people a fair hearing.

Dr. Death “Art” for Sale

ChelseaAssisted Suicide, Euthanasia1 Comment

drdeath.jpgJack Kevorkian was a convicted murderer who, even after being released from prison, bragged about having “assisted” the suicides of at least 130 people. Unlike most felons once they’re released, his status as a convicted murderer treated Kevorkian quite well.

Not only was he several high profile, high paying speaking engagements and interviews to defend his actions and spread his poisonous pro-euthanasia/assisted suicide beliefs, but he also got to rub shoulders with the rich and famous when a movie about his life and “cause” was nominated for and won a few of Hollywood’s elite awards.

Kevorkian wasn’t just a killer. He was a very disturbed man who was obsessed with death and human experimentation. An obsession proven not only by his chosen “profession” but also his “artwork” that is currently on display at an art gallery in Los Angeles.

coma.png“The Last Paintings By Jack ‘Dr. Death’ Kevorkian” at the Gallerie Sparta is showcasing 11 original oil paintings of the late suicide enthusiast. Many of these paintings depict some aspect of disease and human suffering. One, called “Coma,” depicts an unconscious patient, silhouetted by an ominous pair of skeletal hands, being sucked into a death mask which resembles a CAT scan machine.

Each Painting comes with a price tag of between $28-45k. All of the proceeds will go to his estate and the West Hollywood gallery where they are being sold. Whatever does not get sold will reportedly be donated to the Smithsonian.

The exhibition also includes the assisted suicide machine that Kevorkian designed and built (pictured here). That’s right. The very same contraption helped inject a series of lethal drugs into over 100 terminal — and some non-terminal — patients. It too is for sale to the highest bidder with a starting price of $25,000.

Gross. I can’t even.

The most unsettling thing about the whole “cult of Kevorkian” is that the man is honored not despite, but precisely for being a killer. He is hailed as an advocate for the “rights” of the terminally and seriously ill.

News stories even speak of his “efforts in the field of medicine and bioethics” without a hint of irony, giving credence to Kevorkian’s claim that what he was proving was “a medical service.”

Death, as I have said many, many times, is not medicine. It cannot be said that euthanasia, assisted suicide or any sort of “mercy killing” eliminates suffering. Rather, what it does is eliminate the person who suffers.

Things like this destroy humanity. Our duty as human beings is to love and care for the suffering, not kill them. That a man like Kevorkian is heralded by so many, even after his own death, for doing just the opposite doesn’t speak well of the state of our current society.

TOB Tues: Register Now

ChelseaTheology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment


Registration is open for the 2014 International Theology of the Body Congress. The theme this year is “Love, Mercy and the New Evangelization” and will focus on the important pastoral work of leading all men and women to Christ.

The Congress will be held in a the Sheraton Downtown Philadelphia, July 9-11, and will offer:

    –The most expansive gathering of marriage and family experts, enthusiasts, Church leaders, DREs and youth ministers ever assembled for review and discussion of this beautiful teaching in light of the Catholic position;

    –Three days of more than 30 seminars, roundtable discussions, expert panels and keynote addresses featuring leading experts discussing a wide array of Theology of the Body-related themes and topics such as art and culture, Creed and catechesis;

    –An opportunity for sharing and collaboration between key Theology of the Body leaders, catechists, Church leaders and teachers from around the country;

    –A convergence of Catholic vendors specializing in Theology of the Body-related products and services as resources for furthering the message and teaching of this extraordinary body of work;

    –Two breakfasts, a luncheon and two dinners, as well as networking and a special awards presentation honoring individuals who have shown excellence in promotion and understanding of Theology of the Body;

    –A chance for spiritual growth through Eucharistic adoration, reconciliation and daily mass at the Basilica Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul.

Someday I’d love to go to one of these. Just check out this awesome crop of speakers.


Register at Early registration ends April 20!

Cute Baby Nephew Blogging, Part II

ChelseaCruz, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

As I suspected, I haven’t had time for much this week beyond spending time with my sister and spoiling my nephew. Hope to be back to normal blogging mode next week (though, lately posting has been a lot lighter than “normal,” anyway).

In the meantime, here are some more pics of Cruz for you to drool over. I may be a little biased, but I’m pretty sure he’s the cutest baby in the history of the world.

Cruzin down the street in my 64…

Laughing at daddy.

Baby’s first beach day!




More sleepytime.

Cute Baby Nephew Blogging

ChelseaCruz, Cute Baby BloggingLeave a Comment

Well, it only took two and a half months, but yesterday I finally got to meet my new nephew!

My sister and her fiancé got in yesterday morning and this is pretty much how I spent the entire day.


And it was heaven.



He’s got this Florida thing down!

Life’s rough.

Those toes!! #omnomnom

Needless to say, I did not get a whole lot done yesterday…and may not the rest of the week!

Billy Donovan’s Secret Sorrow

ChelseaMiscarriageLeave a Comment

It’s March. It’s Madness. And my Gators have just danced their way into the elite eight for the fourth year in a row!

donovan.pngI’ve always admired and respected Florida’s head coach, Billy Donovan for the way he transformed the school’s basketball program into one of the country’s most dominating powerhouses. But I recently came across a story that profoundly deepened my respect for him off the court.

It actually involves Donovan and two other college basketball coaches — John Pelphrey, former head coach of Arkansas, and Alabama’s Anthony Grant — both of whom were assistant coaches under Donavan during Florida’s transformative years in the late 90s-early/mid 2000s (Pelphrey is currently back on Donovan’s coaching staff).

It’s not just a story about three basketball coaches. It’s a story of three men — three FATHERS — bonding over the loss of their unborn children and offering each other support over the years as those losses continue to be felt.

Jason King covered this story beautifully at The Post Game a few years ago. I’ll just offer some snippets here — from each father’s story — and encourage you to go read his whole, moving piece yourself.

“I lost the baby,” she finally whispered.

To this day, Donovan doesn’t know what was worse: The despair in Christine’s voice, or the pain — both mental and physical — he watched her endure when she was induced into labor that afternoon. Standing next to her hospital bed, Billy held Christine’s hand as she delivered their stillborn daughter.

“Hours earlier we were trick-or-treating with our kids,” Donovan says. “All of a sudden, our lives had completely changed.”

“I’m sitting there,” Donovan says, “and I look over at this church, and there’s a sign on the marquee that says, ‘God is Good All of the Time.’ I kind of shook my head and thought, ‘What’s good about this?’

“But then I sat there a little longer, and I said to myself, ‘I’ve got an incredible wife, and right now I’m going home to three healthy kids.’ A lot of times, when bad things happen in your life, you fail to remember all the good things that are in your life, too.

“At that moment, a calm came over me, a peace that made me realize that, although this was a terrible loss, I was still very, very blessed.”

“When you’re young, you think it’s easy to have a baby,” says Grant, who was 29 at the time. “Your wife gets pregnant and you assume there aren’t going to be any issues. Then something happens like what happens to us, and your whole world changes.”

The rupture in her placenta caused Christina Grant to bleed internally. Within minutes of losing Brandon, Grant feared he would lose his wife during labor. Christina made it through the procedure, but remained in the hospital for nearly a week.

“God doesn’t make mistakes,” Grant says. “All things work for the good. All things happen for a reason. Maybe what I went through enabled me to help Billy.”

“She looked awful,” (Pelphrey) says. “She looked dead. I literally thought I was going to lose both of them at the same time. Luckily, within a matter of minutes, they got her stabilized.”

Because it occurred in the middle of the night, Pelphrey didn’t call Donovan to tell him what had happened. But when he left the hospital around 6 a.m., he drove straight to his home. A day earlier he figured this would’ve been a celebratory moment. Instead, here he was, beginning the grieving process with one of his closest friends.

A few times each year, Billy Donovan and his family drive to the cemetery at Forest Meadows Funeral Home to visit Jacqueline. Christine almost always brings a rag and a bottle of Armor All.

Instead of cleaning just one headstone, she scrubs three.

Under the shade of a large pine tree, in graves about 50 yards away from the noise and traffic on NW 23rd Avenue, rest the children of three Division I head basketball coaches, three SEC competitors, three best friends forever bound by the most tragic of circumstances.

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing. It will not disappoint. It is heartbreaking and incredibly beautiful at the same time.

TOB Tues: The Annunciation and the Theology of the Body

ChelseaReligion, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

incarnation2.jpgThis is certainly not the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of the annunciation, but when Mary accepts the message of Gabriel, her fiat is a yes to God’s plan for her sexuality:

“Mary shows us how to accept the gift of our embodiedness, and this includes the God-given sex of the body. In this it is important to note that Mary’s exemplarity of what it means to accept the gift of one’s body means that the body is not an obstacle to overcome but, rather, a gift to be lived. Mary delights in her body, especially in its God-given sex: femininity. It is precisely in her gift of being a woman that Mary was fashioned and called by God to be the Theotokos [God-bearer]. The gift of her body is exactly what helps her to become the Theotokos. Just think of what would have happened if Mary had rebelled against the gift of her feminine body! We would be in a very different situation today” (Mary and the Theology of the Body, pp. 55-56).

Mary’s fiat marks the exact moment of the Incarnation, the Word Made Flesh. The basic thesis of JP II’s Theology of the Body is that

“The body in fact and only the body is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It has been created to transfer into the visible reality of the world the mystery hidden from eternity in God, and thus to be a sign of it.” (TOB 19:4, Feb 20, 1980)

This became abundantly clear when Christ entered the world to make God visible to the whole human race. In the Incarnation the mystery of God has been revealed in human flesh. For in Christ, “the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). Says the pope:

“The fact that theology also includes the body should not astonish or surprise anyone who is conscious of the mystery and the reality of the Incarnation. Through the fact that the Word of God became flesh the body entered theology…through the main door” (TOB, 23:4 – April 2, 1980)

Vatican II tells us that only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light and that Christ fully reveals man to himself and makes his supreme calling clear (Gaudium et Spes, 22). What God becoming man reveals to us about our bodies is that they are more than just carnal realities. The human body is intimately united to the human spirit and this unity is meant to be a sign in the world of the hidden mystery of God.

There is a modern sort of dualism these days that suggests that human beings are essentially made up of two separate natures. We have a body and a soul and what we do with one doesn’t necessarily have to do with the other – mostly, what we do with our bodies isn’t nearly as important as our souls or who we are inside.

Case in point: a former priest friend of mine was having a conversation one day with a girl who described herself as an “exotic dancer.” When he asked her how she felt about men using her for their own selfish gratification, she said, “oh, they’re not using me, just my body.” In other words, her body and her stripping had nothing to do with who she was as a person.

But man is an incarnate spirit with one human nature. In his Letter to Families, JP II explains that man

“is a person in the unity of his body and his spirit. The body can never be reduced to mere matter: it is a spiritualized body, just as man’s spirit is so closely united to the body that he can be described as an embodied spirit”

Death may separate the body and soul, but this is not the be all and end all of human life. In just under a month, we will be celebrating the resurrection of the Word Made Flesh, whose conception we remember today. Christ’s Resurrection reminds us of the resurrection of our own bodies at the end of time in which our souls will once again dwell for all eternity!

There is a reason they say “actions speak louder than words.” That is because it is precisely our bodies and what we do with them that reveal “who we are on the inside” and much more!

World Down Syndrome Day Quick Takes

ChelseaDisabledLeave a Comment


Today is World Down Syndrome Day, a day to celebrate the lives of those who have an extra 21st chromosome and raise awareness about the “good news” about DS

This year, since I’ve written so much about this topic already, I thought I’d just offer a round-up of some of my favorite articles/posts over the years:

World Down Syndrome Day and the Cult of Normalcy

Todd Frazier’s “Best Friend and Greatest Batboy”

Prenatal Testing and Abortion, a History

Your Handicapped Child is a Blessing

Would You Say That to My Face?

Good News About Down Syndrome

What is “Normal”?

Teddy Kremer and the Reds: A Love Story

P.S. if you like the image at the top of this post, you can order a copy of it from Kerri Liles Photography. I’ve got one, myself. Just need to find a frame for it.