Abby Johnson on Use of Graphic Abortion Images During Clinic Prayer Vigils

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

abby johnson.jpgLast week former Planned Parenthood director and now pro-life advocate Abby Johnson was in here in mid-Missouri to give a lesson in sidewalk counseling outside abortion facilities. I got quite a bit of video from it that I’m just now getting uploaded. In this one, Johnson explains why graphic abortion pictures are not very helpful tools – at least not outside the abortion facility. This is an ongoing debate among pro-lifers. If you watch the whole video you’ll notice she doesn’t say that they’re not useful at all, but in front of abortion facilities is probably not the best place in her experience:

Her personal conversion brings an interesting perspective to this debate. As she says in the video, she saw the dead children on a regular basis – in person – at her abortion clinic when she would have to help put together the body parts to make sure nothing was left in the uterus after an abortion. The graphic images on posters were nothing new to her and, as an abortion advocate, she did not think that these children were living human beings to begin with, so seeing their dead (not living) bodies, as sickening as it is to us, did not have much of an impact on her. It wasn’t until she saw the ultrasound-guided abortion and saw the life of the child she was helping to kill that her heart was changed.

I’ve never been much of a fan of using the aborted fetus pictures, but after watching the documentary Unborn in the USA (which is a little biased, but I don’t think our side came off too bad in) and seeing some videos from various “Genocide Awareness Project” set ups on college campuses, I see how they can facilitate some good conversation between those on both sides of abortion. And that’s never a bad thing.

Over at the Register, Jen Fulwiler has 4 Tips for Using Graphic Abortion Images Effectively

Stay By the Cross

ChelseaSuffering2 Comments

This Sunday we heard the Gospel account of Lazarus being raised from the dead (Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45). I love this passage from St. Therese’s autobiography and her view of the death and resurrection of Lazarus


the One whose heart watches even when he sleeps (Song of Songs 5:2) made me understand that to those whose faith is like that of a mustard seed He grants miracles and moves mountains in order to strengthen this faith which is still small (Matt 17:19); but for His intimate friends, for His Mother, He works no miracles before having tried their faith. Did He not allow Lazarus to die even after Martha and Mary told Him he was sick (John 11:3)? At the wedding of Cana when the Blessed Virgin asked Jesus to come to the help of the head of the house, didn’t He answer her that His hour had not yet come (John 2:4)? But after the trial what a reward! The water was changed into wine…Lazarus was raised from the dead! Thus Jesus acted toward His little Therese: after having tried her for a long time, He granted all the desires of her heart.” –Story of a Soul, p. 142

Sometimes it is necessary for us to experience the thickest darkness in order to finally be able to see the light. We are like gold that is tested in fire – the fire of God’s love. A fire which, though it burns, is not meant to destroy us but to soften our ugly, sinful, hardened hearts so that the Divine Goldsmith can more easily shape them into something beautiful:

“In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” -1 Peter 1:6-7

nullNext week is Holy Week. Let us see this as an opportunity, not to rush to Easter Sunday, but to stay by the Cross. To see the Cross not as the “bad news” before the good news of the resurrection, but to understand that It is the path of discipleship for those who follow the risen Lord (Fr. Richard Neuhaus).

The way of the Christian life is cruciform. Jesus did not suffer and die in order that we need not suffer and die, but in order that our suffering and death might be joined to his in redemptive victory. (Neuhaus)

“Take up your cross and follow me,” says the Lord, “in the world you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world (John 16:33).” Just as Christ was “made perfect” by what he suffered and was able to Rise again and be seated at God’s right hand, so shall we be sanctified through our own sufferings united to the Cross of Christ, and share in His eternal glory in heaven.

Be Not Afraid of the Cross

The Shrill Cry of an Old, Dying, Barren Generation

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood, PoliticsLeave a Comment

SanFranNanDuring last week’s seemingly endless debate about the Federal budget, which largely came down to a “debate”, if you can call it that, about de-funding Planned Parenthood, the Nation’s largest abortion chain, Nancy Pelosi said that the GOP was waging a “war on women” (h/t Creative Minority Report)

There is “a war on women,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says, and it’s being led by her own colleagues on the other side of the aisle in Congress.

“There is actually a war on women,” the California Democrat said Thursday in Washington, taking aim at House Republicans’ efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and restrict access to abortions, among other measures.

“Abortion is one issue, but contraception and family planning and birth control are opposed by this crowd too,” the first female speaker of the House said of Republicans at the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Women, Money and Power Summit, CNN reported.

Pelosi’s not the only one crying foul. I love this response from my friend and blog partner, Monica, to one of several posts from Ann Rice on her FB page about the subject:

This GOP “war on women” stuff you’ve been posting is the shrill cry of an old, dying, barren generation. Most of us younger women are interested in nurturing life, not taking it.

Amen, sister! Not only do a majority of Americans now consider themselves “pro-life”, but the pro-life movement is young, vibrant and filled with women who embrace our role as mother, nurturer. We understand that it is our privilege to help bring new life into the world, not take it out. War on women? Please. Planned Parenthood is no friend to women.

The abortion giant and its old, barren supporters want you to believe that taking away their Federal funding will endanger “women’s health” by putting the many other non-abortion related services that PP provides in jeopardy. First of all, no one is talking about outlawing Planned Parenthood or putting them out of business. Second, this just shows you how desperately they need your money to keep operating. If losing Federal money puts PP out of business, that’s their problem, not the taxpayers’ and it sure as hell won’t endanger women’s health. Poor women (including migrant workers and non-U.S. citizens) can get OBGyn and basic health care (which PP does not provide) at any number of Federally Qualified Health Centers throughout the country which are also supported by the Federal government, but which do not commit abortions.

No one wants to take away women’s health care. What we want is to stop making taxpayers perpetuate a culture that puts profit margins (and the death of innocent children) before women’s safety. Make no mistake, Planned Parenthood is the business of killing human beings – a “service” which makes up 98% of their aid to pregnant women and is their largest source of income (besides the Federal government) – and many of their other services and practices not only do not contribute to the medical common good, but help advance the culture of death as well. There is no good reason for them to receive money from the Federal Government, period. (and don’t even try to tell me that PP helps reduce abortions – or unwanted pregnancy, for that matter. Abortion is their business, it’s their bottom line and they promote promiscuity to make that business thrive).

Later this week the Senate is expected to vote on House Concurrent Resolution 36, which would cut off federal funds to PP and its affiliates – similar to the Pence Amendment that passed the House in February, (a floor debate during which I was tempted to start a “war on women” drinking game, just to keep myself interested).

TOB Tues.: True Love and Virtuous Chastity

ChelseaChastity, Love, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are capable of true love…Conversely, it is only through love, i.e. the affirmation of the person, that chastity becomes a virtue. -JP II, Love and Responsibility

See also: Love = Affirmation of the Person

Abbie Dorn: a Glimmer of Hope and Prayers for an Even Brighter Future

ChelseaDisabled2 Comments

abbie-dorn.pngLast year I highlighted the story of Abbie Dorn (shown here with her mother, niece and nephew in 2010), a mother who was severely brain damaged after giving birth to triplets. Her story is terrible on a few different levels. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Abbie’s husband, Dan, abandoned her not long after her brain injury, which left her largely unable to move on her own or communicate (So much for “in good times and in bad…in sickness and in health”). He also stopped bringing her babies to visit her – the children she sacrificed her own body to give life to – and a bitter battle between Dan Dorn and Abbie’s parents, who have been caring for her much like the Schindlers wanted to care for Terri Schiavo, about the right she has to see her own children has been waging ever since.

But now it seems there may be a silver lining to this dark, cloudy story:

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ruled Friday that a paraplegic woman who communicates by blinking has the right to see her 4-year-old triplets.

In a tentative 10-page ruling, Judge Frederick C. Shaller said that Abbie Dorn, 34, can see her daughter, Esti, and sons Reuvi and Yossi, for a five-day visit each year pending a trial in the acrimonious custody case. She also entitled to a monthly online Skype visit. A trial date has yet to be set.

It’s a small improvement, but I pray that this tiny glimmer of hope will lead to an even brighter future with expanded visits as time passes.

Most everyone talks about “parental rights” in this case – whether Abbie, or other severely disabled parents for that matter, has a constitutional right to see her children. Of course she does. But let’s not forget about the rights of the children to see their mother. There are very few “rights” that I think children have, but to know and have a relationship with each of their parents is certainly one of them. This woman is not abusive. She’s not a drug addict or a convicted felon. She’s disabled, and seeing her in such a condition does not present any kind of threat to them, however small they are. Dan Dorn thinks that seeing Abbie would be too traumatic for them at the moment, and has said that he is not opposed to the triplets choosing to see their mother in the future, whenever he determines they are old enough to make such a decision. But, these children deserve to know the living, breathing woman who sacrificed her own body to give them life…now. Before their judgment is clouded by modern society’s view of beauty, happiness and “quality of life.” They will grow up as better human beings for it.

When his ex-wife would bring their young children to see him regularly after a major stroke left him paralyzed from head-to-toe with locked-in syndrome, Jean-Dominique Bauby discovered, as his daughter lavished his face with kisses one Father’s Day, that “…even a rough sketch, a shadow, a tiny fragment of a dad is still a dad.” Indeed. The same goes for mothers in similar situations. Said Judge Fredrick Shaller in his ruling last month:

“The court finds that even though Abbie cannot interact with the children, the children can interact with Abbie — and that the interaction is beneficial for the children.

“They can touch her, see her, bond with her, and can carry these memories with them.”

No, Abbie Dorn cannot feed her kids, hold them or otherwise “interact” with them. She may not even be aware that they are there at all (though, no one an know that for sure). But, she’s still their mother and that counts for something.

A Few Good Counter-Culteral Reads

ChelseaPro Life6 Comments

First, Paul Zummo does a good job taking on a few liberal responses to a statement from Kay Hymowitz lamenting the lack of responsibility among today’s 20-30 year olds. She noted that several years ago most people in their 20s and 30s were busy raising families instead of playing video games and enjoying other mindless entertainment. As you can imagine her comments did not sit well with modern secularists and their perspective on happiness. My favorite part of Paul’s response:

It also never ceases to amuse me when I hear religious conservatives derided as being uptight about sex, the implication being that we’re not getting laid enough. Yet, at the same time, we’re mocked for having such large families. Hey, geniuses – how do you think we got those large families? Biology may not be your strong point, as evidenced by Andy Sullivan’s deranged rants about Sarah Palin and the maternity of Trig, but try to put two and two together.

As Mark Shea put it in his anti-creed, somehow: “We loathe sex while having thousands of children. Read the rest, as Paul explains his own experience as a “swinging single” and how he’s now much happier now being a family man.

His post reminded me of an old one from Jenny Senour Uebbing – a woman in her 20s – in which she relates a conversation she had with a college friend, who she describes as the product of 20+ years of social conditioning to believe that the life of a stay at home wife and mother is “stifling” and that women need to have an education and business career in order to be fulfilled.

“So a woman can only find fulfillment working outside the home?”


“So for all of human history preceding the last 50 years, women were deeply unsatisfied?”

“Um, yeah.”

“And now we’re at last fulfilled, finding our own place in the workforce?”


It didn’t make a great deal of sense to me, and as I pondered his conviction, images of friends came unbidden to my mind, women who struggled to work and raise children, to make ends meet on a single parent salary, to spend adequate amounts of time with their offspring, and who battled omnipresent guilt over not having enough hours in the day… These women are brave, dedicated, hardworking… but one thing they most certainly are not is fulfilled.

I understand that many women are happy in their professional careers and being a housewife is not for everyone, especially when money is tight. But, to claim that women are not fulfilled as stay-at-home wives and mothers is a bit presumptuous, to say the least. In fact, I know more working mothers who say “I would love to not have to work so that I can stay home with my kids all day,” than, “gee, if I could only find a way to work and stay out of the house more often. My job is just soooo fulfilling and my husband and/or kids are really getting in the way of the freedom and happiness I enjoy in the workforce.” Personally, I would love to be someone’s housewife someday…although, sometimes that seems less and less likely as the years go by…*sigh* God’s will be done…

TOB Tuesday: The Task of Every Man and Woman

ChelseaChastity, Men, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday, Women1 Comment

Christ – who in the Sermon on the Mount gives his own interpretation of the commandment “You shall not commit adultery”…assigns the dignity of every woman as a task to every man; at the same time (although this conclusion follows only indirectly from the text) he assigns also the dignity of every man to every woman. -JP II, TOB 100:6

Of course, each of us are responsible for defending our own dignity by the way we dress, think, speak and act, but we do have a duty to uphold the dignity of our brothers and sisters in Christ as well, even if they do not respect themselves enough to treat their own bodies with dignity.

Think Big!

ChelseaDisabled, video2 Comments

As I’ve said multiple times on this blog, we have such a tendency to focus on everything that a disability takes away that we lose sight of all that is still possible. Come on, people! This is the 21st century, where there are incredible opportunities and advancements in medicine and technology that allow people with disabilities to live “normal”, productive and very active lives! Just ask Cody – it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you stop focusing on the negative and think big:

Previous posts:
People With Disabilities Can Live “Normal” Lives
Surprise! People W/ Disabilities Can Have Babies and Be Good Parents

The Doctor and the Bioethicist

ChelseaEuthanasia, videoLeave a Comment

Via Wesley Smith:

Bioethicists are a mixed bag. On the one hand, you’ve got exemplary defenders of life and human dignity like Leon Kass, on the other you have people like Peter Singer, who think “quality of life” should determine a person’s dignity and worth. In other words, bioethics is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get. Which is why granting “bioethics committees” the power to make life and death decisions is never a good idea.

“The happiest days are the days when babies come.”

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging1 Comment

I know things have been pretty quiet on this blog for the past week. I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. I sit down to write or even just comment on some news story and little to nothing comes to my mind. How does a writer write in the absence of creative thought?? This has been happening a lot lately. :-/ Plus I have had some other work/activities to keep me a little preoccupied most days. One of those was a surprise baby shower for a dear friend of mine yesterday. She is pregnant with her third baby boy! Please keep her in your prayers. She’s due in about a month and she’s been having a few complications this time around.

“The happiest days are the days when babies come.”
-Mrs. Melanie Hamilton Wilks, Gone With the Wind

Here are a few pics of the cute babies in attendance at her shower, plus one of me and her and the invisible little one in her womb.

My friend’s second boy enjoying a cupcake – probably a little too much!

Look at those cheeks!

This tiny, perfect little girl was born just last Friday, one month premature.

Me and the mother of honor – a good friend of mine from grade school.
There’s a baby in that belly! When a woman conceives, God reaches down and touches the female body and creates a new and wholly unique soul within her! Ahh!! How beautiful and mysterious is the belly of a pregnant woman – how perfect is the construction of life in the womb.

See more: Cute Baby Blogging