It’s About the Killing, Stupid?

ChelseaAbortion, Politics, Stem Cell Research2 Comments

On my last post about politicians insisting on funding ESC research despite the recent advancements in ASC research rendering it virtually unnecessary, Paul commented that: It’s all about the killing. Always was.

That reminded me of a recent column in the Chicago Tribune by John Kass, Abortion at the heart of Stem Cell Research:

Though I can’t begin to explain the science, the politics seem clear, despite the Orwellian twisting of the language over the years, despite the political symbolism and political iconography. It’s clear enough.

It’s about abortion. It has always been about abortion, about the choices we make and how we fight to use or deny human embryos for research — all of it like hands that shape our future culture.

There have been other scientific and funding aspects to the stem-cell debate, but at the retail political level, “stem-cell research” has long been a proxy for abortion rights and for the rights of human life unborn.

So “stem-cell” is code, a slogan, the fact understood by political consultants and their candidates, by the abortion rights groups and the politicians who seek their votes and by those that oppose abortion rights and seek those other votes.

Human embryos don’t vote. Many Americans don’t believe there is life in them at such an early stage. I do. But others don’t.

Yet if left alone in a mother’s womb, nurtured there, surely they’d be born to run and breathe and think and speak, and perhaps grow old enough to vote. And they’d want to survive and they’d express that desire through public policy debates, like this one.

Every creature born wants to live, many at almost any cost, and humans are instilled with the will to continue. If this means taking other human lives to ensure survival, well, hasn’t that question been answered by centuries of human history?

We’ve killed one another by tribe and clan, over hunting and grazing land, with clubs and pointed spears, and killed over water. For the past several thousand years, we’ve killed one another over gold. Now we kill for energy. We kill one another for the power to live. We justify it with words. But the act remains the same.

And for all the years the embryonic stem-cell debate has dragged on, we’ve used words to obscure what we’ve been doing. We abandoned old notions of common morality to adopt a new code born of scientific rationalism:

That it is proper to take human embryos and use the human life going on inside them as a product to perpetuate other, more powerful lives.

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The Politicians Don’t Get it, As Usual

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics1 Comment

From Life News, Lawmakers Still Want Destructive Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding, despite the recent breakthrough in reverting human skin cells into embryonic-like cells. But then what can you expect when the very researchers who made such a profound discovery are still encouraging the unethical, and now unnecessary, use of human embryos for stem cell research?

In related news, Researchers Use Adult Stem Cells to Replace Immune Systems in Mice. Gee, are we starting to see a pattern here?? “ASCs get results, ESCs don’t!” Just don’t expect politicians to catch on any time soon.

Look on the Tears of Little Children

Chelsea2008 Election, Prayer, Right to Life1 Comment

Do unborn children have tears? I don’t know, but this will be my prayer for our country from now until election day. It comes from a passage I recently came across in the Diary of St. Faustina:

Once after an adoration for our country, a pain pierced my soul, and I began to pray in this way: “Most merciful Jesus, I beseech You through the intercession of Your dearest Mother who nurtured You from childhood, bless my native land. I beg You, Jesus, look not on our sins, but on the tears of little children, on the hunger and cold they suffer. Jesus, for the sake of these innocent ones, grant me the grace that I am asking of You for my country.” At that moment, I saw the Lord Jesus, His eyes filled with tears, and He said to me, You see, My daughter, what great compassion I have for them. Know that it is they who uphold the world.

Evaluating U.S. Presidential Candidates

Chelsea2008 Election, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Defend Life has stacked up the 2008 Presidential candidates against the US Catholic Bishop’s Faithful Citizenship document. They were evaluated on

30 different issues, eight of which were the issues involving potentially “intrinsically evil” positions and 22 which were other important issues.

Those issues under “intrinsically evil” include: Protect all unborn (no exceptions; unborn protected under the Constitution), Oppose Euthanasia, Oppose Research that Results in Embyonic Destruction, Oppose all Human Cloning, Oppose targeting of Noncombatants (Use of nuclear weapons or landmines), Marriage is One Man, One Woman; Oppose “domestic partnerships”, Oppose Use of Torture, and Oppose Racism (added 11/20/07).

These are the results:

1. Ron Paul (R): 99 points
2. Alan Keyes (R): 70 (not on the ballot in all states)
3. Mike Huckabee (R): 69
4. Duncan Hunter (R): 50
5. Tom Tancredo (R): 48
6. John McCain (R): 36
7. Chris Dodd (D): 25
8. Dennis Kucinich (D): 22
9. Mitt Romney (R): 10
10. Joe Biden (D): 5
11. Fred Thompson (R): 4
12. Hillary Clinton (D): (-11)
13. John Edwards (D): (-13)
14. Bill Richardson (D): (-15)
15. Barack Obama (D): (-15)
16. Rudy Giuliani (R): (-28)

If you are interested in how the entire thing breaks down (and you have a google account) you can view the spreadsheet here. (H/T The Catholic Knight)

What do you think? Does this help you? Does this help me? I’ve told you before that I have been pretty unimpressed with our choices. I can’t really muster up any sort of enthusiasm for anyone, or for politics in general. Maybe it’s just too early for me. Have they always started campaigning a year and a half before the election? Quite frankly I’m actually just bored with it already and would rather the general election were held tomorrow so that we could be rid of all this, at least for the next two and a half years. Am I being a bad pro-life advocate here? Politics is usually my thing, especially when it comes to the defense of the unborn, but I’m just not into it right now. Even if there was a candidate who I could say I would vote for, the enthusiasm’s just not there for me.

Thank God For Rush Limbaugh

ChelseaCloning, Stem Cell Research1 Comment

In light of the recent stem cell news, Kathryn Jean Lopez has an article not to be missed: The Vindication of Rush H. Limbaugh

El RushboRush Limbaugh has been a shining beacon of truth in the great stem cell debate and has done many of us a favor by publicly going where many fear to tread. When Michael J. Fox came out with that emotionally manipulative television ad last year supporting Claire McCaskill and Amendment 2, Rush didn’t miss a beat. He went after the deception and manipulation behind the ad and, more importantly, the use of the once unifying goal of curing disease for partisan politics as he said:

“One of the things I said that distressed me about this whole ad campaign was the fact that curing disease has traditionally been a bipartisan effort in this country, curing cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, any number of things.”

He systematically pointed out the lies of cloning supporters while also showing the benefits the ethical alternative:

“Not one disease has been impacted by embryonic-stem-cell research. Three pages of this, ladies and gentlemen. A total blank slate here, and these are all the diseases where adult stem cells have proven beneficial. You can see a blank slate versus the text: brain cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer, testicular cancer, tumors abdominal organs Lymphoma, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. . . . That’s just some of the cancers adult stem cells are showing promise. Zip, zero, nada versus three pages of these things.”

All this while being vilified in the media as a heartless loudmouth who hates sick people. I truly believe that if Rush had not called attention to Amendment 2 and the deceitful Fox ad, the margin of victory would not have been so narrow.

The point in all of this is that, given yesterday’s news coupled with the ever growing list of adult stem cell successes – not to mention Ian Wilmut’s announcement to forgo cloning research and NJ voters rejection of a $450 million ESC research campaign – we should be confident in the real hope that non embryo destructive research provides and unafraid to resist and even challenge the emotional manipulation of cloning enthusiasts. This is about science and saving lives while also valuing the dignity of all human life.

The Hits Just Keep on Comin

ChelseaCloning, Scientists, Stem Cell Research4 Comments

Late last week cloning scientist Ian Willmut announced his decision to forgo further experimentation involving human cloning and embryonic stem cells not because of any moral objections, but for the very practical reason that such research is no longer necessary in light of advancements in ethical areas of stem cell research. Today the cloning/ESC research world was dealt another blow in the form of yet another advancement in ethical stem cell research. Now two teams of scientists, Shinya Yamanaka and colleagues in Japan and James Thomson’s team in Wisconsin (refuting the fact that the US is falling behind in cutting edge stem cell technology), have successfully turned human skin cells into pluripotent stem cells which appear as young as those derived from embryos. The researchers built upon Yamanaka’s work earlier this year using mice skin cells.

This is good news on many levels, but the hard core pro-cloning scientists likely will not admit it. Certainly, as Wesley Smith points out, some are already saying that because these cells have yet to treat patients, we should not abandon research that destroys human embryos. But that’s not the point. Since this new technique can make stem cells with the same properties as those derived from human embryos means that that research is no longer necessary in the race for cures. This research would allow researchers to do the same research on the same kind of cells without the ethical dilemma of destroying human embryos. The fact that the research is more “socially acceptable”, as Dr. Ian Willmut put it, makes it easier to conduct crucial research. Investors would be more willing to invest – no need to fight political battles to expand funding for controversial stem cell research – and research facilities wouldn’t have to waste time purchasing expensive cloning friendly constitutional amendments.

It’s not fool proof yet. Because these are essentially embryonic cells they still have a tumor forming problem, however:

Once the kinks are worked out, “the whole field is going to completely change,” says stem cell researcher Jose Cibelli of Michigan State University in East Lansing. “People working on ethics will have to find something new to worry about.”

Let’s hope so. I like what Smith had to say about George Bush and his brave stand promoting ethical stem cell research:

Indeed, had the president followed the crowd instead of leading it, most research efforts would have been devoted to trying to perfect ESCR and human-cloning research–which, despite copious funding, have not worked out yet as scientists originally hoped.

Certainly because of his willingness to

absorb the brickbats of the Science Establishment, the Media Elite, and weak-kneed Republican and Democratic politicians alike–we now have the very real potential of developing thriving and robust stem-cell medicine and scientific research sectors that will bridge, rather than exacerbate, our moral differences over the importance and meaning of human life. Read more

That’s the kind of leadership we need to see continued in the White House. For all his faults (including being the first President to fund ESC research), President Bush has remained steadfast in opposition to this new threat to the dignity of human life.

Smith actually somewhat predicted something like this would happen. According to the president of Missouri Right to Life, in a meeting with newly elected Gov. Matt Blunt in 2005, Wesley asked the Governor to support a five-year moratorium on human cloning and embryonic stem cell research, firmly believing that within that time frame, advances in adult stem cell research and other research that didn’t destroy human life would make human cloning and embryonic stem cell research unnecessary. He was right, unfortunately for us Gov. Blunt didn’t listen.

Good News for Bella

ChelseaMedia, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

nullBella earned another million dollars at the box office last weekend and even moved up on the list of top grossing movies from number 17 to 13. Life News reports that:

Five of the movies ahead of it in the weekend rankings drew fewer ticket sales per theater and only brought in more sales than Bella because they appeared in anywhere from two to five times more venues.

This is great news for Bella, for Metanoia Films and for the rest of us who enjoy good, life affirming movies and want to see more made in the future. This is also great news for some unborn children. Causa Nostrae Laetitiae relayed recently that

seven mothers who were contemplating or scheduled an abortion chose life for their unborn child after seeing the movie

That according to Bella producer Leo Severino. Last weekend’s success could prompt the film’s distributer, Roadside Attractions, to issue an even broader release, giving the movie a chance to impact millions more Americans with a message of real love and possibly save more lives.

What a great blessing this film has been to our country.

Previous Bella posts
Watch this video in which producer and lead actor Eduardo Verastegui tells of how a child was saved before the movie was even made

Goodbye Dolly!

ChelseaCloning, ScientistsLeave a Comment

nullThe scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep has announced that he will no longer pursue a license to clone human embryos:

Prof Wilmut, who works at Edinburgh University, believes a rival method pioneered in Japan* has better potential for making human embryonic cells which can be used to grow a patient’s own cells and tissues for a vast range of treatments, from treating strokes to heart attacks and Parkinson’s, and will be less controversial than the Dolly method, known as “nuclear transfer.”

His announcement could mark the beginning of the end for therapeutic cloning, on which tens of millions of pounds have been spent worldwide over the past decade. “I decided a few weeks ago not to pursue nuclear transfer,” Prof Wilmut said.

Most of his motivation is practical but he admits the Japanese approach is also “easier to accept socially.”

This just reinforces what we’ve been saying all along. Not only is human cloning unethical, but it is, probably 100%, unnecessary. Private investors have been picking up on this for years, hence the need to force the public to dedicate millions to unethical research through the government. Scientists are even catching on as well. Researchers in California finally had to admit to voters that any progress in the area of cloning experimentation would be at least a decade away, probably more, if ever.

But what about the American public, specifically in the areas of politics and the media? The fact that this story, out of the UK, hasn’t gotten picked up by any major American media gives us a clue. In recent years human cloning and embryonic stem cell research have become as much of a political issue as health care and national security. Voters in California approved spending billions of state dollars on such research while NJ voters just rejected a $450 million ESC research campaign. In this year alone congress twice sent a bill to the president that would expand funding for ESC research. And who can ever forget Missourians voting to protect human cloning in our State’s constitution?

All of these measures were aided by a media eagerly willing to repeat the propaganda promulgated by a rabid pro-cloning biotech industry. Deceit and manipulation is the name of the game. Basic scientific terms are redefined to hide their true meanings and fool the general public. Images of sick children and people in wheelchairs are used in ad campaigns for emotional manipulation. Michael J. Fox has made a second career, of sorts, out of using his disability (sometimes manipulating it for dramatic effect) to promote human cloning/ESC research as the ONLY hope for the future of stem cell research. Do you think these people will ever open their eyes to the REAL future of stem cell research that Dr. Wilmut has discovered?

When the most famous cloning scientist in the world come out, just days after a “major breakthrough” in cloning, and says that he will forgo embryo destructive research in favor of something more promising we should all pay attention. We should also examine the motives of those who continue to pursue such research despite the growing evidence against it’s ultimate effectiveness.

* This would be the method of reverting skin cells into ESCs

Related posts:
Adult Stem Cells Revert to Embryonic Stem Cells!
Cloning Benefits Oversold
Ding Dong the Sheep is Dead – Will the Research Go With Her?

Also see Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk’s The Ten Great Myths in the Debate Over Stem Cell Research (ht Gazizza)

Can You Help Bella This Weekend?

ChelseaActivism, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

nullA message from the film’s lead actor:

URGENT!!—- Bella is the #1 Top Rated Movie in the US but If the movie “Bella” does not have high box office scores this weekend

Because of your help the distributor is doubling the number of theaters showing Bella
We can do it again and make it to the #1 busiest box office weekend of the year….Thanksgiving weekend.

It is “do or die” for this film to succeed.

We need to mobilize everyone we know to watch this film Fri-Sunday (Nov 16-18). Why?


This is what we need from you to do today, in the next 48 hours.

How You Can Help Bella:

Email this to everyone you know!

Click on the link below to see all the ways you can help

Together we can make a difference!

-Eduardo Verastegui

I offered to drive a few kids from my area to see the movie in STL this weekend but they were either unable to go or I never heard back from them. I did get some good news from a woman at my local theater:

We will attempt to bring in Bella in late Jan or early Feb. We really have enjoyed bringing in faith-based films in the past (Facing the Giants, One Night with the King, Nativity Story), and please continue to let us know about the films that you’d like to see here. I’ll try to email you when we get a definite booking on this, currently there are only 500 or so prints playing nationwide.

She didn’t explain why they were waiting until next year to bring it in, but I suppose that’s better than never.

People With Disabilities Can Live “Normal” Lives

ChelseaAbortion, Disabled, Personal, Pro Life7 Comments

What is “normal” after all?? H/T: Cause of our Joy Check out this new movie, Mr. Blue Sky. From it’s website:

Mr. Blue Sky is a ground-breaking film that explores the romantic relationship of a woman born with Down syndrome and a “normal” male, as perceived by today’s society. Mr. Blue Sky attempts to break down society’s barriers, much like “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?” did in the 1960’s, as it aims to “change lives” through “changing minds.”

christinaayers.jpgI love that this movie features a main character with Down syndrome, a disease for which a positive prenatal test result ends in abortion over 90% of the time. Our society seriously underestimates the ability of people with disabilities to live “normal” lives – to have jobs, fall in love, or otherwise chase their dreams. Very often people with serious disabilities are looked upon with pity and many presume that our lives must somehow be less fulfilling or valuable because of our physical limitations.

I was 17 when I had my car accident. After the initial shock of what I had lost – all feeling and control over the lower 75% of my body – and the prospect of facing life in a wheelchair, both equally as devastating, I began to see that there were a good many things that I would still be able to do which motivated me to get the heck on with my life – and get out of rehab (I had a prom to go to in a few months after all). Among my biggest motivations, besides the love and support of my family and the example of a very special mentor, were the fact that I would be able to drive again (a car, too, and not a van!) and enjoy relative independence and that I would still be able to one day get pregnant and have children – naturally (God willing – yes that was important to me at 17)! Life was going to be OK, a little different, but OK – possibly even wonderful!

nullFast forward, almost eight years now, and it turns out I do have a pretty wonderful life. I did make it to my junior prom (pictured here) and have been driving (with more success this time) for a number of years. No kids yet, I still lack the necessary components – a man and a marriage covenant – otherwise I’d be good to go. I still have the love of my family and the ability to love in return. Apart from working for my parents, I do a number of volunteer duties in my parish and my community. I have a great life because I’m a human being, dammit, and I know my life has value!

The extent to which such people could function in society would obviously depend on the severity of the disease or disability but that doesn’t mean their life should be any less meaningful or fulfilling. Sick and disabled people must endure sometimes tragic suffering, but whose to say that our sufferings are greater than those enduring some interior anguish hidden from the eyes of the world? Disability or not, life is what we make it, society be damned. Below are some snapshots of my blessed life so far, post injury.

My new car!
My car!
My beautiful sisters (who are actually younger than me, if you can’t tell)
Some great friends of mine
Activism with the kids

Interning at the State Capitol
Me and Ed
On a horse at my aunt’s house – that was scary!
With a dolphin in the Keys

Also, check out my Pictures page to see some of the interesting people I have met over the years.

Related post:
Better Off Dead?
Lives Not Worth Living