How Well Do You Know Roe?

ChelseaAbortion2 Comments

nullTake this quiz to find out how well you really understand the implications of Roe v. Wade. I answered 10 out of the 12 correctly, an 83%. A tip, which would have helped me answer at least one of those answers right: they combine Doe and Roe.

January 22, 2008 marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We’re reaching almost 50 MILLION abortions committed in the U.S. since that day in 1973. Numbers like that make me really hope we can appeal to God’s mercy before it’s too late.

HT: Jill Stanek

Here are some resources to help you out:
Roe v. Wade
Doe v. Bolton

Fr. Tad Weighs In

ChelseaAbortion, Adult Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Fr. TadIn an interview with Our Sunday Visitor, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk gives the federal embryonic stem cell research financial restrictions credit for the latest breakthrough using ethical stem cell research:

I think that the restrictions on funding have had an effect on how scientists approached this question, because federal funding is always seen as a form of approbation and blessing. Any time you get federal funding for something, there is a kind of “sanctioning” that occurs. And when the federal government refuses to fund something, it becomes a kind of dark spot on the entire field. That has been the practical effect, and I do suspect that because of that dark spot there has been a greater willingness to entertain alternative approaches.

He calls this breakthrough the Holy Grail of Reprogramming and “probably the most significant of the alternative approaches that were under consideration.”

Of course many are still going to those who advocate for embryo destructive research no matter what and Fr. Tad gives three reasons for this advocacy.

The first and second reasons concern the financial investments that have already been committed to this research and the fact that many of those who push for the destruction of human embryos don’t really see any ethical concerns there, as long as science is being advanced.

But the the third reason Fr. Tad gives is most interesting. He claims it also has to do with ESC research serving as a “hedge” for abortion:

If embryo killing becomes incorporated into the way we cure illnesses and maintain our health as a society, then abortion on demand will be more likely to curry favor in our culture as well. If those trying to protect embryos carry the day, pro-abortionists fear that the same ethical arguments will prevail against abortion.

This makes sense when you think about it, especially when it comes to politics. For many pro-lifers the issues of abortion and cloning/ESC research go hand in hand as they all refer to the direct killing of innocent human life, so the same can be said for those on the other side of the issues.

Whatever their reasons, like Fr. Tad, I too hope that

in the wake of this discovery, the siren call of harvesting human embryos will cease ringing in their ears and allow for a new era of ethical science in our society.

Read Fr. Tad’s other Making Sense of Bioethics columns

Can We Appeal to God’s Mercy Before it’s too Late?

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Politics, Prayer1 Comment

Mark Pickup (a Canadian) has an excellent post up: Will America be Blessed or Judged?, reflecting on our 30+ year history of killing our nations weakest members. He concludes:

After more than 30 years of abortion on demand in America and more than 40-million abortions, America is in serious risk of God’s judgment. Yet in my naivety, I still believe it is not nulltoo late and that a merciful God may still forgive America — if it repents of this terrible moral sin. If Roe v Wade is overturned and legal protections returned to unborn children, I believe that God may hold back His judgment.

The 2008 election may prove pivotal to America. Only support candidates running for public office who will uphold the sanctity, dignity and equality of all human life. I believe America stands at the edge of either God’s judgment or His blessing. Read the whole thing

A few days ago I started a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe asking her intercession for next year’s elections. Primaries start in JANUARY!

You know, I really should just start syndicating Mark’s blog entries on here. They’re just too good.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

I just called our local theater that started running Bella last weekend and they informed me that they will no longer run it after this Thursday. If it’s because no one went, that’s because nobody knew it was there to begin with. Besides the email to area churches and pro-life groups, I told several people yesterday who had no idea. We were getting ready to put the information in our bulletins any everything. So much for that idea. I guess we’re going to have to wait until the other theater in my hometown tries to get it in early next year.

Hope in the Midst of Suffering

ChelseaAbortion, Disabled, Love, SufferingLeave a Comment

In the UK:

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has been asked to define what constitutes a ‘serious handicap’ for which abortions after 24 weeks are allowed.

Here we go again, letting doctors arbitrarily decide which life is less valuable than others. This is in response to some women using the “disability” excuse to abort children with cleft lips and palettes. christinaayers.jpgThose are pretty superficial reasons, to be sure, but how does one go about determining which disabilities are in fact serious or devastating enough to justify expanding the acceptable pregnancy “termination period” into the last trimester?

If you ask me, those who suffer the most severe handicap are the doctors, parents and politicians who decide that some life, especially a life of suffering, is not worth living. In most of these cases, fear replaces love. Fear turns us inward and makes us run from that which might cause us pain or discomfort. But love calls us to search outside of ourselves and to “give until it hurts”.

Jesus gave His life to love us and He tells us that we also have to give whatever it takes to do good to one another. And in the Gospel crucifix.jpgJesus says very clearly: “Love as I have loved you.” Jesus died on the Cross because that is what it took for Him to do good to us – to save us from our selfishness in sin. He gave up everything to do the Father’s will to show us that we too must be willing to give up everything to do God’s will – to love one another as He loves each of us. If we are not willing to give whatever it takes to do good to one another, sin is still in us. That is why we too must give to each other until it hurts. ~from Mother Teresa

Disabled children are not problems to be dealt with. They are human beings meant to be loved and cherished. To accept them is to accept God himself (Mt. 25:40).

We should not run from our sufferings – especially to the extent that we destroy human life in the process – for this nullsuffering brings us closer to the Redeemer through the power of the Cross. Even in the midst of the greatest sorrow there is always hope. This is the hope we celebrate this Advent season – the joyful coming of the Lord, when every tear will be wiped away and mourning, crying and pain will be no more (Rev. 21: 3-4).

Read more

Bella is Here!!

ChelseaMedia, Pro Life, video1 Comment

nullThis came as a total surprise to me this morning! Before our Confirmation class started this morning, one of the other leaders informed me that Bella started playing in one of our local theaters this weekend! Unfortunately I had no idea it was coming here so I wasn’t able to inform the other church/pro-life/youth groups that I had been in contact with while I was trying to get Bella into a different theater in our area, and it looks like no one else did either. It was pretty empty when I went to see it again today with my parents and my friend said that they were the only one’s in the theater last night (of course that was during Mizzou’s Big XII Championship game). I sent out an email to everyone I could think of this afternoon and will have to make more phone calls tomorrow. The person I spoke with at the theater couldn’t tell me if they would keep showing it after this Thursday. I thought it was a little strange that they didn’t have the poster up outside with the posters of the other movies that were playing. But he seemed to think that they wouldn’t take it away just yet, since they are only getting in one new movie next weekend. At any rate, I hope we are able to make it as much of a success here as it has been everywhere else. Box Office Mojo estimates that Bella will remain one of the top 20 grossing movies this weekend. Find Bella in a theater near you, new theaters are still being added!

Here is a great video interview with producer/actor Eduardo Verastegui with Operation Outcry:

Online Videos by

Read my post: The Swell Bella Fellas, on a Mission for God
Read also: ‘Bella’ receives critical acclaim while literally saving lives

“Man…cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself”

Giuliani ’08, the Movie

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, PoliticsLeave a Comment

Found this interesting little video via: Stop the ACLU

It is part 2 of a (so far) 3 part series (parts 1 and 3 deal with marriage and gun control). By the end of part 3 a rebellion is rising among grassroots conservative bases all over the country…

The Best of the Web: Henry Hyde

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

nullFrom Cardinal Francis George, Chicago:

“Rep. Hyde was exemplary in defending and protecting the lives of unborn Americans and, through the amendment that bears his name, promoted freedom of conscience for Americans who believed their tax dollars should not contribute to destroying innocent human life.”

From the National Review Editors: The Honorable Mr. Hyde

Again from the NRO Editors last month regarding Hyde’s Presidential Medal of Freedom: Honoring Hyde

From Life News: Congressman Henry Hyde Leaves a Lasting Pro-Life Legacy to Follow and Pro-Life Groups Sing Congressman Henry Hyde’s Praises After His Death

From Catholic Exchange: Outstanding Pro-Life U.S. Congressman Henry Hyde Dead at 83

May his soul rest in peace and may his example inspire more politicians to use their position to defend the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society.

The Best of the Web this Week: Stem Cell Research

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Science, Stem Cell Research1 Comment

There were many good articles this week regarding the current state of stem cell research in light of the recent stem cell breakthrough and announcement by Dolly cloner Ian Willmut.

Colleen Carroll Campbell: Breakthrough signals a path to ethical cures

Charles Krauthammer: Stem Cell Vindication

Ramesh Ponnuru: Sharon Begley on Stem Cells – exposing media hypocrisy on stem cell research

Rich Lowry: Science Trumps Politics

What’s Bad for Criminals is Good for the Children?

ChelseaLove, Planned Parenthood, Sex, SexualityLeave a Comment

This isn’t exactly new news, but I just came across this video today about the pornographic children’s book, It’s Perfectly Normal, largely connected to Planned Parenthood and rejected by a Washington State Prison for being “sexually explicit” and “obscene”:

As if we needed more of a reason to oppose Planned Parenthood. Books like this are designed to establish lasting business for America’s leading abortion provider. Chastity and abstinence keep people out of their facilities, so by encouraging promiscuous sexual behavior, they are guaranteed repeat customers seeking “reproductive health” services such as condoms, birth control and abortions – the largest areas of PP’s business.

We need to fight back against this attack on the truth and meaning of human sexuality by reclaiming it as it was given to us by God to share in His divine love.

What is Theology of the Body and Why is it Changing So Many Lives – includes links to other articles by Christopher West on TOB, including how it relates to the celibate vocation.
Theology Of The Body For Beginners
More TOB resources including stuff for teens.

This is “sex education” that can be taught to children even at relatively young ages because it’s not just about sex, but about discovering first why we were created as male and female and then how that relates to chastity, celibacy (for the sake of the kingdom), marriage and the act of sexual intercourse – the marital embrace.