How Well Do You Know Roe?

ChelseaAbortion2 Comments

nullTake this quiz to find out how well you really understand the implications of Roe v. Wade. I answered 10 out of the 12 correctly, an 83%. A tip, which would have helped me answer at least one of those answers right: they combine Doe and Roe.

January 22, 2008 marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We’re reaching almost 50 MILLION abortions committed in the U.S. since that day in 1973. Numbers like that make me really hope we can appeal to God’s mercy before it’s too late.

HT: Jill Stanek

Here are some resources to help you out:
Roe v. Wade
Doe v. Bolton

2 Comments on “How Well Do You Know Roe?”

  1. The first question tricked me because I was thinking of Roe without the Doe. And I was fully prepared to select Ginsburg for the last answer, thinking, based on the nature of the quiz, that it was probably a liberal judge who said it, but I switched at the last second.

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