The Swell Bella Fellas, on a Mission for God

ChelseaLove, Media, Men, Personal, Pro Life, Vocation4 Comments

Alejandro and LeoThe movie has been out for two weeks and achieved enormous success for such a humble work of art, with an ever growing fan base. But I wonder, even among the fans, if we truly recognize the God-send that is Bella and the little production company that could, Metanoia Films. Bella is a beautiful and moving picture (yes, I finally saw it) that is literally changing, and saving, people’s lives today. What could be more exciting, however, is the mission taking place behind the scenes. I was graced with the opportunity to meet with Bella filmmakers Alejandro Monteverde and Leo Severino yesterday at a youth event sponsored by the STL St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Alejandro and Leo with me and the kidsThe mission of these fine gentlemen is to make films that inspire and make a difference in people’s lives, while always remaining faithful to God, and Bella is just the beginning. What does this mean – inspire how? I think the gist of Metanoia’s movie making goals was summed up when Severino promised the students in attendance, “I will never make a movie that reduces your dignity as a human person.” These are men after my own heart and, well, really after the hearts of all. We cannot underestimate media’s influence on our society and in the lives of our young kids especially. Our young men and women are bombarded by sexually charged images in all forms of media, not to mention the dark and often disturbing movies that pass as entertainment and “art” like the recent Saw IV and the upcoming “family” drama, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead. Such consistent themes and images inevitably desensitize young minds to immorality and the devaluation of human life. What a tremendous impact this little production company could have as they strive to be gentle sheep among the wolves that devour our entertainment industry.

nullSo, how do I like Bella now that I have finally seen the movie? I love it. It is subtle, yet powerful. Jose represents the best of humanity, though he has seen the very worst of humanity – the death of an innocent child. The eyes have it – his character can say a thousand words without ever opening his mouth. I love that.

“Man…cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself”
Bella is not just a story about the value of human life, but the value of human love. As I said in my post, Reclaiming the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, creating a culture of life involves not just recognizing the dignity of human life, but realizing our human vocation to love as God loves. This is a selfless, life giving love without boundaries – extending to family, friends, neighbors and even a needy stranger. Love is not just about romance; it’s not merely a feeling or emotion; love is a decision to give oneself as a gift to another and to be open to receiving the gift of another in return. Our young men and women need to see this, if only on film, because far too many grow up without ever knowing this love, from parents, teachers, friends or lovers.

nullI made the trip to STL with a few home schooled students (one who is now in college – all pictured above) who were more than excited to meet Alejandro and Leo, but were especially looking forward to seeing the film’s star. They were initially won over by him after an inspiring interview on EWTN’s Life on the Rock. Like his Metanoia partners, Eduardo is a beautiful soul and a real man, in love with Christ and passionate about his faith. Unfortunately he was unable to make it to the SVDP youth event, he was tied up in LA, not coming to Missouri until later in the evening, for a separate event in STL where he agreed to meet with the youth afterward. The kids I was with badly wanted to stay, but were unable. So I hung around STL visiting some friends of mine after going to see the movie and was able to catch him in the lobby of the hotel he was speaking at just in time for a quick photo – he was rushing off to Mass, can’t argue with that!

I will be praying for the success of Bella, Metanoia Films and these inspired filmmakers. See the movie if you haven’t already, or invite someone new to join you for a second viewing – especially if you know someone in Nina’s position. So far they know the movie has saved the lives of 5 unborn children, I am told. Thanks be to God! Find a theater near you – new theaters are being added daily.

Related posts:
“Bella” Star Seeks Holiness in Not-So Ordinary Life
Bella does Wella

Like Out of a Movie: The legend of Alejandro Gomez Monteverde
Bella Movie Continues Phenomenal Success Despite Limited Release

Praying for All Souls

ChelseaAbortion, Disabled, EuthanasiaLeave a Comment

Today we remember and pray for all the souls who have died with the hope of rising again, and that includes the victims of the culture of death. I love this post by Annie from After Abortion:

On All Souls’ Day, another priest spoke directly to mothers who have lost their babies before baptism and said, “If we are to celebrate this Holy Day, we ought to speak of and pray for them all.” He implored us, “Please, if you lost a child through stillbirth or miscarriage, or if you chose not to carry your baby to term, for whatever reason, please, give your baby a name. It is OK to do this. They all have souls, and I believe that our God is too good and merciful to keep them away from Him. Please, pray for and acknowledge your child, so that when you meet that child, hopefully, one day when you meet God, you can greet and welcome your child by name.”…

In my heart and soul, I understand that these aborted children “died in God’s grace and friendship,” and that we need to pray, attend and offer Mass for them and in hope can ask them to pray for us.

This is what I believe as well. Today we remember and pray for these little souls, along with the mothers who have died from botched abortions – for Terri Schiavo and those who have been euthanized and starved to death because of old age or disability – and all souls lost in the culture of death.

Bella Vids

ChelseaPro Life, videoLeave a Comment

Playing around on You Tube I found a few videos on Bella. The first here is of Eduardo Verastegui, talking about his desire to use his talents to make a difference. At the end he talks about an interesting thing that happened while he was doing research for the movie. It’s a wonderful story of life!


I hope I finally get to see this movie…maybe this weekend?

Bella Does Wella!

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

nullOk, that was lame, but the movie did do surprisingly well for only being released is 31 theaters – $1.3 million’s not to shabby! And now, along with the Toronto Film Festival’s People’s Choice Award, Bella can add the prize for best Drama at the Heartland Film Festival in Indiana. Critic’s haven’t been too nice to the film, most likely because of its positive and life affirming message, but film goers know a keeper when they see it.

I must admit that I have not seen the movie yet. The closest theater it opened in to me was 2 hrs. away in St. Louis. I do hope to travel to STL this coming weekend when the St. Louis Vincint de Paul Society hosts a youth event featuring the star of the film, Eduardo Verastegui (not sure if that will happen yet). I have seen an interview with him on EWTN’s Life on the Rock and even posted this summer on Path to Holiness about an article on him in American Life League’s Celebrate Life magazine. It is inspiring to see a person really living his faith without compromises, especially in such a corrupt place as Hollywood.

Bella will open in another 12 cities on November 9 – Albuquerque, Des Moines, Duango, Colorado, El Paso, Green Bay, Honolulu, Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Pittsburgh and Tucson.

P.S. check out this post by Red Cardigan on Contraception’s Big Lies (h/t: Jennifer from Et Tu? – a wonderful site for you to check out, by the way). It goes well with what I have been talking about recently:

Reclaiming the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality
Evidence: Contraception is NOT the Answer

Blunt’s Task Force

ChelseaAbortion, Women2 Comments

I’ve been giving Gov. Blunt a pretty hard time lately, not that he doesn’t deserve it – with his unwavering support for human cloning research. But I suppose I should give him credit when he stands on the right side of life issues. He is consistently anti-abortion and has done some good things in that area as Governor. Now he has launched an investigation into the effects of abortion on women.

The Gov.’s Task Force on the Impact of Abortion on Women convened last week in Blunt’s Capitol office without any of the publicity and promotion that usually accompanies groups on gubernatorial missions…

“This is a very informal group of good people who believe in advancing the cause of life and believe that we should minimize the impact of abortion on society,” Blunt said…

“I certainly would begin with the presumption that abortion has a negative impact on Missouri children, Missouri women, Missouri men, because it’s harmful to society,” Blunt said.

With that framework, the task force still intends to hunt for “truthful, honest information” from researchers, said Cindy Province, a co-founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture-Missouri, who was asked by Blunt’s chief of staff to help enlist task force members.

“We’re trying to get good evidence about the effect of abortion on women and make decisions about what the state can do to help women who find themselves in the situation of an unplanned pregnancy,” said Province, a nurse at St. Mary’s Health Center in Richmond Heights.

The group is examining the physical, emotional, social and economic effects of abortion, she said.

Leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign also praise the Governor:

“The evidence for the devastation wrought by abortion is everywhere,” said Georgette Forney, co-founder of the SNMAC. “Thousands of women in our network alone can give full accounts of both the physical and lasting emotional trauma caused by so called ‘safe and legal’ abortion. Governor Blunt is doing a great service not only for his state, but for women all over the country.”

It is inevitable that abortion will have a negative impact on a woman if not physically or emotionally, then spiritually. As Mother Teresa told the world in 1994:

By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.

If she never confronts what she has done by directly killing her own child, her ability to love herself and others may be greatly diminished, if not permanently damaged.

Is Mike Huckabee Fooling Everyone – or is He Worth Looking At?

Chelsea2008 Election, Politics, Pro Life3 Comments

nullWith Sam Brownback out of the race, I have been looking at the other Republican candidates to see who I will throw my weight behind. Mike Huckabee has been making his way up the ladder, slowly but surely. His impressive win at the Washington Briefing recently has gotten many people talking. Social conservatives are hungry for a viable alternative to Rudy and haven’t been too impressed with the other candidates holding steading on the top rungs (McCain and Romney – though Romney did come in a distant second in the on sight WB poll). If you will recall, Huckabee also won the Values Voters Debate a few months ago hands down. He even got an endorsement from everyone’s favorite macho man, Chuck Norris.

Not everyone is quite as charmed by this former Southern Baptist preacher and former governor of Arkansas, however. Browsing around the blogosphere I have noticed that Dakota Voice seems to be one of the most outspoken Huckabee opponents, with a number of critical posts in the past week. Then there was the bruising op-ed by John Fund in the Wall Street Journal. They aren’t the only ones, but they have surely caught my eye. The concern is that, while Mike passes the test on social issues, he fails almost every other conservative qualification – specifically regarding taxes and illegal immigration. I wondered why Forbes gave him a score of 26/50 for conservatism, the lowest among all the Republican candidates.

How can someone so seemingly out of touch on a host of other conservative values be moving ahead so quickly? For one thing, he is solid where it matters most to social conservatives. He is also a very charismatic and energetic speaker and usually entertaining to watch during debates. And some suggest that he’s really not as bad as others would have you believe. Lucas Roebuck wrote a detailed rebuttle of the John Fund Journal piece, defending and giving context to some of the accusations against Huckabee. David Kuo of Beliefnet suggests that the Fund article was a pure hit piece, citing his numerous tax cuts in the state. Another blogger that I regularly check out, the Catholic Knight, has fully embraced Mike as a nominee with a number of posts in the past week encouraging support for him – which includes a Rosary for Huckabee Campaign.

As I eye Huckabee rising in the polls I see the need for pro-life conservatives to come together in support of one man to win the nomination. Unfortunately I’m not completely sold on any one person. If I had to choose today it would be a toss up for me between Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson. Both seem to be the most consistent and solid conservatives. But I will be keeping my eye on Mike Huckabee.

Raising Adult Stem Cell Awareness

ChelseaActivism, Adult Stem Cell Research, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

A new blog has started, Adult Stem Cell Awareness, dedicated to raising awareness of the many advancements in adult stem cell technology. They are now asking for motivated bloggers to consider blogging periodically about adult stem cell research since the main stream media refuses to acknowledge its success. I try to do this every chance I get. If you are interested blogging it on the ASCRA website, leave a comment here and they will get back to you. Let’s stay motivated about the great things that are happening in this important area of science (that doesn’t involve the creation and destruction of human life)!

A heads up from ASCRA:

There is a bill in committee right now that needs our support. The Patient First Act of 2007 is sitting in committee right now and it needs some action. This Act can help cut through frustrating inactivity and counter the state-level shenanigans that fill the coffers of dead-end and destructive embryonic stem cell research labs. Let’s get the word out to make sure the House Energy and Commerce Committee knows what we want them to do.

I posted about this bill earlier this summer.

See my adult stem cell research archive

Evidence: Contraception is NOT the Answer

ChelseaAbortion, Media, video2 Comments

I did not get to watch the Fox documentary, Facing Reality: Choice, about three women and their unexpected pregnancies, but Jill Stanek did some live blogging while it aired. According to Jill, Kayla, the college co-ed, was on birth control – though she was sloppy with taking it. Thus, Fox cameras were present for her second abortion. Not surprisingly, when she was chaste all through high school she never once got pregnant and had to face the “reality of choice.” That is why I say, if we want to seriously help prevent women from finding themselves in these situations we must reclaim the truth and meaning of human sexuality.

How did the other women fair? Jeanne, a drug addict with 5 other children (4 of whom she lost custody of and another she gave up for adoption), decided not to abort, but ended up miscarrying, only to find herself pregnant again by the end of taping. She is planning on adoption.

The last woman, Brooke, found out that her daughter had an extra 18th chromosome and was encouraged to abort. She didn’t and the baby died sometime before she was born. Here is a moving video dedicated to baby Marlee:

What a blessing for this family. Because of their decision not to abort they allowed their child a peaceful death and all who loved her were there to say goodbye. Jill, who has spent time counseling pregnant and post abortive women says:

I’ve never known a mom who regretted leaving her baby’s life and death in God’s hands. But I’ve met several moms who regretted terminating.

I can see why.

Reclaiming the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

ChelseaAbortion, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Euthanasia, Marriage, Religion, Sex, Sexuality, Vocation1 Comment

Regarding the WHO abortion study that I mentioned in Wednesday’s post another conclusion that many come to upon seeing the numbers of abortions carried out world wide is that something must be done to prevent so many “unwanted pregnancies” in the first place. Now that is a rational conclusion. What is irrational, however, is the promotion of contraception as a solution when the underlying problem is immoral sexual behavior to begin with. Now they want to offer birth control to 11 year olds?! We are really failing our children if this is the best we can do. How about teaching them to love and respect their bodies and live out their sexuality in the manner in which God intended? We must reclaim the truth and meaning of human sexuality (which does not include condoms or birth control) if we are to ever dream of having an impact on abortion numbers.

Christopher West boldly asserts that, in the final analysis, the abortion debate is not really about when life begins, but the meaning of sex. Naturally, people don’t advocate abortion because they believe they have a right to kill their own offspring, but because they want to have the right to have sex without limit or consequence. In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae, JPII says,

It is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not help the young to accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (n. 97)

So what is this “true meaning” of sexuality? Here’s what I told a group of Confirmation students a few weeks ago.

Human sexuality is not just about “sex”. It is about understanding what it means to be a human being – specifically, what it means to be made male and female. Think about filling out an application. When the question of sex comes up on an application one doesn’t say “yes a couple times a week” or “no, I’m celibate or waiting until I’m married.” No, it’s either “male” or “female.”

Pope John Paul II devoted the first major teaching project of his pontificate to developing what is now called the “theology of the body” (a collection of 129 general audience addresses btwn 1979 and 1984) which explains in a biblical way the Christian sexual ethic. Starting from the very beginning, in Genesis 1:26 – God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Many think of this pertains to the spirit of man – but we are embodied spirits. For JP II, the spirit is revealed in the body. Therefore, being made in the “image and likeness” of God means that our bodies also reveal His hidden mystery:

The body, in fact, and it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God, and thus to be a sign of it. (JPII, Feb. 20, 1980)

Who is God? God is the Trinity – He is “an inscrutable divine communion of [three] Persons” (November 14, 1979). Thus,

“man became the ‘image and likeness’ of God not only through his own humanity, but also through the communion of persons which man and woman form right from the beginning” (November 14, 1979).

The way in which human beings commune to image the likeness of God was revealed to us by Christ who said, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you” (John 15:12). And how has He loved us? “This is my body which is given for you” (Lk 22:19). We are called to love in this same way with the unreserved gift of our bodies. This is what JP II calls this the “nuptial meaning” of the body – the body’s capacity of expressing love:

“that love precisely in which the person becomes a gift and — by means of this gift — fulfills the very meaning of his being and existence” (January 16, 1980).

This is revealed in a number of ways, but our Holy Father says that this love becomes most evident when the spouses become “one flesh.” This one flesh union, St. Paul tells us, is a “great mystery” which somehow images the union of Christ and the Church (Eph 5:31-32). This is why the only proper context for the “one flesh” union of a man and woman is within the covenant of holy matrimony:

In order to be “true to the sign,” spouses must speak as Christ speaks. Christ gives his body freely (“No one takes my life from me, I lay it down of my own accord,” Jn 10:18). He gives his body without reservation (“he loved them to the last,” Jn 13:1). He gives his body faithfully (“I am with you always,” Mt 28:20). And he gives his body fruitfully (“I came that they may have life,” Jn 10:10).

This is the love a couple commits to in marriage. Standing at the altar, the priest or deacon asks them: “Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? Do you promise to be faithful until death? Do you promise to receive children lovingly from God?” Then, having committed to loving as Christ loves, the couple is meant to incarnate that love in sexual intercourse. In other words, sexual union is meant to be where the words of the wedding vows “become flesh.” Source

This is a very VERY condensed explanation of the theology of the body. But we can see here how this will translate to the life issues.

If we view human beings in this way – as a revelation of the hidden mystery of God – abortion becomes unthinkable. God did not give us a timetable for what moment human life becomes an image of Himself, so we can only presume that it happens at the very moment a new life comes into existence – the moment of conception – and lasts throughout its entire life. This ethic translates into the subject of creating and destroying human embryos for scientific research and end of life issues like euthanasia/assisted suicide.

Similarly, if we recognize that the marital act is meant to be an expression of wedding vows and a couple’s committment to give each other freely, totally, fruitfully and faithfully – then contraception is also unthinkable. In the language of the body, contraception = rejection. The sexual act may still speak, but it denies God’s life giving love. Total self giving means holding nothing back and contraception holds back fertility – it says, “I’m yours but not totally – I love you, but not that much.” Our fertility enables us to image the Trinity. God’s love is not sterile and if we are to image the love of God, we must not sterilize our own love. This does not mean that a couple must only engage in intercourse when they want to have children or that that must have as many children as possible. For more on that see my post: NFP vs. Contraception.

Creating a culture of life is not just about reducing abortion numbers – though that is one of our goals – but about encouraging humanity to answer the call to love as God loves. The opposite of love is not hate, but use. And this is what is plaguing our society today. Our society has fallen so far away from the full truth of man’s existence – about who men and women really are as persons and what our bodies represent. Disordered or immoral sexual behavior does not just include rape, homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, premarital sex, masturbation, pornography, adultery or contraceptive union, but also the use of another human being for one’s own physical gratification (see Mt. 5:28) – even within marriage. A recent study from the University of Texas revealed that the top 3 reasons both men and women have sex is because they are attracted to the other person and for their own physical pleasure. This is not what sex is meant to be!

I gotta tell you, I think this is probably the most important and exciting things I have ever learned. This is good news!, from the Church!, about SEX! I never knew any of this when I was in grade/high school, and even for some time after. Born and raised Catholic, I always knew that I wasn’t supposed to “do it” before I got married, but I never really knew why. Chastity is more than just “not doing it” until you’re married, or repressing your sexual desire. It means having purity of heart – to see and reclaim the goodness of the human body and never daring to defile it. Sexual desire is good, but it must be ordered according to the will of God. We can overcome our disordered sexual desires and learn to love as God loves. THAT is true sexual freedom!

God created sex as a foretaste of heaven. It is a gift which allows human beings to share in the life giving love of God. But we cannot give what we don’t have. On our path to holiness we must always be working on strengthening our relationship with Christ so that His light and love is always abiding in us.

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing (Jn:15:5)

Man…cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself. (Gaudium et Spes, 24)

Read more:
What is Theology of the Body and Why is it Changing So Many Lives – includes links to other articles by Christopher West on TOB, including how it relates to the celibate vocation.
All 129 Audience Transcripts
TOB resources
TOB Institute
Humanae Vitae

Crunching Abortion Numbers

ChelseaAbortion, MediaLeave a Comment

For the past few weeks news outlets and the blogosphere have been buzzing about the new world wide abortion study from the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute. Most of the numbers are “lost in ideological fog” as Deirdre McQuade puts it, but that doesn’t stop people from reporting and commenting on what these abortion numbers mean. For the most part, what has most people talking is that this study supposedly shows that illegality does not have a negative impact on abortion numbers and, of course, “illegal” is equated with “unsafe,” as far as abortions are concerned, for the purposes of this study. So what should we do with all these unsafe and illegal abortions? Why, legalize them of course! Says Dr. Sharon Camp, president and CEO of the Guttmacher Institute:

And we know that the crucial first step in making abortion safer is to legalize the procedure, ensuring that it is performed by skilled providers under the best possible conditions. ”

This makes no sense to me and it really defies logic. Does this mean that we should legalize every illegal activity that endangers people’s lives? Take methamphetamines for example. Many people die from overdose or get deadly diseases from rusty/dirty needles and those who mix the drugs are often at risk of having their lab explode. Should we legalize it so that it’s regulated and mixed in a safe environment and meth addicts can come to a clinic to get healthy doses of the drug and clean needles? No! And I’m not equating women seeking abortions with meth addicts, but the same logic applies.

Fundamentally abortion is wrong and women who are willing to risk their lives to obtain illegal abortions do not justify its legality. And, as we all know, legal abortions still do not prevent women from dying or experiencing serious physical and/or emotional problems. The greatest tragedy of Roe v. Wade is not the innocent lives that have been lost in its wake, but that, by making it legal nation wide – with no opportunity for state’s to rule otherwise – it has now become widely acceptable and even noble for women to chose to kill their unborn children instead of giving birth and caring for them.