More Than Coffee

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More Than CoffeeMore Than Coffee is a coffee shop located in the St. Louis area, but, as it’s name suggests, it’s so much more than that. That’s because the mission of this little shop is to ‘help challenged people one cup at a time.’ Owner Sam Malek, born with cerebral palsy, employs people with physical and mental disabilities, training them with skills that will ideally help them enter the workforce and move on to bigger and better things. This, of course, is a great opportunity for those handicapped individuals themselves, but it is also helps send a positive message to the community about the dignity of every human person.

Find out more about this lovely little shop on their website and in this interview with Sam Malek on EWTN’s Life on the Rock (their segment starts after the 11:00 mark). I’ll have to check it out next time I’m near St. Louis! Don’t live in or visit St. Louis? You can order Sam’s coffee to be delivered to your home!

Interesting: More Than Coffee got a face-lift a few years ago care-of ABC’s Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Here is Sam’s priceless reaction and here is the beautiful new shop.


ChelseaActivism, Pro Life, Social MediaLeave a Comment

ProLifeConI wonder if this is taking the place of the “Blogs 4 Life” Conference they’ve been doing at the March for Life for the past few years. I really wish I could attend the March again and go to the wonderful events they’ve been having, getting together, not just with a bunch of pro-lifers in general, but specifically other pro-lifers who have also embraced the social media formats of blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc… in order to help build a culture of life. So far confirmed speakers include Jill Stanek, Lila Rose and Abby Johnson. If you will be in D.C. for the big March next month and want to attend and meet some of the people behind the pro-life blogs and tweets you read everyday you can register online. It will be held at the Family Research Council headquarters. If you can’t attend, it will be webcast live.

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

ChelseaDisabled, Pro Life3 Comments

Life on the RockDearest readers: I was quite honored to get an email not too long ago letting me know that I would be featured on Life on the Rock‘s “Best of 2010” episode airing tonight, Thursday December 30, at 10pm EST on EWTN. Do check it out if you get a chance. If you don’t have a way to watch it on TV, you can watch it for free online. Go to and scroll over the “Television” tab at the top of the page. In the drop-down box you will see Live TV English or Spanish and there you can choose from a few different viewing options.

For those of you who are not aware, I was on an episode of EWTN’s Life on the Rock this past July. You can watch the entire show online via YouTube or order a CD or DVD copy through the EWTN Religious Catalogue.

This month (on Dec. 14) marked the eleventh anniversary of the car accident that caused my spinal cord injury. As usual, God has given me blessings far beyond anything I deserve this past year and I have to say that by far the most memorable and exciting thing to happen to me was being a guest on Life on the Rock.

I said at the time that if you would have told me 11 years ago that one day I would be on TV sharing my faith with the entire world, I would have told you that you were completely insane!! I could hardly imagine sharing my faith with my closest friend back then (mostly because I barely practiced it), much less talking about it on live international television. But God works in amazing, mysterious ways.

During a talk I gave to a group of seventh graders last year, I was asked, if I had my whole life to live over again, would I still want to end up in a wheelchair. That’s a tricky question because, as difficult and inconvenient as it is to live with a spinal cord injury sometimes, I’m pretty well convinced that it took a life altering trauma to wake up the sleeping saint within me. Not that I think that I’m anywhere near sanctity, mind you. Far from it. But I am now at least more aware that that’s what I was created for and actually have a desire to persevere in pursuing that holiness.

There’s nothing quite like a close brush with death to help put life in perspective. So, would I choose to still end up in a wheelchair? Knowing what I know now, I would have to say: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.” -Luke 22:42

I would love to be able to walk again. But in the past eleven years I’ve also come to understand that adversity is a great teacher. It thickens our skin and teaches us patience and courage. It also tests our will, reminding us that we are not in charge; we do not own our own body; we are creatures, totally dependent on God who wants us to rely on Him for absolutely everything. If we accept it with the right attitude, trusting God in all things, suffering can be a great spiritual benefit both to the suffering individual as well as others in the world.

Gianna Jessen likes to refer to her “gift of cerebral palsy.” Perhaps I should start calling it my “gift” of spinal cord injury. To the world, accepting life with a disability is a sign of weakness and defeat. But, it is precisely in weakness that true strength is found.

Certainly, we should work for and want to cure diseases/disabilities and ease suffering. But we also have to accept the reality of the moment and make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in, even if it seems awful and hopeless. Besides, very often the more we reject and try to avoid suffering, the more we suffer as smaller and more insignificant things begin to irritate us.

“The Lord is good because he often does not give us what we desire, in order to give us something we would prefer” -St. Jerome, Epist. ad Paulinum

Mysterious, indeed. God’s ways are not our ways. He created us and He alone knows what’s best for us. He is infinitely good and He eternally seeks our well-being, so we can be sure that whatever He allows to befall us is for our own good and the good of others. What’s more, our God loves us so much that he gave himself up unto death for us so that we would not have to suffer alone.

It is not fleeing from suffering that heals us, but our willingness to accept it, mature through it and find meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love (Spe Salvi, 37).

“If I had to choose between walking or going to heaven, I would choose going to heaven” -Blessed Chiara Luce Badano

Holy Innocents of Yesterday and Today

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

A voice is heard in Ramah, lamenting and weeping bitterly: it is Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more. -Jeremiah 31:15

Today, December 28, the Church remembers the “Holy Innocents” who lost their lives in Bethlehem shortly after Christ’s birth. Then it was all boys age two and under who were put to death at the hands of King Herod and his soldiers because of Herod’s fear of the prophecy of the Messiah. Now over 4,000 innocent children of both genders lose their lives every day in this country because of abortion and, much like the Holy Innocents of yesterday, the murder of today’s innocents is blessed by our Government. As we remember the Holy innocents of yesterday, perhaps we should also request their intercession and appeal to God’s mercy on behalf of the millions of innocents being slaughtered here and around the world today.

Universalis had a wonderful reflection on this feast today that says everything I could ever want to say about it myself:

There was nothing about those baby boys that made them deserve death. Look at any one of them, and you can see that he had no chance to do anything, or be anyone, or become anyone. He had done nothing. He had done nothing bad, he had done nothing good. He was born, and then he died, and that was all there was to him. So passive are these babies that some people find it hard to understand how they can share the title of “martyr” with people like St Stephen (the day before yesterday), who insisted on preaching the truth until his hearers stoned him for it, or St Thomas Becket (tomorrow), who insisted on living the truth until his king had him killed because of it. These children did not insist on anything except their mothers’ milk; and unlike Stephen and Thomas, there was no voluntary act of theirs that we can see as making the difference between being martyred and not being martyred.

So in our rational human terms these children are a puzzle, and that is one reason why God has inspired the Church to celebrate this very feast – to show us how inadequate our seemingly rational, worldly-wise thoughts are. As he reminds us again and again throughout salvation history, his thoughts are not our thoughts. Babies may not rank high on the scale as far as our human calculus is concerned; but then neither do sparrows, and yet God has told us that God sees and counts every one of those…

The feast of the Holy Innocents reminds us that in God’s eyes (that is, according to the true value of things), no-one is unimportant, no-one is unnecessary, no-one “doesn’t really matter.” However meaningless their lives and deaths may seem to us, they shine glorious in heaven.

On a more personal level, the honour given to the Holy Innocents reminds us that if we suffer or even die for God’s sake, it has value even if we have little or no say in it ourselves. Honouring them effectively honours also the martyrdom of the people these children could have become, and their children’s children as well; and at the same time we can remember the contemporary and continuing massacre of those who die before birth for the convenience of those who have them killed.

We rejoice in the glory of Jesus Christ, who conquered the enemy not by force of arms but with a white-robed army of children! -Lauds 12/28

**image of ‘Slaughter of the Innocents’, Duccio di Buoninsegna

Music for Your Monday: Prince of Peace

ChelseaFaith, Music, Personal, Religion, videoLeave a Comment

The real “Christmas season” has finally begun! Here is another one of my favorite TSO songs performed by the late great Daryl Pediford. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

I hope you’re all are having a wonderful Christmas. Today I’ll be flying home from South Florida where I’ve been with family since last Wednesday. It’s actually been a little chilly here, but thankfully we missed the snow and even colder temps they’ve been having in the Mid West this past weekend (it was 11 degrees there this morning!)! Not looking forward to getting back to that, but will be happy to see the animals we had to leave behind (BTW – a little prayer to St. Francis for my 8 year old Pomeranian would be greatly appreciated. The vet, where they’ve been staying while we’re gone, found a mass on his gums that they’re sending off for a biopsy. I’m hoping it’s not oral cancer, which the vet says is, or can be, very aggressive. The poor little guy does have some serious teeth problems. He’s getting a few bad ones pulled today before we have to pick him up tomorrow).


ChelseaFaith, Marriage, Religion, Theology of the BodyLeave a Comment

Our Bridegroom is here! Go out and welcome Him!


Our Lover is Coming!

ChelseaFaith, Hope, Marriage, Religion, Theology of the Body1 Comment

Jesus Christ has many titles according to his relationship with mankind. He is Prince of Peace and King of Kings, Lord, Savior and even Friend. But did you know that He is also our Lover and Spouse?

As a young man marries a virgin, so shall your builder marry you (Is. 62).

I’ve said here many times that all earthly marriages are a sign and preparation for something else, something more. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

God has revealed his innermost secret: God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange (CCC 221).

This is what Christ came to earth and became man for, to make a marriage of mankind to himself so that we can share in that eternal exchange of love that is the Trinity.

This passage from the Song of Songs (2:8-14), which was the first reading at Mass this Tuesday, wonderfully illustrates the beautiful, saving event we are preparing to celebrate on Saturday:

Hark! my lover–here he comes
springing across the mountains,
leaping across the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle
or a young stag.
Here he stands behind our wall,
gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattices.
My lover speaks; he says to me,
“Arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one,
and come!
“For see, the winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of pruning the vines has come,
and the song of the dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth its figs,
and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance.
Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one,
and come!

“O my dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret recesses of the cliff,
Let me see you,
let me hear your voice,
For your voice is sweet,
and you are lovely.”

Are you prepared to welcome the Bridegroom (Mt. 25:1-13)??

An Outpouring of Love for Dan Crews

ChelseaPro Life4 Comments

A few weeks ago I mentioned the sad story of Dan Crews, the 27 yr. old quadriplegic who wants doctors to remove his ventilator so that he can die. Emily Bissonnette had the wonderful idea, which I highlighted as well, of encouraging people to send letters of love and support, letting Dan know that his life still has value – and they did! According to ABC News, Dan has been “swamped” with letters from all over the country from people who do not want him to die, urging him to “keep the faith.” It is truly a beautiful outpouring of love:

One woman from Seattle wrote Crews, “The world is in need of you.”

“Please never give up hope,” wrote another with no return address. “Please never give up hope. It’s the reason you were put on this earth.”

Another man from Boulder, Colo. sent photos and shared his love of sports with Crews, who is a Denver Broncos and Chicago Bulls fan. “I was touched by your story,” he wrote. “I hope your Thanksgiving was nice.”

“I am so sorry your life is so difficult,” wrote a woman from Fort Worth, Texas, whose husband killed himself after a cancer diagnosis. “I really encourage you. Your life has great value beyond understanding.”

One of her co-workers was a quadriplegic after an accident, and she wrote, “He was so inspirational for me and others.”

“You are thinking your condition might not have impact or value in the future,” she wrote. “But that is a lie. You made an impact on me that I stopped what I was doing to write you.”

One couple even wants to drive from Oklahoma to Illinois to visit Dan in person:

“We’d like to be an inspiration to Mr. Crews,” said Donna Jackson, 46, of Oklahoma City (whose husband has been a quadriplegic for 25 years). “He has a purpose in this life.”

Sadly, Crews is, thus far, not budging, saying, “It’s been very pleasant, but my mood is the same.” He admits that the problem is largely financial and said that he will not change his mind about dying, unless someone can “donate millions and millions of dollars and help pay off my major debt.” But that is only part of it. Says Crews, who reportedly had a very happy childhood despite his injury, “I am just tired of living like this.” So, what happened between that happy childhood and today, besides running out of money, to make Mr. Crews lose the will to live? I think this says it all:

Crews, who is Lutheran, said he used to believe in God, “the devil, heaven and hell, faith and sinner and angels.”

“Now, I think God is a distant relative who doesn’t return phone calls and e-mails,” he said. “I believe he exists, but doesn’t listen.”

Not only does he currently spend his days alone, strapped to a bed in front of the TV and is, at the age of 27, facing the possibility of life in a nursing home due to lack of funds, but, in the midst of it all, he has also almost completely lost his faith in God, apart from Whom life has no meaning.

Very sad, indeed. But thank God for all of these amazing people who went out of their way to affirm the life of a complete stranger. That is God at work, answering his email. He doesn’t see it now, but I pray that he will sometime very soon.

Keep Your Pants On!!

ChelseaChastity, Humor, videoLeave a Comment

Avoid unwanted pregnancy and STDs with Pants! 100% effective and no side-effects! Hilarious and true:

h/t Bill Donaghy

Kissling Laments: Not Enough Poor Babies Being Killed!

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

Former ‘Catholics’ for Free Choice President Frances Kissling writes at RH Reality Check lamenting that not enough poor women are killing their babies:

We all know the stats: 25 percent or so of women on Medicaid who would choose abortions end up having babies instead, most in poverty with little chance of getting out of it. Some women who don’t raise the money for a first trimester abortion end up with second trimester procedures, either borrowing the money or getting some help from the various abortion funds around the country whose volunteers are the unsung heroes of our movement – and when was the last time you saw one of these funds given some big prochoice award?

What are we going to do about this sorry state of affairs? What indeed can we do?

Kissling goes on to list 12 ways in which pro-aborts can improve the “sorry state” of too many poor babies being born like: donating to local independent “abortion funds” or doctors/clinics committing abortions for free. This entire article can be filed under “Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left.” I found number nine to be particularly revolting:

9. Every Foundation that funds in the field should allocate some portion of their giving to abortions for poor women. We constantly hear that donors want deliverables; they want their money to result in something tangible. What could be more tangible than providing an abortion for woman who cannot afford it? You might actually change her life.

Interesting word-choice: “deliverables.” And, yes, indeed, what could be more tangible than a dead baby? I can’t imagine what would keep any Foundation, or individual, for that matter, from contributing to that – even under the pretext of “helping” women (which is a crock, anyway).

That this woman has the audacity to call herself Catholic is infuriating. GRRrrr!! Stop, Chelsea. Breathe, Chelsea.

[F]or (the Lord) makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust (Mt. 5:45).

Excuse me. I think it’s best that I just end this post now, otherwise I will probably say a lot of mean things that I’ll regret later. Instead I’ll just invite you to say with me a short prayer to the Holy Spirit for this woman together with the Advent prayer for life.