From Death to New Life

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

Abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, divorce, sexual immorality – the culture of death has many faces. One of those faces that doesn’t really get discussed a lot in the pro-life movement is drug/alcohol addiction. Not only does addiction slowly kill the addict (physically, spiritually and emotionally), but sexual immorality is often associated with drug and alcohol abuse, which leads to many unplanned pregnancies and abortions. A friend of mine sees this everyday at the pregnancy resource center she works at.

In 1998 I visited a community that helps people break free from the chains of addiction when I was on a pilgrimage in Medjugorge. I had almost completely forgotten about it over the years, but recently, through a new and very dear friend, I was reintroduced to the Comunità Cenacolo (Community of the Cenacle) and I love what I have been discovering about it!

elvira.pngThe Community was founded in 1983 by the saintly Mother Elvira Petrozzi (pictured right) who felt a calling from God to serve the “poor of the modern world.” The Mother House of the Community is in Saluzzo, Italy and today there are 56 houses spread throughout Italy and the world, including four here in America thanks in no small part to Bishop Robert Baker (who baptized me!). Not your typical drug rehab program, Cenacolo is a ‘school of life’ based on prayer, sacrifice, authentic friendship, truth, work, and faith. Those who want to transform their lives with the help of the community are encouraged to stay for a minimum of three years in one or two of the houses where they will essentially live a a very disciplined, monastic kind of life – explained here. This article at The Record gives an excellent history of the Community and glimpse into how it works.

This approach is not for everyone, of course. Some people need more involved “professional” medical and psychological help. But numerous testimonies confirm that this can be just what someone trapped in the shadow of death needs to come back to life and find purpose, meaning, hope. Many have entered and been saved after failed attempts with other traditional rehab centers and programs.

cenacolo.pngWhat I find most beautiful is the encouragement of family participation in the life of the community. Not only is it important for the recovering individual to have the support of friends and family, but addiction doesn’t just affect the individual. Everyone who loves and cares for him suffers as a result of his self-destructive behavior and having a network of other people going through the same experience helps the family cope as well. Here in America, the community offers semi-annual Parents and Families Retreat Weekends and monthly, regional meetings throughout the country. Family members can do an experience with the community in order to see from inside what their loved one is learning and better walk with them on their journey. And, of course, there is the annual Festival of Life, a gathering of faith for all the youth, families and friends of the Community world-wide. This year’s Festival started today in Saluzzo.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or any kind of inner darkness, you might try giving the Community a call to see if they can help. There are houses for both men and women. Also, the community relies solely on generous donations to make this life-changing experience free for all who enter – please help if you can!

It has been a real blessing to discover the great work being done here to not just get people off drugs, but helping them find true peace and freedom that comes only from a life in Christ. All of the community members, their families and those who have dedicated their lives to helping them are in my prayers everyday.

A Prayer to Break Free From Addiction
God of healing, we are once again reminded of the fragility of the human person. Bless those who struggle with addiction and grant wisdom and fortitude to those who love them.

Grant to each of us the humility to allow your strength to make up for our weaknesses, and bless us all with loving companions who can bolster us in times of need. We ask this in your most holy name. Amen.

Comunità Cenacolo America
Comunità Cenacolo America Blog
Nun’s Program Gives Hope (And Faith) to Addicts
Resurrection’s Hope in Alabama
Lives Restored
The Road Out of Hell

The Sanctity of Married Life

ChelseaMarriage, Sex, Theology of the Body2 Comments

joachimanne-small.jpgSince I didn’t do a TOB Tuesday post yesterday:

The sanctity of married life is not something that takes place alongside of marriage, but by and through marriage. The vocation to marriage is a vocation to happiness, which comes through holiness and sanctity. Unity of two in one flesh is not something that God tolerates, but something that He wills. Because He wills it, He sanctifies the couple through its use. Instead of diminishing in any way the union of their spirits with one another, it contributes to their ascension in love. The union of two in one flesh is the symbol of the union of their souls, and both in turn are a symbol of the union of Christ and His Church.
-Fulton Sheen, Three to Get Married

Finally getting around to reading this book. It’s definitely a must read for engaged couples or anyone who wants to get married someday.

Related: Keep Holy the Marriage Bed

IMG: Sts. Joachim and Anne by Giotto

Disabled People Are “Sexy,” Too!

ChelseaDisabled4 Comments

giannaj.pngGianna Jessen rocks my world! On Twitter the other night she said:

“i write about the realities of limping through this world, and the pain of it. but what’s funny is, i feel sexy as hell. so i’m still on the painful road, but i don’t believe i’m ugly anymore. and i believe this road of much sorrow will grant me a tender heart. that is what i want. a funny, tender, wide, heart.

one reason i vocalize these things is, so often handicapped people are viewed as having little to no sexuality about them. i refuse to let myself be thrown into the “special” category. but many handicapped people are put there, and it’s no sex for them. just a life of inspiration.”

I understand exactly what Jessen means here.

There is an “otherness” to people with disabilities in the eyes of the “able-bodied.” In my experience, we are either

    1. a.) looked down on, pitied and even encouraged to end our lives when we feel miserable about our condition or
    b.) held up as inspirational icons for showing the world that we can be happy despite the incredible suffering we must endure.

Rarely are we seen as just regular people who have or are capable of the same emotional/carnal needs and wants as any other “able-bodied” human being.

Like Gianna, I talk a lot about life with a disability, often in terms of accepting suffering and physical weakness. But, such a life is not all sorrow and suffering and coming to terms with all that we cannot do.

Most of us live very “normal”, happy, active lives – lives that include the joys of love, marriage, sex and babies…or they can when someone is willing to see the real person and not just the disability.

See: Love, Sex and Spinal Cord Injury
Surprise! People With Disabilities Can Have Babies and Be Good Parents


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Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer (Romans 12:11-12)

image via: Art of Manliness

La Vita è Bella!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

lavitaebella.pngWith a great effort the Don opened his eyes to see his son once more. The massive heart attack had turned his ruddy face almost blue. He was in extremis. He smelled the garden, the yellow shield of light smote his eyes, and he whispered, “Life is so beautiful.” -Mario Puzo, The Godfather p. 392

See more: Godfather Wisdom

There is Beauty in Human Weakness

ChelseaAssisted Suicide, Death, Disabled, Euthanasia2 Comments

 righttodie.pngAt the National Right to Life Convention I went to several presentations that dealt with euthanasia, assisted suicide, and society’s view of people/life with disabilities. It got me thinking about a post I did a while back on the beauty of human weakness, which I sort of re-visited in a post for Creative Minority Report last week:

G. K. Chesterton called suicide the “ultimate and absolute evil” because it is:

    the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. (Orthodoxy, ch. 5)

Physician assisted suicide of the terminally ill and disabled is becoming increasingly more commonly accepted in our country. While only two states in the US (OR and WA) have legalized assisted suicide (three, if you count this 2009 MT Supreme Court ruling), the “right to die” movement has launched a successful campaign based on love of comfort and radical self-autonomy.

For the most part people want to be remembered (and want to remember others) for the way they lived their lives. We want to remember only the happy times, when we and our loved ones were well and enjoying all the good things that life had to offer. Since sickness and disability are opposed to this ideal and since death is inevitable for all of us, we should at least have the option of leaving this world before succumbing to physical weakness so that we don’t have to endure a long period of pain and suffering if we don’t want to, right?

Read the rest

One Year Ago Today!

ChelseaPersonal, video2 Comments

Life on the Rock
For those of you who are not aware, I was on an episode of EWTN’s Life on the Rock last July. Still one of the coolest opportunities I’ve ever been offered. It really was a wonderful privilege to share my faith with such a wide audience. The best part: I met some great people and made a few new great friends as a result!

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

TOB Tues.: Freedom and the Body

ChelseaFreedom, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

Since we just celebrated our country’s freedom yesterday, a few good paragraphs from Called to Love: Aproaching John Paul II’s Theology of the Body on freedom and the body (p. 35):

Human freedom is a capacity for creative communication. It is fittingly rooted in the body, because the body opens us to participation in reality. This is what Pope Benedict XVI means when he speaks of the body as the “region of freedom” where real engagement with the world occurs (Deus Caritas Est, 5). Benedict’s words are a warning to avoid confusing freedom with an absence of limits. Freedom is the ability to be open to the world, to receive the new things we encounter in it, and to respond to their call with genuine creativity.

Life is a gift, and this gift deserves to be received ever anew in freedom from the Creator, who formed our bodies in our mother’s womb. His call is written into our bodies, and our freedom is an answer to this summons. By the same token, the body sets our freedom on a journey toward divine transcendence. Fecisti nos ad te, said St. Augustine in his Confessions: You made us “toward” yourself. The body is like a road on which our freedom journeys to God and grows in relationship with him. In the words of John Paul II, “God has assigned the body to man as a task” (TOB, 360)

Celebrating Life on July 4

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

Tiny American

I Am An American

I am endowed by my Creator
With the inalienable right to life
Just like you, and every other American.
You know who I am.
Now that you can see my face,
Will you use your voice?
Please tell America,
I am an American, too.

America, it’s time to protect your children again.

When the founders of our country declared their independence they proclaimed the self evident truth that all men are created equal and have an unalienable right to life. For the last 37 years our first and most foundational right pro life boothhas been undermined by the legally sanctioned murder of unborn children in our country. The unborn have been dehumanized as “tissue masses,” “cell clusters”…non-persons who therefore have no rights or (very little, at least) protection under the law. That is why a group of us here in MidMO take the time every year on Independence Day to publicly celebrate the sanctity of all human life with a pro-life booth at our downtown July 4 celebration (pictured left) and hopefully help others see the beauty and the goodness of the human person in all stages of development. That’s where I’ll be all day today. How are you celebrating?

Happy 4th of July!
God Bless you all!

Cute Baby Blogging: Travel Edition

ChelseaCute Baby BloggingLeave a Comment

After a wonderful two weeks down South visiting some family and friends and attending the National Right to Life Convention, I finally made it back home safe and sound on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, I didn’t get much time to blog while I was gone, as you’ve probably noticed, so if you’re still reading this, thank you for your loyalty and understanding. If you’ve ventured over here from Creative Minority Report, where I’ve been “guest blogging” for the past few weeks, welcome! I hope the lack of fresh content here lately hasn’t given you a bad first impression. Now that I am back home, I will be getting back to doing more regular blogging soon, so please stay tuned. You can subscribe to my rss feed, get it on your Kindle, “like” the Reflections of a Paralytic Facebook page or follow me on Twitter for post updates.

Now, for that cute baby I got to see while I was in Georgia (the son of one of my aunt’s friends)!!


See more: cute baby blogging