My Beautiful Woman

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Wacoal, a Thai lingerie company, has come up with a revolutionary advertising campaign for its products…without showing any skin at all! In fact, the ads have very little to do with women’s physical appearance. They are instead about the true beauty at the heart of every women — namely, her capacity to love and put the needs of others before her own.

All of these are so very well done. Superbly acted and quite moving. I hope you will check them out.

I was so pleased to come across these videos recently. Thailand is such a mess — politically, socially — (and could use our prayers!) but golly they do know how to tell a short, beautiful story!

This isn’t the first time I was moved by an ad from Thailand. If this ad for their True Move mobile phone service doesn’t bring you to tears, nothing will.


ChelseaAbortion, Contraception, Egg Harvesting, IVF, Planned Parenthood, Pornography, Reproductive Technology, SurrogacyLeave a Comment

The “#WhatWomenNeed…for Valentine’s Day” hashtag was kicked off by House Democrats last week. This Monday, Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards got in on the fun by posting a vine video of herself holding up a series of #WhatWomenNeed cue cards that said, among other things, “birth control” and “safe + legal abortions.”

Pro-lifers responded with their own #WhatWomenNeed Valentine’s Day pro-life tweet-fest, holding up their own cue-cards and tweeting things like:

#WhatWomenNeed comprehensive health care that respects our natural fertility and our dignity as women. @CecileRichards @PPact

#WhatWomenNeed a healthcare provider that doesn’t cover up abuse of victims of sex trafficking. @CecileRichards @PPact

#WhatWomenNeed Fertility care for those planning to be parents, which @PPact doesn’t provide. @CecileRichards

#WhatWomenNeed Prenatal care and diagnostic ultrasounds when planning parenthood, which @PPact doesn’t provide. @CecileRichards

This was my contribution:

#WhatWomenNeed: To be loved and respected as human beings, not used and exploited as sex objects, human incubators or hardware stores for spare baby-making parts.

Because, come on, guys! Abortion isn’t the only pro-life battle before us!

Read more: Porn Not the Only Industry Commodifying Women

An Olympic Champion’s Greatest Inspiration

ChelseaAbortion, Disabled, Eugenics, Prenatal Genetic Testing1 Comment

Admittedly, I have not watched a lot of this year’s Winter Olympics. I’m more of a summer games kinda gal, myself. But an image image from the games this week captured my attention, as did the story behind it.

On Monday Alex Bilodeau won gold in the freestyle skiing moguls competition — and he shared much of the spotlight with his brother Frederic:


NBC did a great feature on the Canadian skier in which he revealed that his older brother Frederic, who has cerebral palsy, is his greatest inspiration:

“The motivation that he has, if he had had the chances like I did, he would have been four times Olympic champion. He’s a great inspiration, a great person and he’s going to be an inspiration for me after my career also,” the 26-year-old said.

“Every little thing in life is hard for him, whether it’s going from his seat to go and see me here, walking in the snow, it takes so much energy, it’s very hard.

“I always complain, and he has every reason in the world to complain and he never does. And why is that? He enjoys life, he takes the best out of it.”

Watch the video.

Frederic.pngAlex isn’t the only successful brother. Frederic is an artist. And he sells his paintings to benefit the Quebec Cerebral Palsy Association.

I always find stories like this to be a stark reminder of the great tragedy of abortions for genetic abnormalities like cerebral palsy. Supporters of the practice want people to believe that these abortions eliminate disease. Hardly.

These abortions, like all abortions, eliminate people. Joyful people. Talented people. People who inspire and bring utter joy to the people around them.

For the Sake of the Children: No Euthanasia!

ChelseaAssisted Suicide, EuthanasiaLeave a Comment

Since they introduced euthanasia for those aged 18 and older in 2002, Belgium has seen a nearly 500% increase in deaths by euthanasia. Now, Belgium’s Parliament is considering extending euthanasia to children 17 years and younger.

The Senate approved a bill last December and Belgium’s lower legislative house will vote on the legislation this Thursday.

A video has been making the rounds online of the family of a four-year-old girl who was born with a severe cardiac malformation, pleading with King Philippe not to sign the bill, which is expected to pass. The family is from Canada where lawmakers are considering legislation to legalize euthanasia.


Wesley Smith, who is not a fan of the video’s use of children to make their point (and I tend to agree), said it does illustrate three important truths about euthanasia:

First, once euthanasia creates a beachhead, the killing agenda spreads. Permission in one jurisdiction then becomes the excuse to permit it in another.

Second: Once you let the euthanasia vampire in the door for one subset of people, the beast quickly starts feeding on others. For example, Quebec hasn’t legalized euthanasia yet and the Human Rights Commission already has recommended extending the killing to children.

Third: Pediatric euthanasia is the logical extension of euthanasia for adults. Indeed, infanticide has already become a relatively routine part of Netherlander neo natal medical practice. According to The Lancet, 8% of all babies who die in the Netherlands are killed by doctors, even though it remains murder under the law. Indeed, doctors are so confident they won’t be punished for killing sick babies, they published the Groningen Protocol, a bureaucratic check list detailing which babies can be euthanized.

A physician’s job is to heal, not kill. Death is never medicine, no matter how permanent the diagnosis or how much pain the patient is in. We are in for a world of trouble once we start making death an acceptable “treatment” for pain and suffering.

Raising Daughters in the Brave New World

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

If you missed it, here is my interview on Real Life Radio last Friday. We discussed why biotechnology (IVF, cloning, etc…) is a “women’s issue.” I come on in the second segment:

eggploitation3.jpgThe already difficult task of raising daughters and protecting them from a society that seems to degrade them at every turn (or convince them that they aren’t beautiful enough, that their bodies aren’t perfect enough) is not getting any easier.

Remember the good old days when we used to only have to worry about a billion dollar sex industry and horny boys taking advantage of our girls and using them for their bodies? Well, now we also have to contend with a fast-growing biotech industry that is dependent on them putting their bodies on the line in order to obtain the “raw materials” needed for their experimentation.

To help parents, the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network has made a list of Five Things Mom’s Should Tell Their Daughters About Their Eggs:

1. You are born with all the eggs you will ever have.

    We’re not like the guys, who make new fresh sperm all the time.

    The eggs you enter this world with on day one are all you get – so use them wisely.

    Learn more

2. Every month you normally ovulate one egg…but about 1000 eggs are needed to get that one egg hatched.

    Think of those 1,000 eggs as cheerleaders.

3. You have no idea where donated eggs will end up.

    Since eggs aren’t tracked in the U.S. (unlike just about anything else that leaves the human body, which gets barcoded, labeled, tracked and monitored and lives forever in some NAS spy secret zone) you really have no idea where your eggs will land.

    Learn more

4. There really is a biological clock.

    And it’s ticking. So again, if you want to make babies, use your eggs wisely and on time. And don’t fall for those egg freezing schemes.

    Learn more

5. As a result:

    Helping someone else have a baby with YOUR eggs…

    …really means helping someone else have YOUR baby.

Third-party reproduction operations and scientific researchers make a lot of money on words like “gift” and “hope” and “miracle,” often ignoring real medical and moral concerns to women. Do your daughters a favor. Teach them about biotechnology. Help them understand how valuable their bodies are so that hopefully they will not fall victim to exploitation in today’s Brave New World.

Learn more:

Biotechnology is a Women’s Issue

ChelseaPersonal, WomenLeave a Comment

bar-code-belly.pngThis afternoon I’ll be live on Catholic radio in Lexington, KY to talk about why biotechnology is a women’s issue. Pay attention, ladies! Porn isn’t the only industry commodifying women.

Tune in at 5pm EST:

Every show Mike asks a “question of the day.” Today’s question is: In general, do you think women are more objectified in our culture than they were 50 years ago, less objectified than 50 years ago, or about the same?

What do you think??

Grandma as “Birth Mother” and Children as Science Experiments

ChelseaIVF, Reproductive Technology, SurrogacyLeave a Comment

As if third party reproduction hasn’t confused the make-up of the family enough already, we now have grandmothers giving birth to their own grandchildren (and also, in some cases, freezing their OWN eggs for their infertile daughters to use later on in life!).

grandma-mom.jpbThe latest: a 58 year old woman in Utah is currently pregnant with her daughter’s child. Said the 32 year-old Lorena McKinnon,

“The psychologists wanted to make sure we knew what we were getting into — that we were mentally prepared. Mostly, surrogacy contracts are with people you don’t know. It was weird to have a contract with my mom”

Weird doesn’t even begin to describe it. I mentioned this to a friend of mine recently and his initial reaction was, “gross!” Indeed.

Here is another such story out of my old hometown, Jefferson City, MO:

As troubling as this story is in general, it’s these words, specifically, from Dr. Gil Wilshire with Mid-Missouri Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Columbia, MO that really got under my skin: “We need three things: a good egg, some good sperm and a good uterus. And we can mix and match these.”

Gross. I can’t even. This is the world we live in. The creation of new human life is nothing more than a biological formula — a science experiment, rather than the mysterious fruit of a loving act between husband and wife.

For most pro-life advocates, the main problem with IVF is the fact that so many human embryos are destroyed in the process. In fact, some have actually suggested that IVF would be ethical if we could ensure that it could be done without destroying or discarding any human embryos.

Our natural inclination as pro-lifers is to first be concerned with how life is being taken out of the world. I would submit, however, that we should be equally as concerned with how it’s being brought into the world as well.

There are many different acts through which children can be conceived (the marital embrace, rape, fornication, adultery, incest and various technical procedures) but only one way is in keeping with the dignity of the child. The Catechism explains:

Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple (donation of sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus), are gravely immoral. These techniques (heterologous artificial insemination and fertilization) infringe the child’s right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage. They betray the spouses’ “right to become a father and a mother only through each other.” (CCC, 2376)

Taking the creation of life out of its natural, God-given context and moving it into the science lab seriously alters how many view the wonder and mystery of new life and how that new life should be treated.

The desire for children is right and good, but a child is not something owed to anyone; it is a gift. Consciously or unconsciously, to desire a child as the end result of a technological procedure instead of the fruit of marital love is to treat the child not as a person to love, but a product to obtain.

*photo source*

Womb Transplants: More Unethical Experimentation on Children

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Womb transplants are in the news again and I have seen a few posts in the Catholic blogosphere questioning what such a transplant might mean, ethically.

womb.jpgFirst, some background: A womb transplant is exactly what it sounds like. Women who were either born without a uterus or have had their uterus removed after suffering cervical cancer have a presumably healthy, normally functioning uterus transplanted into them. These can come either from living or deceased donors. In 2012, doctors in Sweden performed the first “mother-daughter” uterus transplants.

Last April Derya Sert from Turkey became the first woman to have an embryo implanted into a transplanted womb from a deceased donor. By May it was reported that the pregnancy had been “terminated” because the baby’s heartbeat had stopped.

Now, an unidentified woman in Sweden has had an embryo implanted into her transplanted womb which was donated by her mother. This woman is one of nine who received a uterus transplant last year.

My good friend and BioTalk partner-in-crime, Rebecca Taylor, has covered this a few times before, if you’re interested:
Mother, Daughter Uterus Transplants
Woman With Uterus Transplant Confirmed Pregnant

The main problems that I see are:

a.) that women who have these transplants must necessarily use IVF, which the Church condemns, in order to even attempt to become pregnant — which is the sole purpose for the womb transplant.

b.) as Rebecca points out, the only way to test to see if such transplants are “successful” is to implant a human embryo and see whether it will develop to term without any complications or not. Making the child an experiment. Not part of an experiment, but THE actual experiment. Consider these words from the professor who lead the transplant team in Sweden:

“The best scenario is a baby in nine months…A success would be an important proof of principle that a procedure is now available to cure uterine infertility.”

c.) and, of course, there is the fact that both the donor and the potential mother’s lives are being put at risk for a non-life threatening condition. Even the most routine surgery is nothing to sneeze at. Add in the fact that it’s for something that is not life threatening and the risks of such a procedure almost surely outweigh the possible rewards.

Some have wondered whether the ethics would be different if scientists were able to attach the fallopian tubes and the women could conceive naturally. It might make for a slightly better scenario, but I think even in that case b and c above would still apply. A successful birth would still be the measure for whether or not such transplants are “successful”, so the child would still be an experiment. And it remains a great risk for a non-life threatening condition.

As Rebecca said with the first successful embryo implantation, now is the time to pray for the life of this child in Sweden. Pray that he or she is born healthy with no complications. It’s tempting to not want this kind of experimentation to succeed so that it doesn’t become more common in the future. But failure, in this case, means the death of a human being.

BioTalk, Ep. 7: Is IVF Really Good for the Children?

ChelseaBioTalk, IVFLeave a Comment


Chelsea, why are you always harping on IVF??

Because, after 35 years, IVF is still a vast experiment. An experiment on children, millions of whom pay for it with their lives. Even those who are lucky enough to have survived the process are paying for it in other ways: By having a greater risk of developing birth defects or spending their lives desperate to know where they came from, who they look like, whether they have any biological siblings and sometimes even why they’ve developed some genetic disease because they’ve had half of their identity deliberately withheld from them.

This is the ironic legacy of IVF: that couples are so desperate for a child to love and yet concern what’s good and right for the child himself is actually put last.

Check out the latest episode of BioTalk in which Rebecca Taylor and I talk more about IVF and the rights of children:

What Are the Rights of Donor-Conceived People?
Anonymous Father’s Day
Anonymous Us

The Gift of Life

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

I’ve posted this before, but it was in the Magnificat again today, appropriate for the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children:

Our life is not an invention. It is a gift from God. He had the courage to trust in us so much that he placed the gift of life, the gift of existence, into our hands life, existence, and gave us the necessary tools to live it well. Perhaps we never considered life as God’s initiative. Often times we think that we are born because our parents wanted us or by chance, or for other human and natural reasons.

This is confirmed by the fact that there are people who do not want to live. People who stay at the surface and do not enter into the essence of life …

We must convince ourselves, first of all, that God wanted to give to you, give me, and give to those around us the wonderful gift of life. It is a gift to be discovered, welcomed, protected, and loved. If we do not discover this in ourselves, we are not capable of recognizing and defending the lives of others, of our children, or of those we claim to love

We must believe that life does not come by chance. It is not ours; it is a gift from God, born from his heart, which is Love; it is a gift that we must begin to unwrap, just like when we are given a beautifully wrapped gift. With curiosity we tear open the package to find out what is on the inside and why it was given to us, a reason that undoubtedly will give us great joy….

We all love life for what we see, feel, and touch, but life does not belong to us; it belongs to Someone else, we belong to someone who wants to take care of us and who wants us to discover the true flavor of life, for he knows that only in this way will we be truly happy..

Mother Elvira Petrozzi is foundress of Comunità Cenacolo, welcoming the lost and desperate in forty fraternities in thirteen countries.

Related: The Task of Life