I Do Not Trust John McCain

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Some pro-lifers might be content with John McCain’s promise not to try to soften the party’s platform when it comes to abortion, but I’m not put at ease. From 1999:

This does not make me comfortable about the type of Supreme Court justices he will appoint, or who he would chose as V.P., cabinet members, etc… Just because he promises not to fight for a change in the party’s platform doesn’t mean he’ll uphold it while he’s in office.

But wait, there’s more to be wary of. An interview on 4-17-07:

In April Karl Rove wrote an opinion piece for the WSJ telling many stories about McCain as a POW and how he and his wife rescued a child (who is now their adopted teenage daughter) from a Bangladesh orphanage. While these are certainly moving stories and give us some insight into his character, they don’t validate his position on the issues or otherwise qualify him to be President of the United States.

The Real Future of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research2 Comments

For the last 10 years at least we have been consistently told that embryonic stem cells are the greatest and even the only hope for cell based therapies and cures. This is what voters were promised when they approved spending billions of State dollars on cloning/ESC research in California and amended the Constitution in Missouri to protect the right of scientists to create, clone and destroy human embryos for scientific research. nullSo what does embryologist James Thompson, who isolated the first ESCs, think about the belief that ESC research will one day lead to cell based therapies and cures? In a Q and A with Forbes he says:

I do think there will be some niches where transplantation is important, but I think people are grossly underestimating how hard it is going to be for most diseases. I think there is some low-hanging fruit people can go after, but for things like neurological disease, it’s just so hard to get things reconnected. It’s so much better to understand why cells are dying and to prevent it

It just captures the imagination, the whole idea that you could just make a new part, and it is very seductive

In other words, it’s really just a fantasy.

And there you have it, folks. Another researcher comes out admitting that research using human embryos isn’t likely to yield the dramatic cures that have been promised for the better part of the last 10 years.

But, if it’s not going to lead to transplantation therapies and cures as we’ve all been promised, then what is the real future and promise of ESC research?

I really believe personally that the value of these cells is not in transplantation. It’s hard to predict the future, but my guess is 20 years from now if you look backwards, 90% of the value of these cells will be in things that don’t make the front pages. It will be things like drug screening, which is kind of boring, but it does get drugs to market that are safer and faster…

These cells suddenly give us access to all the bits of the human body we’ve never had access to. That’s going to lead to understanding why certain cells are dying, and more traditional therapies are likely to prevent them from dying. Parkinson’s, if you can diagnose somebody early in the course of that disease and arrest it, that’s as good as a cure. And that I think is fairly probable.

So instead of using human embryos as crops for harvesting stem cells, Thompson suggests that they’ll be used more effectively as human guinea pigs for drug testing and monitoring the early development different diseases. I suspect this was the intent of such research all along, they just needed a better marketing strategy for promoting the use of human embryos for research and CURES! CURES! CURES! proved to be more effective at winning the public over than just drug testing. Neither end, however, justifies the use of human life as an instrument of scientific experimentation.

Previous posts
“It May Not Deliver Therapy for Anything”
“Cloning Benefits Oversold”
Goodbye Dolly!

Introducing “Missouri Life News”

ChelseaPersonal, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Due to the sometimes overwhelming amount of news alerts I get (and almost never use) concerning life issues in Missouri I decided to start a blog solely dedicated to MO life news. Come by and check it out!

This makes blog number five(!) for me. Reflections is still my main and most important site, but you can also find me at Path to Holiness, Adult Stem Cell Awareness, Chelseaz’s Weblog. These are all linked to on the side-bar.

Some Courtney Love Buzz

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

nullA new book by former Nirvana manager Danny Goldberg reveals that Courtney Love was heavily pressured to have an abortion when she found out she was pregnant 16 years ago. A doctor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s chemical dependency unit gave the advice citing concern for the health of the Cobain’s unborn child due to Courtney’s drug addiction. Love objected to the obvious coercion stating, “I mean I’m pro-choice, but that doesn’t mean that anyone has the right to tell me to have a f***ing abortion.” nullShe then pressed the doctor for evidence of his allegations asking, “Is that a medical fact, or is that just your opinion? I want to see it in a medical book.” After which the doctor admitted that because the pregnancy was still early it was possible to have a healthy child if she were to stop using heroin – which she did, and a healthy Frances Bean Cobain was born in August 1992.

Courtney Love is far from the perfect role model of motherhood, but she certainly deserves credit for not giving in to the heavy pressure to abort and for cleaning herself up, at least temporarily, for the sake of her unborn child (she has since been on and off illegal drugs, causing her at one point to lose custody of Frances at age 11). And the now 15 year old Frances seems to have turned out pretty well. See: Frances Bean Cobain: ‘I’m Not My Parents’

In Memoriam

ChelseaDeath, Prayer, videoLeave a Comment

I have said before that we cannot celebrate the great gift of life without also meditating upon the mystery of death. Today we remember those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom, the protection of their country and their fellow man. In a very special way today I remember Lance Cpl. Darin Settle, a very good friend of mine from high school who died in Iraq two years ago:

And Lee McCoy who lost his battle with cancer last week. Lee was a Vietnam Vet who served on the USS Pomodon SS486 submarine. He was a good friend and collegue of my parents’ in the ag media industry. See a tribute to Lee here and here.

For more on Darin see my previous post Lance Cpl. Darin Thomas Settle. You can also view and sign Darin’s legacy guest book or his fallen heroes guest book.

I saw an interesting documentary last week about a military chaplain who was killed in Vietnam, Servant of God Fr. Vincent Capodanno, The Grunt Padre:

Paul has a great memorial day video on his post, Enjoy Your Memorial Day. Yes, enjoy your Memorial Day, your boat rides, barbecue and beer, but be sure to stop at some point and remember what this day is really about.

For our fallen soldiers:

God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.

In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.


From JPII’s “Meditations on the Book of Genesis at the Threshold of the Sistine Chapel”

This End is also the summit of transparency
such is the path of all generations.

“Non omnis moriar” (Not all of me will die).
What is imperishable in me
now stands face to face with Him Who Is!

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (Jn. 15:13)

Pray for “Grandma”

ChelseaPersonal, PrayerLeave a Comment


After visiting the nursing homes yesterday I found out that one of our most beloved residents, 92 yr. old Dorothy, AKA Grandma, seems to have reached her final days. Please pray for her and her family.

Find out more about Grandma on this post.

Pro ESC Research Movie to Premier at Cannes

ChelseaDisabled, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Suffering, video4 Comments

The brainchild of a group of Kansas City doctors, the movie “Hope”, is supposed to premier, if it hasn’t already, at the Cannes Film Festival that has been going on all week (ht: FRC Blog). It is a fictional story promoting research using human embryos.

In this movie the son of a conservative Senator who is an outspoken opponent of ESC research is paralyzed in a car accident. The family discovers that some experimental treatments using ESCs are available in India – a country far more “advanced” than the U.S. in this area of research, largely due to the father’s restrictive policies – and the Senator must decide whether he is right to continue opposing research that could cure his paralyzed son. The trailer:

The idea here is that one can really only be opposed to ESC research in theory, but certainly not if one has ever personally experienced the effects of some disease or disability, either their own or a loved one’s. This is the battle cry of the pro-ESC research movement:

“If you or someone you loved had some devastating disease or disability you would be knocking on the doors of these researchers in search of cures!!”

Speaking as a person who lives with one of these “devastating” disabilities, I can say with confidence that, though I would love to be able to walk again and to see the sufferings of others diminished, I could never accept the harvesting of another human life for some small, or even great, human comfort. There are worse things in this world than suffering and living with a disability. The use and destruction of one human life for the comfort of another is certainly one of those things – It’s Just Unethical, Period. Lucky for us it’s also relatively unnecessary.

NFP Works!

ChelseaContraception, Marriage, Natural Family Planning, Science, Women2 Comments

After seeing this post on natural family planning that I did yesterday (well, almost early this morning) my good friend Meredith offered this comment:

Yes I can attest it WORKS! How many years and doctors did I go to Chelsea before opening the Catholic Missourian one day and seeing “Our Lady Queen of Peace Center” article dealing with NFP and how it can be used to treat infertility issues? Too long.

Using the charting they first helped to regulate my cycle and determine I had polycystic ovaries, which they could treat with medicine and diet. Then, my referral to Dr. Gosser, who uses NFP and NaPro Technology (okayed by the church), diagnosed and treated my endometriosis and supplemented my lack of b vitamins and folic acid. A year and two months later we are being blessed by the will of God with our twins.

I was someone the physicians here said wouldn’t get pregnant, or they didn’t know why I wasn’t pregnant, they wanted me to do artificial means to get pregnant, even the possibility of IVF, and I just knew God had a plan for us that didn’t involve the destruction of other lives to get one.

Besides being a morally acceptable way to avoid pregnancy when necessary, NFP is beneficial in achieving and maintaining pregnancy. Where once they were only left with the options of either adoption or artificial reproduction, more and more couples are now finding that they are able, through this new method of NFP, to discover and effectively treat the reasons for a woman’s infertility or frequent miscarriages.

For more information on NFP visit the Couple to Couple League and be sure to listen to Greg and Jennifer Willit’s NFP Podcast.

Read: God, Sex and Babies, What the Church Really Teaches About Responsible Parenthood

Previous posts:
NFP vs. Contraception
NFP in Scripture!
Contraception Videos
Married Life and the Gift of Love

NFP Podcast!

ChelseaContraception, Natural Family Planning1 Comment

A great way to build strong marriages and families is through the practice of natural family planning, whereby couples respect God’s vision for marriage and the family and learn to live out their sexuality to reflect this vision. This is one of the most highly contested and misunderstood areas of Catholic teaching. Saying no to contraception does not mean that a (married) couple must have as many children as they possibly can. On the contrary, the Church urges couples to practice “responsible parenthood”, taking into consideration various physical, economic, psychological and social conditions and recognizes that there are sometimes serious reasons for avoid pregnancy:

If therefore there are well-grounded reasons for spacing births, arising from the physical or psychological condition of husband or wife, or from external circumstances, the Church teaches that married people may then take advantage of the natural cycles, immanent in the reproductive system and engage in marital intercourse only during those times that are infertile, thus controlling birth in a way which does not in the least offend the moral principles (Humanae Vitae, 16).

NFP is a safe, natural and above all effective way to regulate pregnancy and “plan” your family responsibly without breaking your wedding vows. This isn’t your Grandma’s NFP. The days of the “rhythm method” are long gone. Now women can keep track of their fertility – based on several biological clues – with almost pinpoint accuracy, making NFP highly effective in both achieving and postponing pregnancy. It even helps solve problems of infertility and frequent miscarriage. My friend Meredith can attest to this. She is now pregnant with twins (a boy and a girl!) thanks to NFP after years of infertility and other fertility treatments.

As if all that wasn’t good enough, NFP also strengthens the relationship between husband and wife as Greg and Jennifer Willits from the Rosary Army Catholic Podcast, share in their Natural Family Planning Podcast (a compilation of their RA pocasts in which they discuss marital chastity and Catholic NFP). Greg and Jennifer are always very entertaining and it’s sure to be worth you while! Greg says, “NFP has enhanced our marriage in so many ways.” Find out how!

It is important to remember that natural family planning is not simply Church approved birth control in the sense that it can be used like other forms of artificial contraception to refuse the gift of life. Used properly, it is a way for couples to cooperate with the body’s natural cycle of fertility for the responsible regulation of birth.

To experience the gift of married love while respecting the laws of conception is to acknowledge that one is not the master of the sources of life but rather the minister of the design established by the Creator. Just as man does not have unlimited dominion over his body in general, so also, and with more particular reason, he has no such dominion over his specifically sexual faculties, for these are concerned by their very nature with the generation of life, of which God is the source (HV, 13).

Read: God, Sex and Babies, What the Church Really Teaches About Responsible Parenthood

Previous posts:
NFP vs. Contraception
NFP in Scripture!
Contraception Videos
Married Life and the Gift of Love

Barack Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Infanticide, PoliticsLeave a Comment

There’s no doubt that Barack Obama is the pro-abortion candidate. Clinton can argue for the title as much as she wants, but she’s got nothin on this guy, what with his support for killing babies even after they’re born. Below is a speech he delivered to Planned Parenthood in July of 2007 addressing “what’s at stake in this election.” Attacking the Supreme Court ruling upholding a ban on partial birth abortion he called abortion a “fundamental freedom” and a “fundamental right” and said:

“This is about more than just standing our ground, must be about more than protecting the gains of the past…we have to move this country forward…not just about playing defense, but playing offense. Not just about defending what is, but about creating what might be in this country…On this issue, I will not yield.”

No wonder NARAL endorsed him instead of Clinton. h/t: Between Two Worlds

Previous posts:
Obama and Infanticide
Barack’s Disturbing Defense of Infanticide
Obama Facts