Celebrating Life on July 4

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

When the founders of our country declared their independence they proclaimed the self evident truth that all men are created equal and have an unalienable right to life. For the last 36 years our first and most foundational right has been undermined by the legally sanctioned murder of unborn children in our country. The unborn have been dehumanized as “tissue masses,” “cell clusters,” non-persons who therefore have no rights or (very little, at least) protection under the law. That is why a group of us here take the time every year on Independence Day to publicly celebrate the sanctity of all human life and hopefully help others see the beauty and the goodness of the human person in all stages of development.

I didn’t have my camera with me this year, so I only took a few pictures with my phone:

It poured down rain on us for about 15 minutes late in the afternoon.

Together They Run, Swim, Bike…Live

ChelseaDisabled, Love, videoLeave a Comment

Dick & Rick Hoyt dispel the myth that having a disability or a disabled child is an obstacle to living and enjoying life:

What a supreme example of self-less love and dedication is Dick Hoyt! Find out more about this father and son on the Team Hoyt website

Meet Patrick Thibodeau
I Enjoyed Every Minute of It!
People With Disabilities Can Live “Normal” Lives
Helping Disabled Children to Live

Home Sweet Home!

ChelseaPro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

Alright, folks, I’m back, got in last night. It was a long and exhausting trip, but I enjoyed the opportunity to speak to our youth. I got video of the last talk I did with the 13-14 year olds and I’ll let you know when I get that uploaded. It wasn’t the most accessible place in the world, but I managed to get around pretty well. It was most enjoyable seeing so many good Catholic families dedicated to Christ and His Church. This is what is desperately needed to counter the culture of death in our world! Some pics:

Tomb of the unborn outside the building I was staying in:

CatholicFamilyLand was founded by Gwen and Jerry Coniker, parents of 13(!) children and former members of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Gwen died in 2002 and her cause for sainthood was opened in Sept. 2007. Her body rests in a side chapel in one of the buildings at CFL:

On my way home I stopped in St. Louis to visit a good friend of mine and her 6 week old baby Selena Christine:

Now that I’m back I’ve got to finish making sure we have everything we need for our pro-life booth at our downtown 4th of July celebration this weekend!

On the Road Again….

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Dear readers, today I will be heading over to Ohio to speak to a couple groups of teens at the CatholicFamilyLand Holy Family Fest this weekend. This isn’t the first time I have spoken to our young people, but it is my first time being invited to do it out of state. I’ve given several presentations to young and old alike in my own diocese (and once at Ave Maria when I was a student there) on various topics: human sexuality/Theology of the Body, suffering, cloning/ESCR and just sharing my own personal life experience and how I have grown in my faith (this is what I will be sharing with the kids in OH). I am really looking forward to this experience and I ask for your prayers, for safe travel and that I may be an instrument in the hands of the Lord! I will be driving to Indianapolis today and then on to Bloomingdale, OH tomorrow.

Holy Family Fest video:

Unfortunately this means that I will be missing out on this year’s Catholic New Media Celebration in San Antonio, TX. I had a good time at it last year in Atlanta and it sounds like it’s going to be even better this year! You can watch live streaming video from the celebration at SQPN.com

Persons First

ChelseaCloning, Pro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

NedaShe’s been hailed as a “symbol”, the image of the revolution being fought in Iran. Sure, her death has inspired many to continue to fight against oppression and that may be good, but in this excellent and thought provoking post, Erin Manning reminds us that “Neda” is above all a person, not a symbol:

But Neda Agha-Soltan was a person, not a symbol. She had a family, a fiance, a voice instructor willing to teach her to sing in a country where women aren’t supposed to want to do such a thing. She was, as her anonymous relative said, full of life. And we have to take the relative’s word–we know so little about her, we who watched in horror as she died.

Likewise, today we heard the tragic news about the untimely deaths of two people who have been referred to repeatedly throughout the day by their status as “sex symbol” or “pop icon”. But, like all celebrities, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson were persons first. People with lives infinitely valuable by virtue of the fact that they were simply human beings, just like you and me. From Danielle Bean at Faith & Family Live:

With incessant media coverage, it can be easy to begin to think of Hollywood personalities’ lives as objects for our entertainment. But even the rich, the famous, the weird, the fascinating, the beautiful, the bizarre, and the talented people are children of God. God made them in His image. He loves them and wants nothing less than salvation for their immortal souls and their eternal happiness with Him in heaven.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

We Can Have a Civilized Discussion, at Least

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Since Obama’s Notre Dame Commencement there’s been a lot of discussion about whether or not it’s possible for both sides of the abortion debate to ever finally find “common ground.” To settle our differences so that we can work together toward one common goal. It’s a nice thought, but, as Bishop Finn said when he was interviewed about the Commencement:

The direct taking of an innocent life can never be negotiated.

Compromise and negotiation is not possible when talking about a matter that is intrinsically evil. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a civilized discussion about it, at least. It seems impossible, given how highly emotional both sides can be, but John Stewart and Mike Huckabee managed to pull it off last week on the Daily Show. Of course nothing really got resolved, nothing ever does in these situations. But at least it was a more dignified approach to discussing something so divisive that hopefully encouraged those who witnessed it to think a little more deeply about the issue. (h/t AUL)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Mike Huckabee Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Mike Huckabee Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Mike Huckabee Extended Interview Pt. 3
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran

TOB Tuesday: Human Beings as Objects of Use

ChelseaTheology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

The sexual revolution of the last thirty years has seriously challenged the way people in today’s society view each other as human beings and how they understand real love. With its utilitarian view of marriage and sexual relations, this revolution has lead to the pursuit of sexual pleasure as an end in itself – a kind of radical self-seeking that turns human beings into objects of use and thus makes true love impossible.

In his latest column at Catholic Exchange’s Theology of the Body Channel, Dale O’Leary begins a three part series answering these challenges by taking a look at the precursor to John Paull II’s Theology of the Body, Love and Responsibility, a book written by the pope when he was still a bishop in Poland.

Bishop Wojtyla begins Love and Responsibility with an analysis of the verb “to use” and a critique of Utilitarianism. According to Bishop Wojtyla, “Utilitarians regard the principle of maximization of pleasure accompanied by the minimization of pain as the primary rule of human morality” and regard pleasure as an end in itself. While this may seem attractive, by making pleasure in itself the sole or greatest good, other values including the value of the person are subordinated. Persons are inevitably reduced to objects to be used to maximize the pleasure of others….

The Utilitarian ethic, sharply contrasts with the Christian norm “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” which contains the corollary: You may not use persons as objects. Fr. Wojtyla formulates this principle in philosophical terms as: “Whenever a person is the object of your activity, remember that you may not treat that person as only the means to an end, as an instrument, but must allow for the fact that he or she, too, has, or at least should have, distinct person ends.”

This norm provides a universally applicable basis for ethical thinking. According to Fr. Wojtyla, “… we must never treat a person as the means to an end. This principle has universal validity. Nobody can use a person as a means toward an end, no human being, nor yet God the Creator.”

It also provides a foundation for the defense of human rights for: “Anyone who treats a person as a means to an end does violence to the very essence of the other, to what constitutes its natural right.” Once this simple principle is understood and accepted, then the “rules” of sexual morality fall into place, not as arbitrary “don’ts” but as the logical demands of an ethic founded on respect for the human person.

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing! I will let you know what parts II and III are available.

Order your own copy of Love and Responsibility

TOB Tuesdays

Happy Father’s Day! **Updated

ChelseaFamily, Fatherhood, Men, Personal1 Comment


Blessings for all you fathers out there! I hope you have had a very relaxing day. Here is my own father enjoying part of his day today. Besides being a master chef (even on Father’s Day he’ll be grilling up some awesome food for us!), my dad is also a master blogger/tweeter and the one who encouraged me to start blogging (and now tweeting) in the first place. So if you see anything you like on here, you really have him to thank for it. As part of my parents’ business he owns and operates AgWired, among others, has a personal blog Path to Holiness (which I sometimes contribute to) and you can follow him on twitter @AgriBlogger.

Thank you, Dad, for all you have given me and to all fathers for the hard work you do to support, protect and be an example to your children and grandchildren. Thank you, above all, for accepting your role as father – a difficult task in our society which belittles the vocation and even deems it unnecessary or undesirable through IVF, abortion, contraception and radical feminism.

And, of course, none of us would be here without God our loving Father who created us to be his children and share in the inheritance of his Kingdom in Heaven. Therefore with confidence we cry, “Abba, Father!” and pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil – AMEN!

A Father’s Day Prayer
by Gaynell Bordes Cronin

Thank you, friend Jesus,
for my father who loves me,
for my grandfather who cares for me,
and for God, your father and mine,
who made me and is always with me.

How lucky I am!

After an awesome dinner of steak, salad and roasted potatoes (thanks, dad!) my sisters and I got together for a pic with the man of the day:


“Crazy Pete’s Embryonic Stem Cell Emporium!”

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research, Humor, video3 Comments

I suppose it’s always good to maintain a sense of humor, no matter how unfunny something really is (like creating and killing tiny human beings in the name of science and making taxpayers fund it):

h/t Rebecca Taylor

Planned Parenthood Protests Ave Maria’s Condom Free Publix

ChelseaContraception, Planned Parenthood2 Comments

Ave Maria FloridaFor the town of Ave Maria Florida the nearest Publix (or any grocery store?) has been about 25 miles away…but not anymore. This week the grocery chain opened its first – very small – store in the growing town. But a few items will be missing at this particular Publix. Namely, condoms…and pet furniture.

Says Publix spokeswoman Shannon Patten:

“It was a business decision based on the limited space we have and the product offerings our customers will want.”

This business decision, at least as far as the condoms are concerned, didn’t sit well with Planned Parenthood of Collier County who, in a protest against the opening of the store in Ave Maria, had volunteers handing out free condoms to customers at two Publix stores in Naples. To quote a friend of mine and Ave Maria graduate, Dave Englestad (my emphasis):

Planned Parenthood apparently thinks that it is a Constitutional right that every Publix grocery store must sell condoms, even if said store is so small it doesn’t even have a pharmacy. But they’ll show Publix of Ave Maria just how enraged they are and how much time they have on their hands…by giving away free condoms in front of 2 other Publix stores which do sell them.

Ya, that’ll show em! I wonder what those Publix stores thought about PP trampling on their condom sales… I mean with this level of outrage one would think that condoms were in pretty high demand @ Publix. But if Leigh Carney’s experience is typical of most Publix stores, I’d say not:

I used to work at Publix and I can count the number of times condoms went through my register on one hand, not gonna lie

And anyway, why buy condoms from Publix when PP gives them away for free at their front counter? According to this story, an estimated 74,000 are given away at the Naples clinic each year.

Previous Posts:
NFP vs. Contraception
Countering PP’s Promotion of Promiscuity

Bonus pic: When I was in South Florida earlier this year I did a drive through of Ave Town on my way back to Plantation from Naples. I call this “Sunset Over the Ave Swamp”

Ave Maria Florida