“Lifesaver” to Donate Stem Cells a Second Time

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research2 Comments

Now here’s a wonderful, feel-good story to start off your weekend with!:

Terry Bowe is a lifesaver.

In 2005, he donated his blood stem cells to a critically ill patient whose name he didn’t know and whose city and even country of residence remained a guarded secret.

All he was told by officials with the National Marrow Donor Program was the recipient was a 36-year-old woman with leukemia who was fighting for her life.

In 2006, after both donor and recipient agreed to meet, Bowe came face to face with Kimberly Richards, a wife and mother from Glendale, Ariz.

“He actually saved my life,” Richards said after that first meeting.

Nearly four years after receiving Bowe’s life-saving gift, Richards remains a survivor.

“Terry considered it a privilege to be given the opportunity to save someone else’s life,” Richards said Wednesday from her home in Arizona. “Where would I be if he hadn’t?”

Now at age 54, Bowe has the rare chance to do it again. The Bakersfield husband and father has been matched with a 59-year-old man suffering from leukemia.

“I’m amazed that I get to do this again,” said the Chevron employee. “After my first experience, I swore I would do it again in a heartbeat. And I am. No hesitation.

“The minor discomfort I experienced paled in comparison to the reward of helping somebody,” he added.

Study: Memory Forms at 30 Weeks in the Womb

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Fetal Development, Pro Life, Right to Life, UltrasoundLeave a Comment

Tiny AmericanBehold the awesome wonder of unborn human life! (h/t Respect Life STL on Twitter):

WEDNESDAY, July 15 (HealthDay News) — Fetuses that are only 30 weeks old may already possess short-term memory, Dutch researchers report.

“This is the next step into a better insight in the development of the fetal central nervous system,” said study co-author Dr. Jan G. Nijhuis, director of the Centre for Genetics, Reproduction and Child Health at Maastricht University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. “We aim to develop an ‘intra-uterine neurologic examination,’ which could then be used in fetuses at risk.”

Although memory is thought to develop while the baby is still in the womb, little else is known about the phenomenon.

“It is a fairly new idea to look at whether learning occurs in utero,” said Dr. Russell Fothergill, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and director of ambulatory care at Scott & White.

The authors recruited 93 pregnant Dutch women, and then measured fetal responses to repeated “vibroacoustic” stimulation. Their report appears in the July/August issue of Child Development.

“We used a vibroacoustic stimulator, which leads to a combined stimulus of vibration and sound,” Nijhuis explained. “The stimuli were applied to the maternal abdomen above the fetal legs for a period of one second every 30 seconds. We counted the number of stimuli after which the fetus does not respond anymore.”

When the fetus makes the change to no longer responding, it is “habituated”; it recognizes the stimulus as “safe.”

The authors stated that habituation is a form of learning and needs an intact central nervous system.

“In its simplest form, [habituation] is related to how we think about humans learning,” Fothergill said.

Speaking of the development of the central nervous system, as there continues to be some debate on this, I wonder if they’re doing this much to determine unequivocally whether or not the unborn child does, in fact, feel pain when it’s being torn limb from limb, burned with a saline injection or has its brains sucked out during a late term abortion (or perhaps even earlier).

Life: Imagine the Potential 3

ChelseaPro Life, Right to Life, videoLeave a Comment

Here’s the latest from CatholicVote.org:

Said one commenter on YouTube:

This is one giant leap for revealing mankind to mankind!

Indeed – keep up the great work CV!

See Imagine spots one and two.

TOB Tuesday: Human Beings as Objects of Use pt. II

ChelseaLove, Sex, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

In a previous TOB Tuesday post I pointed out the beginning of a three part series of columns over at Catholic Exchange in which Dale O’Leary attempts to answer the challenge posed to traditional sexual morality by the “Sexual Revolutionaries” of the last thirty years. In part one he reviewed the examination of the fundamentally anti-person Sexual Revolution made by John Paul II in his book Love and Responsibility, a precursor to his Theology of the Body. This revolution’s utilitarian view of marriage and sexual relations has dehumanized the male/female relationship, causing men and women to see and treat each other as objects of their own selfish, sexual gratification. Not only that, but by rejecting and attempting to prevent the natural act of procreation associated with sexual activity, it has lead to the dehumanization of the unborn child, the view of fertility and pregnancy as some kind of abnormal medical condition and the acceptance of murder in the name of “reproductive rights” and sexual “freedom.”

Now, in part two, O’Leary examines the structure of a utilitarian relationship, its inevitable damage and the reaction of those who feel used.

Sexual Revolution is founded on a Utilitarian Sexual Contract which, while rarely explicitly spelled out, can be summarized as follows:

I can use you as a sex object. I may at some point want to share housing with you or even enter into a marriage and decide to conceive a child, but our relationship will always be contingent on your remaining useful to me by supplying me with sexual and other pleasures. If the discomfort I feel is greater than the pleasure I gain from this relationship, I am free to terminate the relationship unilaterally. I will let you use me as a sex object, provided you gain my explicit consent before each encounter. We will negotiate the safe-sex practices to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. I understand that you are under no obligation to continue the relationship should your discomfort be greater than your pleasure.

The acceptance of Utilitarian sexual ethic is so pervasive that many young men and women do not recognize its fundamental immorality. Date rape trials and sexual harassment law suits hinge not on whether or not one person has been used as a sexual object — it is assumed he or she has — but on whether consent was obtained and the use was terminated on demand.

Modern women and men consider themselves liberated from the need to conceal their motives. No one is supposed to feel guilty for using another person. On the other hand, under the Utilitarian sexual ethic, those who expect commitment or fail to allow the other person to exit the relationship without recrimination may find themselves condemned. If they protest, they are told to “get over it.”

Read more and stay tuned for part three!

Cute Baby Blogging: Twins!

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Last Saturday my good friend Meredith stopped by our pro-life booth downtown with her husband and their 10 mo. old twins Jack (top) and Irene.

After years of infertility, Meredith was able to conceive these little ones with the help of NFP and NaProTECHNOLOGY

Friday Funny

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Humor, Politics, video1 Comment

Just watched the movie “Swing Vote” (available for instant viewing on Netflix) which included this funny “pro-life” ad from the Democrat candidate after he found out that “Bud” was pro-life:

Speaking of pro-life Democrats: recently nineteen Democrats warned Democrat leadership that they would oppose any bill that did not specifically exclude abortion funding. And, in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee yesterday, Sen. Bob Casey was the only Democrat to vote against a provision to the Kennedy health care bill that would require abortion groups to be included in any health insurance network created by the Kennedy health care bill.

The Catholic Church is Not “Anti-Stem Cell Research!”

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It frustrates me to no end when ESCR advocates and mainstream news outlets label the Catholic Church and other pro-life advocates as “anti stem cell research” when, in fact, we only opposes one morally objectionable type of such research, while praising and supporting its ethical counterpart. It’s insulting and that’s why they do it, but just so there’s no confusion, the Archdiocese of Syndey Australia is putting her money where her mouth is when it comes to her support for ethical and effective stem cell research:

HOPING to contribute to the end of the use of embryos in research, the Catholic Church is offering a $100,000 grant for research into the medical use of adult stem cells.

The Sydney Archdiocese announced the grant on Wednesday, saying it is still vehemently opposed to embryonic stem cell research but approves of the use of adult stem cells.

Sydney Archbishop Cardinal George Pell says adult stem cells can already be used in the treatment of heart and liver disease.

“The Catholic Church promotes and encourages medical research and we strongly support stem cell research and other forms of biotechnology that respect the dignity of every human life,” Cardinal Pell said in a statement.

“Advances in adult stem cell research have been extremely impressive.”

The Catholic Church says the grant will be awarded by an independent assessment panel.

This is the fourth adult stem cell grant the Church has awarded since 2002, with $300,000 already given.

Killing Babies to Make Sperm to Make….Babies?

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research2 Comments

spermThe irony of this is tragic:

Scientists in Newcastle claim to have created human sperm in the laboratory in what they say is a world first.

The researchers believe the work could eventually help men with fertility problems to father a child…

They began with stem cell lines derived from human embryos donated following IVF treatment.

The stem cells had been removed when the embryo was a few days old and were stored in tanks of liquid nitrogen.

The stem cells were brought to body temperature and put in a chemical mixture to encourage them to grow. They were “tagged” with a genetic marker which enabled the scientists to identify and separate so-called “germline” stem cells from which eggs and sperm are developed…

Professor Karim Nayernia at Newcastle University and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute says: “This is an important development as it will allow researchers to study in detail how sperm forms and lead to a better understanding of infertility in men – why it happens and what is causing it.

“This understanding could help us develop new ways to help couples suffering infertility so they can have a child which is genetically their own.”

TOB Tuesday: Caritas in Veritate on Sex and Marriage

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I thought for today’s TOB Tuesday post it would be appropriate to point out what the pope has to say about sex and marriage in his most recent encyclical.

In paragraph 15, Pope Benedict comments on Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae:

The Encyclical Humanae Vitae emphasizes both the unitive and the procreative meaning of sexuality, thereby locating at the foundation of society the married couple, man and woman, who accept one another mutually, in distinction and in complementarity: a couple, therefore, that is open to life[27]. This is not a question of purely individual morality: Humanae Vitae indicates the strong links between life ethics and social ethics, ushering in a new area of magisterial teaching that has gradually been articulated in a series of documents, most recently John Paul II’s Encyclical Evangelium Vitae[28]. The Church forcefully maintains this link between life ethics and social ethics, fully aware that “a society lacks solid foundations when, on the one hand, it asserts values such as the dignity of the person, justice and peace, but then, on the other hand, radically acts to the contrary by allowing or tolerating a variety of ways in which human life is devalued and violated, especially where it is weak or marginalized.”[29]

Then, in paragraph 44, commenting on the “problems associated with population growth” Benedict says:

The Church, in her concern for man’s authentic development, urges him to have full respect for human values in the exercise of his sexuality. It cannot be reduced merely to pleasure or entertainment, nor can sex education be reduced to technical instruction aimed solely at protecting the interested parties from possible disease or the “risk” of procreation. This would be to impoverish and disregard the deeper meaning of sexuality, a meaning which needs to be acknowledged and responsibly appropriated not only by individuals but also by the community. It is irresponsible to view sexuality merely as a source of pleasure, and likewise to regulate it through strategies of mandatory birth control. In either case materialistic ideas and policies are at work, and individuals are ultimately subjected to various forms of violence. Against such policies, there is a need to defend the primary competence of the family in the area of sexuality[111], as opposed to the State and its restrictive policies, and to ensure that parents are suitably prepared to undertake their responsibilities.

Yessss, PARENTS – thank you, Holy Father! As much as I love speaking to our young people about the Theology of the Body, chastity, purity, vocation, these things are more appropriately passed on to children from their parents. Parents are the primary educators of their children, especially in matters of faith and morals. Unfortunately too many parents have given up their duty in this field or agreed to delegate it to others, because of the difficulty and their own lack of preparation (see, here no. 1).

Sadly, this leaves many of our young people without consistent and positive guidance in this most vital and intimate part of their lives and thus more vulnerable to the influence of society and mass media which dehumanizes sex, and the male female relationship in general, as something that is, above all, self serving and merely recreational – a message that is aided and abetted by the abysmally low standards of the sex education offered many of our public schools. For that matter, how can we even expect “abstinence-only” education to have a significant impact when this is largely the case?

Parents, wake up! Our children deserve better than this and they are worth infinitely more than what our world, and often you yourselves, would have them settle for! The pressure and influence of our casual-sex saturated culture on our young people is strong enough without the added disadvantage of being let down by the very people whose duty it is to form their consciences and encourage them to seek the true, the good and the beautiful.

Educate yourselves in order to better educate your children:
TOB Resources
TOB for Teens

TOB Tuesdays

Charity in Truth on Openness to Life

ChelseaCulture of Life, Marriage, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Pope BenedictPope Benedict’s long awaited new encyclical is finally out! I’m with Thomas Peters on this one:

Pope Benedict’s third encyclical is a mammoth work which will take some time to digest.

The encyclical examines integral human development and the social doctrine of the Church which covers a wide range of issues. Since I haven’t had/taken the time to read the entire thing yet I appreciate the American Papist graciously highlighting a few key paragraphs, especially those that pertain to the importance of being open to life.

On Respect for Life para. 28:

Openness to life is at the centre of true development. When a society moves towards the denial or suppression of life, it ends up no longer finding the necessary motivation and energy to strive for man’s true good. If personal and social sensitivity towards the acceptance of a new life is lost, then other forms of acceptance that are valuable for society also wither away.67 The acceptance of life strengthens moral fibre and makes people capable of mutual help. By cultivating openness to life, wealthy peoples can better understand the needs of poor ones, they can avoid employing huge economic and intellectual resources to satisfy the selfish desires of their own citizens, and instead, they can promote virtuous action within the perspective of production that is morally sound and marked by solidarity, respecting the fundamental right to life of every people and every individual.

On Population and Marriage: para. 44:

Morally responsible openness to life represents a rich social and economic resource. Populous nations have been able to emerge from poverty thanks not least to the size of their population and the talents of their people. On the other hand, formerly prosperous nations are presently passing through a phase of uncertainty and in some cases decline, precisely because of their falling birth rates; this has become a crucial problem for highly affluent societies. The decline in births, falling at times beneath the so-called “replacement level”, also puts a strain on social welfare systems, increases their cost, eats into savings and hence the financial resources needed for investment, reduces the availability of qualified labourers, and narrows the “brain pool” upon which nations can draw for their needs. Furthermore, smaller and at times miniscule families run the risk of impoverishing social relations, and failing to ensure effective forms of solidarity…States are called to enact policies promoting the centrality and the integrity of the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman, the primary vital cell of society, and to assume responsibility for its economic and fiscal needs, while respecting its essentially relational character.