UF Scientists Reprogram ASCs!

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

GatorSpeaking of Gators:

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — University of Florida researchers were able to program bone marrow stem cells to repair damaged retinas in mice, suggesting a potential treatment for one of the most common causes of vision loss in older people.

The success in repairing a damaged layer of retinal cells in mice implies that blood stem cells taken from bone marrow can be programmed to restore a variety of cells and tissues, including ones involved in cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

“To our knowledge, this is the first report using targeted gene manipulation to specifically program an adult stem cell to become a new cell type,” said Dr. Maria B. Grant, a professor of pharmacology and therapeutics at UF’s College of Medicine. “Although we used genes, we also suggest you can do the same thing with drugs — but ultimately you would not give the drugs to the patient, you would give the drugs to their cells. Take the cells out, activate certain chemical pathways, and put the cells back into the patient.”

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Tim Tebow Saving Himself for Marriage

ChelseaAbortion, Chastity, Marriage, videoLeave a Comment

As so many of our boys look up to athletes these days I’m happy to know they’ve got a role model like Tim Tebow to be inspired by. You can barely hear it here, but during a press conference at last week’s SEC Media Days one reporter asked Tebow if he was saving himself for marriage:

Watch the entire press conference. I didn’t catch this from the few press conferences that I saw with, but LifeSiteNews reports that Tebow also told reporters last week:

“There has been a lot of people that have been encouraged not to have an abortion because they heard the story of my mom, or they have been encouraged because they have heard me give my faith on TV or in a report or something”

You may recall that Pam Tebow was advised to have an abortion when she was pregnant with “Timmy” in the Philippines. Listen to an interview with Pam Tebow at a 40 Days for Life event: http://www.40daysforlife.com/blog/audio/tebow.mp3

–,==,< Previous posts: How Bout Them Gators?!
Are You Ready for Some Football?!
More on the Super Sophomore and His Super Mom
How ‘Bout That Gator?!
How Sweet It Is!

TOB Tuesday: The Spousal Meaning of the Body and God’s Will for Man

ChelseaLove, Marriage, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

The body has a “spousal” meaning because the human person…is a creature that God willed for his own sake and that, at the same time, cannot fully find himself except through the gift of self [Gaudium et Spes 24:3] ~John Paul II — General Audience 1/16/80 (TOB 15:5)

By our nakedness we can clearly see that man and woman were not merely made for themselves individually, but are oriented towards the other and endowed with the power to express love. And not just any kind of love, but

precisely that love in which the human person becomes a gift and – through this gift – fulfills the very meaning of his being and existence. (TOB 15:1)

Fr. Angelo BartulicaThis total gift of self, which is what makes us the image and likeness of the Triune God of our creation, is quite obviously fulfilled in the marriage vocation and the “one flesh” union of the spouses, But our Holy Father tells us that the vocation to celibacy for the sake of the kingdom is also a response to this call to spousal love:

While Christ reveals to man and woman another vocation, above the vocation to marriage, namely, renouncing marriage in view of the kingdom of heaven, he highlights the same truth about the human person with this vocation. If a man or a woman is capable of making a gift of self for the kingdom of heaven, this shows in turn (and perhaps even more) that the freedom of the gift exists in the human body. This means that the body possesses a full “spousal” meaning. (TOB 15:5)

As this is the Year for Priests, let us pray for all our priests and give thanks and praise to God for all the men who have generously made themselves a gift for the sake of the kingdom in the service of Christ and the Church!

“How do They Know? They’re Celibates!”
TOB Tuesdays

Sight Restored With ASC Contacts!

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Check out this amazing video about some scientists in Australia who, using stem cells from the patients’ own eyes, were able to significantly restore the sight of patients with blinding corneal disease:

The procedure is so cheap and easy UNSW’s Dr Nick Di Girolamo, lead author of the study, says it even be used to treat patients in poorer countries, “If you’re going to be treating these sorts of diseases in third world countries all you need is the surgeon and a lab for cell culture. You don’t need any fancy equipment.” AWESOME!

read more!

Adult Stem Cell “Potential”

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, iPSC Breakthrough, video1 Comment

GRRRrrrr! From FoxNews – “Promising Research: Stem Cell Breakthrough May Eliminate Need for Embryos”

Yes, I understand that the story is specifically about iPS cells and I am happy to see a mainstream media story about “promising stem cell research” that does not involve the killing of tiny human beings. But when Bill Hemmer asked “how great do we believe scientifically the potential for using adult stem cells could be?” I was just wishing, for once, that the correspondent reporting on the story would have acknowledged that ASCs are also successfully being used right now in many clinical trials and human patient treatments and without having to be reverted to an embryonic-like state. Sure, there’s no “miracle” cures like what’s been promised with ESCs, but it’s not as if these are small or insignificant medical advancements, as I explain here, for example.

I know, I know, talk about false hope, right? But this is becoming a major pet peeve of mine.

NFP Awareness Week!

ChelseaNatural Family PlanningLeave a Comment

This week (7/19-7/25) has been NFP Awareness Week as issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Not only does contraception destroy both the unitive and procreative nature if the marital act, but it is the main contributing factor to the dehumanization of the unborn child in our society and the acceptance of murder in the name of “reproductive rights” and sexual “freedom.”

The major difference between NFP and contraception, quite obviously, is that infertile intercourse is an act of God, whereas, through contraception, the couple, “takes the powers of life into their own hands with the intent of thwarting God’s creative designs.” But this does not mean that natural family planning is just a Church approved method of birth control. The Church maintains that the practice of NFP must always be undertaken with a “procreative attitude” and should really only be used to avoid pregnancy for serious reasons:

The right and lawful ordering of birth demands, first of all, that spouses fully recognize and value the true blessings of family life and that they acquire complete mastery over themselves and their emotions (HV, 21)

This is to combat the culture of death that the “contraceptive mentality” has spawned while at the same time allowing couples the freedom to effectively and responsibly space out births in a way that cooperates with God’s creative designs.

It must also be said that, by “NFP”, we’re not talking about your grandma’s old “rhythm method” and that the modern method of charting a woman’s cycle is not just for the purpose of avoiding pregnancy, but also helps identify and effectively treat many female medical problems relating to PMS, infertility and achieving pregnancy, ovarian problems, frequent miscarriage, endometriosis, postpartum depression etc… In many ways, NFP has become much bigger than itself, expanding into a whole area of medicine dedicated to monitoring and maintaining a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health.

Find out more about NFP at these websites, for starters:
Pope Paul VI Institute, NaProTechnology.com, Couple to Couple League, USCCB

Other helpful resources: God, Sex and Babies, What the Church Really Teaches About Responsible Parenthood
and “Contraception: Why Not?”: part 1, part 2

Some previous posts:How Can There Be Too Many Children?, NFP vs. Contraception, NFP in Scripture!, NFP Podcast!, NFP Works!, Contraception Videos, Married Life and the Gift of Love

Please Pray for My Dad – **Updated

ChelseaPersonal, Prayer4 Comments

Dear readers, I hope you will join me in saying some prayers for my dad tonight and tomorrow. He’s been battling pneumonia for the last two and a half weeks and tomorrow (7/23/09) morning – 7:30 central – he will undergo surgery to drain a large amount of fluid from in and around the infected lung.

Thanks for all the prayers! Dad went into surgery at 7:30 this morning. As of 10:30: I talked to mom who said he was still in surgery. Nurse said he is doing fine, but they had to open up his chest – they were just sucking out all the gunk through a tube inserted into a small incision in the side of his chest. Not sure what that was for, but as long as he’s still doing ok that’s all we can ask, really… As for me, I’m getting ready to head over to noon Mass @ the hospital, and then join my mom in the waiting room. Hopefully I will know more then. Thanks again for all your prayers!

11:30 am: dad is out of surgery! Apparently the infection was very bad and he went into surgery in just the nick of time – praise God! I should be able to see him after Mass!

Major Pro-Life WebCast Tomorrow Night!

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Stop the Abortion Mandate

Join national pro-life leaders tomorrow (7/23/09) night at 9 pm eastern to discuss abortion and the Obama healthcare plan. Register at StopTheAbortionMandate.com. Participation is free and after registering you will be enabled to listen to the live webcast and submit questions. Speakers include:

* David Bereit, 40 Days for Life
* Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List
* Kristen Day, Democrats for Life
* Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family
* Doug Johnson, National Right to Life Committee
* Dr. Richard Land, SBC Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission
* Carmen Pate, Point of View Radio Show
* Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life
* Tony Perkins, Family Research Council
* Congressman Joe Pitts, U.S. House of Representatives
* Congressman Chris Smith, U.S. House of Representatives
* Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America
* Dr. Charmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life

Jill Stanek reports that Gov. Mike Huckabee will also be speaking.

Naturally the president has been tight lipped about his hopes/plans for abortion funding under his healthcare plan, I’ve heard it wasn’t mentioned at all in his press conference tonight, but some have suggested that it will be “the greatest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade,” forcing taxpayers to fund a huge “abortion industry bailout.”

On 7/19/09 White House Budget Director Peter R. Orszag told Chris Wallace on FoxNews Sunday that he was “not prepared to say” that the pending health care bills will not pay for abortion, “not prepared to rule it out”:

Admittedly, I have not paid a whole lot of attention to what has been going on in Congress regarding abortion funding and the healthcare bills. I think that some amendments both for and against abortion funding have been voted on in some committees and a good number of pro-life Democrats warned Democrat leadership that they would oppose any bill that did not specifically exclude abortion funding. Beyond that, I’m a little unclear as to what exactly is happening here so I am definitely going to try to tune in tomorrow night!

TOB Tuesday: Get Pope’s Words on CD!

ChelseaTheology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

TOB CDAfter years of learning about John Paul II’s Theology of the Body from various TOB “experts” I am very much interested in finally studying the words of the pope himself, but no matter how bad I want to, the idea of actually reading the original TOB text is still pretty intimidating. It is a collection of 129, Wednesday audiences delivered over five years (plus six newly discovered talks that were never delivered at length), which, in book form, is well over 600 pages long! Not only is that a lot to get through, length-wise, but it also makes for some very dense reading! When it comes to a work of this magnitude I need a little something extra to help me retain what I’m trying to read. That’s why I’m loving the Apostolate for Family Consecration for putting the pope’s own words on cd! I found this in the bookstore when I was at CatholicFamilyLand last month. I wasn’t prepared to spend $50 on it then, but I do plan on ordering it very soon!

Order: A Reading of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body

TOB Tuesdays