Sweet! “In the Womb” Available on YouTube! *Updated

ChelseaFetal Development, videoLeave a Comment

**The videos are no longer available on YouTube due to copyright violation. I didn’t think that would last long… Be sure to check out the products below.

Someone put National Geographic’s documentary “In the Womb” on YouTube. I have this on DVD – it’s amazing! Here is part one (h/t LifeSiteNews):

The doc. uses both 4-D ultrasound and computer generated images. Watch: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

The same person also put In The Womb: Multiples on YouTube.

DVD: In the Womb
Book: In the Womb
DVD: In the Womb: Multiples
DVD: In the Womb: Animals

Related: 70-90% of the abortion-minded women who see an ultrasound image of their unborn child choose life. Help get more ultrasound machines into our CPCs by supporting Project Ultrasound.

Bloodmoney: The Truth About Abortion

ChelseaAbortion, video1 Comment

WOW! This looks incredible. The official trailer for Bloodmoney, a documentary on the Business of Abortion:

h/t Inside Catholic

My Morning Meditation With St. Gianna

ChelseaLove, Pro Life, SuicideLeave a Comment

I love this mug (and this saint)


See what else St. Gianna, who gave up her own life so that he unborn child would live, said about suffering.

A related post worth re-visiting: The Paradox of the Cross

Find this mug and others like it at Catholic to the Max

Requiescat in Pace, Dr. Lankford

ChelseaDeath, Eternal Life, Pro Life2 Comments

I just got a note that Dr. Lankford, who I told you about the other day, died – peacefully – this morning.


May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

The Beauty of Human Weakness

ChelseaAssisted Suicide, Disabled, Faith, Hope, Suffering, Suicide12 Comments

In Australia last week, the Supreme Court ruled that 49 year old quadriplegic Christian Rossiter has the “right to die” if he so wishes. The problem is Rossiter is not going to just die, he’s going to starve himself to death by refusing to be nourished with food and fluids through a feeding tube.

What is most heart-breaking about this story, of course, is the fact that this man thinks that his life has little to no value because of his physical limitations. In a statement read by his attorney Rossiter told the court:

“I am unable to undertake any basic human functions. I am unable to blow my nose. I’m unable to wipe the tears from my eyes.”

This reminds me of a “conversation” I had on Twitter recently:

@giannajessen: i wonder how long i will be considered valuable? i have already been told to my face (at 14) that i’m “a burden to society”….

@czParalytic: I hear you…I was once told by someone that they would kill themselves if they were in my situation

@giannajessen: people don’t know how beautiful physical weakness can be. within it are eternal lessons that can be learned in no other way.

@czParalytic: “My grace is sufficient for you for power is made perfect in weakness. I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me, for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinth 12:9-10

The beauty of physical weakness that Gianna mentions is that the awareness of the limits of our human nature is meant to lead us to put all our trust in God who wants us to rely on Him for absolutely everything. When we place our trust in God alone His divine power will shine forth in us, sustaining us in our weakness (St. Josemaria, Friends of God, 194). In other words, Jesus uses our weakness to reveal His glory.

How difficult this is for such a prideful world to see! So many of us like to think, as the “right to die” movement encourages, that each of us owns our own body and should be able to be masters of our own death. And yet not one of us can boast of having any input whatsoever in the circumstances that brought us to life in the first place. As Gianna said another time, “what arrogance!…Don’t you realize that you cannot make your own heart beat?”

In this is true strength, that we learn to abandon our own will and embrace the will of God, even if it does not make sense to us. For then we will be sustained by the Author of all life, free from our own selfish pride and able to endure affliction with a smile.

“In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:6-9).

Pray that Mr. Rossiter, who told reporters, “There’s a possibility I could still be dissuaded,” realizes this – soon!

Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer (Romans 12:11-12)

Alphonse is “Playing Up the Horrifying Nature of Abortion”

ChelseaAbortion1 Comment

AlphonseGlad to see this comic – and its message – getting some media coverage. From the Washington Times this Wednesday:

Author Matthew Lickona, whose first work was titled “Swimming With Scapulars: True Confessions of a Young Catholic,” is playing up the horrifying nature of abortion in a new comic book series in hopes of provoking dialogue about the procedure.

The protagonist in “Alphonse: Untimely Ripp’d” is an aborted fetus who survives the procedure and then sets out to extract revenge against his mother.

Mr. Lickona acknowledges, “It’s something of an outlandish premise,” but he sees the unborn child as comparable to the murderous Misfit in Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.”

The pictures in the mostly black-and-white comic are not for the faint of heart. Alphonse resembles a stark drawing of a Chuckie doll, with vacant eyes. The opening scenes take place in an abortion clinic, where the aborted fetus says, “Surprise, doctor,” before escaping.

Mr. Lickona describes “Alphonse” as “drama tinged with fantasy and the grotesque” and says the reaction from the pro-life community has been supportive although hesitant.

“People who are pro-life are pleased to see a fetus presented as a person — and more than that, a character. But it’s not like he’s lovable or innocent — the ordeal of crisis pregnancy has taken a toll on him, and he is both wounded and enraged,” Mr. Lickona said. “That has thrown some people off.”

Order issue one. Issue two is now in production.

Matthew Lickona’s blog
Follow Alphonse on Twitter and Facebook.

See my post: Alphonse, A Monster for Our Time

Still No Human Trials for ESCR!

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research8 Comments

Earlier this year the drug developer Geron Corp. announced that it was given FDA approval to begin the first trial of an embryonic stem cell treatment in humans. But alas, the FDA reversed its decision this week:

Geron said the Food and Drug Administration is reviewing new data from studies of the therapy, called GRNOPC1, on animals. The company plans to start testing its product on humans this summer, but that testing will be delayed during the FDA’s review. Geron said it will work with the FDA, and did not estimate how long the review will take.

This is good news! The more we can delay the progression of this unethical and immoral science the better. Meanwhile, ethical stem cells continue to kick butt and outperform – in animals as well as many humans. Full speed ahead!

Obama 7/17/07: “Reproductive care is essential care…It is at the center and the heart of the (health care) plan that I’ve proposed.”

ChelseaAbortion, Health Care, video5 Comments

Lately the President and his administration have been fairly quiet about the whole ‘abortion in health care reform’ debate. But in his now infamous speech to Planned Parenthood in 2007, then candidate Obama, was a little more candid. Remember, for Obama:

“‘Reproductive health’ includes access to abortion.”
~Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Obama’s wording here is significant because, while the word “abortion” may not appear in either of the health care bills, the term “essential benefit” is and will likely be interpreted by the courts to mandate abortion coverage as illustrated by past administrative and legal interpretation. MRL President Pam Fichter explains this in her response to a statement by Sen. Claire McCaskill last week. This is why the only way to ensure that abortions will not be covered under the federal health care reform is if specific language is written into the bill that excludes taxpayer abortion as a benefit. Find out more at StopTheAbortionMandate.com

Thanks to National Right to Life for providing this video. Watch the entire (disturbing) speech.

Previous post:
Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion

TOB Tuesday: How Far is Too Far?

ChelseaChastity, Love, video1 Comment

Inevitably, when learning about chastity, some of our young people (and even many adults, for that matter!) want to know, “how far can I go without crossing the line?” But that is the wrong question to ask (h/t Inflated Tires):

Chastity is about overcoming our selfish sexual desires, upholding our own dignity, the dignity of the other and the sacredness of our sexuality. It’s not a matter of repression, but rather, through the blood of Christ, being free from the bond of lust and sin in order to be able to experience real love.

Here’s some more specific advice from chastity speaker, Jason Evert

General rule of thumb: Sex and, therefore, sexual arousal, are meant only for marriage. Any action that will or could potentially lead to either should be avoided (yes, sometimes even french-kissing) The key is to always desire to love and please God above all else. It’s not easy, but, with recourse to the Holy Spirit and the saving blood of Christ, pure love is possible – even if we have fallen in the past.

Find out more at PureLoveClub.com – which includes a “how far is too far” Q&A.

Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
~1 Timothy 4:12

When you decide firmly to lead a clean life, chastity will not be a burden on you; it will be a crown of triumph.
~St. Josemaria

Related: Chastity and Freedom

TOB Tuesdays

Who’s to Blame?

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

Jill Stanek nails it:

It is not the fault of “conservatives” that pre-abortive mothers fret and post-abortive pro-abortive mothers bury negative emotions and encourage others to be like them, to prop themselves up. Maternal instincts to protect one’s own children and not kill them are built in.