Praying for Baby Joseph and Family

ChelseaEuthanasia8 Comments

baby joseph imageIn case you’ve missed this truly awful story. In Canada, a family is fighting for the right to care for their sick 13 month old child. “Baby Joseph” has a severe neurological disorder and is is on a ventilator in a hospital in London, Ontario. His parents are very aware that their son is not going to recover, but they also don’t want him to die in the hospital. So, they have requested a tracheotomy so that he can be cared for and die peacefully at home. Seems like a reasonable request. That’s how they cared for a daughter who died of a similar condition eight years ago But doctors have refused and insist on just removing Joseph’s ventilator and letting him die in the hospital. The case was brought before a Superior Court Judge in Canada who ruled in the doctors’ favor, and now, according to Moe Maraachli, Joseph’s father, hospital security is denying them private visits!:

“Security watch me and security stay with me…When I go to hospital I feel I am not in Canada. I feel I’m in jail or they kidnapped my baby.”

Awful. And unnecessary! It’s not like they could just take him out of the hospital, he’d die right away. That’s what they need the tracheotomy for. In its defense, the hospital says that it has amped up security “given the public interest in this case and the emotions involved in it.” Though, they have not actually received any threats.

I just read that the Michigan hospital they were hoping to get Joseph transferred to has declined. So now, it seems, his fate really is sealed. Awful. But his family is not giving up hope.

This, of course, has raised concerns about universal government health-care. Dr. Gerard Nadal reflects on When Hospitals Become Gulags. Awful.

Prayer: You have given the sick and the suffering a share in your cross, give them patience and strength. Save those you have redeemed by your blood, Lord.

*UPDATE* See video of Baby Joseph

TOB Tues: NFP and Red Hot Catholic Love

ChelseaChastity, Love, Lust, Marriage, Natural Family Planning, Sex, Sexuality, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

red-hots imageLast week I highlighted Catholic theologian, writer and spiritual director Tim Muldoon’s post candidly sharing how he and his wife discovered Red Hot Catholic Love by following what the Church recommended when it came to sex. In a follow up post, Muldoon shares he and his wife’s experience with Natural Family Planning (NFP):

Natural family planning was wonderful because it allowed us to talk about sex and then enjoy it. It allowed us to name our desires and then discern which of them were healthiest for our married life, and which were perhaps more rooted in unhealthy attitudes or (for lack of a better term) external turn-ons. It allowed us to know each other without needing any sort of technology. It kept our focus on a deep yet still distant desire, for children. We later learned that NFP also enabled us to almost immediately diagnose infertility. And much later we have come to understand that the periodic abstinence required by NFP was excellent practice for the child-raising years, during which time periodic abstinence becomes rather a necessity, due to small children running into our bedroom to sleep.

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Yes, it’s possible to follow what the Church recommends when it came to sex. And when you do, it’s red hot!

Related: Spice Up Your Sex Life…Invite God!

Bernard Nathanson, RIP

ChelseaAbortion4 Comments

NathansonDr. Bernard Nathanson was one of the founding members of NARAL and the director of one of the Nation’s largest abortion facilities in the 1970s. In the late 60s and early 70s he helped his fellow abortion advocates lie about fetal development and illegal abortion statistics in order to push for legalized abortion. He as said that he is personally personally responsible for the killing of 75,000 unborn children, personally killing thousands himself, including one of his own.

But, thank God, that’s not where his story ends. In 1979, largely thanks to new ultrasound technology, he had a pro-life conversion and has been fighting for life ever since. His most famous and effective contribution to the pro-life movement is the documentary The Silent Scream, which shows the abortion of a 12 week old unborn child who appears to “scream” in pain as he is being killed.

In this video he did for a campaign in South Dakota a few years ago, you can see, even after all these years, how deeply remorseful he his about his past:

Bernard Nathanson died this Monday at the age of 84. Nathanson was baptized Catholic in 1996. His godmother, Joan Andrews Bell, said (source)

“He will be remembered as a very strong advocate for the babies. One factor stood out, knowing him over the years, and that was that he had a deep pain for what he had done in terms of abortion. I remember there were periods he was fasting; he underwent huge amounts of fasting to make up for it.”

Hopefully he is now enjoying his reward in heaven!

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Read: Bernard Nathanson Dead at 84

The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind

A Prayer for Truth and Life

ChelseaAbortion, Activism, Planned Parenthood, Prayer1 Comment

Good news: the House passed the Pence amendment to de-fund Planned Parenthood, a success which many are attributing to the recent work of Live Action “exposing” the dirty deeds of the Nation’s largest abortion provider. And yet, a not-so small or insignificant debate has been raging lately on whether Live Action’s actions were justified.

I admit that I am quite happy that I have been quite happy to see Planned Parenthood “exposed” for the liars and criminals that they are. I also admit that a lot of the arguments against Live Action’s tactics make sense to me…but so does this one on the other side. Needless to say, I’m not entirely sure what the final answer is here or if a concrete conclusion can or will ever be made. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not an important question to explore, both in the public arena and within our own consciences as we consider our own pro-life activism.

As Christians we serve a Lord who is not just Life, but TRUTH and Life. And we’re not just battling a culture of death, but an enemy who is the Father of LIES. So, we should always want to make sure that we are good representatives of both life and truth. I think Stacy Trasancos has the right idea here. Let us pray – that we will never grow soft in defending the most defenseless among us and that we may always be guided by the Spirit of Truth.

    Prayer to the Spirit of Truth

    Holy Spirit, You are the promised Spirit of Truth, constantly revealing the splendor of truth to Your people, and leading us deeper into the Mysteries of our Faith.

    Come to us today, and deepen in our minds and hearts the truth about life: its greatness, its dignity, its reflection of the eternal God. Make us appreciate ever more the truth that life is always a good, and that every life is of equal dignity, despite all the different characteristics people have, or the different circumstances under which they come to be.

    Come, Spirit of Truth. Free all Your people from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion. Free them from the false and harmful ideas which make a god out of their own choices, or which fail to recognize the right to life of children in the womb.

    Come, O Holy Spirit, and as You immerse us in Your truth, so make us effective witnesses of that truth within our families, among our friends, and to all the world. Amen.

Prayer from Priests for Life

Defund Planned Parenthood *Updated*

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

mike penceThe House is debating the Pence amendement to defund Planned Parenthood right now. According to their 2008-2009 Annual Report, Planned Parenthood received over $350 million from American taxpayers, a number that has been steadily rising over the years, and with it the number of abortions Planned Parenthood has committed. Planned Parenthood is in the business of killing human beings and many of their other services and practices not only do not contribute to the medical common good, but help advance the culture of death as well. There is no good reason for them to receive money from the Federal Government!

That is all.

Oh, also, as I’m listening to this debate, I’m thinking of starting a “war against women” drinking game. Seriously, these statements aren’t very original.

Recommended: Planned Parenthood Admits It Doesn’t Need Federal Money

*update* Good grief. It’s 11 pm and debate on the Pence bill has finally ended…without a vote! I gotta say, Congressional debates get old and repetitive after a while, but some Representatives do manage to keep things…interesting: Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore: Abortion is better for unplanned babies than having to eat Ramen noodles

Woman Holds off Cancer Treatment to Give Birth

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

webster family picVia the UK Daily Mail: 33 year old Victoria Webster has “stunned doctors” (hmm…a lot of that going around these days) by giving birth to a healthy baby girl. Why so stunning? When she was pregnant she found out she had chronic myeloid leukaemia. Doctors pleaded with her to have a late term “termination” and start chemotherapy right away, but she refused:

Mrs Webster from Birmingham, said: ‘My doctor told me I needed to make a choice and decide whether I should keep my baby.

‘To me, there was no decision to make. I had already bonded with my baby while she was growing inside me and as her mum, I had to protect her.

‘Doctors kept telling me I should have a termination – but I had made up my mind, and my husband Martyn supported me.

‘It’s the best decision I have ever made. I can’t imagine my life without my daughter.
Since having Jessica last April, I’ve had a course of chemo and I’m beating leukaemia.’

Read more

Related post worth revisiting: No Greater Love

Never Give Up On Life

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

This is a story not to be missed!

There is a lot about brain activity we simply do not know. Brain scans, etc… can only tell so much and doctors are not mind readers. We should never give up on life when it needs us the most!

UK Court Mulls Forced Sterilization

ChelseaEugenicsLeave a Comment

Not cool.

LONDON (AP) – A British judge ruled Tuesday that more evidence is needed before deciding whether to grant a mother’s wish to have her mentally disabled daughter sterilized — a case that is troubling medical ethicists.

The 21-year-old woman, who has a significant learning disability and has been identified only as P, already has one child who is being cared for by her mother, Mrs. P. The woman is scheduled to give birth via cesarean section on Wednesday and her mother had proposed that doctors could sterilize her daughter at the same time.

The case is now scheduled to be heard in April after the court requested more expert evidence.

Here’s some more evidence that should be presented – via Suzanne at Big Blue Wave:

if she lacks the ability to consent to a sterilization, how is it that she has the ability to consent to sex? Who’s sleeping with her? Why isn’t she sufficiently supervised on this matter?

Honestly, that is what they should be focusing on if they’re really worried about this woman’s well being, as they should be.

Perhaps most disturbing is this information from an earlier article on this case:

Most Court of Protection cases are heard behind closed doors at its north London offices.

The court has the power to make life or death decisions on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people in society.

Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Court has the power to decide on medical treatments for individuals judged by psychiatrists to lack mental capacity.

Cases that come before the court include proposals to withhold or withdraw artificial nutrition and hydration from a person in a permanent vegetative state.

The court can also order “terminations of pregnancy” for women who lack capacity to consent, as well as “experimental or innovative treatment” and medical procedures that require the use of force to restrain the patient.

Scary. How often does this kind of stuff happen over there!?!

Eugenics Rising? I’m beginning to wonder if it ever really went away…

TOB Tuesday: Red Hot Catholic Love

ChelseaLove, Sex, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

red-hots imageWhen they were dating, Tim Muldoon and his wife asked, “what if we did exactly what the Church recommended when it came to sex?” What they found was: Red Hot Catholic Love! Yeah, it’s possible.

We dated. We talked about sex. Of course we wanted it. But we waited.

Ours was a transcontinental romance nourished by letter-writing (which I recommend even in this age of the internet, because of the meditative quality of ink on paper). We approached our love deliberately, thoughtfully, and found over time that love grew. In retrospect, I think that our decision to wait for sex was a kind of pruning, allowing the growth of other elements of relationship: conversation, creative use of time, appreciation of the small joys of hand-holding and long kisses.

Neither of us had any real idea of what sex was like till we were married. We figured it out as we went along, and that shared ignorance was delightful. There is nothing, I suspect, like learning how to love with someone you’ve already promised to love forever. It is incredibly freeing.

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10 Years Ago Today…

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Me and JPII…I met a saint! Well, “met” doesn’t exactly describe the privilege. I literally just rolled past him, stopping just long enough to give his ring a quick kiss. The whole thing probably only lasted about 20 seconds. But – I got a great picture out of it!

In light of today’s little anniversary and his upcoming beatification, I thought I’d re-post (a slightly adapted version of) what I wrote a few years ago about John Paul II’s “culture of life” legacy.

JP II and the Culture of Life – originally posted 4/2/08

He is often referred to as John Paul the Great, but I will always know him simply as JPII. No doubt he was a mighty world/religious leader, but to many of us who grew up under his pontificate, he was also a gentle and humble shepherd who seemed as close and personal to us as our own fathers.

Growing up in Poland during the Nazi occupation of the country during World War II, JPII experienced first had the horror that a culture that does not value all human life produces. Today the struggle for human rights and freedom continues, so, for me the greatest “legacy” he left us was his enthusiasm for articulating the Church’s commitment to building a culture of life. There are a number of ways in which a culture of life must be built. First, quite obviously, is recognition and respect for the unique dignity of the human person and our relationship to God and each other.

Theology of the Body is JPII’s vision of the human person and what it means to be made in the “image and likeness of God.” In writing Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II, author George Weigel concluded that TOB, a collection of 129 Wednesday audiences given between 1979-1984, was JPII’s

“longest-lasting theological contribution to the Church…a bit of a theological time bomb…that would explode within the Church at some indeterminate point in the future…reshaping the way Catholics think about our embodiedness as male and female, our sexuality, our relationships with each other, our relationship with God – even God Himself”

In TOB JPII encourages a true reverence for our bodies and the gift of our sexuality and challenges us to live it in a way worthy of our great dignity as human persons (from the TOB website).

The incomparable worth of every human being, the late pontiff points out in Evangelium Vitae, is revealed in the Incarnation. When the Son of God came to earth and took on human form, he came that we might have life (Jn. 10:10)! “Thus the deepest element of God’s commandment to protect human life is JPIIthe requirement to show reverence and love for every person and the life of every person.” This is not only true for weakest and most innocent members of our society – the poor, the sick, the unborn, the elderly, the embryo in a petri dish – but it includes loving the life of a criminal, of our enemies (Mt. 5:44), as he showed by visiting and forgiving the man who tried to kill him.

By and large, the culture of death” that we are experiencing is a direct result of the breakdown of the family. In Familiaris Consortio, John Paul recognizes the “precious value of marriage and of the family“, especially when it comes to educating the essential values of human life. The family is the “first vital cell of society” and by embracing the plan of God for marriage and family, Christian families will contribute to the “renewal of society and of the People of God.”

Related to that, in Evangelium Vitae, John Paul says:

It is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not…accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (Evangelium Vitae n. 97)

Along with the Theology of the Body he also wrote, before he became pope, an incredible book on responsible love as it relates to marriage and sexual relations. Love and Responsibility is a deep and frank discussion on everything from “The Person and Love” to “Sexology and Ethics” and it would rather shock people to see exactly what a celibate priest understands and has to say on the matter. His 1994 Letter to Families, too is a treasure and has been called a compendium of John Paul’s thought on human sexuality. A kind of mini TOB.

Many times on this website I have said that a culture that respects all human life must have a joyful acceptance of human suffering. As we saw with the starvation of Terri Schiavo and many cases like hers, our society JPIIhas a great disdain for human suffering which leads to the tragic death and outright murder of people whose lives are considered worthless. We can counter this by following the example of JPII whose physical health gradually deteriorated after the gun shot wound that almost took his life. Despite the obvious pain and suffering that came with his sickness, the pope never let it slow him down. Even in his final days, when his health was at its worst, he struggled to be in front of the faithful. In 1984 he also wrote the Apostolic Letter on the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering, Salvifici Doloris.

Finally it must be said that those living according to the culture of death are not without hope. In his 2002 address to the U.S. Cardinals in response to the sexual abuse scandal John Paul said,

“we cannot forget the power of Christian conversion, that radical decision to turn away from sin and back to God, which reaches to the depths of a person’s soul and can work extraordinary change.”

A culture of life requires recognition of, and a relationship with, He who is Life itself. This is to be its very foundation. For Christ said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (Jn. 14:6) and those who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (Jn. 3:16)! God is nothing if not merciful and it is never too late to come back to Him with all our heart. As much as we want to save lives, as pro-lifers and Christians we should have a great desire to help save souls as well.

JPII was a great leader in the fight against the culture of death. Hopefully we will learn from his example and work to advance the culture of life with the same enthusiasm as the late pontiff. JPII, WE LOVE YOU!

The rest of my family with JPII:

Mom and JPII Dad and JPII

Carly and JPII Caitlin and JPII