Good news: the House passed the Pence amendment to de-fund Planned Parenthood, a success which many are attributing to the recent work of Live Action “exposing” the dirty deeds of the Nation’s largest abortion provider. And yet, a not-so small or insignificant debate has been raging lately on whether Live Action’s actions were justified.
I admit that I am quite happy that I have been quite happy to see Planned Parenthood “exposed” for the liars and criminals that they are. I also admit that a lot of the arguments against Live Action’s tactics make sense to me…but so does this one on the other side. Needless to say, I’m not entirely sure what the final answer is here or if a concrete conclusion can or will ever be made. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not an important question to explore, both in the public arena and within our own consciences as we consider our own pro-life activism.
As Christians we serve a Lord who is not just Life, but TRUTH and Life. And we’re not just battling a culture of death, but an enemy who is the Father of LIES. So, we should always want to make sure that we are good representatives of both life and truth. I think Stacy Trasancos has the right idea here. Let us pray – that we will never grow soft in defending the most defenseless among us and that we may always be guided by the Spirit of Truth.
Prayer to the Spirit of Truth
Holy Spirit, You are the promised Spirit of Truth, constantly revealing the splendor of truth to Your people, and leading us deeper into the Mysteries of our Faith.
Come to us today, and deepen in our minds and hearts the truth about life: its greatness, its dignity, its reflection of the eternal God. Make us appreciate ever more the truth that life is always a good, and that every life is of equal dignity, despite all the different characteristics people have, or the different circumstances under which they come to be.
Come, Spirit of Truth. Free all Your people from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion. Free them from the false and harmful ideas which make a god out of their own choices, or which fail to recognize the right to life of children in the womb.
Come, O Holy Spirit, and as You immerse us in Your truth, so make us effective witnesses of that truth within our families, among our friends, and to all the world. Amen.
Prayer from Priests for Life
One Comment on “A Prayer for Truth and Life”
Thank you. More and more I’m learning prayer is the answer and I just don’t know as much as I thought I did. Blessings! š