$1 BILLION in Gov’t (Taxpayer) $ to Abortion Orgs 2002-2008

ChelseaAbortion, Money, Politics1 Comment

Well, I’d be a pretty lousy pro-life blogger if I didn’t mention this one: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has a released a report, “Fiscal Years 2002-2009 Obligations, Disbursements, and Expenditures for Selected Organizations Involved in Health-Related Activities.” According to their report, organizations that either perform and/or advocate abortions have received nearly…$1 billion (cue Dr. Evil and his pinky finger) of taxpayer money over the last 7 years. Organizations like:

Planned Parenthood Federation of America: $657.1 million (2002-2008)

Population Council of the United States: $284.3 million (2002-2008)

International Planned Parenthood Federation: $93.8 million (2002-2009)

Advocates for Youth: $8.7 million (2002-2009)

Guttmacher Institute: $12.7 million (2002-2008)

Sexuality Information & Education Council of the U.S.: $1.6 million (2002-2009)

Read the report

This is why elections matter! Who’s looking forward to this November? Sadly, I can’t say that I’m all that enthusiastic at this point. You may have noticed that I don’t talk a lot about politics on here. At least not as much as I used to. I’m about as politically apathetic/jaded as one person can get and I’ve about had it with pols/candidates in both parties. Note that much of the funding mentioned above was approved during a Republican majority in Congress and with a pro-life Republican president. Here’s hoping my attitude about politics and politicians improves some so that I don’t totally neglect my civic duty.

Speaking of politics, the U.S. House of Representatives may soon vote on the so-called “DISCLOSE Act,” legislation that would place sweeping new restrictions on the ability of incorporated groups, including groups like National Right to Life and their affiliates, to communicate with the public about the actions of federal lawmakers.

NCBC/Ave Maria Update

ChelseaBioethics, Embryonic Stem Cell Research1 Comment

Two weeks ago I questioned the conclusion by the National Catholic Bioethics Center that there was no moral objection to Ave Maria University/Town creator Tom Monahan possibly selling part of his interest in the land around the university in order to allow the Jackson Laboratory biotech firm to build a research facility on the site. Here is a statement from the NCBC summarizing their position (via American Papist)


Essentially, the NCBC found no evidence that Jackson Labs was actively engaging in human embryonic stem cell research at this point in time – though they may do so in the future. All of their research involves mouse embryos and is, therefore, not immoral in and of itself. Thus, the NCBC found “no moral obstacle” to Mr. Monaghan selling his interest in the land for the building of a new Jackson facility.

My immediate reaction: Ok, so they don’t actually do human ESCR at their facilities…yet. But what, exactly, does the NCBC think they are doing mouse ESCR for? Certainly not just for the heck of it. Animal ESCR lays the groundwork for future research with human embryos. Indeed, Jackson Labs has offered its mouse models in order to educate and advance research using human embryos. So, even if they do not actively engage in the research themselves, they do offer their services to help advance its cause. Does that not matter at all? And what about their commitment to finding “better contraceptive methods”?

CMR’s Patrick Archibold spoke with NCBC President Dr. John M. Haas, Ph.D., S.T.L. who said that while

the fruits of this research could be used for immoral ends, the research itself is not immoral and might even provide positive results.

Hmm…I still don’t get it. Let’s look at a seemingly related situation: As long as there is a pro-life alternative, Catholics are not permitted to vote for pro-choice candidates. Though the candidate himself does not perform the abortions, he is an advocate for abortion rights and could help pass legislation that would benefit the abortion industry and destroy lives. This may be a way off base comparison, but it seems similar to me.

In his post, Patrick says Monaghan deserves credit for being concerned enough about the morality of the transaction and seeking advice from a reputable Catholic institution. And I agree. However, because the morality of their motives and research is even a little bit questionable, it would have been nice if Mr. Monaghan would have at least tried to replace Jackson Labs with a different, less controversial biotech company. Like NeoStem, for example, which is the company that the Vatican recently teamed up with to promote ethical stem cell research.

What do you think about all of this? A reader at the American Papist blog made the point that, if this transaction is wrong – as many still think it is – shouldn’t it be even worse for Catholics to support/attend schools like Yale, Harvard, MIT, Johns Hopkins, University of Wisconsin, Stanford, WUStL, etc., that all actually do engage in human ESCR? Can’t some of that money be funneled into their ESCR labs?

TOB Tuesday: Teaching Young People

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Robert Colquhoun has some good advice for parents on how to teach young people sexual values:

Both teenagers and parents have a desire for the truth on matters of sexuality. In a sexually saturated culture, there is a demand for clear teaching and responsibility. Many problems can occur when parents become disconnected from the lives of their children. In Britain, a number of legislative events have happened, encouraging access to contraception and abortion without parental consent. The Gillick ruling in 1985 upheld the ruling allowing doctors to prescribe contraceptives to girls under 16. Some parents would rather preach to the British National Party on mixed race marriages than give their children the birds and the bees talk on sexual values. Today, the average teenager will hear and see up to 480,000 sexual references, innuendos or images by the time they leave school. If young people do not hear truth from good sources, where will they turn to find about the truth and meaning of human sexuality?

His assessment here is pretty spot-on. Like reading, writing and arithmetic, many, if not most, parents have left the education of their children on human sexuality up to the schools. “Sex ed” is something they’ve just come to expect in the classroom and, believe it or not, some parents even get upset when it is not offered in any way, shape or form. Not too long ago I heard a woman complaining that her 14 year old daughter was not getting any kind of “sex education” at her Lutheran middle school so she had to set her daughter down by herself and make sure she knew that whenever she’s ready to have sex she should let mommy know so that she can get her on birth control right away.

But what about those parents who actually want to promote abstinence among teenagers? Colquhoun continues:

When talking about sexual values, fear tactics do not work. The value of chastity is not abstinence. Abstinence is only the lack of sexual expression. If young people are aware of positive reasons for saving sex until marriage, it is more likely the message will be accepted. The call to love and be loved is more powerful than the imposition of fear.

I’ve said here before that there are much better ways to promote abstinence/chastity. than trying to scare them into obedience with the horrors of teen pregnancy and STDs. Sure, they need to know the risks of sexual immorality, but, let’s face it, if there’s one thing teens like to do it’s take risks as they, for the most part, tend to think they’re invincible. Thus, they also need a good, positive and convincing reason to remain pure. For the record, I am not opposed to kids learning about contraception – the fact that it exists, how it works, etc… I just don’t like it being offered and encouraged for use as an alternative to abstinence or some kind of “fail safe.” Kids do not need condoms! What they need is support and encouragement to see and love with a pure heart and aspire to something higher and greater than what the world would have them settle for. It may be difficult to maintain purity, what with their raging hormones and a sex saturated culture, but it’s not impossible:

“To be pure, to remain pure, can only come at a price, the price of knowing God and loving him enough to do his will. He will always give us the strength we need to keep purity as something as beautiful for him.”

–Mother Teresa

Read the rest of Colquhoun’s article for some practical tips for chastity education.

Dean Koontz: Chronicling Our Doom

ChelseaBioethicsLeave a Comment

I’ve told you a few times that I am in the middle of Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein series about transhumanism and the deadly quest for human perfection and immortality. I’ve never read Koontz before, but decided to pick this series up since it is related to many things I discuss here on my blog. So far it has not disappointed.

I’m not yet to book number 3 and now Koontz has come out with a fourth installment to his take on the mad scientist made famous by Mary Shelly in the early 19th century. Lost Souls is available this Tuesday (6/15/10).

Here is what the author has to say Lost Soulsabout his new book. (via Amazon.com)

When I finished the third Frankenstein novel, Dead and Alive, I foresaw that it was the end of the series. As it turns out, I was as right about this as I was about my prediction that the annual Academy Awards TV special would be hosted five years running by Muammar Gaddafi.

My original trilogy brought to an end a story cycle, but the themes of Shelley’s novel are more timely by the month. I realized that I could do much more with the concept than I had done thus far. Furthermore, an entirely new kind of technology of creature-creation occurred to me, and it was a lot more terrifying than the messy-gooey, strictly biological New Race that Victor developed in the first trilogy. By moving the setting from New Orleans to Rainbow Falls, Montana, I was able, as well, to change the atmosphere and to have fun with Armageddon occurring in snow-and-cowboy country.

As always, if readers hadn’t been so enthusiastic about these books, I wouldn’t have been able to proceed with the series. I appreciate your support more than I can say. I’ve received a lot of mail from readers who said they didn’t read these novels for the longest time because the whole Frankenstein thing turned them off, but when they finally tried them, they discovered these weren’t at all like what they expected, and they loved them. I always try not to give you the same old same old. Lost Souls has the flavor of my first three Frankenstein titles, but otherwise it does not clump over familiar territory. This time, Victor is much scarier and smarter than his predecessor, and his war against humanity is a blitzkrieg that comes on like a storm.

Lost Souls, like the books after it, is self-contained even though it is a part of a larger narrative. You can plunge into it and, if you like it, then go back to Prodigal Son, City of Night, and Dead and Alive if you wish. I am currently working on The Dead Town, recounting the next phase of the war against humanity, and I suppose it might sound a little strange to say I’m having a good time chronicling our doom.

Splice **Update**

ChelseaBioethics, Cloning, video2 Comments

h/t to Jill Stanek on Facebook for the heads up on this human/animal hybrid sci-fi/horror movie out this weekend. I hadn’t heard anything about it until today and I’m going to try to see it sometime next week – if I can get my little sister, a horror movie fan (which, with very few exceptions, I am not usually) to come see it with me. The trailer:

Said the movie’s star, Adrian Brody: “We’re living in a world where science fiction has become a reality” (see the video clip below). Indeed. See my post Why We Need to Ban Cloning, ASAP (note: no cloning, either fully human or human/animal, is banned in the United States)!!

Out of 129 reviews so far, Splice has a 74% Fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes.

Jill Stanek has a review (with spoilers) of Splice up on her blog. Not sure I want to go see it now. Not that I was expecting it to be a real great movie anyway.

Other science-not-so-fiction movies worth seeing if you haven’t, yet:
The Island
The 6th Day

In books:
–I’m still in the process of getting through Dean Koontz’ Frankenstein series transhumanism. I’m in the middle of book 2 of 3 and it’s very interesting, though I’m starting to agree with my mother who thinks it could (should) have just been one book.
–I enjoyed Michael Chrichton’s biotechnology thriller Next. Though, I think he went a little overboard on the different story lines, some of which didn’t even come together in the end.

Songs From a Mommy’s Heart

ChelseaFaith, Family, Women2 Comments

Expecting GraceRebecca Byrons Donaghy, wife of Theology of the Body speaker, and friend of mine, Bill Donaghy, has a new CD out called Expecting Grace: Songs From a Mommy’s Heart. Her description:

Songs written from a place of longing before I was a Mommy, in mourning upon the loss of our precious children and in celebration of the infinite gift of Mommyhood

Check it out!

Also, please keep Bill in your prayers as he leads a TOB 1 “Head and Heart” Immersion Course next week!

CNN: Womb is a ‘Sacred Space’

ChelseaAbortion, Media, videoLeave a Comment

In a report about how toxic chemicals possibly affect unborn children CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta truthfully describes the kind of place the womb is supposed to be for unborn children. Why do I have a feeling, however, that this report failed to mention that this ‘safe refuge’ is legally allowed to be penetrated and injected with some toxic chemicals that assault the baby’s body to the point of death?

NewsBusters has more.

The womb is like the altar, it’s the place where God continually comes into the world and does what only God can do, create.
Peter Kreeft

Sacred, indeed.

Speaking of toxic chemicals, on June 17 the FDA will meet to consider approval for ellaOne, a new pill that works like the RU486 abortion pill and can be taken up to 5 days after sexual intercourse. According to Jill Stanek, some backers want it to be approved as “emergency contraception” so that it can be made available over the counter.

TOB Tuesday: Priests and Fatherhood

ChelseaCelibacy, Fatherhood, Marriage, Men, TOB Tuesday3 Comments

Man to ManFather’s Day is coming up in a little less than two weeks and tomorrow marks the beginning of the end of the Year for Priests. In anticipation of these two events, I like Fr. James Farfaglia’s column over at Catholic Exchange on spiritual and natural fatherhood:

[S]ome men are called to be fathers of a family through the sacrament of marriage, and there are men who are called to be fathers of an immensely large family through the sacrament of Holy Orders. Fatherhood demands total self-giving.

True fathers will understand that parenting goes far beyond simply feeding their children and filling their day with hours of mindless television. True priests will always devote large amounts of time each week to preparing good Sunday homilies; to being available to meet the needs of their people; and to taking the time to visit the homebound and the sick in the hospitals. But if homes are abandoned because fathers are more concerned about their careers than their children, and if parishes are abandoned because the spiritual fathers are more concerned about their free time and entertainment than the souls entrusted to them, then it is no wonder that so many Americans wander aimlessly about seeking affection, love, direction, purpose and companionship?

Married love and celibate love can only be understood within the dimension of total donation of self. Selfishness will prevent us from the giving of ourselves unconditionally. If we live selfish lives, we will not experience the profound joy of Christianity.

read more

Still looking for a good Father’s Day present? Check out Fr. Farfaglia’s book Man to Man: A Real Priest Speaks to Real Men about Marriage, Sexuality and Family Life in which he encourages men, specifically married men, to be faithful, authentic, mature, coherent, and heroic – to embrace and live out their masculinity as God created it to be lived.

TOB Tuesdays

iPhone 4 Ad With Ultrasound

ChelseaUltrasound, video1 Comment

Apple has a very cute, family centered ad for its new iPhone, complete with a pregnant woman sharing her baby’s ultrasound image with her husband serving overseas. Click either screen shot below to watch:

iPhone 4

iPhone 4

Pretty impressive little piece of technology. The iPhone 4 will be available later this month. My dad, the Macaholic, will be getting one of these for sure. Me – I’m still using the “old” iPhone 3G.

Speaking of Apple, check out the Pampers “Hello Baby” iPad app if you haven’t seen it already:

Protest the Pill With “Green Sex”!

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

Besides the fact that it’s just plain immoral there are actually plenty of other practical reasons for opposing hormonal contraceptives, especially if you consider yourself an environmentalist. That was the focus of this today’s “The Pill Kills” Protest the Pill Day. Click on the image below for more details.

the pill kills

How many self-professed “greenies”, I wonder, (especially those who condemn the use of hormones in livestock and other food products) actually take their “green” practices into the bedroom? “Green sex” – it’s better for the environment and your body as well.