TOB Tues: Colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman

ChelseaFamily, Marriage, Men, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday, WomenLeave a Comment

humanum.pngThe Vatican is hosting an international interreligious colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Women from Nov 17-19.

The Complementarity of Man and Woman: An International Colloquium is a gathering of leaders and scholars from many religions across the globe, to examine and propose anew the beauty of the relationship between the man and the woman, in order to support and reinvigorate marriage and family life for the flourishing of human society.

Witnesses will draw from the wisdom of their religious tradition and cultural experience as they attest to the power and vitality of the complementary union of man and woman. It is hoped that the colloquium be a catalyst for creative language and projects, as well as for global solidarity, in the work of strengthening the nuptial relationship, both for the good of the spouses themselves and for the good of all who depend upon them.

Each session will feature one of six short films on men and women and marriage the world over. Below is a trailer for the series:

Details about the agenda, the presenters, the films, and media credentialing can be found at the colloquium’s website Humanum.

A Heartbreaking Journey Through IVF

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According to official figures released in recent years in the UK, over 30 embryos are created for every ONE baby born by IVF.

To help personalize those staggering numbers a bit, “Jenny Vaughn” (a pseudonym) shares her journey through IVF, which involved creating 31 tiny human beings in a lab.

The doctor had retrieved 38 good eggs, of which 31 are fertilized. Over the next week, 16 of our embryonic children die and are discarded. Thirteen are cryogenically frozen, mostly two to a vial.

These newly formed, microscopic human beings were then graded for quality and we were encouraged to discard “low-grade” embryos that had little chance of survival. But because we couldn’t fully stifle our doubts about the wrongness of IVF, we insisted that all our viable embryos be preserved.

pregtest3_1.jpgRead more as Vaughn, herself a product of IVF, explains her spiritual awakening and desperately trying to give every one of her children a chance at life…only to have just one survive to be raised by her and her husband.

It’s a heartbreaking story, but an important one. Most people are clueless about IVF’s incredibly high death toll. They’re fed myths about the wonders of modern reproductive science, believing that they will easily become pregnant after their first IVF treatment.

I’ve also heard IVF advocates tout its necessity not just for the purpose of infertile people being able to have a biological child of their own, but because adoption is usually so expensive, costing anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000, and so full of red tape that it can take years to finally welcome a child into your home, if you ever do.

The reality, however, is that, like Vaughn, most women will go through multiple IVF cycles before an embryo will even attach itself in the womb, let alone survive until birth. And those babies aren’t cheap — nearly $15,000 per cycle.

Hardly a bargain compared to adoption. And with “success rates” as low as 40% in women under 35 and falling from there the older women get, coming away with a child is even less of a guarantee.

Going back to Vaughn, the most interesting part of her journey to me was when she mentioned going on a post-abortion retreat as part of her healing process:

Earlier [that] year, I went on a retreat for post-abortive parents, since I felt that what I’d done to my babies through IVF was similar. I felt mixed vibes from others there, possibly because most people don’t understand the complexity of IVF. But if life starts at conception, then you can have sorrow and regret for denying your children life through IVF, the same as you do with abortion.

I suddenly understood just how sacred every single person is to God. I realized how selfish my decisions had been in allowing my babies to be violently injected into my uterus after they’d endured the indignity of freezing and thawing. Yes, the violence paralleled that of abortion.

The similarities were further brought home to me when I read over the IVF and cryopreservation contracts for the first time a month later. I felt brokenhearted and ashamed as I read the dehumanizing language describing that most sacred process of creating human life.

Our babies were described as “cryopreserved material,” “concepti,” and “orphaned specimens.” Another section gave the clinic permission to take “Title” (ownership) of our embryos if we stopped the process, as if our children were commodities like cars. This consumerist mentality, combined with the emphasis on “cost effective treatment,” is what makes it acceptable for IVF children to be donated for research, abandoned, discarded, and even aborted through “selective reduction” when too many embryos stay alive after transfer.

The contract also stated that, “It is rare for an embryo to not survive thawing.” Half of our babies didn’t survive thawing. And, “Occasionally, an embryo is not found in the vial due to the nature of embryos to stick to the vial or pipette.” What incredible dangers we’d exposed our children to! Only one phrase in the entire contract spoke to the humanity of our children by calling them babies.

Being created in a lab and then frozen violates the dignity of these tiny human beings. Thawing and discarding is killing. Reducing women to incubators and men to sperm donors is also undignified. Children have a right to be the fruit of their parents’ loving union, not products to be bought, sold, donated, or trashed.

I wish more pro-lifers would see this connection. Would realize that IVF is just as much a human rights tragedy as abortion is.

You can also listen to Vaughn’s story in this exclusive CatholicSistas podcast.

Also recommended:

After 35 Years, IVF Still a Vast Experiment

SAINT JP II, We Still Love You!

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

Happy first feast day, papa!


ICYMI: earlier this year I talked to Mike Allen about how John Paul II helped lay the foundation for building a culture of life. We didn’t have time to cover everything, but I think we managed hit on several important points.

Click the play button below to listen to the show. I come on about 19 minutes past the hour.

For more, see JP II and the Culture of Life.

Saint JP II, pray for us!

NFP: The Best Worst Thing Ever

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The Population Research Institute’s new video addresses a form of fertility management that is cost-free, pill-free, and free of coercion.

CGS Newsletter: Frozen Eggs, Rented Wombs, Gene Tests and More!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment


The latest newsletter for the Center for Genetics and Society is out.

Lots of good stuff in here — especially about the recent decision by Facebook and Apple to offer their female employees a $20,000 benefit to freeze their eggs for later use with in vitro fertilization.

Check it out!

Welcoming the Unborn “Stranger” Among Us

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“For I was a stranger…and you welcomed me.”

An excerpt from When Did We See You, Lord, by Bishop Robert Baker and the late Fr. Benedict Groeschel, fitting for the Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign currently underway:
Tiny American

Recent Issues of both Time and Newsweek seem to point to a majority of Americans finally coming around to realize that life begins at conception. Of course, this has been the teaching of the Catholic Church all along. One can only hope this is a sign that American society may be beginning to welcome the “stranger” who is the infant in the womb to the category of human personhood, acknowledging the human dignity and civil rights denied the infant in the womb by Roe v. Wade in 1973.

Roe v. Wade made the fetus out to be a predator, a threat to family happiness, another potential mouth to feed who might hamper the health and well being of other family members already there. There would simply not be enough food and clothing and square footage of housing space to accommodate one more human being. The infant in the womb, the stranger in our midst, must go.

A friend of mine…described a great success story he witnessed at a pro-life prayer vigil in front of an abortion clinic…There, he saw a pregnant woman guided away from the destruction of the infant in her womb by another woman, patiently holding a picture of a beautiful baby. Their conversation led the expectant mother to decide to investigate alternatives to abortion with the people at another clinic, a pro-life clinic.

That second woman overcame fear of the unknown with an attitude of welcome — and saved a life. May our time in prayer help us to contemplate the face of Christ int he unborn, and to see that in the unseen infant is a stranger who longs to be welcomed into our world.


God, our Father, You are the author of life and the defender and protector of the innocent and defenseless human life in the womb. Help us to welcome that most unwelcome of strangers in our American society, the innocent unborn. Because we have become so gluttonous as individuals, families and society, we have left no space or room — in our homes, our society or our lives — for this stranger in our midst. Now that we Americans have more to go around, we have less room for children in our midst. Help us, Lord, to see children as the joy of our lives…not hindrances, enemies, obstacles, or strangers.


Nothing Sadder

ChelseaDisabledLeave a Comment

I totally missed this news from a few weeks ago. Apparently Jeopardy superstar, Ken Jennings, was under twitter fire for a comment he made about people in wheelchairs.


Nothing sadder than smart people saying really dumb things.

Hey, Ken, I (and several people I know) resemble that remark! 😉 And you know what?

Disabled People are “Sexy”, Too!

It helps to be willing to see the person and not just the disability.


ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Because, let’s face it, we could all use a little more of it.


Litany of Humility

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,

Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being loved…
From the desire of being extolled …
From the desire of being honored …
From the desire of being praised …
From the desire of being preferred to others…
From the desire of being consulted …
From the desire of being approved …
From the fear of being humiliated …
From the fear of being despised…
From the fear of suffering rebukes …
From the fear of being calumniated …
From the fear of being forgotten …
From the fear of being ridiculed …
From the fear of being wronged …
From the fear of being suspected …

That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be esteemed more than I …
That, in the opinion of the world,
others may increase and I may decrease …
That others may be chosen and I set aside …
That others may be praised and I unnoticed …
That others may be preferred to me in everything…
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should…

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930),
Secretary of State for Pope Saint Pius X

Audio: What Addicts Really Need

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Yesterday I was on Catholic radio in Lexington, KY. Mike and I spent most of the time talking about the Communita Cenocolo, a Catholic ministry that addresses the deepest needs of addicts–the need for community, squeezing in a little bit about America’s eugenic history at the end. Click the play button below to listen!

For even more information about the Community here in America, check out the following episodes of EWTN’s Life on the Rock:

On the Air: What Addicts Really Need

ChelseaInterviewsLeave a Comment


Tune in today at 5 pm ET when I will be talking to Mike Allen about the Communita Cenocolo, a Catholic ministry that addresses the deepest needs of addicts–the need for community. We’ll also talk a little bit about how the ideological roots of the Nazi Holocaust connect to our own American soil.

Click on the image above or go to to listen live.