Women Denied the Right to Kill Their Disabled Pre-Borns

ChelseaAbortion, Disabled, Embryo Screening, Family, Love, Suffering3 Comments

News out of Australia:

Pregnant women carrying a foetus with an abnormality are being denied abortions even when the defect is grounds for “non-treatment” after the baby is born, a leading obstetrician has warned…

Most parents opt to abort if a severe abnormality is found in a test, but Prof de Crespigny says access to the tests and termination varies depending on where they live, the values of the doctor involved and the determination of the woman…

The problem is that many abnormalities are picked up in ultrasounds at around 20 weeks gestation, and therefore require a later-term abortion which many doctors are reluctant to perform under current laws, he said.

Women in these situations are usually facing “wanted” pregnancies and though most opt to abort in the case of a fetal abnormality, it’s not as if it is an immediate reaction, or even a quick decision. That is why women in these situations must be encouraged to love and respect the child within them, disability and all even if that life lasts but a few moments outside the womb or doesn’t survive (naturally) long enough to see the light of day.

Suffering is a part of life. There are things we can do to try to limit suffering, but we can never eliminate it completely. Trying to eliminate our sufferings by running from the problem only perpetuates the darkness that surrounds us, especially when we violate human dignity to do so:

It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sensation of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater. It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love. (from Spe Salvi, paragraph 37)

This is the love that is lost in society, the inability to accept our suffering members. Why? Because true love means sacrifice – sacrifice which requires the renunciation of self in such a way that we not only love the one who suffers, but we actually take on another’s suffering as our very own. This is shear terror for a society in which individuals just cannot be bothered by the problems of another, even one’s own child.

to accept the “other” who suffers,m means that I take up his suffering in such a way that it becomes mine also…Love simply cannot exist without this painful renunciation of myself, for otherwise it becomes pure selfishness and thereby ceases to be love. (38)

Beyond all that, living with a loved one’s disease or disability is not all hardship and depression. Just look at the beautiful testimony of the father of a boy with Down syndrome that I linked to in a previous post.

Some bits are hard, some bits are easy, some bits are fun, some bits are a frightful bore. That’s true of life with Eddie, it’s also true of life with Joe. But you don’t even begin to break it up into categories: it is the one endless, complex business of being a parent. You don’t go into parenthood to make sure that the benefits outweigh the deficits: you go into it out of — brace yourself but no other word will do — love…

I can’t say I’m glad that Eddie has Down’s syndrome, or that I would wish him to suffer in order to charm me and fill me with giggles. But no, I don’t want his essential nature changed. Good God, what a thought. It would be as much a denial of myself as a denial of my son. What’s the good of him, then? Buggered if I know. The never-disputed terribleness of Down’s syndrome is used as one of the great justifications for abortion: abortion has to exist so that we don’t people the world with monsters. I am not here to talk about abortion — but I am here to tell you that Down’s syndrome is not an insupportable horror for either the sufferer or the parents…

I am here to tell everybody that Eddie is my son and he’s great.

iGoogle Quote of the Day

ChelseaAbortion1 Comment

On my personalized Google page I have a section for “quotes of the day”. As far as I know they are just random quote from various influential people. So I was surprised to look at my page today and find this as one of the three featured quotes for today:

Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.
– Ronald Reagan

I don’t know if it had anything to do with recent searches I have made, but I was impressed nonetheless.

Check Me Out!

ChelseaPersonal, Pro Life4 Comments

nullI was interviewed for my local paper recently and the story just ran today. Check it out! Here is the pic that ran with the story. This is a woman that I visit when I go to the nursing homes every Friday for communion services as part of my Legion of Mary work. Her name is Dorothy Holterman, she’s 92 and a RIOT! She’s better known as “Grandma” from Grandma’s Cool and Zesty Dressing, an excellent dressing for cole slaw! Read the story of how it started here. Be sure and check out their website and order some for yourself!

A correction from the article: The author wrongly stated that I started Path to Holiness – she must have misunderstood. I am really just filling space on there while my Dad (the real founder) is too busy to post on a regular (or even semi-regular) basis. He did post today though!

More Thoughts on Human Cloning News

ChelseaCloning2 Comments

Something caught my attention (thanks to Mary Meets Dolly) in the news about the first cloned human embryos since it ran yesterday. From the Washington Post article I linked to yesterday:

Cloning involves fusing an ordinary body cell with a female’s egg cell whose DNA has been removed. Chemical factors inside the egg reprogram the body cell’s DNA so that the newly created cell develops into an embryo that is a genetic twin of the person or animal that donated the body cell.

That is describing the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). But wait a second! Weren’t we sold a story here in Missouri that cloning did not happen until after the embryo was implanted into a woman’s uterus and that SCNT is simply another form of “stem cell research”? Yet every major news story that ran yesterday said that these scientists cloned human embryos. Further proof, as if we needed it, of the fraud that was Amendment 2, and is now Constitutional law in Missouri, and its betrayal of science. Whether you believe it creates a “person” or not, SCNT is cloning.

Hands Off My Body!

ChelseaCloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Science, Scientists1 Comment

nullThis pic goes well with the news that came out today about researchers in California who claim to have successfully cloned human embryos. So far no stem cells were derived from the embryos, but that is the idea for future cloned embryos.

No one knows if those embryos were healthy enough to grow into babies. But the study leader, who is also the medical director of a fertility clinic, said they looked robust, even as he emphasized that he has no interest in cloning people.

“It’s unethical and it’s illegal and we hope no one else does it either,” said Samuel H. Wood, chief executive of Stemagen in La Jolla, whose skin cells were cloned and who led the study with Andrew J. French, the firm’s scientific officer.

The closely held company hopes to make embryos that are clones, or genetic twins, of patients, then harvest stem cells from those embryos and grow them into replacement tissues. When transplanted into patients, the tissues would not be rejected because the immune system would see them as “self.”

“All our efforts are being directed toward personalized medicine and diseases,” said Wood, adding that the scientists did not try to extract stem cells from the first embryos they made because they were focused on proving they could make the clones.

It’s truly disappointing, and scary, to see scientists seriously pursuing the manufacture of human life in a laboratory to be used as personalized medical treatments and replacement body parts.

Read the peer reviewed study (if you can understand it) – via Wesley Smith

H/T for picture: Alive and Young

Dr. Death Delivers His Speech at Florida

ChelseaDisabled, Euthanasia, Suffering2 Comments

Dr. DeathIt was supposed to be in October, but last night Dr. Jack Kevorkian delivered his $50,000 speech to a crowd of roughly 4,900 at the University of Florida basketball arena. This is truly disappointing to me as a life long Gator fan. He was not allowed to discuss euthanasia in detail, but he sure made the most of what he could say. He mentioned assisted suicide’s frequent and accepted use in ancient Greece and Rome and commented that they were, “way ahead than we are now.” Of his own practice of assisting suicide he said:

“My aim in helping the patient was not to cause death,” he said. “My aim was to end suffering. It’s got to be decriminalized.”

This is a message that resonates with so much of our society. Suffering is looked upon as the greatest moral evil of our time which should be avoided and eradicated at all cost. But why?

Of course no one wants to see another in pain. But suffering and adversity not only build character, but, when seen in light of the Cross, they become the very tools for our sanctification and union with our Creator.

Instead of being told their life no longer has meaning and therefore must come to an end, the elderly and those suffering terminal illness must be encouraged in their current state of suffering to realize the true gift that has been set before them. We must also love these individuals in a way that affirms their dignity as human beings and which assures them that there is more to life than physical ability. Suffering is not the end of the world, rather it prepares us for the world without end:

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Pet 1:6-7)

(h/t for links to Jivin J)

Teen Pregnancy in Dinosaurs

ChelseaHumor, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Discovering the sexual habits of dinosaurs seems to be the latest “breakthrough” in prehistoric fossil study. This is what they found: Teen pregnancy affected dinosaurs, too. Can’t you just hear the dino feminists crying for legalized dino abortions and greater access to dinosaur condoms and birth control pills?

See also: Dinosaurs Gone Wild from my other website

Another Stem Cell Breakthrough?

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

You might remember that last year researchers from Advanced Cell Technology made big headlines by claiming to have been able to remove stem cells from human embryos without destroying the embryo in the process. We later found out, however, that ACT actually did end up destroying every embryo they used. Now it appears that they have really done it this time, created “several colonies” of ESCs without harming the embryos from which they were derived.

For some this is the answer the the ESC research dilemma, the embryonic life has been spared and the scientists still get their stem cells. But those who think so, just don’t get it. Mary Meets Dolly weighs in on the number of ways this method is still unethical:

1. It is unethical to create a human embryo in a dish
and treat it like a commodity, 2. Embryo biopsy is not always
successful and therefore still destroys embryos, if only part of the
time, and 3. What happens to the embryo after a piece of it is sucked out? Will it actually be implanted? Or does it go back in the deep

An excellent assessment. It is not merely the destruction of the human embryo, but the very creation and use of innocent human life for scientific advantage that makes such research unethical. Not only is this human life exceptional because of its unique capacities in the natural order, but also because we know through Divine Revelation that human life is the “image and likeness” of an all powerful and ever living God. Such a life is profoundly sacred and should never become a scientific commodity, regardless of the theoretical benefits – benefits, btw, which may never come due to the un-tameable nature of these “early cells”.

In other stem cell news, the IPCS breakthrough of turning ordinary skin cells has come under fire recently for having been discovered through the use of genetic material from aborted fetuses. Adult Stem Cell Awareness has more. Also, read more on the beating heart creation here and here

Good News for the Tin Man

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Scientists have been able to grow a beating heart in the lab:

Scientists have created a beating heart in the laboratory in a breakthrough that could allow doctors one day to make a range of organs for transplant almost from scratch.

The procedure involved stripping all the existing cells from a dead heart so that only the protein skeleton that created its shape was left. Then the skeleton was seeded with live progenitor cells, which multiplied and grew back over it, eventually linking together into a new organ. Such cells are involved in the formative stages of specialised types of tissue such as those found in the heart.

So far this has only been done with rats and pigs. And any research in humans is still likely years away. But come on, can any ESC researchers boast of such a breakthrough, even in animals?

H/T: Wesley Smith

Barack’s Disturbing Defense of Infanticide

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Infanticide, PoliticsLeave a Comment

Jill Stanek gives Barack Obama’s top 10 reasons for refusing to support an Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act, to save the lives of babies born after “live birth abortions”.

Previous post:
Obama and Infanticide