Pope Confronts the “Difficult Problem of Bioethics”

ChelseaCloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, IVF, Religion, ScienceLeave a Comment

pope-benedict-xviedit.jpgPope Benedict has been very vocal lately on the subject of bioethics. Earlier this week he warned to the “seductive” powers of science:

“In an age when scientific developments attract and seduce with the possibilities they offer, it’s more important than ever to educate our contemporaries’ consciences so that science does not become the criteria for goodness.”

And recently he urged members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to focus on the “difficult problem of bioethics”, highlighting the freezing of human embryos, pre-implantation diagnosis, stem cell research and attempts at human cloning which

“clearly show how, with artificial insemination outside the body, the barrier protecting human dignity has been broken. When human beings in the weakest and most defenseless stage of their existence are selected, abandoned, killed or used as pure ‘biological matter,’ how can it be denied that they are no longer being treated as ‘someone’ but as ‘something,’ thus placing the very concept of human dignity in doubt.”

As science progresses with increasing threats to the dignity of human life Pope Benedict is taking seriously the Church’s important duty to “contribute to promoting the formation of consciences of many of our brothers and sisters,” Indeed, the Church must take the lead in educating the faithful on these complex and often emotional areas of science.

When Technical Progress Becomes a Threat

President Bush Leads on Stem Cell Research

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

President BushIn his last State of the Union Address, President Bush made time to applaud advancements in ethical stem cell research and call on Congress to ban human cloning

On matters of life and science, we must trust in the innovative spirit of medical researchers and empower them to discover new treatments while respecting moral boundaries. In November, we witnessed a landmark achievement when scientists discovered a way to reprogram adult skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells. This breakthrough has the potential to move us beyond the divisive debates of the past by extending the frontiers of medicine without the destruction of human life.

So we’re expanding funding for this type of ethical medical research. And as we explore promising avenues of research, we must also ensure that all life is treated with the dignity it deserves. And so I call on Congress to pass legislation that bans unethical practices such as the buying, selling, patenting, or cloning of human life.

In a controversial move President Bush became the first President to allow funding for any embryonic stem cell research in 2001, approving funds for ESC lines already taken from human embryos. This has sent Washington scrambling to expand that funding toward a larger number of “discarded” or “surplus” IVF embryos. But Bush has kept his promise to not fund the destruction of human life by putting his foot down and twice vetoing such an expansion. He has also remained steadfast in his support for alternative areas of stem cell research as well as embryo adoption.

Some of his remarks from the last ESC research funding veto:

Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical — and it is not the only option before us. We’re already seeing remarkable advances in the science and therapeutic uses of stem cells drawn from adults and children, and the blood from umbilical cords — with no harm to the donor. Researchers value embryonic stem cells because they are pluripotent — which means that they have the potential to develop into nearly all the cell types and tissues in the body. Researchers are now developing promising new techniques that offer the potential to produce pluripotent stem cells — without having to destroy human life…

Technical innovation in this difficult area is opening up new possibilities for progress without conflict or ethical controversy. So I invite policymakers and scientists to come together to speed our nation toward the destination we all seek — where medical problems can be solved without compromising either the high aims of science or the sanctity of human life.

This is the kind of leadership we need against this latest attack on the dignity of human life. Don’t expect to see it, however, if our next President turns out to be John McCain, who just won the Florida primary. McCain twice voted in favor of the bills expanding ESC research funding that George Bush vetoed and recently defended his position on the matter.

A Prayer for the Florida Primary

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“Most merciful Jesus, I beseech You through the intercession of Your dearest Mother who nurtured You from childhood, bless my native land. I beg You, Jesus, look not on our sins, but on the tears of little children, on the hunger and cold they suffer. Jesus, for the sake of these innocent ones, grant me the grace that I am asking of You for my country.”

Kenny Hulshof for Governor!!!!

Chelsea2008 Election, Cloning, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics, Pro Life4 Comments

nullThis would be a breath of fresh air after Gov. Blunt’s pro-cloning Governorship! Not only did Rep. Hulshof oppose Amendment 2, he also voted against expanding federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and has a strong pro-life record. He has not made any formal plans to run yet, but he’s considering it. From the St. Louis Post:

U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof’s wife, Renee, dashed to Washington from her home in Columbia, Mo., to help her husband decide whether to run for governor…

Behind the scenes, aides to Blunt and U.S. Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond are trying to build a consensus around Hulshof, party activists say. Hulshof almost ran for governor in 2004 but was nudged out when party leaders favored Blunt.

Because he has been in Washington and not Jefferson City, it would be harder to blame him for the Medicaid cuts that have caused Blunt problems in the polls. Also, Hulshof, a lawyer, has a squeaky-clean image, with no scandals on his record.

Though Blunt left GOP Gubernatorial hopefuls with little time to raise significant funds and organize a substantial campaign, many believe that Hulshof would have an excellent chance at beating pro-abortion/cloning/ESC research Jay Nixon. He would, however have to clinch the Republican nomination. So far the list includes Lt. Governor Peter Kinder and State Treasurer Sarah Steelman who have formerly announced plans to run and U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway of St. Louis, Senate Majority Leader Charlie Shields of St. Joseph and House Speaker Rod Jetton of Marble Hill, who are exploring the idea.

Of those, besides Hulshof, only Steelman and Hanaway are endorsable as pro-life candidates. Peter Kinder is not, though I’m not sure about the details of his position on life issues. Shields is in favor of “therapeutic” human cloning and once told pro-lifers that he would never let a cloning ban that didn’t offer an amendment allowing such cloning to pass through the Senate. Jetton is about as wishy-washy as they come and has basically been a mouthpiece for our pro-cloning Governor in the House of Representatives. He represents a disappointingly large number of our Republican lawmakers who favor party loyalty above taking a firm stand on life issues. Besides the Governor, we really need new leadership in both houses of the legislature.

U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson of Cape Girardeau has announced that she will not run. Which is good because she was also the only Republican Representative from Missouri to vote in favor of expanding federal funding for ESC research – including voting to override the President’s veto.

Kenny Hulshof would be a phenomenal candidate, and not just on life issues. Though it would be disappointing to lose his stellar pro-life representation in the federal government. I urge my fellow Missourians to contact Kenny’s office and let him know you support him for Governor.

The Legacy of Abortion

ChelseaAbortion, Women3 Comments

This was a very interesting op-ed by a woman who shares her experience in a women’s book club meeting in which five of the six women (the author being one of them) admitted to having an abortion in the early years after Roe v. Wade:

We were among the first wave of girls who came of age after abortion became widely available in the 1970s. This past week marked the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. Because of that, my friends and I – and millions of girls and women who followed us – were offered a safe alternative to shaming our parents, dropping out of school, marrying too young or suffering the trauma of adoption.

We sought abortions greedily.

Fewer women are having abortions these days. A much-discussed study released recently by the Guttmacher Institute showed a drastic 25 percent decrease in the number of abortions performed in the United States over the past decade. That may be because teens are better educated about sex or women have better access to birth control than we had. Or perhaps society has a more humane attitude toward single parenthood and adoption. I really don’t know why.

What I do know is that many of us who gratefully sought abortions in that first wave are mothers now. And our feelings toward abortion have become more complicated over time. For some, abortion is still viewed as our liberator, the event that allowed us to live the rest of our lives.

For others, it’s our burden. We can’t look at the children we have now without thinking of the babies who were never born.

Read the whole thing

Abortion is many things to many people, but to those who have experienced it first hand it is something uniquely personal. We would do well to keep a sympathetic eye out in our public discussions on the matter, for one never knows whom might be post abortive.

For those who seek it, healing is possible

And the Winner Is…

Chelsea2008 Election, Politics, Pro Life1 Comment

nullMissouri Right to Life finally voted and endorsed Mike Huckabee. For an organization whose sole concern is life issues there simply is no other choice. Two are glaringly unacceptable – Rudy, who is pro-abortion, and McCain, who wants to expand federal funding for embryonic stem cell research – and Romney screwed up when he said he supports scientific research on “surplus” IVF embryos. That leaves Huckabee and Paul. Both are the strongest, and really the only, pro-life candidates in the race today. However, with it being a seemingly three man race for the lead, MRL had to throw their weight behind the man closest to the top.

Alas, such is the unfortunate reality of this race. Huckabee is arguably one of the best pro-life candidates we’ve ever had, but why, oh why does he have to be so damn terrible on so many other issues that he would probably be just as divisive for Republicans as Giuliani? Ron Paul, the other great pro-life candidate, doesn’t fair much better. The only candidate who even looks like he won’t split the party is Mitt Romney. But, that guy, seriously? AHH! The only word that comes to mind when I think of this election is…crap.

From the MRL press release:

MRL’s Board of Directors and Political Action Committee (PAC), after reviewing the candidate’s positions and level of support nationwide and in Missouri, chose to endorse Governor Huckabee over his primary rivals due to his unsurpassed and steadfast support of Pro-Life principles during more than 10 years of public service.

Among Governor Huckabee’s achievements as Lt. Governor and Governor in Arkansas are the following:

    Passage of the Arkansas Unborn Child Amendment
    Partial Birth Abortion Ban
    Parental Notification law
    Informed Consent (abortion) law
    Unborn Child Pain Awareness law
    Safe Harbor law
    Unborn Victims of Violence law

In addition, Governor Huckabee was the second governor in the country to sign into law a true ban on Human Cloning, outlawing the creation and destruction of living human embryos for research. A similar ban has been a major priority for MRL despite fierce opposition. Governor Huckabee states that he also is opposed to embryonic stem cell research.

Governor Huckabee has publicly committed to doing more than just nominating judges opposed to Roe vs. Wade:

“What I accomplished as Governor proves that there is a lot more that a pro-life President can do than wait for a Supreme Court vacancy, and I will do everything I can to promote a pro-life agenda and pass pro-life legislation. If I am saddled with a Democrat Congress, I’ll veto any pro-abortion legislation they pass. I will staff all relevant positions with pro-life appointees. I will use the Bully Pulpit to change hearts and minds, to move this country from a culture of death to a culture of life. I have no desire to throw women in jail, I just want to stop throwing babies in the garbage.”

Life News From Missouri

ChelseaAbortion, Missouri, Planned Parenthood, Politics, Religion1 Comment

Several things to report from the Show Me State:

nullFirst, Missouri may soon be offering “Choose Life” license plates after a federal court approved Choose Life of Missouri Inc.’s 2006 application for the specialty plate. It was previously rejected by a joint House and Senate Transportation Committee. This is great news! Not only are these plates a good way to show your support for life, but the money raised by the plates will help fund pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes and adoption agencies.

On Tuesday a federal appeals court upheld a lower court’s ruling that Missouri must provide transportation to clinics for inmates seeking abortions. Since 2005 the policy against transporting inmates outside of the prison for abortions has been held up in court. How often does this actually occur, you might ask? Apparently seven Missouri inmates have had abortions since 2005.

Missouri Right to Life endorses (gasp!) a Democrat for State Rep. in a Feb. 5 special election. It’s not unheard of either. Missouri is loaded with pro-life Democrats who have been instrumental in passing some very important pro-life legislation, such as our ban on partial birth abortion when they went against their Democrat Governor to not only pass the legislation, but also override his veto. With other MRL representatives I recently sat in on a meeting with the Democrats for Life in the MO legislature about efforts to work together this session. This just goes to show you that the right to life is not a partisan issue, it is a human rights issue that transcends partisan politics (or it should).

The Washington Times has an article about Gov. Blunt’s Task Force on the Impact of Abortion on Women

Be sure to check out this mini documentary about last year’s HB 1055, now Missouri law, which requires some clinics to adhere to the standards of an ambulatory surgical center. It gives an eerie look into the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Columbia that I picket in front of with some of the kids in our area. It is pretty balanced and Rep. Therese Sander, who sponsored the bill, does an excellent job. She really knows her stuff! The new law is still held up in court and has yet to go into effect.

No news on the cloning ban, still. Be sure to check out Missouri Cures Without Cloning’s new blog to stay updated.

In non political related life news, The Catholic basketball coach for the Catholic St. Louis University, Rick Majerus, is refusing to back down from his public pro-choice and pro-embryonic stem cell research profession at a recent rally for Hillary Clinton. This is yet another sad case of a Catholic who thinks that the Church is a cafeteria of ideas which one can take or leave and one’s own pleasure and still maintain sacred communion. It is most unfortunate when Catholics in influential positions (politicians, entertainers, even radio talk show hosts) openly and even proudly dissent from Church teaching, especially on life issues.

Love and Suffering

ChelseaLove, Suffering1 Comment

The other day I quoted from Pope Benedict’s encyclical, Spe Salvi, on self renunciation and the sacrifice that must be made for love:

to accept the other who suffers means that I take up his suffering in such a way that it becomes mine also. Because it has now become a shared suffering, though, in which another person is present, this suffering is penetrated by the light of love. The Latin word con-solatio, consolation, expresses this beautifully. It suggests being with the other in his solitude, so that it ceases to be solitude. Love simply cannot exist without this painful renunciation of myself, for otherwise it becomes pure selfishness and thereby ceases to be love. (38)

In the next paragraph he offers some great questions for reflection:

To suffer with the other and for others; to suffer for the sake of truth and justice; to suffer out of love and in order to become a person who truly loves these are fundamental elements of humanity, and to abandon them would destroy man himself. Yet once again the question arises: are we capable of this? Is the other important enough to warrant my becoming, on his account, a person who suffers? Does truth matter to me enough to make suffering worthwhile? Is the promise of love so great that it justifies the gift of myself? (39)

This is what it mean to “lay down one’s life” for a friend, to love as Christ loves through total self giving. This is the key to authentic human love, the secret to a lasting marriage, the preservation of the family and the growth of a culture of life. To love in this way means to share in each others’ joys and sufferings – for better or worse. The question is, can we handle it?

There is Hope!

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nullAfter raising millions of dollars for a potential re-election campaign, MO Gov. Matt Blunt made the shocking announcement today that he will not seek re-election after all.

“After a great deal of thought and prayer, and with the knowledge that we have achieved virtually everything I set out to accomplish, and more, I will not seek a second term in the upcoming election,” Blunt said. “Because I feel we have changed what I wanted to change in the first term, there is not the same sense of mission for a second.”

I have made no secret of my opposition to Gov. Blunt (see links below), so naturally I applaud his decision, but this seems very weird to me, especially since he has already been running ads for his re-election. Nevertheless, I pray that now Missourians will have the opportunity to support a candidate whose respect for human life includes an opposition to violating human dignity through the pursuit of human cloning.

So far only Lt. Governor Peter Kinder has announced that he plans to run in Blunt’s absence from the race.

Previous Posts:
More on Gov. Blunt
Why I Can’t Support Gov. Blunt
Blunt Gets $250K from ESC Research Supporters
Governor Blunt Does Something Right
Blunt’s Task Force

Read my letters to Gov. Blunt in support of a 2005 cloning ban:
First letter to Gov. Blunt
Second letter to Gov. Blunt

We Survived to be Voices for the Voiceless!

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Thanks, Mom, for choosing life!

It is no wonder there are so many young people who attend the annual March for Life in Washingtond D.C. every year. It’s always pretty sobering when I think that when I was conceived, my mother had the legal choice to have me killed before I was born. We realize that any one of us could easily have been one of those 50 MILLION children who have lost their lives to abortion in the last 35 years. So it is not hard for us to see that the children conceived today need our voices and our help.

Here is a story by the same author who interviewed me about a great group of kids from our area Catholic high school who are at the march today: Crusaders for Life readying for pro-life rally in Washington. Please keep them in your prayers, along with the many homeschoolers who are joining them!

Amazing story: Entire student body of Christendom College to march for life