Bella in Canada April 11

ChelseaMedia, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

nullIt’s about time for another Bella update. Starting Friday, April 11 Bella will open in 11 Canadian cities in 6 provinces (all cities and theaters can be found at this link)! I urge my Canadian neighbors to mark your calenders and check it out!

Bella also continues to have an impact on pregnant women. Producer Leo Severino told Life Site News that a total of 14 women, that they know of, have turned their backs on abortion as a direct result of watching this movie. Thank God for that and thank God for this wonderful movie and its incredibly blessed filmmakers.

More news:
Bella will receive special honors at the 2nd Annual Candlelight Forum — a celebration of film and television writers, directors and producers of quality and life-affirming entertainment projects that encompass a broad-based audience and leave a lasting and positive impact on our world. (h/t Catholic in Film School)

Regarding Bella on DVD: Heritage House has announced that they will have Bella “in-stock and ready to ship on April 10, 2008”. The official release date is May 6 and it is available for pre-order at Amazon and various other online Catholic bookstores. It will also be available on Netflix. Users can save it in their queues now. And be sure to check out for your chance to win a free copy signed by the lead actors.

Previous posts:
The Swell Bella Fellas, on a Mission for God
Congratulations Bella!
Good News for Bella
Bella Vids
Rush Reviews Bella
“Bella” Star Seeks Holiness in Not-So Ordinary Life

More News for Fox

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Here’s another adult stem cell success story that might interest Michael J. Fox, Uterine Stem Cells Create New Neurons That Can Curb Parkinson’s Disease (h/t Wesley Smith):

The injection of uterine stem cells trigger growth of new brain cells in mice with Parkinson’s disease, Yale School of Medicine researchers report in an abstract presented at the 2008 Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI) Annual Scientific Meeting held March 26-29 in San Diego, California. “Previously, we were able to coax these multipotent stem cells to differentiate into cartilage cells,” said lead author Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine and section chief of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale School of Medicine. “Now we have found that we can turn uterine stem cells into neurons that can boost dopamine levels and partially correct the problem of Parkinson’s disease.”

This surely debunks the theory that ASCs are unable to differentiate into other specialized cells. It also disproves the notion put forth by Fox and other ESCR/Cloning supporters that the use of human embryos is necessary for the advancement of stem cell research and the development of stem cell treatments, therapies and cures.

Previous post:
Listen Up, Michael J. Fox!

Listen Up, Michael J. Fox!

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Stem Cell Research2 Comments

Yesterday I had news for Nancy Reagan. Now it’s Fox’s turn. As a well known public figure with Parkinson’s Disease, Michael J. Fox made himself quite the spokesman for research that requires the creation, use and destruction of human life as a means of finding cures for diseases such as his own. No doubt he was excited to hear that some mice were successfully treated for Parkinson’s with embryonic stem cells derived from cloned mice embryos as this seems to be the research that is nearest and dearest to his heart. But is he also aware that human Parkinson’s patients have been treated in a clinical trial with bone marrow stem cells from their own bodies? From the story (h/t Don Margolis):

To date, Dr. Armestar’s team has implanted stem cells in 15 women and 32 men. The average age of the patients was about 50 years; Parkinson’s disease had been diagnosed from 1 year to 18 years before implantation.

At the 1-week follow-up, 39 patients had achieved a 35% improvement as assessed by a battery of Parkinson’s disease validated tests. At the 1-month follow-up, 34 patients showed a 52% improvement. At 3 months, 23 patients had improved an average of 59%; at 6 months, 6 patients had improved 76%; after 12 months the 1 person to reach that level had achieved an 80% improvement (P < .001), he said.

In a political ad two years ago Fox showed Missouri voters the dramatic effects of his disease while asserting that a man who is an steadfast and enthusiastic supporter of the kind of ethical and effective research mentioned above is an opponent of stem cell research who doesn’t share Fox’s “hope for cures”.

As a disabled person, I can sympathize with Michael J. Fox and others who honestly believe in cloning/ESC research and want to finally end the lasting effects of some of the most deadly diseases and crippling disabilities. But high expectations and good intentions do not justify the creation of life for experimentation or destruction.

The truth is, those of us who oppose the manufacture, use and destruction of human life, even to treat disease, are not against science, research or the finding of cures. In fact, we so desire scientific progress that truly benefits mankind that we reject any action that violates the dignity of human life in favor of more ethical and effective alternatives. For technical progress must be guided by clear ethical and moral standards in order to truly be considered an improvement and not a threat to the future of mankind. And guess what? If this were a game to keep score of, ASCs would be winning!

Previous posts:
Politicizing Disease
When Technical Progress Becomes a Threat

Pay Attention, Nancy Reagan

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Umbilical Cord BloodLeave a Comment

Once the late Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s Disease progressed so far that his wife Nancy could, “no longer reach him” she, and her son Ron, came out publicly in favor of embryonic stem cell research in the hope of finding a cure for this devastating disease. They have both been strong advocates for this life destroying research ever since. But Ron and Nancy may want to re-think their position in light of some new developments in research involving umbilical cord blood stem cells.

In a pre-clinical study, published in the March issue of Stem Cells and Development:

researchers from the University of South Florida and Saneron CCEL Therapeutics, Inc., found that targeted immune suppression using stem cells derived from human umbilical cord blood reduced Alzheimer’s disease progression in a mouse model….

During the study, researchers administered a series of low-dose infusions of umbilical cord blood cells into mice with abnormalities mimicking Alzheimer’s disease. As they observed the mice, they found that the levels of amyloid-beta proteins, which are key markers of Alzheimer’s progression in the brain, were reduced by nearly two-thirds (62%), and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA, another marker of the disease in which the amyloid proteins harden the brain’s blood vessel walls) was improved by 86 percent. The cord blood infusions were shown to suppress the inflammatory activity, which indicates their potential to block the inflammatory response involved in Alzheimer’s disease and also related disorders.

See the original research report

This is very early research, probably years away from any human trials, but already miles ahead of any progress shown with ESCs. Some decry the commercialization of private umbilical cord blood banks, but if this research continues to develop who knows what the future might hold. Those who cannot afford to preserve their own UCB can certainly donate it for use in transplants and current/future stem cell research and trials.

Some UCB banks:
Cryo-Cell International, which partially funded this research
Saint Louis Cord Blood Bank
Cord Blood Registry
Where to Donate Cord Blood
Charity guide to donating cord blood

Cloning Language in Court Today

Chelsea2008 Election, Cloning1 Comment

Your prayers are needed. The MO Coalition for Lifesaving Cures filed an appeal against a judge’s decision to overturn the Sec. of State’s unfair and inaccurate ballot summary for a ban on human cloning last month. The trial is today. At this point it will only be by the grace of God that we are able to get this on the ballot in November (signatures, which we haven’t been able to start collecting yet, would be due by May 6). So please say some prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

Theology of the Body in KC

ChelseaPro Life, SexualityLeave a Comment

It is impossible to truly build a culture of life without reclaiming the truth and meaning of human sexuality (Evangelium Vitae n. 97). The Catholic diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph has picked up on that and will be hosting a few Theology of the Body events in May. The first is on May 2 for young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s. It will feature a 2.5 hr. TOB explanation from Christopher West followed by a night of dancing and socializing. The following day there will be a Christopher West conference starting at 9 a.m. Visit Kansas City’s respect life office for more information.

I hope I can make it to both of them! If you’re in the KC area, or close by, please join me!

Previous posts:
Reclaiming the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality
21 year old Fathers Seventh Child

More TOB info:
What is Theology of the Body and Why is it Changing So Many Lives – includes links to other articles by Christopher West on TOB, including how it relates to the celibate vocation.
All 129 Audience Transcripts
TOB resources
TOB Institute
Humanae Vitae

Cloning Used to Treat Mice With Parkinsons

ChelseaCloning, Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

You might have heard that scientists in New York have used embryonic stem cells derived from cloned mouse embryos to treat mice with Parkinson’s Disease. Some things should be considered in this supposed “breakthrough” (from Wesley Smith – my commentary added):

– The mice did show improvement. They were only allowed to live 11 weeks after transplant.
– They note that this procedure is “technically complex,”
which is a huge understatement. This still requires a HUGE number of oocytes to get a single cell line! In total, 187 ntESC lines were produced from 5099 oocytes, for cloning, 24 mice total. [oocytes = eggs, now imagine these numbers referring to human eggs which must be surgically removed from a woman in order to be obtained] – Most of the cells produced that they tested showed chromosomal
– 1 out of every 6 mice showed “graft overgrowth.” “Graft overgrowth” is reminiscent of the problems experienced by Parkinson’s patients treated with fetal tissue. 15-25% of the patients had worsened, even uncontrollable symptoms. Characterized by NYTimes as “devastating”; “the patients writhed and jerked uncontrollably”

That list comes from a scientist who studied the original paper regarding this experiment.

Regardless of whatever treatments or cures may be found using this research, the use of human embryos as the object of experimentation is a violation of human dignity and the sanctity of human life, is unethical and always morally objectionable.

Previous post:
When Technical Progress Becomes a Threat

Also read my adult stem cell research archive or check out Adult Stem Cell Awareness and Do No Harm for news about stem cell research that is helping human patients today. ASCs have also treated Parkinson’s Disease.

It’s a Boy, Times Two!

ChelseaPersonal, Pro Life1 Comment

nullI think that pregnancy is one of the most amazing phenomenons in the entire world. I am fascinated when I see a pregnant woman and think about the fact that she has, at that moment, another living being growing inside her, just waiting to come out and join the rest of the world. Two of my very best friends are pregnant at the same time (just months apart from each other) and they recently found out that they are both pregnant with boys! I am a sucker for ultrasound photos and was excited to see pictures of baby boy #2 (the younger one), pictured here! Anyway, I just wanted to share with you all this picture of the precious gift of life – appropriate for this wonderful season of Easter!

Speaking of the miracle of pregnancy and child development, check out this 2005 National Geographic DVD, In the Womb. It’s stunning! They have a new one out now called In the Womb: Multiples, exploring the world of twins, triplets and quadruplets in utero.

What Will the Culture of Death Think of Next?

ChelseaCulture of Death, SuicideLeave a Comment

    A man has ended his life with a homemade suicide robot.

Paul Mitchell for IL State Rep!!

Chelsea2008 Election, Pro Life2 Comments

Not only do we need to build up a culture of life throughout the country (and the world) but also within our own Government. And, judging by our dismal Presidential choices this year, we need to start from the bottom up – at the state and local levels. Fellow blogger “Regular Guy” Paul has recognized this need in his own State Legislature in Illinois. But Paul’s not just supporting his local pro-life candidates, he’s actually becoming one himself! Way to go Paul!


He is running against the Republican candidate currently Representing district 62 who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and supported by the pro-abortion Personal PAC and certified “100% Pro-Choice”. About Paul:

My name is Paul Mitchell, and I write the Thoughts of a Regular Guy blog []. I am a pro-life conservative, a devout Roman Catholic, a veteran of service in the U.S. Air Force during the Cold War, a married man and father of four children, a college graduate with a degree in economics, a regular guy who commutes daily to a job in the city.

Read more. Visit Paul’s campaign website.

Some pro-life Missouri candidates that I am supporting:
Kenny Hulshof for Governor! (campaign website)
Dr. Bob Onder for Congress! (campaign website)