21-year-old Fathers Seventh Child

ChelseaAbortion, Sex, SexualityLeave a Comment

From BBC News:

A 21-year-old who fathered his first child at 13 is about to become a dad for the seventh time.

This is why pro-lifers must do more than just promote birth over abortion. Just because someone chooses life in an unintended pregnancy does not mean that they have changed their outlook on the circumstances (sexual immorality) that got them there in the first place. These days teenage pregnancy and out of wedlock births are not exactly the taboos that they once were. Many unwed men and women (or women themselves) are supported and welcome the birth of a new child with the same love and excitement of a married couple (thank God) and they don’t tend think of it as a reason to change their sexual habits, except that they might get more serious about birth control. Which then leads to more out of wedlock births and more abortions. The 2005 Guttmacher Institute study on induced abortions revealed that 60% of abortions are obtained by women with one or more children.

“Sex education” is necessary. And I’m not talking about giving kids condoms and encouraging them to “be safe” if they decide to have sex. I’m also not talking about “abstinance education” and strictly telling kids to wait until marriage. I mean teaching the truth and meaning of human sexuality – Who we came from, who we are, who we are meant to be and how that relates to our sexuality. This is the brilliance of John Paul II’s theology of the body. And it is key to promoting family (not to mention religious vocations) and turning around the culture of death. As sex goes, so goes the family and thus society as a whole.

It is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not help the young to accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (Evangelium Vitae, n. 97)

For a very broad overview of TOB see my previous post, Reclaiming the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

View more TOB resources, and this curriculum designed specifically for teens.
See also Christopher West’s article What is Theology of the Body and Why is it Changing So Many Lives – which includes links to his other articles on TOB, including how it relates to the celibate vocation.

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