Congratulations Pro-Life Bloggers!

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

Congratulations to these very worthy winners (some of which are regular visits for me!) of the first and only pro-life blog awards:

Blogs_Life-Logo_150.gifBest Overall Pro-Life Blog – Mommy Life
Best News and Reporting – JivinJehoshaphat
Pro-Life Unity Award –Causa Nostrae Laetitiae
Pro-Life Whistleblower Award –Catholic Fire
Best Pro-Life Apologetics –Mark’s Blog
Pro-Life Instigator Award for Activism –American Papist

No win here, but thanks to loyal reader Brian for the nomination. May all pro-life bloggers keep up the great work they’re doing promoting a culture of life. Bloggers heading to D.C. for the March for Life next week might want to consider attending this year’s Blogs for Life Conference. Those who can’t attend can watch it live via webcast by the Family Research Council. Just click here on Jan. 22. The conference will start at 8:30 am Eastern and end in time for antendees to head over to the March.

You Are Not Alone

ChelseaSufferingLeave a Comment

From today’s first reading from Hebrews:

Because he [Jesus] himself was tested through what he suffered,
he is able to help those who are being tested.

This is certainly a source of hope for all who suffer. Though He may not always take away the sufferings that befall us, Christ will be there with us in the midst of them and give us the strength we need to live through them.

God cannot suffer, but he can suffer with. Man is worth so much to God that he himself became man in order to suffer with man in an utterly real way—in flesh and blood—as is revealed to us in the account of Jesus’s Passion. Hence in all human suffering we are joined by one who experiences and carries that suffering with us; hence con-solatio is present in all suffering, the consolation of God’s compassionate love—and so the star of hope rises. (Spe Salvi, 39)

The Root of the Abortion Problem

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Sex, Sexuality, Stem Cell Research, Theology of the BodyLeave a Comment

In a letter to the editor last week an Our Sunday Visitor reader responds to a previous OSV article asking if American Catholics are suffering from a conscience formation deficit and no longer taking abortion seriously:

The problem is that abortion is not the problem but the symptom.

For several generations we have tolerated a culture where our sexual values have been defined by Playboy. Over the years the culture has become increasingly more sexually explicit. Hardcore pornography has been readily available from most video stores and our home computers. Cohabitation is openly tolerated. In such an environment birth control and, yes, even abortion is accepted. If we don’t deal with these root causes first, we will never solve abortion.

Indeed, as I’ve mentioned on here numerous times, people did not wake up one day and decide that they had the right to murder their own offspring, but they did progressively decide that it was their right to have sex without limit or consequence. The widespread acceptance of sexual immorality has dulled many of our other moral sensitivities. It has lead to the dehumanizing of men and women as objects of lust and the unborn child as an undesirable consequence of a false idea of “sexual freedom” resulting in the acceptance of the murder of this unwanted human life no longer recognized as such. This is why John Paul II said that building a culture of life requires us to also teach others to accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (Evangelium Vitae, n. 97)

Help spread the message of sexual purity, sexual love as it is meant to be experienced, by giving the gift of TOB to your friends and loved ones. Better yet, get some materials and start your own TOB study group with friends or church members.

**just a little update – I finally got the video of Bishop Finn’s homily uploaded and posted on the previous post

TOB Tuesday: “How do They Know? They’re Celibates!”

ChelseaCelibacy, Marriage, Sex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday4 Comments

Fr. Angelo BartulicaThis week’s TOB (Theology of the Body) Tuesday topic was inspired by the recent ordination of a good friend of mine to the ministry of the priesthood. He is now Father Angelo Bartulica serving in the diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph. It was a beautiful ordination celebrated by the always wonderful Bishop Robert Finn (**see video below).

Several months ago I came across this 1957 Mike Wallace interview with Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. In the interview, Wallace asks the birth control advocate what she thinks about the Catholic Church’s opposition to contraception. In her response she objected:

How do they know? I mean, after all, they’re celibates.They don’t know love, they don’t know marriage

This is a common objection to the Church’s position on sexual morality. After all, what do a bunch of celibate bishops and priests know about sex and who are they to tell us what is or is not acceptable in the bedroom?

In the eyes of the world the celibate vocation has little to do with sexuality. In fact, more than anything, the world sees the celibate vocation as the antithesis of sexuality, an outright rejection of it, where one must live in a constant state of sexual repression. However, the call to Christian celibacy is a call to live out the very purpose and meaning of our sexuality. Christopher West explains:

Jesus calls some to remain celibate not for celibacy’s sake, but “for the sake of the kingdom” (Mt 19:12) – that is, as a living witness to the union that awaits us in heaven. Authentically lived, a celibate’s life proclaims that, as beautiful and wonderful as the union of the sexes is, there is a greater love, a greater union worth “selling everything” for.

Scripture reveals that God’s plan for mankind is to “marry” us (Hos 2:19) and “impregnate” us with His Divine Life. This is our ultimate destiny and the fulfillment of our sexual desire. The Christian call to marriage and conjugal union is meant to be a foreshadowing of this divine union whereas celibacy is the living out of this union on earth. Therefore, a celibate priest knows a great deal about love, sex and marriage – as it is ultimately meant to be experienced.

Through the Theology of the Body we learn that our bodies have a “spousal” meaning which is the body’s capacity for expressing love through total self donation. Both vocations – marriage and celibacy – are a response to this call to spousal love:

Relying on the same disposition of the personal subject, thanks to which man fully finds himself through a sincere gift of self (Gaudium et Spes, 24:3), man (male and female) is able to choose the personal gift of self to another person in the conjugal covenant, in which they become “one flesh,” and he is able to renounce freely such a gift of self to another person, in order that by choosing continence “for the kingdom of heaven” he may give himself totally to Christ. On the basis of the same disposition of the personal subject and on the basis of the same spousal meaning of being, as a body, male and female, there can be formed the love that commits man to marriage for the whole duration of his life (Mt. 19:3-9), but there can be formed also the love that commits man for his whole life to continence “for the kingdom of heaven” (Mt. 19:11-12). This is what Christ speaks about in his whole statement addressed to the Pharisees (Mt. 19:3-9) and then to the disciples (Mt. 19:11-12).

–John Paul II — General Audience 4/28/82 (TOB 80:6)

Celibacy for the Kingdom & the Fulfillment of Human Sexuality

Please pray for Angelo and all of our priests and consecrated celibates!

**Here is Bishop Finn’s excellent homily, given at Angelo’s ordination:

Noteworthy excerpts:

@ minute 14:

Your priesthood will be aided by the gift of priestly celibacy by which you are free to give yourself completely to the church with an undivided heart. In this way it will be clear that you belong entirely to Jesus Christ and your love for others will be at the same time deeply personal (?) and all embracing. Renew your confession of perpetual continence each day and you will be a source of strength for us all

@ minute 15:

In your priestly apostolate allow God to make you an instrument of justice and peace. Promote the dignity and respect of all human life, from its inception until natural death. Support with zeal those persons who have no voice of their own – the unborn, those with special needs, the aging and the dying. Defend the integrity of marriage and the family which, as the church teaches, are at the core of society.

If you are a member, you can see more pictures from Fr. Bartulica’s ordination in my facebook photo album.

Breeding Cancer Free Human Beings

ChelseaEmbryo Screening4 Comments

I wrote about this possibility last May and it now appears that the first guaranteed “breast cancer free” human being has been born in London.

This was not the result of any cure, mind you, but of Darwin’s lesser known discovery, the process of “un”natural selection. That is, the parents had multiple embryos created in a laboratory via IVF and only implanted those who did not test positive for the BRCA-1 gene which is linked to breast and ovarian cancer.

There is no word in the article as to what ultimately became of the other embryos who tested positive for maybe, one day, possibly being diagnosed with the cancers, but there are only two options. Either they remain frozen in a fertility clinic or they have been destroyed and tossed in the garbage – unfortunate casualties to this new process of evolution.

Again, it is certainly understandable, even desirable, to try to eradicate disease and prevent human suffering if we can, but this crosses the line of ethics and human dignity. Thomas Peters says it all:

Prune disease out all you want, but for heaven’s sake, we’re talking about pruning people out here!

Be sure to check Rebecca Taylor’s posts on the Ethics of Genetic Testing, part one and part two.

Previous post:
Cancer Free Children?
Lives Not Worth Living, Take II
Another Embryo Screening Nightmare

Fight ESCR Funding!

Chelsea2008 Election, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, PoliticsLeave a Comment

While pro-lifers are busy fighting FOCA, we must also be fighting with equal enthusiasm the likely expansion of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research that will take place during the next administration. Not only is the research itself morally and ethically reprehensible, but expanding the amount of money taxpayers are already spending on this unethical research is fiscally irresponsible as well, as Rebecca of Mary Meets Dolly explains:

There are limited tax-payer dollars for medical research, so for the sake of those who at the greatest need, we should spend the money where we will get more bang for our buck. Better treatments, faster. If some scientist wants money for “cutting-edge” research that will not result in “cures” for decades, then let him or her get venture capital. When it comes to the money earned by hardworking Americans, the science better have the promise of treating patients.

Just this week a report by Nature suggests that researchers are still battling some major problems with ESCs. From the Niche Stem Cell Blog:

Are ruddy cheeks a sign of health or a symptom of sickness? New work from Mickie Bhatia and colleagues at McMaster University suggests that, when it comes to embryonic stem cells, the very qualities researchers use to pick out a robust cell line may in fact be bestowed by precancerous transformations. “Current measurements are not capable of distinguishing the difference between great stem cells and cancer stem cells in vitro,” says Bhatia.

Read more

For years scientists have been trying to work out the problems with ESCs that prevent them from being safe to use in human clinical trials. These are no minor kinks, either. We’re talking about the cells becoming cancerous or forming deadly tumors inside animal test subjects and researchers being unable to control them or even determine before implantation which cells will cause cancer. Given this serious hurdle that scientists see no immediate end in sight to, if ever, and the current economic climate, it would be irresponsible to force taxpayers to spend even more money (yes, the Federal Government already spends over $100 million on human ESCR) on research producing such negative results – especially when more productive and ethical alternatives exist. Private vendors understand this, which is why their investments in ESC research are way down, why can’t our politicians catch on??

Wesley Smith weighs in as well.

See previous posts:
What Planet is She On?
“Cloning Benefits Oversold”
Goodbye Dolly
“It May Not Deliver Therapy for Anything”

How Bout Them Gators?!

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Congratulations to this year’s BCS Champions, my team, the Florida Gators!

And to think, if his parents took the advice of their doctors 21 years ago, this year’s Offensive Player of the Game, Tim Tebow (pictured below with his mom, Pam), would never have been born. See my previous posts here and here for details on that story. Thanks Pam and Bob Tebow for choosing life for Timmy!

Fighting FOCA in Missouri

ChelseaAbortion, Activism, Freedom of Choice Act, PoliticsLeave a Comment

Sen. Matt BartleThe 2009 session of the MO State General Assembly kicked off yesterday. During this session, Sen. Matt Bartle of Lee’s Summit hopes the State will approve a measure formerly opposing the federal Freedom of Choice Act awaiting committee approval in both houses of Congress. From an op-ed he wrote last week:

With the legislative session ready to kick off next week, I am preparing to file a resolution of the utmost importance. This resolution makes an emphatic statement to Congress that the Missouri General Assembly strongly opposes any efforts to make abortion the federal law of the land.

Thanks to legislation introduced in Congress in 2007, deceptively coined the “Freedom of Choice Act,” we are in danger of losing all of the safeguards that have been developed over the last 35 years in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ill-advised edict in Roe v. Wade.

The so-called Freedom of Choice Act would establish an unlimited right to an abortion – during all stages of pregnancy. It would prohibit the state of Missouri from fulfilling its role of protecting all of our citizens – both born and unborn – meaning that all of the carefully drafted protections for unborn babies and expectant mothers in our law would be thrown out…

It would be a tragedy to see these protections dissolved by Congress. Our options as state legislators are limited, but we must do what we can. It is my hope that by passing – with strong bipartisan majorities – a resolution to send to Missouri’s congressional delegation, Congress and the president, declaring emphatically that the Show-Me State supports the right to life for all unborn children and that we oppose any efforts to enshrine abortion on demand in federal law, we will be able to help stop this very dangerous legislation.

Hopefully other state lawmakers will follow Sen. Bartle’s lead and let Congress and the president know where their states stand on this devastating legislation.

Sign the Fight FOCA Petition. We must also encourage our pro-life congressmen to actively and enthusiastically oppose FOCA when and if it comes up for a vote – especially those in the Senate who still have the ability (so far) to filibuster.

Cute Baby Blogging From Florida

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

Behold the wonder (and the cuteness) of new life!

Here I am with my baby cousin Charlie:
Charlie Hornburg

Feeding Charlie with his mother:
Charlie Hornburg

Charlie Hornburg

I hope the new year is treating everyone well so far. I will be heading home tomorrow so please pray for my safe return.

Light(er) Blogging Ahead…

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Sorry blogging has been a bit light lately (at least it seems that way to me). It will be even lighter as I leave for south Florida tomorrow to visit relatives for the next few days. God blessed our family with the gift of new life last year in the person of my cousin Charlie who will be going on three months old when I meet him for the first time hopefully tomorrow night. Below is a video of little Charlie from November:

Be back soon!