Born Alive Infant Left to Die in FL

ChelseaAbortion, Infanticide2 Comments

The AP today has a report on a 23-week old fetus surviving an attempted abortion only to be placed in a biohazard bag and left to die:

Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.

Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.

Only Renelique didn’t arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.

What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic’s owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant’s umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.

Apart from being appalled at such utter brutality towards an innocent child, you might also be wondering what kind of “medical emergency” merited such an abortion on a presumably healthy and likely viable fetus in the first place? You know, cuz I consistently hear from abortion rights advocates that abortions are only done later in pregnancy when there is a serious threat to the mother’s life or “health.” According to the AP report the 18 year old decided she needed to get an abortion because she, “didn’t have the resources or maturity to raise a child.” Yeah, that sounds real serious health problem to me…

The state Board of Medicine will review this case to determine whether to strip Renelique’s license. The state attorney’s homicide division is investigating the case as well.

TOB Tuesday: The “Manhood Project”

ChelseaMen, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

Last week I brought up the importance of men and women complimenting each other with their sexual differences by living according to authentic masculinity and femininity. So I was pleased to come across this column at the Catholic Exchange’s TOB Channel on what one man is doing to teach his sons how to grow to be “Godly, Loving Men.” He calls it the “Manhood Project.”:

The fact is – a boy is not mentally capable of making judgments like a man. I’ve been told that the brain is not fully developed until around 20 years old. So expecting manly behavior from a boy is a recipe for disaster. I repeatedly emphasize to my boys that it takes 10 years to become a man because it is such a big deal. Nevertheless, my acknowledgement that we had launched his manhood naturally motivated him to join the project…

By making it a joint project, I established myself as the trustworthy guide for this new adventure. I had a license to work with him on any number of subjects all pointing toward the stated goal, “Becoming a Godly, Loving, Man”. Every month or so we talk about any subject that presents itself: hygiene, body changes, responsibility, and interaction with girls. All of these talks, while useful in themselves, are laying the foundation for an ongoing discussion about his sexuality.

The Manhood Project gives my son permission to start modeling manly responsibilities without the added pressure of manly judgments. It enables him to approach me with questions. He knows with certainty that everything he asks will be answered honestly and to his benefit. He has a trusted advisor who has walked this road before.

This approach has elicited powerful results. It has opened an avenue to start talking about human sexuality. We talk about men’s responsibilities, his issues with purity and the beautiful growth caused by our interaction with women. The teenage years are challenging, but they need not be onerous. In our thoughts, actions and particularly our words, we have to remain positive. These years are a gift from God to both my son and I.

This is exactly what our boys and young men need – not just lessons on how to be a men, but how to be good and loving men, the kind of men that God created them to become, not the kind the world and their fallen state would have them settle as. In a more recent article for CE, Fr. Thomas Loya explains the “gift” of masculinity, how it has fallen as a result of Original Sin and how men learn manliness:

The “gift” of masculinity is its fundamental “externality,” its ability to point to the transcendence, the “out-thereness” of God. The masculine energy acts upon the environment, solves problems, accomplishes a task, defends, protects, oversees, resists, tears down, builds up, penetrates, and explores. All of this is stamped in the “language” of the masculine body, in its fundamental “phallic” energy. The fallen side of the gift of masculinity will manifests itself in control, domination, violence, and the propensity to use and abuse the environment, especially that part of the environment known as “woman.”…

Manhood by its nature is something that is “bestowed” on a man from outside. Manhood does not come “automatically ” to males. Authentic manhood is the message that a boy should get from his father and the male world around him that he “has what it takes,” that he can be “one of the men.” Men drawn masculine energy from other men. This is what is behind the “male bonding” need of men. But in its fallen side the male bonding can be an excuse for irresponsibility and laziness, of not tending to the woman and the needs of family and home. Gangs are one of the extreme manifestations of the fallen side of the need within men to have their masculinity “bestowed” on them by other men.

Men learn manliness from other men, especially from their fathers who are their very first models of masculinity. That is why today’s broken home/single mother society has such a devastating effect on healthy male development. This may not necessarily true in all situations, but as more and more families break apart and children are born out of wedlock our young men are growing up with less consistent, let alone positive, examples of manliness in their lives.

Fathers, do your sons a favor, be attentive to them and school them in the art of manliness and the gift of masculinity as it is meant to be lived. Catholic Exchange columnist Matthew Burriss offers some excellent advice in his columns The Box and the Masculinity of Christ, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

I would also advise single mothers to look for a man who can be a positive and consistent male presence for your sons who have absentee fathers. This could be anyone from a grandfather to an uncle or even a trusted family friend as long as he can maintain a steady and active presence in your sons lives, especially as they grow into manhood.

Other suggestions:
Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity: Straight Talk with Men about Love and Life (Audio CD)

TOB Tuesday archive

(I’ve got to start working on these earlier – I barely finished this one while it was still Tuesday!)

Dental Stem Cells

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, video1 Comment

FoxNews has a nice little feature on stem cells found in teeth. It’s nice to see some media positively reporting on ethical stem cell research for a change:

At the end the reporter mentions that the United States military is researching the ability of adult stem cells to treat wounded veterans. Last April I mentioned the federal government dedicating $85 million for the creation of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine where they were to study a type of adult stem cell therapy that would help grow new bone for wounded veterans.

The Super Bowl Commercial You Won’t See Tonight – **Updated

ChelseaPro Life, video2 Comments

Like you haven’t seen this already:

See: NBC Rejects Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad Educating Viewers on Obama and Abortion

Too bad. Not only is this the kind of message America needs to see, but I’m sure it’s classier than many of the commercials we’re likely to see throughout the evening (ahem…Go Daddy).

Speaking of commercials, see the Arizona Cardinal’s very pro-life quarterback Kurt Warner in a commercial for us here in Missouri opposing Amendment 2 in 2006:

**Update, 2/2/09: I was right about the classless commercials. Jay has details.

Stem Cells Treat Early Stage MS

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell ResearchLeave a Comment

Just another adult stem cell success story:

A dose of their own stem cells “reset” the malfunctioning immune system of patients with early-stage multiple sclerosis and, for the first time, reversed their disability, according to researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago.

All 21 patients in the study had the “relapsing-remitting” form of the disease that makes their symptoms alternately flare up and recede. Three years after being treated, on average, 17 of the patients had improved on tests of their symptoms, 16 had experienced no relapse and none had deteriorated, the study found.

“This is the first study to actually show reversal of disability,” said Richard Burt, an associate professor in the division of immunotherapy at Northwestern, and the lead author of the study published yesterday in the British journal, the Lancet Neurology. “Some people had complete disappearance of all symptoms.”

Researchers are using stem cells taken from people’s own bodies to try to fight conditions such as heart disease, orthopedic ailments and to reconstruct women’s breasts after cancer surgery.

Read more and check out FRC’s long list of adult stem cell success stories for 2008

Who is Separating Pregnant Women from Their Unborn Children?

ChelseaAbortion, Politics, Women3 Comments

I seriously wonder if pro-choice people ever really listen to themselves speak.

Barbara BoxerOn C-Span Thursday morning I caught Sen. Barbara Boxer arguing with Sen. Orin Hatch against an amendment to codify a rule the Bush Administration put in place adding the “unborn child” as a patient under SCHIP. She claimed that because SCHIP already offered coverage to all pregnant women that unborn children would be automatically covered in the program and complained that Bush’s rule “injected the abortion debate into the bill” and, by adding the “unborn child” language with “no mention of the mother”, unfairly separated a woman from her unborn child. She said:

“How you would ever separate the pregnant woman from the child she’s carrying goes against nature”

This is rich coming from a woman who supports allowing a woman to legally have the child she’s carrying dismembered and sucked out of her womb…

Sen. Boxer, abortion is the ultimate separation of a woman and her unborn child.

But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.
~Mother Teresa

Related: Pro-Life Group: Senate Vote Against SCHIP Amendment Will Lead to Abortions


ChelseaActivism, Freedom of Choice Act, PoliticsLeave a Comment

WTFI’m sure most of you have seen this already. It’s pretty cleaver. Find all the answers you need to that burning question: What the FOCA?! at

I have heard from several people who are skeptical about the chances of such a bill even coming up for a vote in the next few years. But in this interview with Students for Life of IL, executive director of the Thomas Moore Society Peter Breen warns us to stay on guard because even if the entire bill itself doesn’t get through congress we could see attempts to pass bits of it through different legislatures – state and federal. You may not recognize them as FOCA when they come up, but these will be attacks on the partial birth abortion ban, parental notification, conscience rights, etc…gradually chipping away at our current pro-life legislation one by one, state by state instead of in one federal bill altogether. New York’s pending Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act would be a good example.

On their website you can get WTF t-shirts, sign the WTF petition and find out how to organize your own WTF day of action.

TOB Tuesday: We Were Made Male and Female

ChelseaMen, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday, Women6 Comments

I found these short clips from the Theology of the Body for Teens series:

    TOB segement for guys:

    TOB segement for girls:

The world today, which sees authentic masculinity and femininity as antiquated, sexist ideals, may look at these videos and think: Why the separate advice for guys and girls? They should not be held to different standards in that way. Men and women equal and the Church’s teaching on sexuality should apply to everyone equally.

However, sexuality refers to who we are as human beings – male and female. It is true that men and women are both equal their dignity as persons and deserve equal respect in that way. But we are profoundly different in how we are created biologically, emotionally, spiritually and we were created to compliment each other with our sexual differences.

Woman: God’s Masterpiece: Understanding and Living the Feminine Genius (Audio CD)
Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity: Straight Talk with Men about Love and Life (Audio CD)
The Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World
The Art of Manliness
The Privilege of Being a Woman
Alice von Hildebrand on Feminism and Femininity

Teach you’re youngsters:
The Princess and the Kiss
The Squire and the Scroll

TOB Tuesdays

Pray for Pelosi

ChelseaContraception, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics, Women3 Comments

SanFranNanI am deeply concerned about this woman’s soul – especially as a fellow Catholic.

St. (thanks, Paul!) Origen said:

God opens the lips of those who utter divine words, and I fear that it is the devil who opens the other people’s. (In Ex hom., 3,2)

Do we have to wonder who keeps opening Nancy Pelosi’s? The latest from Pelosi from from yesterday’s ‘This Week’ with George Stephanopoulos:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children’s health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those – one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

What a poor representative of Catholics and women! Not only is contraception against Church teaching, but it is probably the most anti-woman invention since…ever! With the widespread acceptance and use of contraception has come the even wider-spread objectification of women. Divorcing the sexual act from procreation has turned it into nothing more than a recreational activity and a woman’s body into little more than an instrument of sexual gratification. Pill inventor Carl Djerassi may lament the “demographic catastrophe” his invention has caused in his home country, but the damages the pill (all contraceptives, really) has inflicted on society are many, far beyond just “demographics”, and the wounds run deep. Contraception does this country no favors, financially or otherwise.

The Catholic League responds to such an anti-life proposal.

I don’t quite know what to think of Nancy Pelosi anymore. What I am sure of, however, is that this woman is in desperate need of prayers – and fast!

Previous posts:
What Planet is She On?
Augustine, Pelosi and Abortion
The Power to Cure?
It is “Categorically Impossible” to be Catholic and Pro-Abortion
Women Deserve Better

Check out:
Contraception and a woman’s self-image
Are Condoms the World’s Cure-All?

“Push Him Out, Push Him Out, Waaay Out!”

ChelseaHumor, videoLeave a Comment

We all know that children are a blessing, but often it doesn’t feel that way during the birthing process. Bill Cosby on natural childbirth, enjoy: