TOB Tuesday: “Understanding My Future Bride”

ChelseaTheology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

In a recent article for the Theology of the Body (TOB) Institute, a seminarian shares what he learned during a week-long TOB Head to Heart Immersion Course:

I learned that celibacy is so much more than ‘giving up’ something. Instead, it is actually giving my whole self to God and to His Church. The Spousal analogy of Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as His Bride, has helped clarify this point for me more than anything. As John Paul II says in his Theology of the Body that “on the basis of the spousal meaning of the body as male and female, there can be formed the love that commits man to marriage for the whole duration of his life (see MT 19:3-9), but also there can be formed the love that commits man for his whole life to continence ‘for the kingdom of heaven’ (see Mt 19:11-12)” (TOB 80:6). From this, I learned that, in a certain sense, it is false to say that I am not entering into a marriage. Rather I would be simply by-passing the earthly marriage of man and woman and heading straight toward the heavenly marriage; the marriage of the Lamb who is Christ and His Church.

God-willing, as a future priest, I will be acting in persona Christi (in the person of Christ), as the Bridegroom. My Bride will be His Bride, the Church. His children will be my children. I will be a husband! I will be a Dad. Why else would they call me Father? After all, John Paul tells us that, “Christian celibacy ‘must lead in its normal development to “fatherhood”… in the spiritual sense…in a way analogous to conjugal love” (TOB 78:5). As a man who is now practicing and will one day make a vow of celibacy, this TOB teaching truly is Good News!

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TOB Tuesdays

Update on the Awesome 12 Year Old Pro-Life Speaker

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

According to LifeSiteNews, the 12 year old who I mentioned last week actually won her speech contest:

Lia’s mother says that the topic was of her own choosing, and that she was determined not to back down, even after teachers told her it was “too mature” and “too controversial.”

“She was also told that if she went ahead with that topic, she would not be allowed to continue on in the speech competition,” Lia’s mother wrote in the email to the Moral Outcry blog. “Initially, I tried helping her find other topics to speak on, but, in the end, she was adamant. She just felt she wanted to continue with the topic of abortion. So she forfeited her chance to compete in order to speak on something she was passionate about.”

The mother told (LSN) that the girl’s homeroom teacher was supportive of Lia’s speech even though she was pro-choice. “After helping Lia do the speech she said, ‘It really got me thinking,'” the mom noted.

At the schoolwide competition, the mom said one pro-choice teacher on the judge’s panel “didn’t even want to hear” the speech, and stepped down from the panel before Lia began. After the speech, which Lia’s family said was well-received by both students and teachers, the judges initially told Lia she had indeed been disqualified. But controversy among the judges eventually led to a reversal, and Lia’s family learned the next day that the panel agreed the girl deserved to win the competition.

“There was a big stink about it, and we volunteered to step down … but her teacher said ‘No, she won fair and square, so she’ll keep going on,” said her mom. Lia is expected to present her speech at a regional competition tomorrow night, representing her school.

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Watch her speech

License to Lie

ChelseaAbortion, Personal, video1 Comment

I don’t know if I ever posted this before, but it needs to be seen. It’s video of abortionist Alberto Hodari speaking to students at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI in 2007 (h/t Jivin J):

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately – but I do feel much better now! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I’m actually probably going to be taking a little bit more time off blogging over the next week – at least I plan on blogging a bit lighter anyway. I’ve got a lot of work that I need to get done for my parents that I tend to set aside when I spend a lot of time on here (among other things). I will also be going on retreat this weekend – and boy do I need it!! So please keep me in your prayers! (the kids in my Confirmation class will also be on retreat this weekend, so pray for them as well!)

Damn, She’s Good!

ChelseaAbortion, video1 Comment

This is much better than any of the speeches I did on abortion when I was in high school – and she’s twelve!

h/t: Jill Stanek

Also check out Jill’s post on the rise of medical abortions.

Check This Stuff Out

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

Dear readers, my brain has not been functioning properly for the last few days. I hope I’m not getting sick, but I sure don’t feel very well. However, there are a few things that I’ve been wanting to draw your attention to, so hopefully I can hold out at least that long:

First, the always wonderful Archbishop Chaput gave an excellent talk in Ireland outlining the dos and don’ts for building a culture of life. I can’t find an actual transcript of the talk, but this CNA news story comes close. I can’t pick out one thing that stands out more than the rest, the whole thing is great and all of the advice worth taking in.

Rebecca Taylor comments on Reproductive rights and the octuplets. She also has an excellent response to pro-life conservative Mary Kate Cary’s recent column arguing the “pro-life case for embryonic stem cell research.”

The Mo. House passes resolution opposing FOCA. The measure was approved by a bi-partisan vote of 116-40 on Wednesday.

Shamefully I have not yet even mentioned the death of Eluano Englara, nicknamed “Italy’s Terri Schiavo,” this week. After being without food and water for just a few days she died of an apparent cardiac arrest. Wesley Smith has the details on her “gentle”, “peaceful” and “dignified” death.

Yesterday I watched an EWTN interview with Steven E. Rhoads author of Taking Sex Differences Seriously. I’ve been bringing this issue up over the last few weeks in my TOB Tuesday posts. Rhoads takes a look at hormones and other physiological and chemical distinctions between men and women. The interview was very interesting, so I can only imagine the book is as well. Check it out!

This article considers how far some parents will go in the process of “unnatural selection.” Interestingly that was the exact term I used to describe how these parents went about having a child born without a certain gene that may cause breast cancer.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go take comfort in these words from St. Peter:

In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:6-9)

TOB Tuesday: Feminine Receptivity

ChelseaSexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

Last week I talked about the gift of masculinity. Today then I will focus on woman and the gift of femininity – specifically our gift of receptivity.
In terms of living according to genuine masculinity and femininity, today’s men and women are further disadvantaged by the rise of radical feminism that does merely encourage the “equality” of the sexes, but does so in a way that pressures women to effectively become more masculine, to compete with men and pursue manly things while at the same time discouraging men from their own active masculine nature. This is true not only in the world of education, business and even war, but in the everyday interactions between men and women, especially in relationships. More and more women are becoming the aggressor in this particular area – making the ‘first move’ in their pursuit of male companionship and more.

But this is not who women are meant to be for men. Quoting again from Fr. Loya at Catholic Exchange:

A woman’s body has an “open space” within her very center. It is called a womb. An open space by its nature seeks to be filled. Therefore, the “language” of a woman’s body speaks of her fundamental desire of wanting to be relationally “ful-filled.” We can say that in the order of nature man is the one who loves and woman is the one who is loved, who has been designed with the special “genius” which is her gift of receptivity.

In a recently discovered batch of undelivered talks on the Theology of the Body, we discover John Paul II’s reflections on the Song of Songs. In ch. 4 of this erotic love poem that is at once about two lovers and at the same time a description of God’s love for His people or Christ’s love for the Church, the bride-groom describes his bride as “a garden locked, a fountain sealed.” This metaphor, says JP II, “expresses the whole personal dignity of the sex.” It indicates the woman’s “personal structure of self possession.”

The bride presents herself to the eyes of the man as the master of her own mystery.

The woman holds the key to her own “garden”; a garden which remains locked until she alone wills to open it. Yet, this obviously empowered woman does not go out herself in pursuit of a lover worthy of such a gift, rather she allows herself to be pursued – to receive the gift of a worthy lover and to open herself up to that lover in return.

Also notice that the woman in the Song of Songs does not open herself up to just any man, but only the one who would vow to commit his entire life to her, to set her as a “seal upon his heart” and assure her that his love will be a “love as strong as death.” She does not settle for a man who lusts after her body, but one who is so captivated by her entire mystery as woman, who loves her genuinely, first as sister (for we are all brothers and sisters in Christ) and then wife and then offers himself as a free gift to her. This is the kind of Godly, loving man we should encourage all of our brothers to be! As CE columnist Jenny Senour put it,

There are boys who’ve yet to become men, largely thanks to the influence of the women in their lives who refuse to call them to greatness.

TOB columns –
The Language of the Female Body
Sex and the City (of God)
Alice von Hildebrand on Feminism and Femininity

Books –
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body – an updated version of all of JPII’s TOB homilies, including his reflections on the Song of Songs and the book of Tobit
Heaven’s Song: Sexual Love as it was Meant to Be – Christopher West’s own reflections on the Pope’s previously hidden talks
The Privilege of Being a Woman – a must read for all women!

Other writings –
Mulieris Dignitatem – JP II’s letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women
Society and Church Needs Genius of Woman – JP II’s Angelus message, 7/23/95

Belated Update: FL Abortion Doctor Loses License

ChelseaAbortion4 Comments

Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique, the doctor (using the term very loosely) who was supposed to oversee the abortion of a 23 week-old fetus who instead was delivered alive and then thrown in the trash, has had his medical license revoked. The state Board of Medicine found that he violated FL statutes by committing medical malpractice, delegating responsibility to unlicensed personnel, and failing to keep an accurate medical record.

The sad reality of this case is that even if everything worked out as planned with the abortion and in accordance with FL statutes there would still have been a dead infant decomposing in the trash only then it would have been labeled “medical waste,” none of this would be news and Dr. Renelique would still have a license to practice “medicine.”

Previous post:
Born Alive Baby Left to Die in FL

Why We Need to Ban Cloning – ASAP!

ChelseaCloning8 Comments

I’m with Rebecca on this one. I understand the importance of fighting the Freedom of Choice Act, but we’ve got to make sure we stay focused on the big picture here. Few people are really talking about (or even know) what is going on in science labs not just around the world, but right here in our own country. They aren’t exactly hiding it. We just need to start paying attention.

Early last week U.S. based Advanced Cell Technology made headlines with their report on the Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells Using Human and Animal Oocytes. Do you realize what this report tells us?! Through this report we have learned that scientists right here in America have been seriously tinkering around with human life in ways that were once unimaginable – in real life, anyway! Not only have they been experimenting with human/animal hybrids, but in the process they have cloned several fully human embryos as well.

What seems to have stood out most in this report is the apparent “failure” of the human/animal hybrid embryos. Unfortunately this was not a failure in actually making human/animal embryos. The failure was when these cloned embryos would not grow to a “medically useful” stage or reproduce the necessary genes. Here is a nice visual for you:

Hybrid Embryos

As Rebecca told her readers:

“I have just posted a picture of a human-bovine embryo. You have just seen one. Let that marinate.”

I’ve seen much dutiful reporting on the results of ACT’s studies, but very little outrage over the fact that such horrifying experimentation has been going on in the first place. This is the stuff of science fiction, folks, and it’s happening now in the real world! And the worst part about it is that here in America it’s all perfectly legal! I thought I had read that the numbers were in the thousands (maybe thousands of attempts?), but below is a table from the report that seems to break down how many embryos were cloned and how far they developed:

Hybrid Embryos

They also made a number of IVF embryos as controls.

Now, the real story here, as Beverly Nuckols of Life Ethics also points out and only a few news outlets have picked up on, is the fully human cloned embryos. According to their report, ACT scientists created about 50 cloned human embryos inside of whom they discovered several thousand active genes – genes which were silent in their hybrid counterparts. And although these cloned embryos also only lived for a short while ACT’s scientific director Robert Lanza is hopeful for their use in the future:

“We show for the first time that the same genes turned on in normal human embryos are the same genes turned on in human clones…

Science has a way to go with both of these (cloning and research with IPs cells), but we will soon have a way to create a bank of stem cells to expand the range of stem cell therapies”

Wake up and smell the clones, people! We must put an end to this kind of experimentation before it gets even more terrifying. I’m getting chills just writing about this stuff.

It is way past time for the U.S. to ban human cloning – all of it, even for medical research. If liberal countries like France and Germany can do it there must be some way to get it through here (though I won’t exactly be holding my breath).

More commentary:
Rebecca Taylor’s posts: Human reproductive cloning “inevitable”… just not with animal eggs, Animal-human hybrids? That is so yesterday
Wesley Smith warns: Failure of Human Animal Hybrid Cloning Could Spark Human Egg Market
Beverly Nuckols post: Human cloned embryos

News stories:
Research Breakthrough: Human Clones May Be Genetically Viable
It Is Easier to Clone a Human Than to Blend One With an Animal
Human Clones: One Step Closer

Obama ‘Guarantees’ Executive Order on ESCR Funding

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research, PoliticsLeave a Comment

According to three sources who were not authorized to speak about a closed-door meeting that Obama had with House Democrats on Thursday, the President said, “I guarantee you that we will sign an executive order for stem cells.” Just last month the president told CNN that he would rather have Congress pass the bill.

Meanwhile, I’m still praying

Prayers for Obama

ChelseaPolitics, PrayerLeave a Comment

It appears that yesterday President Obama said some words at the National Prayer Breakfast that betray his steadfast support for abortion rights which extends even to killing those children who happen to survive abortion attempts. He said:

There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.

Pray that these words sink deep into our President’s soul and help him to see the thousands of innocent human beings whose lives are taken every day as a result of the “choice” he condones and has promised to uphold during his presidency.