TOB Tuesday: Technology and Human Conception

ChelseaIVF, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

After coming across another IVF horror story today, I thought this article from Christopher West would be fitting for today. Certainly we can see that there are some serious problems with IVF with regard to the hundreds of thousands of “left-over” embryos that are either destroyed, frozen for later “use,” or intentionally farmed for medical experimentation. But even if we could figure out a way to use IVF for fertility treatments without the ethical dilemma of creating extra embryos, the act of creating life outside the womb and the loving embrace of husband and wife remains contrary to the dignity of the child, the dignity of the spouses and their relationship, and Man’s status as a creature. West explains:

The dignity of the child: To seek a child as the end result of a technological procedure is to treat the child in some way as a product. For those involved, this creates – consciously, or unconsciously, subtly, or not so subtly – a depersonalized orientation towards the child. Products are subject to quality control. When you spend top dollar for a new computer, you want it in mint condition. You don’t care about the specific computer you pulled out of the box. You want one that works. If it’s defective, you’ll take it back for a refund or exchange it for another one.

Similarly, the temptation is all too real for a couple paying thousands (even tens of thousands) of dollars for these procedures to want a “refund” or an “exchange” if their “product” is defective. I don’t mean to imply that every couple who pays for these procedures stoops to this level. The temptation to apply “quality controls” can be resisted. But a depersonalizing mind-set is built-in to the very nature of the procedure.

The dignity of the spouses and their relationship: The technological generation of human life is simply not marital. In other words, the child is not the fruit of his parent’s marital union, but the product of a technological procedure performed by a third party apart from their union altogether. As a former professor of mine put it, “Spouses can no more delegate to others the privilege they have of begetting human life than they can delegate to others the right they have to engage in the marital act”(William May, Marriage: The Rock on which the Family is Built).

The marital embrace is not simply the biological transmission of gametes. It is a profoundly personal, sacramental, physical and spiritual, reality. To divorce human conception from this sublime union shows a lack of understanding of the deepest essence of married love.

Man’s status as a creature: God alone is the “Lord and Giver of Life.” Spouses have the distinct privilege of co-operating with God in pro-creating children, but, as creatures themselves, they aren’t the masters of life. They’re only the servants of God’s design. Through technological fertilization, we set ourselves up as operators instead of co-operators, creators instead of pro-creators. We deny our status as creatures and make ourselves “like God.”

Read more

TOB Tuesdays

Previous posts:
What DO We Do With All Those Left Over Embryos?
Another IVF Ethical Dilemma
Woman Gives Birth to Her Own Grandchildren

Life…”in a Wheelchair”

ChelseaDisabled, Pro Life4 Comments

Well, folks, this week marks ten years since the accident that permanently damaged my spinal cord and left me paralyzed from the chest down. I didn’t have time to write yesterday, the day of the actual anniversary, but on my mind was something a friend of mine said to me recently.

We’ve only really known each other for a few years now, but not too long ago she asked if it was weird that she didn’t consider me as “being in a wheelchair.” Now, it seems a bit ridiculous at first since I am, quite obviously “in a wheelchair” and have been the entire time I’ve known her, but I think I know what she meant by it.

There is a big difference in the idea we all have in our minds of what life “in a wheelchair” must be like and actually seeing that life lived in person – or living it ourselves.

I’ve mentioned here before that one of the most common reactions I get from people after talking to them for a while about my disability is “wow…well you seem pretty positive despite that.” It’s as if people think that those of us “in wheelchairs” just sit around feeling sorry for ourselves and think about how much better, more complete, our lives would be if only we could walk again. But, honestly, what good would that do us?

We get so caught up in the things that a disability takes away that we lose sight of what is still possible. If you would have told me before my injury that I’d still be enjoying life as a paraplegic and doing many of the same things I could do when I could walk I would never have believed you.

But soon after my injury it became apparent to me that life “in a wheelchair” is still just that…life, no better, no worse.

Sure it has some challenges and limitations, but it is just as capable of being lived and enjoyed as life with an “able body” is. We may not be able to feel or voluntarily control some or all of our extremities, but we’re still human beings, we’re still alive and our lives still have meaning and infinite value.

Pro-Life Blog Awards Voting is Open!

ChelseaActivism, Pro Life4 Comments

Pro-Life Blog AwardsIt’s time to vote for your favorite pro-life blogs! From Dec. 14-20 a popular vote will be held to select the winner in 5 categories:

Pro-Life Unity Award
Pro-Life Whistleblower Award
Best Pro-Life Apologetics
Pro-Life Instigator Award for Activism
Best News and Reporting

I am happy and so grateful to announce that Reflections of a Paralytic is nominated for Best Pro-Life Apologetics and Best News and Reporting! And all nominees are automatically eligible for Best Overall Pro-Life Blog (as determined by maximum number of votes). Winners will be posted Dec. 21 and officially recognized and awarded Jan. 21 by Jill Stanek of Pro-Life Pulse at American Life League’s Training and Activism Week during the March for Life. Hey, I’m planning on being in DC for the March next month anyway, so…Cast your vote now!!

Protectress of the Unborn, Pray for Us!

ChelseaPrayer, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

guadalupe1.jpgHappy feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn and Mother of the Americas!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, we turn to you who are the protectress of unborn children and ask that you intercede for us, so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protecting all human life. Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened, be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the latter years of their life. May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful action which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life, so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin.
(from a prayer said at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on January 22, 1999)

    Prayer for Victims of Abortion

Holy Mother of God and of the Church, our Lady of Guadalupe, you were chosen by the Father for the Son through the Holy Spirit.

You are the Woman clothed with the sun who labors to give birth to Christ while Satan, the Red Dragon, waits to voraciously devour your child.

O Help of Christians, we beg you to protect all mothers of the unborn and the children within their wombs. We plead with you for your help to end the holocaust of abortion. Melt hearts so that life may be revered!

Holy Mother, we pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all mothers and all unborn children that they may have life here on earth and by the most Precious Blood shed by your Son that they may have eternal life with Him in heaven. We also pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all abortionists and all abortion supporters that they may be converted and accept your Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Defend all of your children in the battle against Satan and all of the evil spirits in this present darkness.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary, hear our pleas and accept this cry from our hearts!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn, Pray for us!

More on Our Lady of Guadalupe

Duggars’ 19th Child Born 3 Mo. Premature

ChelseaPro Life2 Comments

Duggar FamilyMichelle and Jim Bob Duggar’s 19th child was born yesterday via emergency c-section after Michelle was brought into the hospital earlier this week with gallbladder problems. Little Josie Brooklyn weighs 1 pound 6 ounces and is in stable condition at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’ neonatal ICU. She was born at just 25 weeks.

Please keep Josie and all the Duggars in your prayers! 25 weeks is awfully early. Though babies have certainly been born even earlier and survived, there is still a chance for some serious health problems.

What a Difference a Week Makes
How Can there Be Too Many Children?

Alphonse: Issue Two is Out!

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

AlphonseThe second issue of Alphonse, the comic book created to foster discussion about abortion, is now available! About the issue:

Issue Two: Murder Sleep. The past weighs heavily on the present. The hunt begins. Sleep is disturbed. And love proves dangerous, but also brings hope.

Order your copy today (only $2.99) and help kickstart issue three.

For some background on Alphonse and issue one see my post here or visit

Mapping In-Utero Brain Development in 3D

ChelseaFetal DevelopmentLeave a Comment

This is pretty incredible! A hospital in London is the first in the world to scan unborn babies using high quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):

A team led by Prof Mary Rutherford, a neonatal neuroradiologist at Hammersmith Hospital, is using the images to find out how foetus’ brains develop in the womb.

This has been difficult to study before as unborn babies wiggle in the mother’s tummy. MR scans require a person to be still as ordered slices are taken continuously through the body.

To solve this problem the team takes many many images, in various orientations, and uses a computer program to re-order them and form a 3D image.

See story (with video)

Doctors expect this technology to lead to better diagnoses of brain disorders, including malformations, growth problems or injuries that can lead to cerebral palsy and sometimes autism. Said Dr. Rutherford:

“This information will help obstetricians to decide whether a baby is likely to have severe problems with development or whether to deliver a baby sooner as brain growth may be better outside the womb,”

Let’s hope this technology really does help doctors try to save the lives of these unborn children and not destroy them as is often the case with poor prenatal diagnoses.

TOB Tuesday: A Real Priest Speaks to Real Men

ChelseaCelibacy, Marriage, Men, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

There is no question that men today, more so than in previous generations, are challenged with mixed messages about what it means to be a man. This is especially true when it comes to love, marriage, sexuality and family life. In his book Man to Man: A Real Priest Speaks to Real Men about Marriage, Sexuality and Family Life, Fr. James Farfaglia encourages men, specifically married men, to be faithful, authentic, mature, coherent, and heroic – to embrace and live out their masculinity as God created it to be lived. A review from American Life League’s Judie Brown:

Father Farfaglia has taken a subject that is much maligned in today’s sexually saturated culture, that of being a man’s man, and has turned it back toward the Lord and His design in a way that is both captivating and challenging not only for men but for every Catholic. Understanding God’s design for a union with Him through marriage is fundamental for a couple considering matrimony, but particularly for the male in this age of feminized masculinity. That is perhaps the most important aspect of this book for it dignifies man because he is masculine, he is strong and he is Godly. It is my hope that every young Catholic considering marriage will read this with an open mind and a heart for truth.

Order Man to Man: A Real Priest Speaks to Real Men about Marriage, Sexuality and Family Life

What does a celibate priest possibly know about marriage, you might wonder? Fr. Farfaglia explains:

Celibacy is a special gift from the Holy Spirit, a charism. It is a beautiful gift for the Church. When he is faithful to his calling, the celibate priest, in and through his body; i.e., through his very physical reality, is a sign or a witness not only of his total gift of himself to his bride, the Church, but he is also physically, through his body, pointing the way to the eschatological reality of eternal life. “For when they rise from the dead, men and women do not marry; no, they are like the angels in heaven” (Mark 12: 25)…

Despite popular belief, marriage and priestly celibacy are not polar opposites. Just as a man and woman who are called to marriage sacrifice themselves to each other as a gift, the priest, in a covenant of spiritual matrimony, sacrifices his entire being to God. Having sacrificed their entire lives in service to the Church, celibate priests have a greater knowledge and understanding of the self-giving love that is required for a lasting, healthy, happy marriage than most of us ever give them credit for.

I am Alive

ChelseaAbortion, Fetal Development, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

At our last Legion of Mary Curia meeting, one of our members brought with her a poem written by a young girl she used to baby-sit who I’m told is pretty seriously mentally challenged or developmentally disabled somehow. The girl was 16 or 17 years old when she wrote it and she told my friend that she wouldn’t mind if she wanted to publish it in the newspaper or something. After keeping it to herself for a good number of years, my friend decided it was time to share Rebecca’s poem with the rest of the world. UltrasoundI copied it just as it was written:

The Person Inside of Me (Let me Live)
by: Rebecca Jurd

I came to you as an egg.
They call me a fetus

I am no bigger
Than a garden seed
But like a garden seed,
I grow
I get bigger everyday
I am alive

The first month
That I am here, I have a
heart, lungs and a brain
I am alive

The second month
That I am here, I have
Arms, hands, fingers, legs, knees
ankles and toes
I am alive

I am getting so big,
I am moving around now
Even though you may not
feel me
I am alive

Now I am so big
You can feel me move,
I also have a heartbeat
can you hear it? I am here
can you feel me move?
I am alive

Now I am no longer a
fetus, I am a baby
I am fully developed
I am ready to come out
and meet the world
I am alive

Not bad, huh? For being “mentally challenged”, Rebecca sure has more common sense than some of our leading scientists, philosophers and “bioethicists”.

Babies: the Movie!

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging, Pro Life, video2 Comments

This. Looks. FABULOUS! A movie celebrating the gift of life around the world. How cute are these babies?!

h/t ProWomanProLife