Shocker: A Biological Connection is Important to Kids, Too

ChelseaReproductive Technology1 Comment

Last week I wrote a piece for Catholic Lane about “donor-conceived children” being deprived of a connection with their biological father. Recently I came across an article from NPR discussing the exact same thing. They interviewed donor-conceived Kathleen LaBounty who told NPR that when she looks in the mirror she feels, “like it’s a reflection of a stranger because there are just pieces of me I can’t identify.”

She’s been on a quest to find her biological father for years, but has not had much luck. Part of the reason is because the fertility clinic her mom used actually mixed sperm from two or three men, so no one knew which actually fertilized the egg. Just cruel. She also sees the hypocrisy of the whole anonymous donor process:

Couples use donor sperm or egg because they very much want at least some biological connection to their child. And yet, she says, by using anonymous donors they cut off that child’s other links.

“And not just with the biological father, but aunts, uncles, grandparents. It’s half of the family,” she says.

Another donor-conceived child, Katrina Clarke, said something similar in an op-ed for the Washington Post back in 2006:

It’s hypocritical of parents and medical professionals to assume that biological roots won’t matter to the “products” of the cryobanks’ service, when the longing for a biological relationship is what brings customers to the banks in the first place.

We offspring are recognizing the right that was stripped from us at birth — the right to know who both our parents are.

Funny how both of these women, in their own words, perfectly articulate what the Catholic Church has to say about third party reproduction:

Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple (donation of sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus), are gravely immoral. These techniques (heterologous artificial insemination and fertilization) infringe the child’s right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage. (CCC 2376, emphasis mine)

The kids get it. Why can’t the adults?

This is not just a problem with sperm donation. Many children are being conceived and born via egg donation and surrogates.

Possible Stem Cell Treatment for the Unborn!

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell Research1 Comment

Up to 40 percent of premature births are caused by a rupture in the membrane surrounding the foetus, causing labor. Babies born before 24 weeks have a poor chance of survival while later babies are at higher risk of birth complications.
Previous attempts to treat this problem have not been successful, but some UK researchers are hoping that they’ve finally found the answer. A team from the Reading school of pharmacy have successfully developed sac membrane in the lab using stem cells from placentas obtained after births and created a ‘repair’ patch designed to be placed over the rupture using keyhole surgery. Dr Che Connon, who published the findings in the journal Tissue Engineering, told the UK Daily Mail,

‘We were able to manipulate the cells to make a material that is almost the same as a woman’s natural membrane.

‘It is tough and we are confident it would do the job and hold a pregnancy in place.’

And Dr Anna David, a consultant obstetrician and expert in premature birth at University College of London Hospitals Trust, said:

‘If we could use these membranes then we would be able to preserve pregnancies and save women from losing their babies.

‘This would be particularly beneficial for women whose membranes rupture before 24 weeks as the chances of these babies surviving are not very high. Before 20 weeks their lungs are simply not viable.’

Using non-embryonic stem cells to help save unborn babies? Come on. It really doesn’t get more “pro-life” than that! Dr Connon believes human trials will start in two years’ time and the treatment could be introduced by 2016.

Photo: “(L-R): Dr Anna David, Dr Adam Squires and Dr Che Connon who are worknig to create stem cell patches to prevent early birth.” via UK Daily Mail

Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Funding Lawsuit Not Dead Yet

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research1 Comment

Two months ago, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth bowed to an earlier appellate court ruling and dismissed a lawsuit which claimed (correctly) that funding embryonic stem cell (ESC) research on newly harvested ESC lines violates a budgetary amendment prohibiting federal tax dollars from being used to create or destroy human embryos for scientific research. See more background here and here.

This week attorneys for Dr. James Sherley and Dr. Theresa Deisher (the two adult stem cell researchers who filed the original lawsuit) have filed a Notice of Appeal asking the court to reverse the District Court’s ruling and stop federal taxpayer funding of human embryonic stem cell research.

Man, I’m getting a little dizzy trying to keep up with this back and forth, but kudos to Sherley and Deisher (my pro-life hero) for keeping the debate alive and taking such a bold stand, not just for the law, but for life!

Previous posts:
Previous coverage:
Court Blocks New Fed. Funding for ESCR!
Boo-hoo! Scientists Can’t Destroy Embryos on Taxpayer Dime 🙁
Appeals Court Suspends Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding Ban
ESCR Funding: it’s Primarily About Ethics, not Science
Appeals Court Overrules ESCR Defunding
The Continuing Story of Federally Funded ESCR in the US

TOB Tues: TOB on Tour!

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How have I never heard of this until now?? Christopher West and the folk-rock group Mike Mangione & The Union have been going on tour together to promote the Theology of the Body to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. From the ‘Fill These Hearts’ website:

Furrow 24 Productions, in association with the Theology of the Body Institute and Ascension Press, is proud to present Fill These Hearts: God, Sex and the Universal Longing -An Evening of Beauty & Reflection on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

With music, light, video and other art forms, Fill These Hearts presents the message of Theology of the Body in an artistic event, couching Christopher West’s presentation in a redeemed atmosphere of art, culture and beauty, making contemplatively present in color, shape, and sound, the themes from JP II’s profound and timely work on the meaning of human sexuality.

Fill These Hearts merges the best of what we’ve come to expect from a Christopher West workshop with art, music, and culture — think of a symphony, a ballet, or an indie-rock concert for the soul…

Sounds like a wonderfully entertaining and spiritually enriching evening. Keep an eye on their tour dates to find out if and when it comes to a town near you. I’m only seeing two in the U.S. right now – both relatively close to my hometown! I’m so there!

Fill These Hearts on Facebook and Twitter.

Cute Screaming Baby Blogging

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging1 Comment

Congratulations to one of my very first blogging buddies, Regular Guy Paul, on the birth of his fifth child!! I don’t know why, but of the few pictures the proud papa put up on Facebook of little James Andrew Mitchell, this one was my favorite:


Here’s a better look at his handsome face:


Cute Baby Blogging really never gets old, does it?

Video: Praying at Planned Parenthood

ChelseaAbortion, Activism, Planned Parenthood, videoLeave a Comment

Some footage I shot while I was at Planned Parenthood last week. There’s nothing really fantastic about this video, just us praying. Thankfully, for the most part, things are pretty peaceful during our prayer vigils in Columbia.

Talk Like A Pirate’s Wench Wantin’ Holy Matrimony

ChelseaTheology of the Body1 Comment

Today, September 19 is international “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” The following was originally posted here two years ago. Definitely worth a re-post:

Avast, me hearties! This is great. In honor of “Talk Like a Pirate Day” the Ironic Catholic has a dialogue between “Lizzie, the Pirate Wench” and her priest after she discovers Theology of the Body:

Lizzie: Ahoy, Fath’r! I be needin’ some spiritual view from the mizzenmast.

Fath’r: Aye, Lizzie, what need ye?

Lizzie: I be thinkin’, Fath’r. Ye know that me and Jack have been caboodlin’ in the anchorhold fer some time now.

Fath’r: (countenance darkening) Aye, aye, ’tis known.

Lizzie: I be realizin’ that Jack be usin’ me for me wenchful looks. I just now be reading that “theology of th’ body” stuff and am thinking we may be in a “walkin’ the plank” relationship.

Fath’r: Aye, what yer doin’ dunna invite fullness of life, lassie.

Lizzie: I jus’ not be knowin’ what to do now, Fath’r. I love the scurvy buccaneer, but I be a pirate wench all me bleedin’ life.

Fath’r: Lizzie…ye dunna strike me as a lily-livered lass.

Lizzie: By the powers, Fath’r! I dunna care if you be a holy priest, there be no need to be insultin’! I can take a cutlass to ye wit’ the best of the scallywags on this here ship!

Fath’r: Me hearty, ’tis a compliment. Ye need be takin’ your fearlessness and tellin’ Jack about the beauty of the married state. Wit’out the cutlass.

Lizzie: (defeated) But Fath’r, Jack be a swashbucklin’ gentleman of fortune livin’ life on the account. He be more willin’ to part with all the hands’ pieces of eight combined than walk down the marriage aisle. I never be hearin’ of a married pirate. ‘Tis unnatural.

Fath’r: Lizzie, me daughter, thinkin’ yourself as nothin’ but a pirate’s wench be unnatural. Ye be a lass of God. Ye be created fur more than this. And what ye be doin’ wit’ Jack now–’tis like a life on the worst grog, lass. Ye deserve the wat’r of life.

(long silence)

Read the rest, mateys!

Silly, Happy Baby Blogging

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I made this video, featuring my friend’s son Caleb, on my iPhone using Silent Film Director app. How cute is he??!

Two Lives Saved! Thanks for Your Prayers

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Thanks for all your birthday comments and prayers for the 18 mothers scheduled for abortions at our local Planned Parenthood. I was able to spend a little bit of time praying at the facility last night with a group of pro-lifers who pray there every week and I just got word that at least two of the mothers did end up choosing life for their babies. Thanks be to God! We mourn the loss of the other 16, of course, but, as much as we want to, we know we can’t save them all. Thanks again!

Speaking of praying at Planned Parenthood and saving lives. The 40 Days for Life fall campaign is coming up soon – Sept. 28 to Nov. 6. It’s amazing how much this campaign has grown in such a short amount of time. This year 297 locations around the world will be participating. Find a location near you.

Since 40 Days for Life started in 2007: Reports document that 4,313 lives that have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about, 53 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry and 14 abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns (source). I hope you will consider joining the campaign this fall, even if you can’t make it out to an abortion facility, your prayers at home and in church are just as valuable, if not more!

Here are a few pics from PP last night (click each one to enlarge):

A Prayer for You, Dear Readers

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

May the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant, Jesus our Lord, furnish you with all that is good, that you may do his will. Through Jesus Christ may he carry out in you all that is pleasing to him. To Christ be glory forever! Amen. -Hebrews 13:20-21

I mentioned earlier that today’s my birthday. It’s also the fifth anniversary of my adventures in blogging! Is that all?? It seems like longer for some reason. Anyway. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for reading and thanks be to God if you find anything on here actually worth reading! Sometimes it can seem like a bit of a chore when I’m lacking in inspiration, but I do enjoy trying to shed some light in the world if I can. I am blessed, indeed.

AMDG! Jesus, Mary, Joseph – I love you; save souls!