A Defection of Pro-Life Leadership in the Missouri Legislature

ChelseaCloning, Legislation, Stem Cell StorageLeave a Comment

Last week, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed into law an economic development bill that, among other things, provides public money and/or tax incentives for new technology businesses, including businesses engaged in human life sciences research, without effective language to prevent funding of abortion-related services, human cloning, or embryonic stem cell research. The bill was passed this way by an otherwise “pro-life” Republican-controlled House and Senate that rejected protective language that had been promoted by Missouri Right to Life at every step of the process. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this problem. For several years now the Republican leadership in the Missouri Legislature has appropriated hundreds of thousands of State funds to a very pro-cloning life science industry without adequate pro-life protection. This would be bad enough under normal circumstances, but it is particularly unacceptable since the passage of “Amendment 2” in 2006 has given scientists a “constitutional right” not only to conduct human cloning and embryonic stem cell research, but to receive government funding for it as well. Not only have these legislators been funding to these cloning friendly businesses, but they have also blocked numerous attempts to get a true ban on human cloning on the books in our State (something that was once supported by a majority of Republicans in the legislature).

Naturally, the question many pro-lifers like myself have been asking ourselves is, why? Once upon a time, Missouri had a solid legislative pro-life majority willing to uphold those principles on all life issues, even cloning and stem cell research. What happened? In this month’s Missouri Right to Life newsletter, President Pam Fichter offers some suggestions:

Supporters of unethical research have invested tremendous sums of money in promoting their cause to the legislators. While tracking money in politics is like following water downhill, a review of the reports filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission just before and since the 2006 passage of Amendment 2 reveals that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been donated to legislators by pro-cloning PAC’s. MRL has identified at least three pro-cloning PAC’s: Supporters of Health Research and Treatment, The Greater K.C. Chamber of Commerce, which spun off a specific procloning PAC called The Life Sciences of Greater K.C. Chamber. There could be additional pro-cloning groups making donations to legislators of which we’re currently unaware.

But the pro-cloning money is only one possible answer to the defection of pro-life support on the issue of cloning and embryonic stem cell research in the Missouri Legislature. The decline of the economy nationwide and in Missouri – and the desire of many legislators to improve economic conditions in Missouri – led many of them to put aside pro-life concerns if doing otherwise was perceived to imperil economic development. This false choice was promoted by the pro-cloning lobbyists, particularly MOBIO, a leading advocate of unrestricted research and of Amendment 2.

To their credit, our lawmakers have remained steadfast in doing what they can to fight abortion through the legislature, but when it comes to cloning and embryonic stem cell research, essentially, what has happened here is that, for Republicans especially, these pro-life issues have clashed with the pro-business/economic development issue and, unfortunately, the business side is winning. For years the biotech industry has been seen as one of the most promising sources of high-quality jobs in the state and the MO legislature has been giving them money and tax incentives in order to encourage them to expand their research facilities and give our state a much needed economic boost. But without adequate pro-life protections, that boost comes at the cost of innocent human life.

All I can say is, thank God for Missouri Right to Life. We have numerous pro-life/pro-family organizations in this state, many of whom have lobbyists up at the Capitol, but only MRL has kept our legislators’ feet to the fire on this issue – and then held them accountable for the way they vote. We’ve made lots of enemies because of this, but human cloning is one of the most pressing pro-life issue of our time. We’re talking about manufacturing human life specifically for scientific research…and we’re no longer talking about it hypothetically! The least we can do is make sure we’re not subsidizing this horrific research with public funds. Obviously we haven’t been totally successful at getting this done, but at least we’re faithful and that’s all God really asks of us. (p.s. if there’s any way you can help MRL out financially, they could sure use it!)

It’s all About the Money
“Science Friendly” = $$$$$

You are Loved!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Smile! God loves you…and I do, too! 🙂 Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you have a great week! And remember, no matter how bad life gets or what struggles you are going through:


Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer (Romans 12:11-12)

Adult Stem Cells: Is the Media Catching On?

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research9 Comments

When it comes to stem cell research, adult stem cells (ASC) have been outperforming their unethical, embryonic counterparts for years now. While embryonic stem cell (ESC) research only just last year began its very first trial on humans and is still trying to overcome issues with tumor formation and other harmful, deadly side-effects in animal studies for the past 20 years, adult stem cells have been successfully used in numerous adult studies for years and for many different diseases and conditions. The reaction from the media, as well as many in the scientific community, has been to ignore or belittle the positive results of ASC research while touting the “hope” and “promise” of ESCs. But, I recently came across a few articles that are way out of the norm for both the media and the mainstream scientific community.
First. ESPN The Magazine has an interesting article this week about how many professional athletes are seeking stem cell treatments for their injuries – adult stem cell treatments. Most recently, Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning traveled to Europe for a treatment using his own fat cells to help his ailing neck. Other notable athletes to travel abroad for similar treatments are Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward, NFL defensive end Jarvis Green and Yankees starter Bartolo Colon.

What is really amazing about the ESPN article is that it does not mention embryonic stem cells. At all. The entire article is focused on the development of treatments with adult stem cells and how progress of this research in the United States is being slowed down by the FDA.

Another interesting, but short, article is this opinion piece in New Scientist “In praise of stem-cell simplicity.” It is a rare acknowledgement by a very ESC research friendly scientific publication acknowledging of the effectiveness of ASC research. What’s more, they do it without a hint of skepticism, though they still maintain that “all avenues” of stem cell research should continue.

I definitely don’t think either of these articles indicates a shift towards a much more ASC friendly media, but they’re refreshing to see, nonetheless.

Advice for Fathers

ChelseaFatherhood, MarriageLeave a Comment


I think this is a great gift for sons as well to teach them the proper way to treat women.

The Strange World of Assisted Reproductive Technology

ChelseaReproductive TechnologyLeave a Comment

Over at Headline Bistro Pia de Solenni has an excellent column exploring The Strange World of Assisted Reproductive Technology, a topic I’ve covered here on numerous occasions.

So here’s the thing. If you’re looking for something to follow that’s strange, weird, and fascinating, forget reality TV or any other fiction. Just look into the largely unregulated world of assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

ART includes in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogacy, sperm donation and egg donation among its many offerings. Granted, these procedures have become fairly commonplace in our culture despite religious and moral concerns. In part, it’s because the process is the means to a baby. A baby is generally considered to be something desirable especially when the parents desperately want her; so it can be difficult to understand why a process that results in a wanted baby would be wrong.

Read the rest!

More Lives Ended Too Soon

ChelseaDeath, PrayerLeave a Comment


Speaking of life ending suddenly and much too early, this morning Students for Life (SFLA) staffer Jon Scharfenberger died from injuries he sustained in a car accident earlier this month. SFLA leader Kortney Blythe Gordon and her pre-born daughter, Sophy, were also killed in that accident. Ironically, or perhaps providentially, Jon lost his voice forever on a day when thousands of young people across the country sacrificed their own voices for the for the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity.

SFLA released the following statement:

The team at SFLA is beyond saddened by the news that Jon Scharfenberger, Pregnant on Campus Coordinator and Campus Support Coordinator for Students for Life of America, passed away this morning due to complications from injuries he sustained from the same car accident that claimed the life of SFLA leader Kortney Blythe Gordon and her pre-born daughter, Sophy, on October 8th.

Jon had many successes in his short time with us at SFLA, including establishing a pro-life campus group at Florida International University that was successful in saving the life of a pre-born baby, a mere one week after its creation. You can read more about this incredible story here: http://studentsforlife.org/2011-2012-success-stories/

We continue to offer prayers of support for Jon’s family and friends and grieve during this incredibly difficult time for our organization and mission.

If you would like to send a message to Jon’s family, please send it via Jon’s email at jon@studentsforlife.org.

Because of your outpouring, the team at SFLA was able to help support the costs for Kortney and Sophy’s burial. We encourage you to promote a donation link we have set up in Jon’s honor to anyone you think would be interested in helping to support Jon’s family. All proceeds are tax-deductible and 100% of gifts received through this page will be donated to the Scharfenberger family to be used for burial expenses. The donation link can be found here: https://jon.sagefundraisingonline.com/3

All of our love and prayers to Jon, Kortney, Sophy, and the Scharfenberger, Blythe, and Gordon families.

“To live is Christ, to die is gain.”

Also, last week, Rebecca Taylor of Mary Meets Dolly shared the sad news that a 12 year old student of hers and dear friend of her family collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where doctors found significant bleeding in her brain stem. She died two days later.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

R.I.P. Dan Wheldon: Husband, Father, Indy Racing Champion

ChelseaDeath, Family4 Comments

I’ve become a pretty big IndyCar racing fan over the past few years since my parents started doing some wheldon.pngmedia coverage of it. Needless to say, I was deeply saddened by the death of driver Dan Wheldon following a fiery 15-car crash on the 12th lap of the final race of this year’s IndyCar championship series in Las Vegas yesterday. Dan was an incredible driver and most racing fans will remember him for his many accomplishments on the track, including two Indianapolis 500 wins, the most recent win being this year’s unforgettable finish, and the points Champion of the Series in 2005. But I think Wheldon would agree that his most important achievements happened off the track when he married his wife Susie and became a father to his sons Sebastian (2 years) and Oliver (6 months).

Say what you want about the wisdom of driving a car at 220 MPH, Wheldon’s sudden death at just 33 years wheldon-crash.pngold is a reminder of the shortness of this life and that the end can come at any moment for any one of us. Those of us who fight for the right to life of every human being on this earth must also be joyfully aware that this life, as beautiful as it may be, is not our ultimate end. Though we fight for truth and freedom in our beloved country, it remains but an earthly dwelling place, a temporary homeland where we must prepare ourselves for the greater Home that awaits us (Heb. 13:14):

I know the country I am living in is not really my true fatherland, and there is another I must long for without ceasing. This is not simply a story invented by someone living in the sad country where I am, but it is a reality, for the King of the Fatherland of the bright sun actually came and lived for thirty-three years in the land of darkness.(Story of a Soul, Manuscript C).

Heaven. Resurrection. Eternal Life. What we believe, what we hope for, is not merely some lofty philosophical ideal or the fantasy of uneducated simpletons. It is truth, Divinely revealed and able to be known through human reason (CCC 156-59). Therefore:

Be vigilant at all times
and pray that you have the strength
to escape the tribulations that are imminent
and to stand before the Son of Man. (Lk. 21:36)

So that when your day finally does come you will not be taken by surprise, for

at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come (Mt. 24:44)

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Dan Wheldon, Two Time Indy 500 Winner, Requescat In Pace

One Man Has 74 Offspring and More Donor Conceived Children Speak Out

ChelseaFamily, Fatherhood, Infertility, Reproductive Technology5 Comments

donor-daddy.pngLast month the New York Times reported on a man in California whose donated sperm was responsible for the lives of 150 young men and women. Shortly after, there was a lot of buzz over an episode of Style Network’s documentary show Style Exposed in which Ben Seisler confessed to his fiance (see video) that through the sperm he donated to pay his way through college he has confirmed that he has fathered roughly 74 children (though, according to the Biopolitical Times, he suspects that number is somewhere between 120-140) and more than 15 of them have already tried to contact him. According to the Daily Mail, he donated sperm for three years while attending law school at George Mason, Virginia and earned around $150 per donation (umm…I would hardly call that a “donation”). Seisler is pictured here with one of his biological children.

Upon hearing the news from him, Seisler’s fiance, God love her, told him that what he did was rather selfish and asked, “Did you think of the consequences that would come of it?” No, Lauren, I think it’s fairly obvious that neither he nor the people who supplied his sperm to that many women thought really hard about the possible ramifications of there actions. But, hey, they both got their money and all those women/couples got those babies they were entitled to. And that’s really all that matters, isn’t it?

In related news, even more “donor conceived people” are speaking out about what it’s like growing up having half of their identity deliberately witheld from them.

1. Not only was Alana S. abandoned by her mother’s husband (who played the role of her father while they were married), when the two got divorced, but her biological father was a sperm donor whose identity was withheld from her. “I need you to understand my loss,” she said to her mother when she finally confronted her after years of pent up anger and hurt from growing up without her biological father.

2. All Narelle Grech from Australia knew of her father was that his code name is T5, he is brown-haired and brown-eyed with O-positive blood type. “When I was a teenager, I carried that information around with me on a scrap of paper, the way other kids carried a photograph of their dad,” she says. “It was my way of keeping a link to him because I had nothing else.” Awful. But wait. There’s more.

Grech was recently diagnosed her with advanced bowel cancer, which doctors say may kill her within the next five years. The disease is genetic and she didn’t get it from her mother’s side. Awful. But that’s still not all.

Grech has also discovered that she has eight half-siblings probably living somewhere near him: “Each one may be a genetic time bomb waiting to go off and it’s probable that they don’t know anything about it.” Yep. Awful.

3. Finally, here is a video interview with Damian Adams who, though he had a happy childhood, says he was still frustrated in his teen years when he was discovering who he was as a person, as teenagers do, and realized that he was missing some vital information about where he came from. He’s not upset with his parents or his biological father, he says, but the clinics and the legislation that “facilitated an institutionalization depravation of [his] basic human rights that everybody else is entitled to.” Namely, to know where he came from and his own genetic history.

All three of these people have been searching for years to discover the identity of their biological father, to no avail. In January of this year, Alana launched her own organization, Anonymous Us, to provide an outlet for donor-conceived children to connect and have an open discussion about the realities of artificial reproductive technologies and the resulting family fragmentation.

These revelations have lead many scholars and legislators to discuss imposing tighter regulations on the fertility industry – limiting the number of times a man can “donate” his sperm and making donor registration mandatory – a move that would certainly help lessen the damage. But I still maintain that these problems are an indication that the Catholic Church was correct in her opposition to third party reproduction and the practice should be done away with. It’s not just the violation of the child’s right to know their biological parents, but also of their right to be conceived in an act of love, not to mention the way it has dramatically changed the way we think about marriage and family. Besides, it’s not like this is necessary, life-saving medicine. No one ever died from infertility. And besides, there are safe, effective and, more importantly, ethical alternatives in fertility care.

TOB Tues (on Wed.): Emotional Chastity

ChelseaChastity, Love, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday1 Comment

When we talk about the Theology of the Body, we usually talk about guarding our eyes and not revealing too much of our bodies, but what about our guarding our hearts and not revealing too much of our emotions?

The TOB is about the whole person, body and soul, and that certainly includes our emotions. Therefore, emotional chastity is just as important as trying to be physically chaste. Unfortunately, it’s a lot trickier. On the one hand, as I mentioned here previously, finding a spouse requires us to open ourselves up to another person and the possibility of love. But in doing so, it is easy, especially for women, to get a little carried away and fill our minds with unbridled sentimentality that ignores the truth about our relationships.

Some good advice:
Emotional Chastity: Love, Emotions, Taylor Swift, Mental Stalking and Mr. Right
Fantasy Relationships: Exploring the Dangers of Excessive Sentimentality

Like Elizabeth, I’m a work in progress when it comes to emotional chastity. I’m certainly not expecting or even hoping for a “perfect,” fairly-tale relationship, nor do I blindly see perfection in the men that I fall for. Nevertheless, the romantic “madwoman of the house” is alive and well inside my head and, as much as I don’t want to admit it, I often let myself be a total daydream believer. In fact, this post is largely prompted by the fact that not too long ago I made a complete fool of myself under that mad woman’s influence and probably permanently damaged a wonderful friendship that had developed over the past year. Stupid, stupid girl.

It may sound a bit harsh, but I think this point from St. Josemaria’s The Way is good advice for those of us who struggle with emotional chastity:

“If thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee! Your poor heart, that’s what scandalizes you!

Press it, squeeze it tight in your hands: give it no consolations. And when it asks for them, say to it slowly and with a noble compassion — in confidence, as it were: ‘Heart, heart on the Cross, heart on the Cross!'” -The Way #163

More good reads: A few weeks ago the “Bright Maidens” explored the topic of emotional chastity. Their posts:
Daydream Believers and Emotional Disasters
Cootie Shots and Conundrums
Easy Bake Love Story

My Catholic Revolver Radio Interview

ChelseaPersonal, Religion3 Comments

I don’t think I ever shared this on here. Last year I was a guest on The Catholic Revolver online radio show with Jerry Weber. The interview starts a little after the 4 minute mark and runs for almost the whole hour. So, if you’ve got some time to kill and want to know a little bit more about your humble hostess here…

Listen to internet radio with Jerry Weber on Blog Talk Radio

If the embedded audio doesn’t work for you, you can find it archived here.