The Catholic Church is No Enemy of Science or the Infertile

ChelseaIVF, Reproductive Technology1 Comment

pregtest3_1.jpgBecause of her opposition to third party reproduction, the Catholic Church is often accused of being anti-science and insensitive to those who suffer the pain of infertility. Last year’s CNN Belief Blog op-ed from Sean Savage calling on the Catholic Church to reverse her opposition to IVF is a good example of the anger that is generally directed towards the Church on this issue. Sean and his wife Carolyn, who consider themselves to be faithful Catholics, made headlines when the fertility clinic they were working with accidentally implanted her with another couple’s embryo. Sean wrote:

“Instead of support, the church branded us in a very public way with the apparently shameful letters IVF. Why couldn’t the church recognize our journey for what it was – an affirmation of the sanctity of life?

Carolyn and I would have been happy to save thousands of dollars and a decade of emotional ups and downs by conceiving the “old-fashioned way,” but that wasn’t possible. We turn to medicine for a litany of medical maladies and impairments, but infertile Catholics are supposed to avoid treating a medical condition which prevents them from building or expanding their family?”

In his article he pulled several passages form Domun Vitae, the 1987 document by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation, including this one, which he called “ironic”:

“Scientists are to be encouraged to continue their research with the aim of preventing causes of sterility and of being able to remedy them so that sterile couples will be able to procreate in full respect for their own personal dignity and that of the child to be born.”

What he and much of the rest of the world do not understand is that the Church’s rejection of IVF is not a rejection of the use of science to treat infertility. In fact, because she so desperately wants to support those who suffer from infertility, the Catholic Church has helped develop very effective reproductive medicine that also respects the rights of every human being.

Continue reading at Catholic Lane > > > >

Quote of the Day

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

sanity.jpg“Catholic teaching is the lone voice of sanity in the howling gibberish which passes for modern public discourse on human sexuality.” God bless you, Simcha Fisher.

That quote is from her most recent post over at the Register: Why Are They Here? Is it just me or is everything this woman writes pure gold? Simcha’s one of the most popular and widely read Catholic bloggers, her beautiful smile gracing the front page of New Advent with nearly every post she writes, so I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to do this (you probably already have, anyway), but: go read it!

Almost 20 Years Later TLC’s “Chilli” Still Regrets Her Abortion

ChelseaAbortion, video, Women1 Comment

This is heartbreaking h/t The Crescat:

“I would break down and I would just cry…because I wasn’t a mommy. I cried almost every day for almost nine years.”

It is absolutely insane to compare abortion, as many do, to other medical procedures, even major ones. By and large, people don’t tend to cry every day for years regretting their decision to get a tumor removed or a bad tooth extracted. Abortion advocates dismiss any direct link between abortion and depression, but groups like Silent No More and Rachel’s Vineyard wouldn’t exist if abortion didn’t have a serious negative effect on women spiritually and emotionally.

Perinatal Hospice: Yay or Nay?

ChelseaDisabled, Eugenics, Prenatal Genetic Testing2 Comments

Over at Catholic Lane, Mark Pickup writes about the importance of Christian perinatal hospice:

There are expectant parents who face the terrible reality that their baby will be born with a terminal condition. They are usually told after a prenatal test and are given the choice of continuing the pregnancy or aborting their baby. Parents are often pressured to make their decision quickly, particularly later in pregnancy, given the complications that can arise. The problem is that they are overwhelmed by the devastating news; they are hardly in a position to make such a heavy decision.

According to Bill Saunders of Americans United for Life, only twenty percent of couples will bring their pregnancy to term.[1] Saunders also reveals that parents who chose abortion have deep regrets. Perinatal hospice can provide options that comfort, nurture and support for parents and also honours the humanity of their babies.

Perinatal hospice provides a continuum of medical, emotional and spiritual support and nurture for the family and their terminally ill baby. Working in concert with the obstetrical team, the perinatal hospice team provides support the family — in as much as they choose. It is important that perinatal hospice be Christian to help ensure the sanctity of all lives are upheld.

Read the rest.

According to Mark’s resources, in areas where perinatal hospice programs are available, a significantly larger percentage of parents facing a terminal prenatal diagnosis, will choose the perinatal option over abortion. Seems like a good thing to me! Though, I’ve heard some express concern that opting for hospice, while it’s better than abortion, is still like giving up on the child’s life when you could be looking at treatment options, instead. Many don’t realize that some so-called “terminal” diseases that unborn children are diagnosed with, like Trisomy 18, for example, can actually be treated in many cases and the children who have them can live for several years. Bella Santorum is an example of such a child.

I’d say both are necessary. On the one hand, yes, emphasis should be on treatment of the disease when it’s possible. At the same time, though, when treatment is not an option, there should be standards in place for caring for the newborn child and her parents as death approaches.

Either way, one this is certain: doctors need to stop looking at sick unborn children as diagnoses and start treating them as members of the human family who are entitled to care, not killing.

What do you think? Is hospice good or bad? Praise the Lord, I’ve never had experience with hospice of any kind, perinatal or otherwise. But I’ve heard very mixed opinions from people based on their very mixed experiences. In fact, just last week on Twitter, in response to a story about assisted suicide in Switzerland, I got an @ reply from someone who said, “people die from assisted suicide everyday in this country, they just call it hospice.” I think it all depends on the hospice and the people involved. Mark stressed the need for the hospice to be Christian. Is that the key? What do you think? Have you had any experience with hospice?

Video: Mother Dolores at the Oscars!

ChelseaPro Life, Religion19 Comments

As I predicted, Mother Dolores was never featured on any of the red carpet shows, but I heard from a few people who noticed her in the background. She even caught the attention of celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton! I didn’t see it live, but during this interview with Maya Rudolph, you can see her off to the right starting at about the 30 second mark:

That’s got to be a red carpet first! Here are a few pictures I managed to find online this morning. God bless her. She looks absolutely delightful!

According to the AP, she said:

“It’s absolutely an extraordinary event,” said Mother Dolores, her voice barely audible above the red carpet’s screaming bleacher fans. “Believe me, this is very different than being in the monastery.”

And the NY Post reports:

“When the bleachers section called out to her, she put her fingers to the corners of her mouth and let out a huge whistle to the fans,” said a spy. “No one could believe such a loud sound came from the reserved Mother.”

Her documentary did not win, unfortunately. I know some people were concerned that her breaking enclosure might be spun as validation of the “importance” of Hollywood, instead of a call to look away. A concern I completely understand. But hopefully her presence there planted a few seeds at least, which I think was the hope of her superiors, too. God knows Hollywood needs it!

Why I’m Watching the Oscars Red Carpet Show Tonight

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Two words: Mother Dolores (aka the “nun who kissed Elvis”)!

After Nicki Minaj’s attempt to be edgy at the Grammys by mocking the Catholic Church wearing a nightmarish red habit and accompanied by a man dressed as the pope, another woman will be gracing the red carpet in full habit at Hollywood’s next big awards show tonight. Only this one’s not wearing her habit to mock the Church, but to show her great love and devotion to it. Talk about ‘edgy’!

Hollywood take note: God is Bigger Than Elvis…and Clooney, Spielberg, Scorsese and, yes, even Streep!

Of course, I think chances are pretty good that her presence there won’t get recognized on any of the pre-Oscars red carpet shows. But I’m tuning in, anyway. Just in case! 🙂

The Oscar nominated documentary about Mother Dolores, God is the Bigger Elvis, will premier on HBO this April.

A Wonderful Cause for Your Almsgiving This Lent!

ChelseaAddictionLeave a Comment

Early last month I told you about a woman who is running a half-marathon in thanksgiving to the Cenacolo Community for helping her brother break free from addiction to drugs and alcohol. She writes:

Through his late teens and early twenties, he battled a horrible addiction and has recently celebrated his two year mark of being clean from all drugs and alcohol. While this has been a labor of love and hard work for him and my entire family, he would never have made it this far – nor would we – without Comunita Cenacolo.

Comunita Cenacolo, where Jack has lived for the past two years, is pretty much the school of life: a dedication of faith paired with hard work and almost no material possessions. “The community”, as it is called, has helped thousands of young men and women over the past 28 years overcome their addictions and go on to live fulfilling and healthy lives for many, many years.

The race is this weekend and according to the site, there’s still 20 days left to donate. Eleanor’s goal is to raise $5,000 for the Community and she’s almost halfway there! Please help, if you can. This would be a wonderful cause for your almsgiving this Lent. Cenacolo is completely self sufficient – receiving no state or federal funding, and relies solely on the donations of families, friends, anonymous donors and the general public. The work they’re doing is vitally important. Addiction is one of the biggest public health threats in the United States today. It’s everywhere and it doesn’t discriminate. These days, a drug addict could just as easily be the seemingly clean-cut star athlete at your local high school or college as the homeless man sitting on the street corner begging for money. Cenacolo, which has four houses here in America, doesn’t just get people off drugs. It helps them find true peace and freedom that comes only from a life in Christ.

If you have some time, please read Hattie Heaton’s moving testimony over at Catholic Lane: Trusting God With Our Son and His Addiction part 1, part 2.

Also check out my articles:
‘School of Life’ is Path to Freedom and Peace for Addicts
Why Not Sterilize Drug Addicts?

Seven States Sue Obama Admin Over Contraception Mandate

ChelseaHHS MandateLeave a Comment

allyourconscience2.pngI said before, opposition to the HHS/Obama contraception mandate is not just about Catholics or contraception. It is about an unprecedented overreach of the federal government into the lives and the consciences of private American citizens and Catholics aren’t only ones fighting against it:

Seven states filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration today seeking to overturn the mandate that religious employers provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients to their employees as part of their health care plans.

The state attorneys general of Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas filed suit today in U.S. District Court, arguing that the mandate violates both the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. All seven plaintiffs are Republicans.

Read more.

That’s pretty incredible, if you ask me. The plaintiffs not only claim that the mandate is a violation of religious liberty, but also that it would put further stress on state Medicaid programs. Said Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, “[t]he unfortunate reality is that many religious organizations will cease to offer health insurance and charities will stop offering services to the less fortunate because of this mandate.”

Yesterday, in a major victory for religious liberty, a federal court in Tacoma, Washington, struck down a Washington law that requires pharmacists to dispense the morning-after pill even when doing so would violate their religious beliefs. Let’s hope that’s a sign of good things to come.

Others taking the administration to court: Belmont Abbey College, Colorado Christian College, the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN), Ave Maria University, Geneva College, Louisiana College, North Carolina Catholic college and Priests for Life.

The Pro-Life Movement is Bigger and Stronger Than Ever Before!

Chelsea40 Days for Life, Abortion, ActivismLeave a Comment

What started with just one hour in College Station, TX not even ten years ago, has grown to a bi-annual 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach in hundreds of cities across America and around the world.

Starting today through Sunday, April 1, 40 Days for Life campaigns will be held in 258 cities all across the United States (44 states and the District of Columbia) plus Canada, Australia, England, Ireland and Spain. This will be their largest spring campaign ever.

40daysvigil2.jpgHow moving it is so moving to see such a peaceful, prayerful campaign spread so far and wide. And what a testament to how committed the pro-life faithful are to ending abortion and building a culture of life. The horror of abortion has been a legally accepted practice here in the United States for nearly forty years. After so much time we could have easily given up hope over ever turning things around. Instead, the pro-life movement has grown significantly over the years and is stronger now more than ever before with more and more pro-lifers stepping out of their comfort zones and into the, sometimes very hostile, public eye to speak for those who have no voice.

Even Campaign Director Shawn Carney is surprised by the success of 40 DFL. “When we conducted the first 40 Days for Life campaign in College Station, Texas, back in 2004, if you had told me that 40 Days for Life would spread around the globe … I wouldn’t have believed it,” wrote Carney on the 40 Days for Life blog. “We thought there would be ONE — and only one — 40 Days for Life campaign. EVER. Thankfully, God’s plans were bigger than ours”

Amazing things happen when we put our trust in God and step forward in faith. Since this campaign started, twenty-one abortion centers where 40 Days for Life vigils have occurred have shut down and 5,045 lives that have been spared from abortion (and those are just the ones we know of!).

I hope you will make some time in these next 40 days to participate in this life changing, life saving event. Find the 40 Days for Life campaign nearest you to learn how you can help make a life-saving difference in your own community. If nothing else, please click here for daily devotionals and pray and fast with us this Lent for an end to abortion and a greater respect for all human life. Don’t worry, prayer is the life-blood of this campaign, so, even if that’s all you can do, that’s no small thing!

Lenten Pro-life Prayer
(via Priests for Life)

Father of all mercy,
We thank you for this season of grace and light.
We know that sin has blinded us.
Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer and penance.

Since you, O God, are light itself,
Give all your people a clearer understanding
Of what is sin, and what is virtue.

Grant in particular that we may see, as never before,
The profound dignity of every human life,
Including the vulnerable unborn children.

Give us grace to defend
Our brothers and sisters in the womb
By our prayers, our words,
And our self-sacrificing actions.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

TOB Tuesday: Intimacy with the Cross

ChelseaLent, Religion, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

prodigal.jpgAh, Lent! That time of year when we spend a little more time than usual reflecting on how much we have distanced ourselves from God by our sin. Personally, I can easily get discouraged and even disgusted with myself when we think about the many ways I have chosen darkness over light. But, the Lenten season is also preparation for the greatest Act of forgiveness and proof of God’s great love for each one of us, even in our sinfulness.

For Christ, while we were still helpless, yet died at the appointed time for the ungodly…God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6, 8 )

Lent is not just a time of reflection, but a time for renewal and reconciliation. A time to go to confession, be sorry, be cleansed and, as St. Josemaria liked to say, begin again (something we probably should be doing all throughout the year, anyway). Therefore, this Lent let us not be despair as we recognize our faults and failings, but humbly accept the limits of our human nature, let go of our sins and allow ourselves to be forgiven and transformed by God’s love and mercy.

Over at the TOB Institute website, Fr. Ben Bradshaw has a great meditation for the beginning of the Lenten season:

While it is certainly true to assert that Lent is a time of sacrificing somehow as a way of uniting our suffering with that of Christ, it is easy to forget that our mission in doing so is to seek genuine intimacy with Jesus Christ on the Cross and to unite our sufferings with his. In his Apostolic Letter Salvifici Dolores/On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering (February 11, 1984), Blessed John Paul II notes that in the experience of suffering we, ourselves, are transformed into better men and woman, while simultaneously growing closer to Jesus Christ:

    Christ drew close above all to the world of human suffering through the fact of having taken this suffering upon his very self. During his public activity, he experienced not only fatigue, homelessness, misunderstanding even on the part of those closest to him, but, more than anything, he became progressively more and more isolated and encircled by hostility and the preparations for putting him to death…Precisely by means of his Cross he must strike at the roots of evil, planted in the history of man and in human souls. Precisely by means of his Cross he must accomplish the work of salvation. This work, in the plan of eternal Love, has a redemptive character.

Read the rest!