Rally for Religious Liberty and Then Vote!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment


Today is the big day for religious freedom rallies all across the country. Will you be rallying this afternoon or have you already?

Here in Missouri, I think there are rallies in St. Louis and Kansas City today, but the big rally at the Capitol is not till next Tuesday. The date was scheduled based on the availability of the Capitol rotunda on a day that the legislators were in session. After all, what good is a rally at the Capitol if no legislators are there to see it? If you’re in Missouri, please join us at the Capitol next Tuesday! Details here.

Much like all of the Tea Party events and massive showings at TownHall meetings in 2009/10 protesting the passage of Obamacare, these rallies are important to visibly show our legislators that we’re “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.” But, as we learned when they went ahead and passed the healthcare bill, anyway, this message is not always received – or, more accurately, it’s completely ignored. So, perhaps even more importantly, let’s use these rallies to build enthusiasm for really making our voices heard at the ballot box later this year. After we were ignored two years ago and Obamacare passed in March of 2010, 37 House members who voted for Obamacare were defeated in the elections later that year, shifting the majority away from the Democrats. We need to do a similar clean-up in the Senate and, ultimately, in the Oval Office.

October Baby Opens Today

ChelseaPro Life7 Comments

October Baby is a new movie about a young woman who finds out that not only is she adopted, but she is the survivor of an attempted abortion. Needless to say, it’s gotten quite a bit of pro-life buzz, especially in the past week, so I”m sure many of you have already heard of it. Here’s the trailer:

When abortion fails a child is born…alive. Some are put on shelves to die, some live to tell the tale — and their voices are powerful. From my understanding, October Baby is inspired by the story of Gianna Jessen. If you’ve never heard it before, do check out Gianna’s hard-hitting address to the Australian Parliament a few years ago. Another survivor, Melissa Ohden, is also an amazing witness.

October Baby opens today in select theaters. I haven’t seen it yet, so I can’t review it for you, but these people can:
Steven D. Greydanus
Sr. Helen Burns

And over at Catholic Lane, Kay Anne Kelly gives a thorough synopsis/review and then sees a connection between October Baby and the Battle of Lepanto:

And that bit about Lepanto in the title? Well, just guess when Hannah was born…..October 7th. The film makers are not Catholic and may not have known the significance of that date to faithful Catholics, but we sure know who our big gun is in a spiritual battle. With Our Lady of Guadalupe on deck and the faithful of Christendom abiding Pope St. Pius’ command for the Rosary to be said for victory over evil, it took one more thing to tip the scales in this famous battle. The Christian slaves who were forced to row the Turkish ships rebelled and, several thousand strong, stood up to their oppressors, turning the tide of the battle and helping to save all of Europe from Muslim invasion. When those who have been enslaved to the abortion agenda rise up against the evil that has oppressed them, the tide will begin to turn. Look no further than Abby Johnson.

It doesn’t look like the movie will be playing anywhere near me this weekend. What about you?

World Down Syndrome Day

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Today is World Down Syndrome Day, a day to celebrate the lives of those who have an extra 21st chromosome. It’s also a reminder that we should love and value all people with disabilities, so, I published an updated version of What is Normal for Catholic Lane: check it out.

Also worth reading: Weakness That Makes Us Strong

When Women ‘Need’ the Pill

ChelseaContraception2 Comments

Here’s something guaranteed to garner some heated debate.
In discussions about contraception, it often gets brought up that birth control pills are used, not just for preventing pregnancy, but for treating other, non-contraceptive medical diseases and conditions. Not only are they being used for this reason, but, we’re told that they are necessary for treating various complications related to a woman’s reproductive cycle. We’ve been hearing this a LOT lately throughout the debate over the HHS contraception mandate, most notably during the now infamous Sandra Fluke testimony, during which she mentioned a friend who used the pill to prevent or reduce the formation of ovarian cysts.

It should be noted from the outset that the Catholic Church is not opposed to women using contraceptive pills for actual medical needs — but are they necessary for this? That’s my question. And are Catholics wrong or insensitive for suggesting they may not be?

Over at Catholic Lane, Catholic author Amy Bonaccorso recently spoke out as an example of a faithful Catholic who once ‘needed’ the pill for medical reasons. Diagnosed with Poly-Cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome (PCOS) and nearly crippled by the pain that comes with it, Bonaccorso used the birth control pill to deal with her symptoms.

The main focus of her article is about how, after becoming Catholic, she felt like an outcast and even guilty for being sick during discussions with fellow Catholics about contraception. She was even, she says, “ripped into” by her Catholic GYN when, after getting married, Amy did not want to immediately go off the pill and start having kids because they did not think they could cope with the possible illness that could strike.

Women with PCOS have escalated health risks from the get go. So, when I read about the negative health impacts of the Pill on women’s health, I can honestly tell you that I don’t care. It was a God-send to me. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve outgrown many of the problems I endured as a younger woman. But, I wonder if the Pill didn’t have some role in teaching my body how to function better.

Of course, every woman’s experience is different. Be sure to also check out Jacqueline Harvey’s testimony about being repeatedly pushed the pill to ‘treat’ her endometriosis – a pill that she once did take as a teenager, but, while it relieved some of the pain, it also caused many other problems that were just as hard to live with.

Going back to Bonaccorso’s article. I don’t deny that she got some relief from taking the pill and I certainly think it is a shame that she has personally been judged and treated unfairly by some fellow Catholics, but here is my problem. She writes (emphasis in original):

While I support the Church’s fight against HHS’s unconstitutional restrictions on their ability to practice their faith and obey their conscience, I think it’s obnoxious how Catholics routinely ignore the suffering in their own ranks and treat the sick as insignificant and inconvenient nuisances to their theology.

Until Catholics get serious about addressing the suffering of women with PCOS and other associated illnesses, young women will get stuck having to take the Pill because there is no other option for them. We need to push for medical advances and start treating sick women with more respect if we want our theological positions on contraception to influence anyone other than the “uber-Catholics” and hyper-pious.

Perhaps she is not fully aware of this, but the fact is that many faithful Catholics, who care deeply about the ‘suffering in their own ranks’ and beyond, HAVE gotten very serious about addressing this kind of thing. In fact, they have even developed medicine to treat diseases just like the one she suffers from so that women do not ‘need’ to resort to using contraception to mask their symptoms. The Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction exists solely for this purpose and, currently, PCOS and other ovarian problems can be treated with NaProTechnology, which Dr. Paul Carpentier, certified by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals, explains very well in this video.

Without question, Catholics need to be charitable to women suffering with symptoms alleviated by the pill. But, I don’t think that means that it’s wrong to suggest that the pill is not a necessary answer to many of these non-contraceptive medical problems – even if the Church does say that technically its ok to be used in these circumstances. Other, highly effective treatments exist, unfortunately the pill is the only option many women are given.

What has your experience been? Both Bonaccorso and Harvey have commentors on their posts who say they can relate to each of their experiences. If you’ve used the pill, do you think, as Bonoccorso does, that it actually helped take care of your condition or, did it just mask your symptoms, as it did for Harvey? What about finding alternative treatment? Both Bonaccorso and Harvey noted how difficult it was for them to find something else that would work for them. Is NaProTechnology not for everyone? Or is the problem that it’s just still not widely known about and practiced?

I think this is a discussion worth having!

What is Normal?

ChelseaDisabled, Suffering6 Comments

A couple of my fellow contributors to the Ignitum Today blog are asking for lots of prayers. Andrew and Christina were married in October of 2011. Just one month later they happily discovered that Christina was with child. However, their elation soon turned to concern when their unborn daughter, Maria Isabella, was diagnosed with Spina Bifida. Right now, Christina and little ‘Bella’ are in recovery mode after undergoing fetal repair surgery at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Earlier this month on their blog, Christina wrote:

I sometimes imagine Maria Isabella watching her little cousins swimming or running around the yard and her not being able to keep up….and it breaks my heart to think that she might not be able to do all of the *normal* things that other kids do.

But then I ask myself, “What is normal“? Really, Seriously. What is normal?

I don’t know exactly what to say. I haven’t come up with some easy or funny/witty answer to that question. But I do know one thing……this beloved creature within me, our beautiful and precious daughter, is a gift. She is a gift who the Lord desires to use to pour out blessing on to those around her….I just pray that as a mother, I might help her to truly be everything that The Father has created her for.

Read the rest of her moving reflection.

Everyday children like little Maria Isabella are killed in the womb to ‘shield (them) from the misery‘ of never being ‘normally’ functioning human beings. But, as Christina asks, what is ‘normal?’ And who says we all have to have the same abilities to be happy?

Do we not all develop our own sense of ‘normalcy’ based on our individual likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and disabilities? Why would children with disabilities, though they may not be the picture of perfect health, be any different? In fact, Researchers at Newcastle University recently applied standard self-assessment techniques used to appraise children’s levels of happiness to 500 young people with cerebral palsy. The results demonstrated that “Disabled children in the North of England have the same range of happiness and unhappiness as all children.” As they grow up and develop their sense of self, “they see their disabilities as part as who they are…(and) they perceived their position in life no differently as their friends in the general population.” In other words, yes, children with disabilities will develop their own sense of ‘normalcy’ just like anyone else and they will enjoy their lives immensely…if they’re given the opportunity.

For example: take a look at this video of a little boy with spina bifida playing outside with his big sister. Can he ride a bike (what many would call a ‘normal’ children’s activity), like she does? No. But this ‘crazy driver’ did just get a brand new wheelchair to push himself around the driveway in and, judging by the squeals of delight, they’re both having an equally good time.

I hope you will join me in praying for little Maria Isabella (and her parents). May she grow to discover for herself what ‘normal’ life is like for her and enjoy all the beauty and goodness that life can bring.

If you’re interested you can follow updates from Andrew and Christina on their blog.

Fix It

ChelseaMarriage1 Comment

Great image I found via Pinterest (where else?).

You might also like: Marriage Sustains Love

My apologies for the serious lack of posting this week. Been a little busy with other things. I hope you haven’t abandoned me, yet! 🙂

Science Fiction is Not-So Fictional Anymore

ChelseaCloning2 Comments

Did you ever see the movie The 6th Day, with Arnold Schwarzenegger? It’s an action movie, in which he comes home one day to find a clone of himself living with his family, is then chased by a bunch of cloned assassins and finally traces the attacks to the creator of the clones, who is himself a clone. Well the movie starts out highlighting the popular practice of commercial animal cloning for those who have lost their pets. Here is the commercial for “Re-pet”

While scientists have been cloning animals for several years now, the idea of commercial pet cloning still sounds pretty ridiculous — but it’s actually being done today. In January, TLC aired what essentially was a one hour infomercial for the dog cloning industry called “I Cloned My Pet.” It followed three dog owners through the process of having their recently deceased pets cloned by scientists in Korea. Both Nightline and Anderson Cooper featured one of the pet owners on their programs in the run-up to the TLC show.

Here is the Nightline piece that, unlike the TLC show, actually mentioned some of the “highly controversial” issues about the dog cloning industry, including accusations of animal cruelty and the slippery slope toward human reproductive cloning.
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What about human cloning? I finally got around to watching a movie that came to my attention nearly two years ago. Never Let Me Go is based on a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro about a group of friends from an English “boarding school” who find out that they are actually clones who were born and raised to provide organ transplants. The trailer:

Once again, the premise sounds outrageous, but, scientists are already cloning human embryos with the hope of being able to use their stem cells to treat all kinds of illnesses and disabilities. There’s no way scientists are not at all interested in progressing this research beyond the petri-dish and into the womb, as they have with animal cloning. We have very clearly entered an “anything goes” era, in which there are no permanent boundaries, especially in the name of science and medicine.

I’m not saying it’s definitely going to happen, but, that’s definitely the direction we’re headed as this research becomes more efficient. President George W. Bush was absolutely correct when he said in 2002:

“Anything other than a total ban on human cloning would be virtually impossible to enforce. Cloned human embryos created for research would be widely available in laboratories and embryo farms. Once cloned embryos were available, implantation would take place. Even the tightest regulations and strict policing would not prevent or detect the birth of cloned babies.”

Unfortunately there is no such ban here in the United States.

Caution: Some of Your Favorite Products May Be Morally Tainted

ChelseaAbortionLeave a Comment

Rebecca Taylor writes:

Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey has introduced a bill to Oklahoma’s state legislature that has caused quite a stir. SB 1418 says it would ban any product for human “consumption” that contains aborted human fetal tissue or where the research or development of any of the ingredients required the use of aborted fetal tissue.

Now, currently, there are no aborted fetuses in any food products. But some pundits interpret “consumption” in this bill to mean not just food products, but any product humans “consume” like drugs, vaccines, treatments, or even beauty products.

In the national response to SB 1418, the jokes about Soylent Green abound, and those from all political persuasions mocked Shortey as an idiot with nothing better to do than invent problems and waste tax payer money.

When Shortey suggested that his bill was not simply about aborted fetuses in the food supply, but about companies using cells and tissues from aborted human beings to test or develop various chemicals, drugs or therapies, one angry commenter on the Huffington Post retorted, “What companies? Name them. If you can’t, then this is the rantings of a paranoid delusional­.”


Please, please read the rest as she outlines several companies that currently use cell lines derived from aborted children to test and develop their products and how, outrageously, we have no way of knowing for sure when any of the products we buy have been developed in this way.

At the very least, products should be labeled When based on cells from abortions – though, really, the whole practice of using cells from children killed by elective abortion should not be legal.

Happy International Women’s Day!

ChelseaWomen1 Comment

blooming-garden.pngTo a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.
-Fulton Sheen

If what Bishop Sheen says is true, Western Civilization is in big trouble right now. For too long already we have failed to recognize the great dignity of women and femininity in our society where nothing is sacred, but especially not the female body. We live in a world in which the women, like no other time in history, are more denigrated and objectified through modern media, magazines and internet porn. We’ve replaced sacred femininity with modern day “feminism” where women work, essentially, to compete with and become more like men. Abortion has destroyed the maternal love of women and the widespread and accepted indulgence of lust coupled with the use of contraception has lead many women to allow themselves to be objectified – used and abused for another’s physical gratification.

Women! Recognize your dignity! You are the crowning glory, the grand Masterpiece, of Creation. You deserve better than porn, prostitution, abortion, and having your unique gift of bringing life into existence treated like a disease or illness.

Celebrate this International Women’s Day by treating yourself or a woman you love with a copy of Style, Sex, and Substance. These classy, fun-loving chicas are a bright light in the darkness that passes for “feminism” in our culture. They know what they’re worth. Planned Parenthood doesn’t speak for them!

Artwork: Madonna in the Blooming Garden (detail, 1907), Maurice Denis (1870-1943), private collection.

TOB Tuesday: The Myth of Sex

ChelseaSex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

The preface to Tim Muldoon’s latest column at Patheos reads: This is the myth of all myths: that people could use each other and still remember what compassion and tenderness looked and felt like.

What follows is a very creative little narrative of the fall and how men and women lose their sense of compassion the more they try to control and manipulate each other:

In the beginning, the LORD created man and woman in his image.

He blessed them and made them fruitful. Among his many gifts he gave man the gift of physical strength to work, and he gave woman the gift of compassion to cultivate relationships.

Together, man and woman learned each other’s gifts. Woman developed strength and offered her work as an act of compassion. Man learned compassion with his wife and child.

And they and their offspring numbered like the stars in the heavens, and they were happy. And the LORD saw that it was good.

But the serpent, the most cunning of creatures, was jealous of their happiness, and he resolved to put enmity between the men and the women.

So he whispered in the ear of the men as they lay asleep: “You are a man. Use your power to control the woman.”

And he whispered in the ear of the women as they lay asleep: “You are a woman. Use your body to control the man.”

So the men began to use their power to control the women. They kept the women away from their work. And the women stayed at home.

And the women began to use their bodies to control the men. They seduced the men and made them do their bidding.

Read the rest! This is part nine in his series on Sex and Christianity. Visit the home-page for his Patheos columns to find 1-8.