October Baby Opens Today

ChelseaPro Life7 Comments

October Baby is a new movie about a young woman who finds out that not only is she adopted, but she is the survivor of an attempted abortion. Needless to say, it’s gotten quite a bit of pro-life buzz, especially in the past week, so I”m sure many of you have already heard of it. Here’s the trailer:

When abortion fails a child is born…alive. Some are put on shelves to die, some live to tell the tale — and their voices are powerful. From my understanding, October Baby is inspired by the story of Gianna Jessen. If you’ve never heard it before, do check out Gianna’s hard-hitting address to the Australian Parliament a few years ago. Another survivor, Melissa Ohden, is also an amazing witness.

October Baby opens today in select theaters. I haven’t seen it yet, so I can’t review it for you, but these people can:
Steven D. Greydanus
Sr. Helen Burns

And over at Catholic Lane, Kay Anne Kelly gives a thorough synopsis/review and then sees a connection between October Baby and the Battle of Lepanto:

And that bit about Lepanto in the title? Well, just guess when Hannah was born…..October 7th. The film makers are not Catholic and may not have known the significance of that date to faithful Catholics, but we sure know who our big gun is in a spiritual battle. With Our Lady of Guadalupe on deck and the faithful of Christendom abiding Pope St. Pius’ command for the Rosary to be said for victory over evil, it took one more thing to tip the scales in this famous battle. The Christian slaves who were forced to row the Turkish ships rebelled and, several thousand strong, stood up to their oppressors, turning the tide of the battle and helping to save all of Europe from Muslim invasion. When those who have been enslaved to the abortion agenda rise up against the evil that has oppressed them, the tide will begin to turn. Look no further than Abby Johnson.

It doesn’t look like the movie will be playing anywhere near me this weekend. What about you?

7 Comments on October Baby Opens Today”

  1. I really want to see this but the closest cinema playing it is more than a two hour drive 🙁

  2. It’s getting really bad reviews from the secular press.

    I’m afraid that the utter rejection of a film like this from the “elite” … only makes it a heartwarming tale for those of us on the side of truth.

    How will films like this and Bella ever cross over?

  3. Dan – I understand your concern. I was actually happy to see Steven Greydanus say that said it “avoids the outright preachiness of the Sherwood Productions films.” But, you’re right. It’s very difficult for films like this to cross over and achieve even minimum mainstream success (though, Bella was popular at the secular Toronto Film Festival). First of all, they do need to be well made, so they don’t get completely trashed by critics. But, they also need some money and big names behind them. It can’t be easy for these independent Christian filmmakers to compete for attention in this industry that’s not only hostile to this kind of message, but where a lot depends on who you know and, of course, how much money you can spend.

  4. Thanks for the reply, Chelsea (and for your blog!). I certainly hope it exceeds the filmmaker’s expectations, and the more pro-life movies the better, hopefully paving the way for a breakthrough. I first saw Bella on DVD … showings with family and friends is of course a great way to witness, as well!

    If you end up writing a review of October Baby I will look forward to reading that! Maybe we can counter some of the stuffy critics.

  5. Saw this movie with a friend today. It is SO GOOD-not preachy, funny at times, and a wonderful story of love and forgiveness. It will definitely appeal to young people due to the characters, and the music. The story is well written in my opinion (I’m not a “critic” and often like what they don’t, or dislike their picks). Bring plenty of Kleenex. TRUTH is evident throughout the story. This movie is David against the Goliath of Hollywood. (Who cares what the mainstream media thinks; they promote Obama and his diabolical agenda) Watching the previews of upcoming movies was the only downer; bad language, stupid stories, sex and violence seem to be typical Hollywood fare today. This is a breath of fresh air, and I hope and pray many more movies like this will be made. We Believers, Christian or not, need to promote this to everyone we know.

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