
Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Activism, Adult Stem Cell Research, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

A very good friend of mine recently sent me an email that he said I could share with you all here on my blog. He comes from a very large home-schooling family. Since his high school graduation this spring he plans on joining the Marines, though right now he says he is having difficulty getting his transcripts and asks for prayers. He writes:

After reading into your blog, it reminded me of a question I asked a co-worker the other night, I’ll keep her anonymous for her sake.

I asked, “So what would you say if the news reported tomorrow that fifty million Americans have been killed?” She replied, “Oh, that would be terrible,” in a sympathetic tone of voice. Then I asked her, “Care to take a guess as to how many recorded abortions there has been in America since its legallization?” To this she was speechless and confessed that she would never have an abortion her self, but would allow the option for others. Even though she knows it is morally wrong, she however, does not believe in interfering in other people’s affairs. I find it nice that she doesn’t want to get mixed into other people’s business, but has our future really become someone else’s problem?

My generation is filled with selfish and out-of-touch rebels without a cause. Now, I know that there are good people out there, but where are they hiding? Sir Edmund Burke said, “Evil only has a chance to succeed when good men do nothing.” Many times have I run into people who are at heart very anti-abortion but fear to speak out about it. They fear ridicule and rejection by their peers. Is not the death of fifty million of your own countrymen enough to stir anyone to action? We are reaching a point in history where a second Dark Age is on the horizon. As the education in America is steadily declining, the fear of terrorism has us by our throats. Even immorality is becoming an accepted part of our culture and is even to go so far as to make a person of outstanding moral fiber look as if they are the ones who are condemned.

Yet with all this negativity, all this pessimism, I have hope. Though not as hard as it might seem, I have been lucky enough to actually find good people, the ones who would stand up against the darkness and bring the light of Christ upon those who wrongly fear it. As strange as it may seem, I find the ones who wish to preserve the sacredness of life are the ones who not only cherish their own but are thankful to God for everyone’s. These unselfish individuals, who I have been blessed to meet, have been my strength. They give me the courage to face the hell of war for their sake and not my own. They remove the fear of death. I know that because of them, my sacrifice would not be in vain. They give me hope in the future and in my mostly selfish generation. They act as beacons of light, encouraging all to follow Christ. They are the ones that help me live for God and not myself. Their faith and good works are what propels me ever closer to God.

When I join the service, I would like the ones I care about to know that I am not doing it for myself, but for them. I’m doing it for the babies who never had a chance to see a blue sky or say mommy or daddy for the first time. For all those good people who can’t find their voice. I’m doing it for the ones who are misled and are lost in their ways, hoping that my example would lead them to a truly better life. But most of all I’m doing it for God, as He is most deserving of my sacrifices I will offer to Him for the sake of this country and her people. I’ve heard my call, have you heard yours? Oorah!

This was a slightly updated version of a speech he gave on the pro-life trip to D.C. for the March for Life last year. Pretty impressive kid, huh? Please keep him and his family in your prayers. He has 11 siblings – 4 still at home – and they all lost their dad suddenly about a year and a half ago.


It is such a treasure to know DJ and all of the local home-schooled kids in our area (some shown above – DJ is the one in the hat close to the middle). All of them are wholly dedicated to Christ and fighting for the unborn. Their committment gives me hope as I sometimes get frustrated with my own selfish generation. Here’s some of us at Planned Parenthood last year:

The kids also join me at our pro-life table downtown on the 4th of July. See:
Happy 4th of July…Late!
Pics from the Fourth

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