Celebrating My Survival Today

ChelseaAbortion, Personal, Pro Life3 Comments


Our LadyYes, today is my birthday – number 25. It’s always pretty sobering when I think that when I was conceived, my mother had the legal choice to have me killed before I was born. Thanks, Mom, for choosing life!

I share this birthday with the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mary shared in the sufferings of Christ (Lk. 2:35) and stood by Him on the cross (Jn. 19:25). Besides our Lord, Mary is the greatest example of perseverance in suffering and is a constant source of strength and inspiration for me in my own sufferings.

On another personal note: How ’bout them Gators?! What a great birthday present!

I’m Worried About Republicans

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, Politics, Pro Life4 Comments

Republican elephantAn LA Times/Bloomberg survey asked Republican voters about supporting a GOP candidate who didn’t agree with their view on abortion:

About 30 percent of GOP voters in each state said they would only vote for a candidate who shared their views and about 60 percent in each state said they would be willing to consider a candidate who takes a different stand.

Now, I am presuming that the majority of these GOP voters are pro-life, or at least anti-abortion. And if that’s the case, this poll is a little disconcerting. Will the Republican party keep it’s pro-life platform? If Rudy Giuliani continues to be a leading candidate and, God forbid, receives the presidential nomination (which many still consider a possibility), pro-lifers may have to look elsewhere for a party truly committed to building a culture of life.

Perhaps the Constitution Party? We’ll see how this election goes.

Previous post:
Will the Republican Party Lose it’s Soul?

Missouri Abortion Law Challenged Again

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So the new law regulating abortion clinics that was put on hold last month has been heard again in court. The Family Research Council blog recently posted a response to a typically biased LA Times article about the Missouri abortion law. In the response, Andrew Schlafly, General Counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, offers a point by point rebuttal of some of the claims in the Times article. Here are a few:

Point 1: “A first-trimester surgical abortion takes about two minutes.”

False. It takes many times longer than that, even if there are no complications.[4] When incomplete, the abortion is repeated on the same mother. If there are complications, then even more is required. Some abortions are done under general anesthesia, which of course takes longer still.

Tonsillectomies and colonoscopies have been subject to this Missouri law, and they do not require any more time than abortions…

Point 3: “They have enacted the most far-reaching regulations in the nation — dictating the physical layout, staffing and record-keeping policies of any facility that performs five or more abortions a month, including private doctors’ offices that regularly prescribe the abortion pill.”

Misleading: This law is no different from what is required for other ambulatory surgery centers. The complaining Planned Parenthood clinic does surgical abortion, so the point about the abortion pill does not apply to it. As to doctors’ offices, very few prescribe this dangerous abortion pill, which causes bleeding, pain and higher complications. It is reasonable to require safe facilities of providers who do profit from abortion.

He also points out that PP, America’s largest abortion provider, sees an annual profit of over $50 million and is complaining about having to spend close to $1 million to create a safer environment for women undergoing abortions. After all, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it – being “safe” and legal? Abortions may not be done with coat hangers, or in “back alleys” but they can still be life threatening and even deadly (even in the case of medical abortions and the RU486 pill).

According to the rep from Missouri Right to Life that I spoke with today, the judge is expected to rule on the law on September 24.

Read the injury report of a Nebraska woman who suffered “excruciating pain” and seizures after a botched abortion at a Planned Parenthood facility and had to undergo an emergency hysterectomy.

The Importance of a Pro-Life President

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

President BushPresident Bush Again Withholds Funding From Pro-Abortion UN Group

This is the sixth year the Bush administration has said the U.N. Population Fund wrongly backs the one-child policy.

Just another reminder of why Giuliani is a bad choice for the Republican party. Things like this would not happen under a Giuliani presidency.

You can thank President Bush by going to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact.

See my Giuliani archive

“I Am, Therefore I Matter”

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Mark Pickup has some truly beautiful words, as always, up on his Human Life Matters blog this week:

What gives human life value?

nullWhat if my multiple sclerosis begins to attack the little grey cells of my brain that control cognitive thinking? It often does with this disease. As I mentioned earlier, my MS is increasingly aggressive. What if I end up in a “locked in” state or sink into a coma as the MS ravages by brain and brain stem? It happens. Will I lose my right to exist under the Brave New World of modern bioethics?[4]. Will the observed ability to think, or the quality of my thinking, jeopardize the status of my humanity according Cartesianism?

Descartes said “I think, therefore I am.”

I say “I am, therefore I matter.”

Read the full post

If you haven’t already, you should definitely subscribe to his blog, you will not be disappointed.

Loving Our Enemies

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As pro-life people we must love and respect all human life, including those who do not love us in return, and even those who wish us harm. The Gospel reading at today’s Mass for peace was from Matthew in which Jesus tells us,

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Mt. 5:43-44)

Today’s anniversary gives us the opportunity to put this teaching into practice. May we learn to love and forgive our enemies, especially those who wound us so deeply. Let hatred not enter our hearts no matter how grieved we may be. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Exposing the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness Pt. III

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood2 Comments

I am not a big fan of Sean Hannity, but God bless him for doing this segement on his show exposing fraud and deception from Planned Parenthood (H/T: Jill Stanek via Pro Life Blogs):

Previous posts:
Exposing the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness
Exposing the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness Pt. II

The Spiritual Battle We are In

ChelseaAbortion, videoLeave a Comment

A former abortion providor explains what happens to a person for whom abortion has become a god. Very insightful. Thanks to the Big Blue Wave for scoping this one out.

We would do well to remember to keep these people in our prayers while we try to stop the horrible practice they’re involved in.

“Did People Think the Fetus Was Magically Wished Away?”

ChelseaAbortion4 Comments

I found this thread from the Gossip Rocks health and fitness forum from a woman who came across a diagram of a dilation and evacuation abortion of a 23 week old fetus:

Abortion is not something I think about too often, i just came across this and it made me feel sick even though its not that graphic. It’s just a disturbing image I think.


The comments in response to this diagram, probably by people who would consider themselves to be “pro-choice” but never actually considered what abortion really was, were most interesting. This was my favorite:

of course the procedure is gross and/or disturbing, particularly at later stages. What did people think, that the fetus was magically wished away?

Here are some of the rest:

—I just found it disturbing, gave me a sickening feeling. Illustrations like that do it more to me than real pictures, oddly enough.

—I made the mistake…of googling abortion. Those pics are truly horrible.

—Wow, I’ve always been curious about how abortions were done…

But right now I am absolutely horrified and disturbed beyond belief…

I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on this thread…

—I’m pro-choice but seeing pics like that are really upsetting, it’s just not a nice thing for anyone to have to go through.

—i would hope that in the case of abortion there is some way to make the fetus not feel any pain.

I guess even diagrams are just as powerful as the post abortion pictures. Though, most of these people, while finding the abortion procedure “disturbing” and “horrible” still consider it acceptable in “necessary” situations.

One pro-choice woman, who had had an abortion, shares her serious concerns about these mid/late term abortions:

It’s an interesting moral/philisophical point. People don’t have a ‘problem’ with aborting a cluster of cells or ‘unformed’ embryo but as soon as the baby develops in a recogniseable human being we get a bit squeamish about it. Yet we are killing both. You then get into the debate about what a human life actually is…Don’t get me wrong, I am in favour of abortion provided it’s done for the right reasons and at the right time and I had one myself at 6 weeks which I’m not happy about but it was the right choice for me and my circumstances. But the brutal reality of how mid-term or late abortions are done isn’t something we can ignore as part of the whole debate…abortion is a pretty brutal business no matter what your personal stance on the morality of it.

Huckabee Wants a Human Life Amendment

Chelsea2008 Election, Politics, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

I didn’t watch the debate last night, but as I was reading through the transcript and this answer from Gov. Huckabee caught my eye:

HUCKABEE: I would love to see us have in this country what I helped lead in our state in Arkansas, and that’s a human life amendment to our state constitution, Amendment 65, that says that we believe life begins at conception, and that we ought to do everything in the world possible to protect it until its natural conclusion.

nullAnd that means that we truly value and respect, elevate and celebrate every life.

The reason this country has been extraordinarily interested in what’s going on to those miners out in Utah is because even though we don’t know them, they represent us in the sense that they are human beings, and we don’t know their fate.

We need to show the same kind of respect for life whether a child is in the womb, or whether in a coal mine, or in a long-term care facility. It’s about the fact that in our culture, the greatest testament that we can give is that we have an undying respect for every human life as having intrinsic worth and value.

I also liked it when he said, “Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor, and that is more important (to?) the Republican Party.” He was talking about the war, of course, but this is what we mean when we say that defeating Hillary (or whoever) is not a good enough reason to nominate/elect a pro-abortion Republican.