Huckabee Wants a Human Life Amendment

Chelsea2008 Election, Politics, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

I didn’t watch the debate last night, but as I was reading through the transcript and this answer from Gov. Huckabee caught my eye:

HUCKABEE: I would love to see us have in this country what I helped lead in our state in Arkansas, and that’s a human life amendment to our state constitution, Amendment 65, that says that we believe life begins at conception, and that we ought to do everything in the world possible to protect it until its natural conclusion.

nullAnd that means that we truly value and respect, elevate and celebrate every life.

The reason this country has been extraordinarily interested in what’s going on to those miners out in Utah is because even though we don’t know them, they represent us in the sense that they are human beings, and we don’t know their fate.

We need to show the same kind of respect for life whether a child is in the womb, or whether in a coal mine, or in a long-term care facility. It’s about the fact that in our culture, the greatest testament that we can give is that we have an undying respect for every human life as having intrinsic worth and value.

I also liked it when he said, “Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor, and that is more important (to?) the Republican Party.” He was talking about the war, of course, but this is what we mean when we say that defeating Hillary (or whoever) is not a good enough reason to nominate/elect a pro-abortion Republican.

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