Dedicated Pro-Lifers

ChelseaPrayer, Pro Life, Right to Life1 Comment

Operation Rescue reports that a group of Catholics from Louisiana and a few other states will gather in Witchita KS for a 72 hour prayer vigil outside the abortion mill of George Tiller. The vigil will take place March 23 to the 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation, the day Mary said yes to the gift of life and conceived the Word made Flesh. The group is Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary Crusade For Life and is lead by Rich Mahoney. It is a predominately Catholic operation, but other denominations are welcome.

international-day.jpgWhat else is happening on March 25? It is the International Day of the Unborn Child. Vote Life, Canada has made this graphic and the Big Blue Wave has this message for all bloggers:

Vote Life,Canada has designed a really nifty image for March 25th, the International Day of the Unborn Child. I’m hoping that all your pro-life bloggers who read this will copy and display this image on your blog, and then blog on the subject of the humanity, dignity and equality of the unborn child.

Why March 25th? Because it corresponds to the Catholic feast of The Annunciation, the traditional date of Jesus’ conception.

HT: Open Book

Pray For This Woman!!!

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life, Right to Life2 Comments

This woman is scheduled to have an abortion on Tues. March 27 and is having what she calls a “meltdown.” She fully realizes that she is ending her child’s life, but doesn’t see any other option. Further down she responds to another woman’s comments about giving the child up for adoption and she says that she has already thought of that and knows that she wouldn’t be able to give birth and give her child away to another person. To make matters worse the Catholic father agrees with her decision. I will post some of what she wrote below. Please keep her in your prayers for the next week:

My feelings of guilt and shame are overwhelming. I can’t bear to face friends/co-workers/ family right now because I feel like a fraud. I feel that if they knew about the scheduled abortion, they would lose all respect for me. The night before last, I had dinner with my mom (wanted to cancel but couldn’t). I couldn’t look her in the eye because I was so certain she would see right through me and tell me what a horribly selfish person I’m being. I feel like a terrible disappointment as a daughter.

I have no one I can confide in except for MB [the father] but I’m also sensitive to the fact that he is dealing with his own feelings and I don’t want to burden him. I’m sure that when this is resolved, he and I will lead our respective lives and our current friendship, which is so precious to me, will come to an end. To be honest, I think that’s actually my preference as looking in his eyes will be a constant reminder of what we have done. However that’s the least of my worries right now – I’ll deal with that when the time comes.

I don’t for a second doubt my decision – I just don’t know how to handle the feelings inside. I can’t stop crying and I want to lash out and scream and vent. I know that won’t solve the problem – I just don’t know how else to cope. My conscience is killing me and I’m trying to reconcile the fact that there is a life growing inside of me and I’m making the decision to end it. Who am I to play God and will I ever be forgiven?? Do I even deserve forgiveness?? The pain I’m feeling is overwhelming and I can’t help but believe that it’s God’s punishment for me and that I deserve to suffer for my actions.

Read the whole post

HT: JivinJehoshaphat

Still Time to Make Phone Calls

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

So I posted late last week that the Senate was supposed to vote on the ESC research funding bill. It turns out that they aren’t going to vote on it until April now. So you still have time to make some phone calls and write letters in opposition to the bill (S.5). As far as I’m concerned they can put it off for as long as they want.

A few Senators are also working on an alternative bill that would allow funding for research on adult stem cells and other alternatives. The bill hasn’t been finalized, so I’m not quite sure what they’re asking for. But if it’s anything like the alternatives bill that went through last year, the House will be likely to vote against it just to show their anger at the Presidential veto of the ESC funding bill. It’s ESC research or no research for these guys.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

ChelseaPersonal, Religion, videoLeave a Comment

Here is some good Irish entertainment for your St. Patrick’s Day. From the Quiet Man:

Check out more clips from The Quiet Man at YouTube.

If you’re interested in what, or who, this day is really about check out: St. Patrick at New Advent

HT: this idea came from CVSTOS FIDEI

Stem Cells May Restore Sight in the UK

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, ScienceLeave a Comment

British experts are pioneering a treatment using stem cell therapy to improve the sight of people born with a rare genetic eye disorder.

Stem cells taken from dead donors, living relatives or even the patients themselves are grown in a laboratory until they form sheets and then transplanted on to the surface of the cornea.

The team from the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, worked on sufferers of a rare genetic eye disorder called aniridia.

It is a condition where people are born with no iris and who later develop problems with the surface of their eye, resulting in pain and loss of vision.

But eye specialist Sheraz Daya, from the Queen Victoria Hospital, said stem cell treatment appears to halt progress of the condition, which affects up to 1,000 people in the UK.

Four patients have so far received the treatment successfully in one eye and reported an improvement in their comfort and vision, and now await treatment in their other eye.

All had little or no vision because they had few or no limbal stem cells under the eyelid which help keep the surface of the cornea clear and healthy.

Results aren’t in yet, but those involved find the science “extremely exciting.” Just another great thing happening with adult stem cell research! Pass it on!

H/T Life Ethics

Stem Cell Heart Regeneration Therapy

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, ScienceLeave a Comment

Science Daily — Vanderbilt University Medical Center is the first in the state to perform a novel therapy that uses bone marrow stem cells to stimulate regeneration of the heart muscle after a heart attack.

Vanderbilt is one of three medical centers in the country providing this new treatment modality as part of a multi-center, randomized study funded by Amorcyte, a privately funded cell-therapy company studying stem cells for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Physicians are excited about the prospects of this therapy because of the enormous potential to “transform the way we treat people with cardiac disease,” said Douglas Vaughan, M.D., chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. “This is the first patient of many that we will enroll in our randomized-controlled trials to study the effects of cell therapy in treating cardiac disease.

“It is truly gratifying that we have reached this point.”

John Plummer, 63, underwent the stem cell regeneration therapy on March 11, about one week after experiencing a heart attack.

“There are no guarantees,” said Plummer. “It was the prospect of improvement — any improvement — that made it worth it. There are certain risks, but the prospect of the study proving to be valuable to others as well, all of those considerations made it seem like something I ought to do.

“I look at it this way. This is an improvement you would give almost anything to make. There is nothing more important than your general health.”

Plummer, an English professor for 36 years at Vanderbilt University, is not the first patient tested for eligibility into the trial. More than 100 patients have been screened, but did not meet the criteria for study participation – impaired heart function after an acute heart attack.

“If we treat a patient rapidly, some may not have any damage at all,” said David Zhao, M.D., director of the Cardiac Cath Lab. “But for those who, despite all efforts, suffer damage to the heart muscle, we are studying the effects of this treatment in repairing the heart muscle.

“We are hoping that this is just the beginning of the journey and eventually we will be able to provide this unique therapy as part of our treatment protocol to patients with a damaged heart.”

For decades, the major barrier in treating heart attack patients is the inability to repair the damaged muscle. About 20 percent of patients experience permanent muscle loss, which ultimately leads to heart failure. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Five million people suffer from heart failure. Half of those die.

“If you look at the big picture, we don’t have a definitive way to improve people’s heart function, “said Scott Phillips, M.D., a cardiology fellow. “Heart failure has a huge financial impact on our medical system. If we could improve heart function, if this proves to be a viable therapy, there would be tremendous benefits, not only for the patient, but in terms of the amount of money a health care system could save. It would be astronomical.”

WHAT?! This could lead to financial benefits as well?? I thought that only came with cloning and ESC research!

Here’s the best part:
“This is truly a historical event,” said Phillips. “If this therapy works, it has the potential to affect millions of people.”

This is also a statement you usually only hear associated with embryo destructive stem cell research.

Maybe I Should Move to Poland

ChelseaFamily, Marriage, Sex, VocationLeave a Comment

Polish Teachers Promoting ‘Homosexual Culture’ to Be Fired, Official Says

WARSAW, Poland — Teachers deemed to be promoting “homosexual culture” in Polish schools will be fired, the deputy education minister said Thursday.

But the minister, Miroslaw Orzechowski, also insisted that homosexual teachers would not be targeted.

“There is no place for the promotion of homosexual culture” in Polish schools, Orzechowski, who has a key role in drawing up a new education law aimed at banning what his party called “homosexual propaganda” in schools, told the all-news station TVN24.

Meanwhile, the US Government will be considering the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 and The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007

P.S. Does the Church hate homosexuals? NO!! See: Courage Apostolate for those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones

See also:Theology of the Body

Senate May Vote on ESC Research Funding This Week

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research, Politics, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Yes, I know that tomorrow is Thursday, so the week is almost over. And I have had this information since last Friday and have failed to post it. But I haven’t seen in the news that the Senate has passed this bill so I’m posting it now. I don’t know what the schedule is for the vote so there may still be time to contact your Senators. Please especially contact Sen. Bob Casey, who replaced Sen. Santorum last year. He was planning on voting against the bill, but it was said earlier in the year that he could be a “swing vote” for the Democrats for a possible veto override. I don’t know if they are still going to vote on it this week, but the bill is S. 5, please ask your Senators to oppose it. Of course if it passed last year, it will no doubt pass this year, but I am pretty confident that President Bush will override again. When he vetoed it last year he said:

“If this bill would have become law, American taxpayers would, for the first time in our history, be compelled to fund the deliberate destruction of human embryos. And I’m not going to allow it. I have made it clear to Congress that I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line.”

Thinking Vegetables

ChelseaDisabled, Euthanasia, Pro Life, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

terri.jpgThis is scary and should make us seriously think about what we are doing or have done to people in these situation, like Terri Schiavo. Brain scans can only tell so much and doctors are not mind readers. Unless the person is completely brain dead (i.e. a ventilator is literally the only thing keeping them alive) then the best bet is to err on the side of life. Human life has intrinsic value and worth no matter what we are able to do, even if we aren’t able to do anything.

Cindy thought her husband was blinking at her in response to her questions. The doctors thought those blinks were just reflexes, but they were wrong.

Five years later, Steve can recall everything that happened around his hospital bed.

“One of them said, ‘He’s nothing but a vegetable,'” he said

Steve has painstakingly learned to speak again. Now he calls himself “a thinking vegetable” as a joke.

First Human Phase II ASC Therapy Trial in U.S.

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research, Media1 Comment

Science Daily — The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health is among the first medical centers in the country taking part in a novel clinical trial investigating if a subject’s own stem cells can treat a form of severe coronary artery disease.

This trial is the first human Phase II adult stem cell therapy study in the U.S. Its goal is to investigate the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of blood-derived selected stem cells to improve symptoms and clinical outcomes in patients with chronic myocardial ischemia (CMI), a severe form of coronary artery disease…

“The initial results from Phase I of the trial were encouraging,” Raval says. “Subjects reported feeling better with reductions in chest pain and improved exercise capacity during the early stage of the trial. That’s encouraging to us.”…

The article also notes that “[C]oronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease and is the leading cause of death in the United States.” The LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the U.S. is being treated in clinical trials with adult stem cells and there is not one word about this is the “pro-stem-cell-research” MSM. Shameful.