Did Adult Stem Cells Cure an AIDS Patient??

ChelseaAdult Stem Cell Research1 Comment

An American with HIV (who also has leukemia) living in Berlin seems to have been cured of the disease after a bone marrow transplant:

Dr. Gero Huetter said his 42-year-old patient, an American living in Berlin who was not identified, had been infected with the AIDS virus for more than a decade. But 20 months after undergoing a transplant of genetically selected bone marrow, he no longer shows signs of carrying the virus.

“We waited every day for a bad reading,” Huetter said.

It has not come. Researchers at Berlin’s Charite hospital and medical school say tests on his bone marrow, blood and other organ tissues have all been clean.

Now, nowhere in the articles written about this breakthrough do they actually mention adult stem cells, but it is a well known fact that the “primary ingredients”, so to speak, in a bone marrow transplant are the stem cells from the transplanted bone marrow. I can only assume that this transplant is no different.

The successful result of the transplant in treating the AIDS virus here has been a shock to most doctors and scientists still warn that it could be a “fluke.” If it is authentic, however, chalk this up to yet another example (and a major one) of ASCs blowing ESCs out of the water when it comes to therapies and cures.

What Planet is She On? *Updated*

ChelseaEmbryonic Stem Cell Research1 Comment

SanFranNanIn her first post-election speech last week, House Speaker Nanci Pelosi laid out the top priorities for the next Congress, which includes a bill to “relax federal restrictions on stem-cell research.” Jennifer Lahl says it best:

OK, so California is broke.

The U.S. economy is in the tank.

And a top priority of the new Democratic Congress and Presidency is to spend more money on embryonic stem cell research? What planet is she on!

Seriously. Even before the current financial downturn, commercial investors were steadily pulling their own money out of start-up companies experimenting with human embryos or just simply not funding them to begin with:

Venture capital investment in biotech startups — which includes stem cell developers — has fallen more than 65 percent to $443 million in the most recent quarter, from a high of $1.3 billion in late 1999. (ht Jivin J)

This is largely due to the serious doubts that ESCs will ever become commercially viable and the fact that private investors don’t much care to put their money into a losing venture – no matter how “hopeful”. But not the Federal Government! They don’t care how unethical, unnecessary or unproven it is or how many trillions of dollars in debt we are as a Nation…WE MUST KEEP HOPE ALIVE! After all, false hope is better than no hope at all, right?

Boy. Anybody who thinks that this debate will slowly fade away due to the lack of progress in even coming close to treating a single patient should think again. Not only are our lawmakers still obsessed with it, but this ap article reveals where ESC research is likely headed, and it’s not in the dumpster where it belongs:

But there may be other investors waiting in the wings [you know, besides U.S. taxpayers]: drugmakers.

Roughly $24 billion worth of drugs are expected to lose patent protection next year, leading to generic competition for a wave of blockbuster products launched in the 1990s. With massive cash reserves, large drugmakers have begun turning to stem-cell technology as a possible way forward.

Pfizer Inc., the world’s largest drugmaker, is scheduled to open a new research center this month in the U.K. to research stem cells to treat nervous system disorders. The New York-based company plans to hire 60 scientists for the effort over the next two years.

I have mentioned this before, the real future of ESC research is in pharmaceuticals. Watch out when these two industries get together…

*ESCR/Pharmaceutical case-in-point: A study published in the Nov. 6 online journal Cell Stem Cell, reports that scientists have supposedly made human brain tissue from stem cells derived from human embryos. While scientists are hopeful that this will lead to some regenerative therapy, the report adds that,

the tissues could also serve as “a mini organ” for use in studying the cause of the Alzheimer’s disease and developing vaccines

According to the report, the brain tissue has been made using IPS cells as well.

Thank You to All Veterans

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Many thanks to all of our veterans (especially you, Paul) for your service to our country. It is not easy fighting for life in a time of war, and my prayers are with all of our men and women who have served and are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. R.I.P. Darin Thomas Settle and all who never made it home alive.

Sexual Unions Shape History

ChelseaChastity, Love, Marriage, Sex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, videoLeave a Comment

I really enjoyed the Theology of the Body conference with Christopher West that I attended this weekend in Rolla, MO. I actually attended this exact same conference in KC earlier this year, but it never gets old. If you have not yet discovered the incredible teaching of JPII on the truth and meaning of sexuality, do yourself a favor check it out today. It’s not just a teaching for married couples, nor is it limited to dealing just with the act of sexual intercourse. It is about understanding who we are as human beings – why we are made male and female and what is our ultimate destiny. This Theology of the Body is “essential…for the [understanding] of man in general: for the…self-understanding of his being in the world” (TOB 102:5)

But what about the sexual act itself and why is it important that it be practiced in the appropriate context (i.e. within a marriage between a man and woman)? In short, it is because sexual union shapes our history:

Every single person is the end result of thousands upon thousands of sexual unions. That’s heavy stuff! And yet society would have us believe that sex is little more than a recreational activity with a meaning and a purpose no deeper than a moment of physical pleasure. Though sex seems to be everywhere and penetrating every aspect of our culture, the problem with modern society is not that it over-values sex, but precisely that it does not value sex enough. Our job is to reclaim the sacredness, the holiness of human sexuality.

We cannot build a true culture of life if we do not “accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and their close inter-connection” (Evangelium Vitae, 93). It is hard to have respect for human life while violating the very act which creates that life. This is what shapes our culture. The sexual union builds families, which build neighborhoods, which build communities, which build cities, states, nations and the world:

I will be sharing some more video as I get them uploaded. In the meantime please take advantage of the many TOB resources that are available – for yourself, for friends, family. This is excellent material for parents to discuss with their children – see TOB For Teens. Don’t leave this stuff up to the schools – even the Catholic schools!

More information on the Theology of the Body:
ChristopherWest.com – West even has a free download available for non Catholics
Theology of the Body at Catholic Exchange
An excellent introduction article: What is Theology of the Body and Why is it Changing So Many Lives?
A must-have book: Good News About Sex and Marriage
TOB material from Ascension Press

Resources for study groups:
The Gift: Your Call to Greatness – a one hour TOB flyover
An Introduction to the Theology of the Body – an 8 part, 4 hour study
Freedom To Love – a 5 part study for young adults and college students
Good News About Sex and Marriage – a 5 part Marriage enrichment program

Obama/Biden = “Victory” for African Americans/Catholics?

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Our Nation has a history of treating certain groups of people as second class citizens, or worse, considering them to be not human at all. Between slavery and segregation, this has been especially true of African Americans. And even after the abolition of slavery and the end of legal segregation many blacks in America still feel discriminated against and disadvantaged as a whole in society because of the color of their skin. That is one reason why the victory of Barack Obama in this year’s presidential election has been met with so much enthusiasm and celebration. It certainly is historic and I congratulate President-elect Obama on his victory and becoming the first African American president. But is it really the “civil rights” advancement that many think it is?

A priest friend of mine shared with me his frustration with the praise that is being heaped on Obama for being the first of his race elected president because “his stand for killing innocent babies is no honor to his race.” As one blogger put it the other day:

It is lamentable that for one group of people once considered non-human to move forward, another, the most innocent, had to be sacrificed

Indeed, given his record of supporting the murder of innocent human beings in the womb, in a petri dish and even shortly after birth in some circumstances, not to mention his admitting that, if he could, he would take back his decision to let Congress intervene and save Terri Schiavo from being starved to death, I would hesitate to call this a great advancement towards recognizing the equality of all human beings. This would be equally true, of course, if our new president happened to be a white man/woman sharing these same beliefs. But specifically regarding his own race, I would dare say that his election even less of an advancement for blacks considering that abortion is the leading cause of death within the black community and President-elect Obama wishes to expand its practice throughout the Nation by enshrining abortion-on-demand into American law through FOCA.

A black President is not the only milestone in this election. It seems congratulations to Joe Biden are also in order for, as AmP reminds us, becoming the first ever Catholic Vice President. Again, given his blatant disregard for basic Catholic teaching on the sanctity of all human life, I don’t think we can really call this much of a “victory” for Catholics either.

To me this presidential election is yet another reminder that we must always have in our hearts a zeal for souls and a genuine love for those we fundamentally disagree with. They are not exempt from the love and mercy of God and they should not be exempt from ours. Loving and caring about the salvation of our enemies is perhaps the most difficult aspect of our Christian calling (how do you love those who approve of, even advocate for, the murder of innocent human life?), but it is what sets us apart from the world.

Because of this I was very pleased to see that the initial response from dedicated pro-lifers to the election of such a radically anti-life President was to immediately offer prayers for our newly elected Commander-in-Chief – not just that the damage of his administration to our country be minimal, but for his own personal conversion.

“we cannot forget the power of Christian conversion, that radical decision to turn away from sin and back to God, which reaches to the depths of a person’s soul and can work extraordinary change.” (JPII)

The effort may at times seem futile, but time spent for souls is never wasted.

As for those of us in the pro-life movement, we will persevere. It is not in our nature to give up and, in fact, our resolve tends to strengthen when we are faced with adversity. Our earthly battles may not always succeed, but we remain faithful knowing that in the end we have the promise of not only the joy of eternal life, but the ultimate triumph of truth and justice which will reign for all eternity.

Hail to the Chief

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment


Congratulations, Barack Obama. You were not my choice, but you will be my President. My prayers are with you. Good luck and Godspeed.

May the most just, the most lovable, and the most high Will of God be done, be fulfilled, be praised and exalted in all things forever. Amen!

Consider Your Eternal Salvation

Chelsea2008 Election, Abortion, videoLeave a Comment

KC Bishop Robert Finn has some advice for Catholics who are considering a vote for Barack Obama. Listen: 08-11-03 Bp. Finn on voting pro-life [6:56m] – many thanks to Fr. Z for that one!

Why not vote for Obama? This video has the most thorough explanation. It’s directed toward Catholics, but appropriate for all Christians and pro-lifers:

See more:
“The Vortex”
Barack Obama: Dangerous Values
Sacrifices for Life
Attention Roman Catholics for Obama
Gianna Jessen’s “Gift of Cerebral Palsy
Barack Obama and Infanticide: Indefensible
Barack Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion
Obama and Infanticide
Barack’s Disturbing Defense of Infanticide
Obama Facts

Come Holy Spirit!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

It is hard to believe that Election Day is finally upon us! I hope you all take the opportunity to practice your civic and moral duty to vote. May you and all voters today be guided by the will of the most Holy Spirit!

Let’s make some good Sacrifices for Life on this last day for an end to abortion and the intentional destruction of innocent human life and for leaders who will uphold and protect the dignity and rights of all human life from conception until natural death.

“Most merciful Jesus, I beseech You through the intercession of Your dearest Mother who nurtured You from childhood, bless my native land. I beg You, Jesus, look not on our sins, but on the tears of little children, on the hunger and cold they suffer. Jesus, for the sake of these innocent ones, grant me the grace that I am asking of You for my country.” (Diary of St. Faustina, n. 286)

May the most just, the most lovable, and the most high Will of God be done, be fulfilled, be praised and exalted in all things forever. Amen!

“The Vortex”
Barack Obama: Dangerous Values
Sacrifices for Life
Attention Roman Catholics for Obama
Gianna Jessen’s “Gift of Cerebral Palsy
Barack Obama and Infanticide: Indefensible
Barack Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion
Obama and Infanticide
Barack’s Disturbing Defense of Infanticide
Obama Facts

Loving Our Political Enemies

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

nullBishop Hermann in St. Louis has another wonderful column this week in which he offers some advice on how we can learn to love our political enemies:

We live in hope. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. Our neighbors are not only those children who are destroyed by abortion, but also those who are destroying the children themselves. That means we need to find a way to love those who promote abortion yet adamantly oppose their evil actions. This can be a very trying time, or it can be a very redemptive time. I believe God is calling us to do everything we can to oppose the actions of those promoting abortions and yet love them and pray for them. There is a very simple and effective way to do this.

We live in hope. Once there was a politician whose moral values I detested. Every time he would make an appearance on TV, which was usually twice a day, I would discover feelings of anger and resentment arising within me. One day I made a very smart decision. I decided to watch TV news with the remote control in my right hand and my Rosary in my left hand. It worked! When this candidate appeared on TV, I would hit the remote control button, shutting off the TV and pray five mysteries of the Rosary. Therefore, every day this politician received 15 minutes of my reflecting on the mysteries of Christ’s birth, life, passion, death and resurrection, while I myself experienced an incredible peace. By praying the Rosary for him, my attitudes and my affections towards his person changed, and I ended up on God’s side of him. It taught me a lifelong lesson. It is far more fun to pray for someone’s salvation than to be angry with them. I still oppose his values, but I do will his salvation.

He ended by encouraging everyone to continue to pray the rosary for the election, with an emphasis on Our Lady of Guadalupe saying:

We live in hope. Remember that eight years ago the outcome of the national election was not made known until Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! We live in hope!

I did not know that…

Judgment Day is on the Way
Loving Our Enemies

St. Gianna on Suffering

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St. GiannaQuotes from Saint Gianna Molla who gave up her own life so that he unborn child would live:

To Pietro, her husband, as she was dying in the hospital:

Pietro, I am cured now. Pietro, I was already over there and do you know what I saw? Some day I will tell you. But because we were so happy, we were too comfortable with our marvelous babies, full of health and grace, with all the blessings of heaven, they sent me down here, to suffer still, because it is not right to come to our Lord without enough suffering.

On fulfilling her duty as mother:

Yes I have prayed so much in these days. With faith and hope I have entrusted myself to the Lord…I trust in God, yes; but now it is time for me to fulfill my duty as a mother. I renew to the Lord the offer of my life. I am ready for everything, to save my baby


Sacrifice: the final end of prayer and action is not to receive praise or self advantage but to busy oneself, as did Jesus, with the total giving of oneself for others at the cost of renunciation and suffering, in the impassionate competition of love which arrives at the sacrificing of one’s own life.

One cannot love without suffering or suffer without loving

Also in suffering let’s say: Thanks be to God

If during the struggles to carry out our vocation, we should have to die, that would be the most beautiful day of our life.

Source: Saint Gianna Molla: Wife, Mother, Doctor