Let Yourself Be Loved!

ChelseaPro Life5 Comments

prodigal.jpgI don’t know about you, but I find this passage from The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen an excellent reflection to begin Lent with:

“This is the great mystery of our faith. We do not choose God, God chooses us. From all eternity we are hidden ‘in the shadow of God’s hand’ and ‘engraved in his palm.’ Before any human being touches us, God ‘forms us in secret’ and ‘textures us ‘ in the depth of the earth, and before any human being decides about us, God ‘knits us together in our mother’s womb.’ God loves us before any human person can show love to us. He loves us with a ‘first’ love, an unconditional love, wants us to be his beloved children, and tells us to become as loving as himself…

God has been trying to find me, to know me, and to love me. The question is not ‘How am I to find God?’ but ‘How am I to let myself be found by Him?’ The question is not ‘How am I to know God?’ but ‘How am I to let myself be known by him?’ And finally, the question is not ‘How am I to love God?’ but ‘How am I to let myself be loved by Him?'”

From the unformed embryo to the elderly grandparent, whether we are healthy, disabled or terminally ill, we are the Lord’s. He loves us and wants us to share in His love. Surprisingly, often the greatest challenge of the spiritual life is not to love God, but to allow ourselves to be loved by Him. This can be especially hard during Lent when we spend more time than usual reflecting on all the times we have distanced ourselves from Him by our sin. But even this should not discourage us, for the Lenten season is preparation for the greatest Act of forgiveness and proof of God’s great love for each one of us, even in our sinfulness.

For Christ, while we were still helpless, yet died at the appointed time for the ungodly…God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6, 8 )

This Lent, let us not become discouraged by the recognition of our faults and failings, but humbly accept the limits of our human nature, let go of our sins and allow ourselves to be forgiven and transformed by God’s love and mercy.

TOB Tuesday: The National TOB Congress!

ChelseaAbortion, Planned Parenthood, Sex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

alt=Mark your calendars: The National Theology of the Body Congress is set for this summer!

The three day event, from July 28-30, will feature speeches, workshops, panels, drama, music and more with some of today’s top TOB speakers and educators, like:

    Justin Cardinal Rigali: is the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

    Fr. Richard Hogan: co-author of three books on the theology of Pope John Paul II.

    Fr. Thomas Loya: pastor of Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church in Chicago, IL and the Eastern Catholic spiritual advisor for TOBIA.

    Sr. Helena Burns, F.S.P.: leads workshops for teens and adults on Media Literacy, Philosophy, and Theology of the Body.

    Dr. Janet Smith: professor of moral theology and the Fr. Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Issues at the Sacred Heart Major Seminar in Detroit, MI.

    Christopher West: a research fellow and faculty member of the Theology of the Body Institute near Philadelphia.

    Dr. Michael Waldstein: the Max Seckler Professor of Theology at Ave Maria University and translator of John Paul II’s Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body.

    Dr. Gregory Popcak, MSW, LISW: a nationally recognized Catholic psychotherapist and author of six books integrating solid Christian teaching with cutting-edge counseling psychology.

    Glen Stanton: the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs.

    Anastasia Northrop: president of TOBIA, the Theology of the Body International Alliance

And that is just a partial list! There will also be several exhibits and a TOB awards banquet recognizing outstanding accomplishments in promoting, living and understanding the Theology of the Body through the various fields of arts, academia, social justice, diocesan outreach, parish outreach, publishing, catechesis, activism and evangelization. They are currently accepting nominations.

As if to give us a stark reminder of why spreading the Theology of the Body message is so badly needed in today’s world, Planned Parenthood recently released its “Stand and Deliver” report on “Sex, Health and Young People in the 21st Century.” A report that, among other evil things, considers 10 year olds “sexual beings” who should be taught comprehensive sex education and even encouraged to explore their sexuality. Now, hopefully the rest of the world is sane enough not to support this suggestion. But I’m pretty sure a lot of our society generally agrees with PP’s promotion of casual sex among teenagers and adults (or at least doesn’t see anything outrageously wrong with it) and their (very false) accusation that the Church “den(ies) the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex.”

As the Nation’s largest abortion provider, PP’s report also illustrates the intimate connection between rampant sexual promiscuity and abortion. No matter how much “protection” you use, nothing changes the fact that sex leads to babies and guess who will be there to “take care of things” when you fall… In the final analysis, the abortion debate is not really about when life begins, but the meaning and purpose of sex.

So, let’s show PP and the world its folly by making this TOB Congress a huge success! Register yourself online and then help spread the word on your web site, blog or other social networking site with these free promotional resources. For the latest updates you can join them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter or subscribe to their RSS feed.

I hope to see you there!!

TOB Tuesday

Love Is God

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Happy Valentine’s Day, readers! As we celebrate romance and love today, let us keep in mind what, or Who, rather, is the source of that love.

“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. In this is love perfected within us” (1 Jn. 4:16-17)

The romantic love of man and woman, as good and beautiful as it is, is but a reflection, a foreshadowing, of a Greater Love which awaits us and is meant to bring each spouse closer to to that Divine love. That is why

Couples can love each other only to the extent that they let the Creator “define a new level of existence” that places their love in the context of the Absolute. (Called to Love p. 74-75)

The best, indeed, the only way to grow in love with another person is to grow ever closer God, love’s Divine source. Why not end your Valentine’s Day celebration with your loved one today with some time spent in prayer together?

Excellent advice for all single people – especially our youth, from Blessed Marcel Callo:

I am not one to amuse myself with the heart of a lady, since my love is pure and noble. If I have waited until I was 20 years old to go out with a young lady, it is because I knew that I wanted to find real love. One must master his heart before he can give it to the one that is chosen for him by Christ.

Finding real love can take quite some time, but we should never let ourselves settle for less. Nor should we give our hearts (and our bodies) too freely or foolishly in search of that love. God alone is the One who satisfies our every desire. Establish a relationship with Christ first and build on that relationship so that He may a.) create in you a clean heart and guard you against impurity and b.) lead you to a worthy, suitable companion.

SMILE! Your Mom Chose Life!

ChelseaAbortion, Roe v. Wade, video2 Comments

Related post: We Survived to be Voices for the Voiceless!

Fetal Tweets

ChelseaFetal Development, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

Sweet! Soon traveling dads and long distance relatives may be able to receive pregnancy updates – from the unborn child him/herself! (h/t Mary Meets Dolly)


Corey Menscher has designed a belt with vibration sensors attached to to detect movement in the belly of a pregnant woman and infused this technology with social networking site Twitter to send a message – a “fetal tweet” – when a kick is detected. I love how it says the tweet came “from the womb” (click image to enlarge a little if you can’t see it).

Find out more about the patent-pending Kickbee on their website or follow them on Twitter.

Gee, more technology recognizing/affirming the life of the unborn – Planned Parenthood will just looove this, I’m sure!

TOB Tuesday: Oprah Schooled on Celibacy

ChelseaCelibacy, Chastity, Sex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB Tuesday2 Comments

Dominican SistersToday the Oprah Winfrey Show explored religious life with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist – a thriving religious community located in Ann Arbor, MI. For the show Lisa Ling, an Oprah reporter, spent a day – and night – with the sisters at their monastery in Michigan. You can read her story online as well as watch video of her overnight stay experience and a day in the life of the sisters. The sisters also have a slideshow of the event.

I watched the show this afternoon and these nuns did an awesome job! They handled themselves so gracefully (as, I’m sure, they truly are) and Oprah herself was, as you would expect, very respectful and probing. Of everything they discussed – daily monastery life, materialism, vows, etc.. – Dominican Sisters on Oprahwhat seemed to impress Oprah most was discovering that the sisters consider themselves to be brides of Christ. That their habit is to them like a wedding gown that symbolizes their marriage to the Lord.

Perhaps the most counter-cultural aspect of Religious life for our sex-saturated world is the vow of celibacy. “You mean you don’t have sex!? EVER?!!!” But, despite popular belief, celibacy is not a life of sexual repression. In fact, the call to Christian celibacy is a call to live out the very purpose and meaning of our sexuality here on earth. For more on this please see my previous TOB Tuesday post: “How do They Know? They’re Celibates!”

Another shock for Oprah was learning that virginity is not a requirement for a celibate vocation. The Christian faith is all about repentance, forgiveness and Salvation. Just as all men fall – repeatedly -, so too are all men called to turn away from sin and back to God. One does not become a nun because she is already holy, but because that is the vocation by which God has chosen to lead her on a path to holiness.

The main point made by the sisters, and reiterated by Lisa Ling after her observation of the sisters’ daily life, is that, whether you’re talking about sex, poverty, silence or obedience, religious life is not about exchanging the “free” world for a life of repression, but rather finding true freedom by dedicating one’s life to the One who alone can satisfy our every desire. Something even those of us in the world are called to do!

TOB Tuesdays

P.S. any female readers out there considering a religious vocation: there is a nice little Carmelite monastery in my hometown (Jefferson City, MO) with only about 7 nuns inside. Also, I have become good friends with one of the Poor Clare sisters at the San Damiano Monastery in Ft. Meyers, FL. They are also a very small community and could use some fresh, young faces!

More Pro-Family Super Bowl Ads

ChelseaFamily, Pro Life1 Comment

Aaak! Jill Stanek beat me to this!! Focus on the Family’s wasn’t the only “pro-family” ad to air during the Super Bowl. Dove’s ad for their line of men’s soap was a celebration of masculinity and fatherhood. It also accurately depicts the biological beginning of human life. I missed this ad when it aired, but the more I watch it, the more it becomes my favorite of the night:

This next ad I did notice right away and so have many pro-lifers. A commenter over on Jill’s blog has the best description of Google’s “Parisian Love Story”: first comes love then comes marriage and then comes the baby carriage. Sweet and subtle:

NOW: Tebow Ad Promotes Violence Against Women **Updated

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

TebowMan, did I call this one, or what?! Regarding Focus on the Family’s ad with Tim and Pam Tebow, which playfully depicted the Heisman winner tackling his mother:

NOW president Terry O’Neill said it glorified violence against women. “I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it,” she said. “That’s what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don’t find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself.”

Read more

Wow. Is she serious? These chicks just don’t know when to quit. Speaking of “violence against women”, how about Betty White getting leveled into a puddle of mud in the Snickers commercial which, according to USA Today’s “Ad Meter”, was the most popular ad of the night? … No? Nothing? Way to be consistent, Ms. O’Neill.

A friend on Facebook reminded me that it is NOW who promotes the ultimate violence against women and assault on femininity: abortion.

And speaking of Super Bowl ads that NOW probably should have been equally, if not more, offended by, how about the Bridgestone commercial wherein a man sacrificed his wife in order to save his tires? No. Not a peep from NOW about that one, either. Thomas Peters is right; it’s quite obvious after all this that NOW is officially a discredited organization which no one can seriously anymore. Thankfully I never did.

Tebow Ad, Pts. 1 and 2 **Updated: Final Thoughts

ChelseaPro Life3 Comments

**I’ve added my final thoughts on the ad below

Here’s the first Focus on the Family ad that aired during the Super Bowl pre-game show – very classy:

And here is the ad that aired during the first quarter of the game. LOL, think N.O.W. will start complaining that the ad promotes violence against women? Well done!:

I know what you’re thinking and, yes, that’s all there was to it. Certainly not worth the time and effort pro-aborts spent condemning it and and demanding that it be rejected. In fact, if they would have just kept their mouths shut hardly anyone would have known what Pam was talking about when she said “he almost didn’t make it into this world.” There was no mention of a “difficult pregnancy”, abortion or even choosing life.

I’ve seen reaction from some pro-lifers were underwhelmed, even disappointed, after finally seeing the ad they’ve been passionately defending for the last two weeks. But, really, what did you expect in 30 seconds on national television? If it had been even the slightest bit more overtly “pro-life” it would have never been given air-time. Besides, often subtlety is the best way to win friends and influence people, especially with a subject as emotional and divisive as abortion.

Also, we cannot underestimate the significance of what happened before the ad even aired. For two weeks the hypocrisy of “choice” was on full display and the public was exposed to a true, uplifting story of courage, hope and, above all, self sacrifice. A much needed message for our current culture of selfishness and death. Honestly, you just cannot buy the kind of publicity we’ve seen given to this ad and it’s message. So, thank you N.O.W., NARAL and others for collectively overreacting to what might otherwise have largely gone unnoticed. Hopefully some seeds were planted.

For those who were unaware of the “controversy” prior to seeing the commercial and for whom the message was a little too subtle, hopefully some were directed, as was the ad’s design, to the Focus on the Family website, which features a more in-depth interview with Tim’s parents Bob and Pam and their choice for life.

That’s what I think anyway. What are your thoughts?