Imagining Eternity

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heaven.pngSpeaking of heaven and what it might be like. I’m reminded of something Pope Benedict wrote in his second encyclical, Spe Salvi:

To imagine ourselves outside the temporality that imprisons us and in some way to sense that eternity is not an unending succession of days in the calendar, but something more like the supreme moment of satisfaction, in which totality embraces us and we embrace totality — this we can only attempt. It would be like plunging into the ocean of infinite love, a moment in which time — the before and after — no longer exists. We can only attempt to grasp the idea that such a moment is life in the full sense, a plunging ever anew into the vastness of being, in which we are simply overwhelmed with joy. This is how Jesus expresses it in Saint John’s Gospel: “I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you” (16:22). (Spe Salvi, P. 12)

That’ll give you something to chew on for a while…

TOB Tues: The Resurrection of Our Bodies

ChelseaReligion, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

Over at the TOB Institute, Christopher West reflects on the resurrection of our bodies. A little piece:

During this Easter season it is fitting to reflect on the resurrection not just of Jesus’ body, but of our own bodies at the end of time.

We often speak of the “souls” in heaven. When we buried my grandmother, I saw her body go in the ground and I’m confident that her soul is now enjoying some form of union with God. But the souls currently in heaven (“currently,” of course, is a time-bound word which doesn’t even apply to heaven) remain in an “inhuman” state until the resurrection of their bodies. It can’t be any other way for us as human beings. Since God created us as a union of body and soul, the separation of the two at death is entirely “unnatural.” Indeed, it’s a cosmic tragedy.

Read the whole thing.

This part reminds me of something I posted here a few weeks ago from Fr. Richard John Neuhaus’ book As I Lay Dying: Meditations Upon Returning:

This body and I, this body that is inseparable from me, together we have been this life…Thomas Aquinas was right. No matter what the joy of the beatific vision, I think, it will not be perfect until my body and I are together again. Or, put differently, heaven will be perfect, but I, body and soul, will not be perfectly present to the perfection until then (p. 133).

The above is a revisitation of his reflections earlier in the book (p. 90-91) on the union of the body and soul and whether the body is necessary for happiness – even in heaven:

A medieval pope, John XXII, got in trouble for teaching that the souls in heaven are not entirely happy, so much do they want to be reunited with their bodies. He said, citing Revelation 6, that the souls in paradise are still “under the altar” and will only be raised to the perfect vision of God when they have their bodies back. After much criticism, Pope John, on his deathbead in 1334, modified his teaching and allowed as how the saints are perfectly happy even before the resurrection fo their bodies. But I believe that he had made an important point – that the body is, in fact, essential to the fullness of the self.

He admits that the limitations of our knowledge here on earth make such questions impossible to answer definitively, but he goes on to quote St. Thomas Aquinas who said that

“the soul desires to enjoy God in such a way that the enjoyment also may overflow into the body, as far as possible. And therefore, as long as it enjoys God, without the fellowship of the body, its appetite is at rest in that which it has, in such a way that it would still wish the body to attain to its share.”

So, the desire of the separated soul in heaven, Aquinas says, is “entirely at rest” as it has all that it needs to please it’s appetite (God), but it is not “wholly at rest” since it does not possess it “in every way it would wish to possess it.” In other words, says Neuhaus, it’s not that there is anything lacking in the beatific vision, but “the perfect enjoyment of that vision awaits the resurrection of the body” (my emphasis).

What do you think? Too much to think about? Of course, as Fr. Neuhaus notes, all that can be known for sure here on earth is that we will, in fact, be reunited with our bodies at the end of time (Jn. 5:28-29, 1 Corinth 15:12-13, 51-52). What that means in terms of how we will enjoy heaven before and after the resurrection is purely speculation. Ahem:

But as it is written: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him,” (1 Corinth. 2:9)

Every Child Deserves a Chance

ChelseaDisabled, Pro Life, video2 Comments

The father of a child with Down syndrome made this video after learning the heartbreaking truth about the fate of most children with his condition:

All abortion is equally abhorrent and offensive to humanity. It targets one segment of society, the unborn, and deems it worthy of life only at the behest of another segment. Eugenic abortion, however, goes one step further and takes a class of born citizens, the sick and disabled, and says to us, “your life is not worth living, you are a burden to yourself and society and you, and others like you, are better off dead.”

Humanity’s greatness is shown best in how we love and care for those in need. We should be concerned with making the world a place where people with disabilities feel welcome and valued, not trying to snuff them out of existence. Many wonderful advancements have been made in recent decades, but, clearly, more work still needs to be done.

A Titanic Love Story

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In case you missed it over at CMR. This is so delightful. And I need something delightful after reading yet another depressing reminder of the culture of death we are living in – collecting my thoughts for a post/article to (hopefully) come soon. In the meantime, please enjoy:

Also, in further commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, check out this touching story about a Catholic priest who went down hearing confessions.

Lord, Have Mercy!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

We don’t deserve it, but we are in desperate need of it!

Porn Not the Only Industry Commodifying Women

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

We’re all well aware of the fact that the “adult entertainment” industry rakes in major profits by exploiting women and their bodies, but they aren’t the only ones. Recently, Rebecca Taylor explained how the cloning/embryonic stem cell research industry is dependent on women putting their bodies on the line in order to obtain the “raw materials” needed for their experimentation.

eggsploitation.pngThe same thing can be said of the rich and politically powerful fertility industry. In fact, the Center for Bioethics and Culture recently filmed a documentary all about how this industry exploits women, treating them as banks of harvestable biological material and often not fully disclosing the risks involved with the process.

“Donating” eggs is not like “donating” sperm. It involves heavy doses of hormone injections, not to mention minor surgery requiring general anesthesia (although, writing for the Atlantic last week, Catherine Lacey, notes that the agency through which she made multiple “donations” always referred to the procedure by which her eggs were removed “as a ‘retrieval,’ never ‘surgery.'”).

Besides the health risks involved in this process (including infertility and Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), it just sounds like an awful experience and my guess is that’s why the Daily Mail reported recently that the UK has experienced a “chronic shortage” of egg donors, with some IVF clinics having to put couples on a four year waiting list.

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, of course, is not happy with this trend and has responded to the shortage by sweetening the deal for potential egg donors. Last month payment for eggs in the UK rose by £550 per cycle. The result has been a five-fold jump in egg donors. Imagine that! Oh, but don’t worry. According to Dr. Gillian Lockwood of Midland Fertility Services: ‘Early counseling sessions would quickly identify women who were doing it purely for the money.’ I’m sure.

The commodification of women by the fertility industry doesn’t stop with harvesting eggs. In recent years, surrogacy has been popularized here in the US by celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, Elton John and now Nicole Kidman.

Surrogacy is an especially booming business in India where impoverished women are recruited to be “gestational carriers” for middle-to-upper-class Western women. These women are often seen as ‘just the wombs‘, but it’s not just their wombs. Pregnancy is not simply being a human incubator for nine months, it affects a woman’s entire body, both physically and emotionally, before and after birth.

Make no mistake, the baby-making industry is a global market that makes many people very rich at the exploitation of others.** Yet, because of feel-good narratives offered by celebrities and others, it has been widely accepted with little to no criticism. In fact, it has become so mainstream that it’s even being used to help people without any major fertility problems reproduce.

This is not how children should come into the world and this is certainly not how women should be viewed or treated, whether they allow it themselves or not. A woman’s body is a sacred, life-giving vessel, not a baby factory or a hardware store for spare baby-making parts.

**I should add that women are not the only one’s commodified by this industry. Besides the children that are created, of course, men, too, are used for their sperm just as much as women are for their eggs and wombs.

Hey Guy…

ChelseaWomen1 Comment

Real Men Read Style, Sex and Substance – just ask Ryan Gosling:


Get your copy today!

Also, if you need a hilarious distraction sometime today, check out I was cracking up going through every page.

Cute “Incompatible With Life” Baby Blogging: Happy Easter, Ethan!

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging, Disabled1 Comment

It’s been far too long since this blog has seen any cute babies! And this little guy has something to say to the culture of death that tried to convince his parents to give up on his life just when he needed them the most:

Ethan Emmanuel Tutwiler just celebrated his first Easter. His mother, a friend of mine from college, wrote the following caption to this picture on her Facebook page:

This Easter pic is dedicated to all the doctors and so called specialists who suggested we terminate our pregnancy as it was “incompatible with life.” He looks pretty good to me.

He certainly looks wonderful to me!

When Kaitlyn was 18 weeks pregnant they found she had next to no amniotic fluid and she and her husband James were told that little Ethan had “no chance.” Lucky for Ethan his parents refused to listen to the doctors who did not value their son’s precious life. They understood that Ethan belonged to God and only He who brought him into the world had the authority to take him out. The first few months after he was born (mostly spent in the hospital) were not easy, I’m sure, but that doesn’t mean that his life was not worth living – and loving – for however long that turned out to be.

Praise God, he has thrived and looks to be a very happy and healthy baby boy today. Happy Easter, Ethan! Here’s to many more Easters (and birthdays and Christmases and Thanksgivings, etc…) in your future.

Love Makes Suffering Bearable
We Didn’t Terminate Because He’s Our Son
See more Cute Baby Blogging


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He is Risen!

    He is Risen

“But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly” (1 Peter 4:13)

We cannot follow Jesus Christ without sharing in His Cross. “But after the trial, what a reward!” (St. Therese) Just as Christ was “made perfect” by what he suffered (Heb. 5:9) and was able to Rise again and be seated at God’s right hand, so shall we be sanctified through our own sufferings united to the Cross of Christ, and share in His eternal glory in heaven. Amen. Alleluia!

Happy Easter everyone! May you all encounter our living and true God and experience His infinite mercy and love.

image: “He is Risen” by Greg Olsen

The Lamentation

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

image: The Lamentation, Peter Paul Rubens c. 1609

I love this little passage from today’s Office of Readings:

Something strange is happening—there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and he has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began. God has died in the flesh and hell trembles with fear. -from an ancient homily on Holy Saturday