Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

ChelseaAmendment 2, Politics, Right to LifeLeave a Comment

In times like this I take comfort in the wisdom of our first Pope:

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Without having seen him you love him; though you do not now see him you believe in him and rejoice with unutterable and exalted joy. As the outcome of your faith you obtain the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:6-9).

However I can’t help but be worried about the future of our dear country. In the words of our last pope, “a nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.” I disagree with one prominant conservative talk show host. The most defining issue of our time is our willingness to defend the weak and defenseless members of our society.

The fight to defeat Amendment 2 was remarkable and the turnout against it was nothing short of a miracle. We knew when we started that it would be a hard fight. I was actually more surprised by the outcome of the Senate race to tell the truth. Unfortunately it appears that this election had more to do with the American people’s disapproval of the war and the president than protecting our voiceless brothers and sisters.

So, obviously, we have work to do. We must and we will continue to fight for the dignity and respect of all human life.

“Yes, America, you are beautiful indeed, and blessed in so many ways…America, your deepest identity and truest character as a nation is revealed in the position you take towards the human person. The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless ones. The best traditions of your land presume respect for those who cannot defend themselves. If you want equal justice for all, and true freedom and lasting peace, then, America, defend life!” ~John Paul II

We Need This Man in the Senate…

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ricksantorum.jpgOr in the Oval Office! So, I wasn’t planning on posting anything today. But, I would be really sad to see this man voted out today. Senator Rick Santorum is an amazing defender of the family and human life and it would just be a shame to see the people of Pennsylvania not reward his good service. I pray that they have more sense than that.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to endorse Senator Jim Talent from my home state – something that I have, regretably, neglected to do during this election campaign. He has a consistent pro-life voting record, indicated by his 0% rating from NARAL. Unfortunately we cannot say the same for Claire McCaskill who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and on Emily’s List – proof, to me, that she should have no place on the Senate floor.carl2.jpg

Another good man is my State Senator, Carl Vogel, who I ran into at the prayer rally in Fulton. I used to visit his office frequently when I was lobbying for a ban on human cloning in MO, sponsored by my other favorite Sen., Matt Bartle. I have no idea what is going to happen today. I really find it unbelievable that our country is so divided that there is literally no way to tell how this election will turn out. The polls have been shifting everyday. I know that the media has pretty much forcasted doom and gloom for the GOP, but I’m a little more optimistic. Kathryn Jean Lopez has a very uplifting article on National Review Online that’s worth a read. Let’s keep our spirits high, it ain’t over till it’s over – or something like that.

Come Holy Spirit

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eucharist5.JPGFill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

We had an excellent turnout for Mass this evening, including some pretty impressive teenagers. Now the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and adored until 7 p.m. tomorrow for the special intention of voters and candidates. My prayer especially for the next 20ish hours: “May the most just, the most lovable, and the most high Will of God be done, be fulfilled, be praised and exalted in all things forever.”

Read also: Eucharistic Adoration

Praying for Elections

ChelseaAmendment 2, Politics, Prayer1 Comment

Last night there was a Prayer Rally to Defeat Amendment 2 in Fulton Missouri. It was a wonderful time of praise and worship calling on God to help us defeat Amendment 2 tomorrow. I gave a little pep talk during the rally. I had to write out what I was going to say of course (there is a link to it at the end of this post). It was a little different setting than what I’m used to speaking in front of. But I think I pulled it off ok. Besides me there was a wonderful band, a couple of ministers that gave very energetic praises and Mitch Hubbard, the Callaway County coordinator for Missourians Against Human Cloning. Mitch has been doing a fabulous job travelling around the area coordinating events and educating people. I have been to a couple of presentations with him so I had to give him some recognition here. Indeed all of the MAHC coordinators have been working their tails off trying to reach all of the Missouri voters since this issue has come before us and they deserve all of our appreciation.

Tonight there will be a Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Cathedral church in Jefferson City (my parish) followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration for voters and candidates seeking office. These rallies and prayer vigils remind us that, as hard as we work here on the ground, ultimately the glory belongs to God. Without God we would not have gotten as far as we have. So for the next day let us continue to pray that these elections will reflect the most holy Will of God. It’s been an amazing grassroots effort and we won’t stop until the last person casts their vote. And even then our job is far from over. Win or lose, we must look to the future and work hard to rebuild a culture of life!

My Talk

Read the Writing in the Sky

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Say No on Amendment 2This picture was taken at the University of Missouri vs. Oklahoma football game in Columbia last week. The plane flew over the stadium for most of the beginning of the game. Pretty clever! Way to go MRL!

Still Unsure About Amendment 2?

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Chances are if you or someone you know is still undecided on how to vote on Amendment 2 it is because this is a particularly confusing issue – one that scientists, doctors and lawyers cannot agree on. How do you know which side to believe? The amendment language is also not easy to understand even if you know how you are going to vote. But consider this: by its own admission, Amendment 2 may “change, repeal, or modify” over 45 provisions of the Missouri Constitution.

Amending the Constitution is a serious and permanent decision, one which should not be taken lightly. So if you are not exactly sure how you feel about the issues at hand your best bet is to vote ‘NO.’

Scientists and Experts: Amendment 2 = Constitutional Right for Cloning

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Thanks to the Catholic Knight I found this story on Life Site News about Scientists and Experts who all agree that Amendment 2 will povide a constitutional right to do human cloning. Here is a list of the signatories (click “continue reading” for the remainder of the list):

Markus Grompe, M.D.
Director, Oregon Stem Cell Center
Professor, Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, Oregon

Raymond F. Gasser, Ph.D.
Professor and Human Embryologist
Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy
Louisiana State Univ. Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, Louisiana

Mary Ann Glendon
Learned Hand Professor of Law
Harvard Law School

H. Joseph Yost, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Children
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Professor of Oncological Sciences
Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah

Robert P. George
McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence
Professor of Politics
Princeton University

Maureen L. Condic, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
Read More

Amendment 2: The Money Trail

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Here’s a flyer that shows how Missouri tax dollars will fund research whose profits will go to a for-profit corporation controlled by the directors of the Stowers Institute.

How to convert taxpayer dollars into private wealth

Missourians Be Aware

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According to the website for the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, located in Kansas City, they anticipate future growth of their $300 million facility that includes, “a 600,000 square-foot expansion every decade, in perpetuity. The first expansion (“Phase II”) is slated for completion in 2009, but the planned expansion will occur only if Missouri voters approve the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative to protect early stem cell research, treatments, and cures that are legal under federal law.” The problem is that, as the website states, this research is ALREADY LEGAL!! The University of Missouri is currently conducting research using human embryos so why does the Stowers Institute need a constitutional amendment passed in order to build a facility to conduct perfectly legal scientific research?

The answer, my friends, is money – and lots of it. James and Virginia Stowers have personally given well over $28 million to the Amendment 2 campaign and could stand to gain substantially more dough if the amendment passes.

We do not need a constitutional amendment to provide Missourians with stem cell therapies and cures. This research is already perfectly legal in Missouri. Essentially what the biotech industry, specifically the Stowers Institute, is trying to do is protect itself from the possibility of any future “discouraging” legislation – “[A]ll state and local laws…and other governmental actions shall be construed in favor of the conduct of stem cell research…No state or local law…shall (i) prevent, restrict, obstruct, or discourage any stem cell research…or (ii) create disincentives for…such research, (7)” and ask the taxpayers to pay for the research – “no state or local government body or official shall eliminate, reduce, deny, or withhold any public funds provided or eligible to be provided to a person that lawfully conducts stem cell research, (5).” Source: Amendment 2 Language

This does not mean that the Stowers’ are bad people, “Jim and Virginia Stowers are cancer survivors, visionaries and philanthropists. They both genuinely believe in the future of embryonic stem cell research. But there’s also a lot of money riding on this Amendment 2. Voters in Missouri should be aware.”

STL Cardinals are “Champions” for Life

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Yet another St. Louis Cardinal is throwing his hat in the ring in the fight to defeat Amendment 2 in Missouri. Shortstop David Eckstein, the most valuable player of the World Series will join pitcher Jeff Suppan in a print ad opposing Amendment 2. Next to them will also be KC Royals designated hitter Mike Sweeney who appeared with Suppan in the TV commercial that ran during game 4 of the World Series.