The St. Louis Business Journal has a poll up asking whether Missouri’s “stem cell amendment” should stand as is. The answer is NO. The current amendment, narrowly passed by voters in 2006, is not just about “stem cell research”, but also human cloning. Though it bans the implantation of an already cloned human embryo into a woman’s uterus, but did not ban the process of human cloning altogether. For more on Missouri’s cloning amendment see Missouri Roundtable for Life, which has a word by word critique of the amendment (click here for PDF).
Some think that the issue has been “resolved” because a very slim majority of Missourians passed the amendment 2 years ago (nevermind the fact that many of those people mistakingly thought they were voting to ban all human cloning). But as citizens we always have a right and a duty to prohibit unwanted research in our state, especially when it violates human dignity.
Cloning ban update: Last week I told you that the judge ruled in our favor, overturning the SOS’s disastrous ballot language. Not surprisingly the other side has appealed and it looks like it will be late March (a hearing is set for the 26th) before anything gets done with that…