How Newt Gingrich Blundered

ChelseaFetal Development, PoliticsLeave a Comment

Below is a “guest post” from my good friend Jim Cole, Legal Counsel for Missouri Right to Life, about the imbroglio that Newt Gingrich caused with his comments about implantation last week. The Gingrich campaign has been on damage-control with pro-lifers for days now attempting to “clarify” Newts pro-life position, assuring us that he believes that life begins at conception. But, as Jim mentions below (and Jill Stanek pointed out earlier today), he has not directly renounced what he said last week. Here’s Jim:
On ABC News last Thursday, December 1, Newt Gingrich stated that he considered that a human being begins at implantation. The interview in which he delivered his off-the-cuff remark has been posted in several locations, including ABC’s site here.

The Gingrich campaign has attempted to control the damage among pro-life supporters. One the campaign’s communications may be read here. To date, Newt has not yet directly retracted his erroneous statement, to my knowledge.

No one needs to consult theology to understand the problem here; biology will do nicely. Biologically, a human being exists from conception, when the identity, sex, and genetic characteristics of a new human being are set. When the chromosomes from the sperm and those from the egg have completed their awe-inspiring dance toward each other to achieve complete union, a new person’s genetic identity comes into being. The new human is anything but a mere part of the mother’s body; half the time he is a different sex from the mother, for goodness’ sake, and at all times, the human genetic identity of the child is different from that of the mother.

Moreover, the baby is in charge of his or her development, not the mother. It takes a week for the baby to travel from one end of the Fallopian tube, where conception takes place, to the other, where he or she emerges into the womb. During that time, amazing changes take place, stunning in their multiplicity and complexity. One need only read a recent on-line course on human reproduction posted by the Universities of Bern, Fribourg, and Lausanne in Switzerland for a sample. (See particularly Modules 4 through 6.) From that source and others (e.g., the Endowment for Human Development), the moving picture of development is clear. At the very beginning, the new human being consists of one cell. By the time he or she emerges into the womb six or seven days after conception, the early human has become a blastocyst, consisting of over 200 cells that are already specializing into different layers and types of tissues. (Some of them are the stem cells that have caused so much controversy in the last decade. It kills the developing human to open him or her up and take the stem cells from inside. Hence the controversy.) The processes now are so complex that scientists still have not figured them out.

All this development takes place in the first week, before implantation, while the new human is traveling within a flexible biological container called the “zona pellucida.” The zona pellucida insulates the developing baby from the walls of the Fallopian tube so that he or she does not implant in the wrong place. Once the new human enters the uterus (womb), he or she “hatches” out of the zona pellucida, much like a bird squeezes out of its eggshell, and emits chemicals that signal the uterine wall to build up in certain places to get ready. The mother’s body responds; it does not initiate. Approximately 24 hours later, the new baby, no longer insulated from contact, bumps into the uterine wall, adheres there, and begins the process of growing in the luxuriant lining that has thickened as a result of the baby’s signal to get ready.

This short outline of early human development shows how impoverished is the mindset that can offhandedly refer to such as thing as implantation of a “fertilized egg.” Mr. Gingrich did so in the ABC News interview, just as his interviewer did. Ladies and gentlemen, repeat after me: There is no such thing as implantation of a “fertilized egg.” It is a myth. The facts of biological development show that a self-directing, self-organized, complex living human organism implants in a mother’s womb, not a one-celled, passive passenger carried along in a process biologically driven by his or her mother. We should dump the concept of implanting a “fertilized egg” in the same place that we dumped the concept of a flat earth over 500 years ago.

If Newt Gingrich has shortcomings in the theology of the Catholic faith that he adopted a few years ago, his error on the status of an early human being should not be counted among them. He needs to learn biology, not theology. Pro-lifers hope that he studies soon and takes basic biological knowledge to heart. All innocent human beings are entitled to respect and protection of their lives, no matter what their stage of development or condition. To withhold that protection at the earliest stages of development before implantation simply does not make biological sense.

Newt, open a biology textbook soon. The pro-life movement knows that what you find there is a matter of human life and death.

Poem: I Saw a Baby

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

Catholic Lane has a wonderful poetry section. Today they published this thoughtful poem from Pavel Chichikov:

I saw a baby at the stream,
Perhaps or maybe not a dream,
Who played with water, thrust his hand
Into the pool, the golden sand

And then scooped up a golden fish,
This is my life, he said, to bless
Or throw again into the pool,
To swim from what is fearful, cruel

For as you killed and did away
With me, my little life betrayed
So I will find another place,
My life was this that was your grace…Read the rest!

Also, check out Chichikov’s book Mysteries and Stations for beautiful poetry meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross.

Bethlehemian Rhapsody

ChelseaMusic, video6 Comments

Lol. Love this. Nothing says Christmas quite like Queen…or an epic Queen parody, at least!

h/t to my Facebook friend Allison!

“We’ve Accepted Her”

ChelseaDisabledLeave a Comment

This has been all over the pro-life interwebs this week, so you’ve probably seen it already. But if by chance you have not yet read about the little girl with Down syndrome who has become the ‘darling’ of the child modeling world in the UK, you’ll want to read this now. It’s easily the most wonderful story you will read all week:

When Gemma Andre submitted photos of her young daughter, Taya, to a UK modeling agency at the urging of a family member, she didn’t say anything about the fact that Taya was born with Down syndrome.

“No one asked the question, ‘Is your child disabled?’ So I didn’t mention it,” Gemma told the Daily Mail recently.

Even after the ad agency, Urban Angels, phoned Andre and told her that Taya had made the first cut, and they would like to meet her personally, Gemma stayed mum on her daughter’s condition.

“I didn’t want her to be chosen as the token disabled child. If she was going to be picked, then it had to be on her own merit,” she says.

It turns out that Gemma didn’t have to be worried: after going in for a photo shoot with Urban Angels, Taya was chosen as one of the few lucky child models for the agency.

“When the agency rang me and said, ‘We want her on our books. She’s absolutely beautiful’, I was delighted,” says Gemma.

“I asked them if they were aware she had Down’s Syndrome. They said: ‘It’s immaterial. We’ve accepted her.’” At that moment, says Gemma, she burst into tears.

Read the rest!

The sad fact is that people with Down syndrome are generally not accepted by modern society and are consequently being snuffed out in the womb. May Taya’s beautiful smile soften the hearts of those who think children with Down syndrome should never be born!

The Search for God Cannot Wait

ChelseaMusic, video7 Comments

harrison.pngOn this day 10 years ago, my favorite musician, Mr. George Harrison, lost his battle with throat cancer and the “Quiet Beatle” was silenced forever in this world. Harrison was always considered the most spiritual of all the Beatles and, in a statement released by his family on the occasion of his death in 2001, he was credited as often saying:

“Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait”

As the Baltimore Catechism states, “God made us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with him forever in heaven.” Our time on earth is very limited and so our search for the God whom we are called to know, love and serve here is something that must never be put on hold. “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come” (Mk. 13:33).

I don’t know exactly what Harrison’s religious beliefs were, except that he was, of course, heavily influenced by eastern mysticism and spirituality and, I think, a believer in reincarnation. Nevertheless, I pray that his quest to know and love God in this life will lead to peace and happiness with Him in Eternal Life.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on him forever. May he rest in peace.

My favorite Harrison/Beatles song (and, really, my favorite song of all time):

For every human is a quest to find the answer to, why are we here? Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?…Everything else is secondary. (G. Harrison, CBS This Morning, 6/12/97).

TOB Tues: Hollow Hearts Waiting to be Filled

ChelseaAdvent, Religion, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

nullA Theology of the Body Advent reflection from TOB Institute‘s Bill Donaghy:

    Hollow Hearts Waiting to be Filled

Six hundred years before the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, Isaiah was dreaming. In a very modern sounding lament, he was yearning for a glimpse of the glory of the “old days” when God was more, shall we say, visible: “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you, while you wrought awesome deeds we could not hope for, such as they had not heard of from of old.” (Isaiah 63) Isaiah yearns for God to be present in his time of exile and expectation. “For you have hidden your face from us…”

Isaiah longs, as we all still do, for the veil to be pulled back; for Divinity to reveal itself to humanity. Little could he dream that soon Divinity would actually conceal itself in humanity! If he only knew what God was about to do! The Author will enter His own Story, and the Potter Himself become clay!

Read the rest!

The Eyeless “I” of Assisted Suicide

ChelseaAssisted SuicideLeave a Comment

assisted-suicide2.jpgCheck out this excellent article from one of my favorite pro-life writers, Mark Pickup, over at Catholic Lane on something I have talked about many times here on my own blog: the selfishness that fuels the culture of death.

The push for assisted suicide is the natural conclusion of personal autonomy gone amuck.

Gloria Taylor wants assisted suicide for herself which is different from suicide because it obviously requires assistance — a coarsening of some other person’s conscience. The eyeless “I” of assisted suicide1 does not consider the consequences to others.

Autonomy is diametrically opposed to community. The natural conclusion to unfettered autonomy is the right to even self-destruction. That is what is being considered in the BC Supreme courtroom as I write these words. Acceptance of the autonomy of suicide (assisted or otherwise) is to reject the interconnectedness of community. It proclaims with a final shout and sneer, “I am my own island!”

He also addresses the ridiculous idea that suicide is a “dignified” death:

A truly progressive and compassionate society is concerned about life with dignity – especially for those who do not have it. Death with dignity is not an event, it is the natural conclusion of having lived with dignity. Dignity is not achieved by withholding water and food or injecting poison into a person’s bloodstream when they are at their lowest point. That is not dignity: it is profound abandonment! We have a right to expect the best palliative care and pain management.

Read the whole thing!

Related post:
Assisted Suicide: the Musical

Visit Mark’s blogs:

Advent Prayer for Life

ChelseaPrayer, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

God of Life,
We rejoice in the promise of your coming.

You have sent your Son, born in Bethlehem.
He is the Prince of Peace, and
The one in whose name all oppression shall cease.

May we welcome his coming each day
And prepare for his coming at the end of time.
May we build a culture that welcomes him
By welcoming every child, born and unborn.

We pray through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Shop for Life!

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

Black Friday may be almost over, but the Christmas shopping season has only just begun. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to do most of my shopping in front of my computer, from the comfort of my own home. If you plan on doing the same, I’ve got two suggestions for you:

    holiday-escrip.pngFirst – at no additional cost to you, you can help support Missouri Right to Life’s life-saving work through their e-scrip online mall. This is available for anyone in the United States, not just those who live in Missouri. Click here to access hundreds of participating merchants who will donate a percentage of each purchase to the Missouri Right to Life Education Fund. You can donate even easier by downloading “AutoEARN” at the Online Mall site and registering. Then you don’t have to go through the Mall every time. Just look for the “AutoEARN” tab in the upper left corner when you visit your favorite retailers’ websites.maternity-shirt.png

    Also – I’m not sure why, but last weekend I made a Cafe Press shop with merchandize featuring the tagline from the top of my website: “Every human life has value.” My first shipment has not yet arrived, so I can’t attest to how well these products are made, but they look pretty good on the computer. I’m actually very surprised. My favorite is the maternity shirt (pictured left, also available in white and pink). Besides clothing, there is a variety of drinkware as well as iPhone/iPad cases, e-reader sleeves, pillows and a cute little teddy bear. Check it out!

Happy Thanksgiving!

ChelseaCute Baby Blogging1 Comment

Brothers and sisters:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I give thanks to my God always on your account
for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
that in him you were enriched in every way,
with all discourse and all knowledge,
as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you,
so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift
as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will keep you firm to the end,
irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful,
and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Cor 1:3-9)

Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to give thanks to God for the greatest gifts of all: your life and His eternal Love!

Some new life to be thankful for this year:

Pamela Scholastica Fulwiler (Congratulations, Jen!!):

Matthew Gerard Bradley:
Bradley babyBradley baby

James Andrew Mitchell (Congrats, again, RegularGuy!)

Caleb Michael Beul

Here’s Caleb being such a silly happy baby:

And, of course, Danica May Camacho (aka “Baby 7 Billion):