Still Fighting for Life in Delaware

ChelseaCulture of Death, Disabled, Euthanasia, video2 Comments

Randy Richardson is still fighting to keep his severely disabled daughter Lauren alive. He recently told World Net Daily that he’s now battling “his former wife, the medical establishment and the court system for the life of his daughter.” On the improvement of her condition he said,

“She has been trying to sit up and also has tried to verbalize. She looks good, is loving, she cries, she can giggle, she can’t talk but does try to verbalize, we can tell when she’s in pain or uncomfortable.”

He, and his daughter, recently won the support of lawmakers in his state. But the battle continues.

Not only do Randy and Lauren need them, but Lauren’s mother needs your prayers as well. There is also a similar case down in Florida involving 57 year od Karen Weber who had a stroke last December. Her husband wants her dead, her mother wants her alive. The unique thing here is that technically Karen has not yet been found incompetent to handle her affairs. An examining committee has been, well, examining her and a report has yet to be filed.

Meanwhile, earlier this month family members approved the starvation and dehydration of the severely disabled Bradley Whaley who, after a devastating brain injury, was able to recognize his mother and mouth “mama” when she pulled on his chin. He would even kiss her when she pulled him close enough.

From Wesley Smith:

For more than ten years I have been telling anyone who will listen that unquestionably conscious cognitively disabled patients are being denied sustenance in every state in this country–so long as no family member objects (and eventually, if futile care theory takes hold, it will be even if they do).

It is a scary time to be disabled in America.

Here is Lauren’s video:

Previous posts:
Fighting for Life, Again
Life Life, Love Life and Honor Terri Schiavo
Better off Dead?
Love and Suffering
The Paradox of the Cross

An Actually Appealing Presidential Candidate

Chelsea2008 Election3 Comments

It would just be really be nice if he actually had a chance of winning. From Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin (from video below):

I will use the bully pulpit of the White House to encourage Congress to pass Congressman Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life Act which would do two things. Number one it would identify every unborn child as being a person under our laws. Number two, it would remove abortion from the jurisdiction of the court under article 3 section 2 of the Constitution. As President, I will do what the Republicans have not been willing to do. I will put an end to abortion on demand.

I have still not decided what I am going to do this November, however. To say that this is a less than ideal situation we are in, as far as presidential candidates is concerned, is an understatement. It just plain sucks. I was all prepared to “throw away” my vote on a third party candidate in the event of a Hillary-Giuliani match up. But, as bad as it is, our current situation does not quite have me convinced to do so…yet. Jay perfectly explains the thoughts I hate that I am thinking:

IF I decide to hold my nose and pull the lever for John McCain this November – and that’s a VERY BIG IF – it wil ONLY be because I find the prospect of a President Obama “sign[ing] the FOCA, repeal[ing] the DOMA, repeal[ing] the Hyde Amendment, end[ing] the Mexico City policy, fund[ing] abortions at the federal level through Medicare, on military bases, through the UN, [etc.]” to be untenable.

It WON’T be because I’m foolish enough to believe that John McCain will nominate another Roberts or Alito to the Court (he won’t) or will expend one ounce of effort or political capital to advance the cause of protecting the unborn (again, he won’t). A vote for McCain is simply a vote to minimize the damage that will be done to the pro-life cause should Obama be elected.

I’m really going to have to seek advice from my spiritual director on this one.

“Most merciful Jesus, I beseech You through the intercession of Your dearest Mother who nurtured You from childhood, bless my native land. I beg You, Jesus, look not on our sins, but on the tears of little children, on the hunger and cold they suffer. Jesus, for the sake of these innocent ones, grant me the grace that I am asking of You for my country.” ~ from St. Faustina’s Diary

Video of Chuck Baldwin

Cardinal Arinze Webcasts TOB!

ChelseaCelibacy, Chastity, Love, Marriage, Religion, Sex, Sexuality, video, VocationLeave a Comment

Cardinal Arinze PodcastShamefully I am not yet a subscriber to Cardinal Arinze’s webcast, though I pretty much love to hear anything the man has to say. But I recently stumbled upon another website with links to the Cardinal’s recent webcasts and found out that he has been doing a series on Theology of the Body. Really I have only ever heard TOB explained by Christopher West, who is brilliant, so I am anxious to hear from the Cardinal on JP II’s explanation of what is truly the deepest longing of every human heart.

TOB is fast making its way into the hearts and minds of the faithful and it’s about time. Christopher West says that if the task of the 20th century was to rid itself of the Christian sexual ethic, the task of the 21st century must be to reclaim it. This is key to building the foundation for a culture of life:

It is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not help the young to accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection (Evangelium Vitae n. 97)

There are a few ways that you can get ahold of the good Cardinal’s webcasts. First, you can watch/listen/subscribe to them directly from the website or via itunes. There is also a You Tube version of the video podcasts. Here are parts 1-3 of what is to be a five part series:

    Theology of the Body, an Introduction:

    Theology of the Body, Self Control:

    Theology of the Body, Shame:

More TOB resources:
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Theology of the Body for Beginners
Good News About Sex and Marriage

What is the Theology of the Body & Why is it Changing so Many Lives?
Other Christopher West articles

Theology of the Body, Peace of Heart Forum Series – from Cardinal Arinze
Christopher West talks available here and here
MP3 links available from Free Catholic Audio

This Time Last Year

Chelsea2008 Election, AbortionLeave a Comment

Jay reminded us yesterday that July 17, 2007 was the day Barack Obama gave that chilling speech to Planned Parenthood in which he told the pro-abortion crowd that “what is at stake in this election” is the “fundamental freedom”, the “fundamental right” to abortion:

“This is about more than just standing our ground, must be about more than protecting the gains of the past…we have to move this country forward…not just about playing defense, but playing offense. Not just about defending what is, but about creating what might be in this country…On this issue, I will not yield.”

The thought of this man as President is deeply, deeply troubling. Among the items on his Presidency agenda are signing the Freedom of Choice Act, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and the Hyde Amendment, ending the Mexico City policy and no doubt requesting more federal funds for life destroying purposes like ESC research and other “family planning”, “women’s health” programs. Unfortunately I don’t feel particularly comforted by the alternative, either.

OBAMA’S MAD WORLD (by Creative Minority Report):

Previous posts:
Barack Obama “Will Not Yield” on Abortion
Obama and Infanticide
Barack’s Disturbing Defense of Infanticide
Obama Facts

Sacred Femininity

ChelseaChastity, Sexuality, Vocation, Women2 Comments

nullLast Friday I caught an episode of Man and Woman: A Divine Invention with Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand. Speaking of the female body, von Hildebrand said that it is significant to note that a woman’s sexual organs, unlike those of men, are hidden – or to use another word, veiled. In the Old Testament the veil signified the presence of something holy, sacred – for example, the veil that separated the people from the entrance of the “Holy of Holies” which housed the Ark of the Covenant.

This “veiling” of the very thing which makes one female is God’s way of saying of woman, “this belongs to Me and it requires modesty.” Modesty is not about prudishness or shame, but protecting the body from the degradation of lust. Alice then quoted her late husband, Dietrich, who once said that chastity is a “trembling reverence in front of a mystery.” Us women should have reverence for our own bodies, recognizing the handiwork of our Creator and saying, in the words of His most glorious creation, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord!”

nullTo be sure men and women are both equal in dignity in the eyes of God, nevertheless, God bestowed upon woman a special grace, bringing her closer to Himself by allowing her to participate in a unique way in His creative power. Creation is the work of God and when a woman conceives, God reaches down and touches the female body and creates a soul within her. This, says von Hildebrand, should fill us with an overwhelming sense of awe because it is the work of God.

This is why no one is an “accident” and there is no such thing as an “unwanted child”. The creation of every living soul is the result of a deliberate and conscious decision on the part of Almighty God. It is by His will that every human life comes into being and though mother and father may not “want” the child, God does.

This is also why rape and incest are not legitimate “exceptions” for abortion. Many rightly lament that children conceived under such terrible circumstances are not the product of love, but of hatred and violence. But God, who is the author of life, is love and He creates out of love. Therefore every human being, whether conceived ideally through the intimate and loving union of husband and wife or as the result of a brutal rape, is always the fruit of a Great and Glorious Love!

nullThe very soul of a woman is meant to be maternal, the reality of which is stamped in our very bodies by our ability to conceive and nurture another human being inside ourselves. Mother Teresa had said that God’s greatest gift to women is the ability to love as a woman, to be maternal.

Finally, we now know that there is even symbolic meaning to the painful process of childbirth. In her 2005 book The Privilege of Being a Woman, von Hildebrand writes:

Just as Christ has suffered the agonizing pains of the crucifixion in order to reopen for us the gates of heaven, so the woman has received the costly privilege of suffering so that another child made to God’s image and likeness can enter into the world. (p.87)

For too long already we have failed to recognize the great dignity of femininity in our society where nothing is sacred, much less the female body. We’ve replaced sacred femininity with modern day “feminism” where women work, essentially, to become more like men. Abortion has destroyed the maternal love of women and the widespread and accepted indulgence of lust coupled with the use of contraception has lead many women to allow themselves to be objectified – used and abused for the physical gratification of another.

Woman! Recognize your dignity! Our bodies are made so clearly sacred and precious to the eyes of the Lord and should never to be subject to the lustful desires of men – or our own desires for that matter. That is why our mission, von Hildebrand writes, is to be the guardian of purity:

“When women are pure, men will respect, nay, venerate them; they will also hear the call challenging them to chastity.” (p. 90)

Man and Woman: A Divine Invention can be seen on EWTN on Friday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. ET.

Read more:
The Privelege of Being a Woman
The Princess and the Kiss – an excellent story of chastity for young girls
Mulieris Dignitatem
Alice von Hildebrand on Feminism and Femininity
Woman, God’s Masterpiece

Wake Up America!

Chelsea2008 Election, AbortionLeave a Comment

You must read this piece from Fr. John Corapi: Death Wish: the impending suicide of a once great nation (h/t Leticia). Here is a very little taste:

The first and pre-eminent right is the right to life. This truth the Founding Fathers were sure of, and anyone with any common sense at all is equally sure of it. 232 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed the amount of common sense that seems to be operative in many spheres of influence—most notably the courts and the political arena–can easily be poured into a very small thimble.

The United States of America seems to have a death wish, and we have traveled far down the road to having that wish realized…

From artificial contraception to abortion to partial-birth abortion, then on to infanticide we march toward the abyss of oblivion, a society marked for death. Is it any wonder we can rationalize the killing of the elderly or the sick through euthanasia? The tragic murder of Terri Schiavo is a logical extension of a morally numb society’s mad march toward its own suicidal death. She wasn’t sick. She wasn’t dying. They murdered her, starved her to death–one of the cruelest forms of death. She was innocent, yet subjected to a most cruel and unusual punishment. Why? Because she was helpless? Because she was too much trouble, too hard to look at?

Here is the biggest frustration:

Yet, despite the life and death importance of this travesty of authentic law, there will be no serious discussion among political candidates, or anyone else. It is as if society has been bewitched, blind to the splendor of truth, deaf to the cries of the most innocent, most vulnerable, and most utterly helpless.

“A nation that kills its own children is a nation without a future” – JP II

Present Sufferings are as Nothing

ChelseaReligion, Suffering1 Comment

The Good News from Sunday’s second Mass reading:

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us (Rom. 8:18)

This is the hope that must always be before us:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who by the power of God are safeguarded through faith, to a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the final time (1 Pet. 1:3-5)

Yes, whatever we suffer in this life is nothing compared to the joy that awaits us. We have the joy of salvation and ever-lasting life where every tear will be wiped away and mourning, crying and pain will be no more (Rev. 21: 3-4). Suffering in this life is unavoidable and often unbearable, but we must never violate human dignity to avoid it. We may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials, but this is so that our faith, which is “more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:6-7).

Perseverance through suffering prepares us for the joy of eternal life.

Previous posts

“A Real Funeral for Real Human Beings”

ChelseaAbortion, Religion, video1 Comment

Here is video from the funeral of the 7 babies whose bodies were found in an abortion clinic dumpster (h/t causa nostrae laetitiae):

Previous post:
Abortion Victims Laid to Rest

Surprise! Sex Leads to Babies!

ChelseaContraception, Love, Marriage, Sex, Sexuality, Vocation1 Comment

Jen relates a story about a co-worker who had a one night stand with a woman that resulted in a pregnancy. Because they took the “necessary precautions”, said co-worker was pretty shocked at the outcome and said, “I just don’t know how it could be possible.”

Sadly, because of the lies our contraceptive culture has told us, this comes as a shock to many people. But that’s nature, folks, and it’s good and it’s what sex was created for! If you are having sex and you (or your partner) get pregnant, it doesn’t mean something went wrong. As Christopher West says, it means something went beautifully and fundamentally right! Fertility is not an abnormal medical condition and babies are not STDs. Ovulation and pregnancy are perfectly natural and healthy and good things.

Another fact of the nature of sexual intercourse is that it is meant for the intimate union of a man and woman bound together in holy Matrimony.

“Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24).

Yes, God designed sex for a special purpose and, no, it’s not just for our own physical gratification. Though He did certainly make it pleasurable, that is not the point. Sex is meant to be a physical expression of the wedding vows, where the words expressed at the altar are expressed with the language of the body. This act is to be a total mutual self giving, of body and soul. The use of contraception not only destroys (or attempts to destroy) the procreative aspect of the marital act, but by one or the other spouse withholding his or her fertility, it destroys unity as well.

This month marks the 40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae – a fabulous, prophetic document worth reading and re-reading:

This particular doctrine, often expounded by the magisterium of the Church, is based on the inseparable connection, established by God, which man on his own initiative may not break, between the unitive significance and the procreative significance which are both inherent to the marriage act.

The reason is that the fundamental nature of the marriage act, while uniting husband and wife in the closest intimacy, also renders them capable of generating new life—and this as a result of laws written into the actual nature of man and of woman. And if each of these essential qualities, the unitive and the procreative, is preserved, the use of marriage fully retains its sense of true mutual love and its ordination to the supreme responsibility of parenthood to which man is called. (Humanae Vitae, 12)

P.S. For those (even pro-lifers like Sean Hannity) who tout the need for abortion “prevention” through the regular use of contraception. Some facts: from the Guttmacher Institute’s latest study on induced abortions:

Fifty-four percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users report having used their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users report correct use.

Contraception is not the answer to abortion.

Read more:
God, Sex, & Babies: What the Church Really Teaches about Responsible Parenthood
Other Christopher West articles
NFP posts
Jen’s post: It’s Nothing Personal
With My Body, I Thee Fool – from the Great Deception
For even more resources see Jen’s post: Catholics and contraception – where do they get those crazy ideas? and my page Sexuality, Marriage and Family

I Believe the Children are Our Future

ChelseaFamily, Pro LifeLeave a Comment

This week’s Our Sunday Visitor ran a little story about the declining birth rate in Europe and included this quote from Pope Benedict:

“Europe is infected by a strange lack of desire for the future. Children, our future, are perceived as a threat to the present, as if they were taking something away from our lives.”

Sometimes it seems as though that is the case here in America as well (though Hollywood seems to have a growing fascination with out of wed-lock births).

The recent trip I took down to Georgia and Florida, however, was blissfully centered on children. I stayed with my Aunt and Uncle who have six beautiful children and visited a good friend of mine who just recently gave birth to her second son. I can honestly say that these children took nothing away from the joy I experienced on my vacation, but only added more joy, excitement and frequent entertainment. Here’s a taste:

Flying kites on the beach (in Amelia Island, FL – this was just fun to watch):

Here’s video of my cousin Joe just cruising around with his kite – it’s a little shaky but I just couldn’t help myself:

Playing in my wheelchair (back home in GA):

The whole gang:

Me and my friend’s new baby (in KY):

“How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers” (Mother Teresa).

See my post: “How Can There Be Too Many Children?”