R.I.P. Cassie Cat

ChelseaPersonal5 Comments

    Cassie-Cat 1992-2010


Is the Rainbow Bridge real? IDK. But I sure hope so!

But now ask the beasts to teach you, and the birds of the air to tell you; Or the reptiles on earth to instruct you, and the fish of the sea to inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of God has done this? In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the life breath of all mankind. (Job 12:7-10)

Video: Desperately Trying to Save a Life – and a Soul

ChelseaAbortion, Activism, video1 Comment

This video was recorded by the clinic escort:

See more videos from this clinic. h/t: Values Voter News

Related: Taking a Stand for Truth and Life


ChelseaDisabledLeave a Comment

“My legs may have been taken from me, but my life wasn’t. For that I will be forever grateful.” – Megan McCauley (The Paraplegic Chef)

That reminds me of this video from quadriplegic Geno Rodgers who highlights some incredible adventures he has been on since his injury:

Related post: Life…”In a Wheelchair”

Marriage and Manhood

ChelseaFamily, Love, Marriage, Men, Religion, VocationLeave a Comment

EXCELLENT! Msgr. Charles Pope from the Archdiocese of Washington talks about marriage – speaking specifically to men – on the Feast of the Holy Family (this is just an excerpt from his homily):

See Msgr’s post Marriage and Manhood at the Washington Archdiocese’s blog.

Another Good Reason to Have Babies & Breastfeed!

ChelseaBreast Cancer, WomenLeave a Comment

From the American Cancer Society (Article date: 2002/07/19):

Having more babies and breastfeeding longer can reduce a woman’s risk of breast cancer, according to a study reported in the July 20 issue of The Lancet (Vol. 360: 187-195).

Related Post: Breast Feeding Benefits

Pelosi is 2009’s “Worst Amateur Theologian”

ChelseaAbortion2 Comments

SanFranNanLast week Mary DeTurris Poust named Nancy Pelosi the “Worst Amateur Theologian of 2009“, and for good reason. In case you missed Madam Speaker’s latest display of colossal ignorance, here is what she said to Eleanor Clift for Newsweek’s year-end issue:

“I have some concerns about the church’s position respecting a woman’s right to choose. I have some concerns about the church’s position on gay rights. I am a practicing Catholic, although they’re probably not too happy about that. But it is my faith. I practically mourn this difference of opinion because I feel what I was raised to believe is consistent with what I profess, and that is that we are all endowed with, a free will and a responsibility to answer for our actions. And that women should have that opportunity to exercise their free will.”


Elizabeth Lev says it all, so I don’t have to.

To be fair, though, Pelosi does have at least one thing right – we will all have to answer for our actions. Among the things we will be held accountable for: ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did (did not do) for one of these least brothers of mine, you did (did not do) for me.’

You know, I say ignorance, but at this point the woman clearly knows what the Church’s teaching is and chooses to defy it in favor of her own false theology. In which case, it’s not so much ignorance as it is arrogance.

Previous posts:
Pray for Pelosi
Augustine, Pelosi and Abortion
What Planet is She On?

Charleton Heston on Abortion

ChelseaAbortion, video2 Comments

This is great – and dead on:

Really nothing needs to be added to Heston’s words here except that at the time this intro was filmed, Heston says the number of children killed by abortion since 1973 was 20 million; that number is now up to almost 50 MILLION!! Disgraceful.

h/t Creative Minority Report


ChelseaReligion, Vocation, WomenLeave a Comment

Madonna of the StreetsHappy New Year, dear readers! Today Catholic’s celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in her most important role – Mother of God. Mother – is there any sweeter title in all the world?! Motherhood is the sublime calling for all women, without exception. Spiritually, biologically – maternity is, Alice von Hildebrand writes, the very soul of a woman. May all pregnant women imitate Our Lady’s gracious acceptance of new life and all women have recourse to this perfect example of authentic femininity.

“To be a mother, to feel maternally, means to turn especially to the helpless, to incline lovingly and helpfully to every small and weak thing upon the earth.”
~Gertrude von le Fort, The Eternal Woman

Tim Tebow’s Heisman Date

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

20 year old Kelly Faughnan was diagnosed with a brain tumor just before Thanksgiving in 2008. After having it removed one of the things she told her parents she wanted to do was go to a college football awards show to see Tim Tebow this year. At a function in Disney the day before the Heisman ceremony this month Faughnan donned an “I Love Timmy” button and, let’s just say, he noticed:

What a truly beautiful woman! May she now remain tumor free! And thank God for Tim Tebow and the wonderful example he sets of kindness and decency. A real class act and the pride of GatorNation! GO GATORS!! –,==,< h/t Tebow’s Eyeblack – again

Drive Safe!

ChelseaPro Life1 Comment

This is a powerful video from the Transport Accident Commission (warning: it’s pretty graphic):

h/t Jill Stanek

So many deaths and life altering injuries are caused by traffic accidents – and they’re not always the result of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When I wrecked 10 years ago I simply was not paying attention. I wasn’t even tired, just sick of driving and I allowed myself to become “hypnotized” by the road. By the time I realized what was happening it was too late. We were off the road, in a ditch and the car was about to flip over. I was probably not distracted for more than a second or two, but in that instant my life was changed forever.

Think your safe as long as you’re “almost home”? Think again. My wreck was only a few miles from my house. Statistically speaking, a third (32 per cent) of all car accidents happen within a mile of the driver’s home and a further third within five miles. This is because most people become lazy when driving on familiar roads.

Bottom line: PAY ATTENTION! Car accident statistics indicate 98 percent of reported accidents involve a single distracted driver. According to one report, after rubbernecking (16 percent), other common driver distractions included:

*Driver fatigue (12 percent)
*Looking at scenery (10 percent)
*Other passengers or children (9 percent)
*Adjusting the radio, cassette or CD player (7 percent)
*Reading the newspaper, books, maps or other documents (less than 2 percent)

The problem is that, for most of us, driving is so routine. It’s such a normal part of our everyday lives that we really tend to take it for granted. We’re so comfortable behind the wheel, especially on roads we frequently travel on, that we do get lazy and we think we can multi-task while driving. I’m fully aware that, for the most part, people are going to drive however they damn well feel like driving (how many of us get annoyed at “backseat drivers” trying to tell us how to drive?) but I hope you will at least consider that it is not just your own life you take into your hands when you’re out on the road. Be safe!

10 Tips to Prevent Car Accidents

1. Avoid drinking and driving.
2. Minimize distractions such as reading newspapers or talking on the cell phone when driving.
3. Properly maintain vehicles. Tune up cars according to maintenance schedule, and especially take note monthly of tire condition.
4. Do not encourage aggressive drivers. Let other aggressive driving behavior roll off your back, or call the police. Losing your temper could worsen the situation.
5. Leave a safe distance between your cars and others. For every 10 miles per hour of speed, leave at least one car length space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead.
6. Maintain a constant speed. Don’t continually slow down or speed up.
7. Adjust mirrors properly and check the side and rear-view mirrors every 15 seconds.
8. Take defensive driving classes to improve your ability to drive and be better prepared for the unpredictable behavior of other motorists.
9. Proceed with great caution through intersections. Intersections are the center of most accidents. When entering an intersection, look left, then right, then left again to ensure the area is clear.
10. Be sufficiently aware of road conditions and be more visible. Keep your lights on at dusk and dawn and during rain, as is the law in most states. Understand basic vehicle dynamics, such as knowing how to recover from a skid.

(source: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America)

**I would also add to this list – PULL OVER if you are feeling tired or find yourself getting sick of driving as I did. Take a short nap or just get out of the car for a second and stretch a little bit to revive yourself. I’ve done this when I was only driving to the next city just 30 miles away. Use your phone, set your alarm and give yourself a good 5-10 minutes of rest instead of trying to push it. You’ll be doing yourself – and the rest of us – a big favor.

This weekend in Mid-MO: 11 Die during holiday weekend4 dead after a 3 vehicle crash