A Pro-Life Prayer for our Country

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nullAfter 37 Years and 50 MILLION deaths, may the United States of America finally reject the atrocity of abortion and stand up for life and its founding principles.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“Most merciful Jesus, I beseech You through the intercession of Your dearest Motherabortion who nurtured You from childhood, bless my native land. I beg You, Jesus, look not on our sins, but on the tears of little children, on the hunger and cold they suffer. Jesus, for the sake of these innocent ones, grant me the grace that I am asking of You for my country.”
-From St. Faustina’s Diary

Previous post: Why Roe v. Wade and Abortion Laws Still Matter

Understanding the moral differences among social issues is crucial. Not all evil things can or should be illegal. Not all issues have the same graity. A healthy culture can tolerate some forms of evil in the interests of social peace. Nonetheless, some acts are so evil that tolerating them itself becomes a poison that weakens the whole of society…

In our day, sanctity-of-life issues are foundational – nto because of anyone’s “religious” views about abortion, although these are important; but because the act of de-humanizing and killing the unborn child attacks human dignity in a uniqely grave way. Deliberately killing the innocent is always, inexcusably wrong. It sets a pattern on contempt for every other aspect of human dignity. In defining when human life begins and what is and isn’t a human person, the logic behind permissive abortion makes all human rights politically contingent.

Many social issues are important. Many require our attention. But some issues have more weight than others. Deliberately killing innocent human life, or standing by and allowing it, dwarfs all other social issues. Trying to avoid this fact by redefining when human personhood begins is simply a corrupt and corrupting form of verbal gymnastics. And this habit is not the special reserve of our political leaders. The challenge to American bishops as teachers is most forcefully shown by the mail many of us receive from our people in the pews. Quite a few American Catholics feel comfortable in the role of lions when they lecture the church to keep silent about immigration reform or abortion. But they turn into kittens when it comes to demanding the real change of direction from their own political parties and leaders on the very same issues. Persons who claim to be Catholic under such circumstances are deluding themselves. They want the eternity insurance of faith but refuse to pay the premium it involves. (Archbishop Chaput, Render Unto Caesar pp. 207 & 211-212)

Remembering the Unborn

ChelseaAbortion, Pro Life1 Comment

The care of human life and its happiness and not its destruction is the chief and only object of a good government.
-Thomas Jefferson

Now, when it comes to politics and politicians, specifically, I’m about as jaded as one person can possibly be. I generally don’t listen to political speeches as I’m skeptical of even the most seemingly hard-core pro-life political figures. So many elected officials know exactly the right things to say to win votes and excite the base, but then don’t back those words up with real pro-life legislative action. But I have to give credit where it is due and this speech by Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona on last year’s Roe v. Wade anniversary is fantastic:

Webcast: 2010 Blogs 4 Life Conference

ChelseaActivism, Pro Life, Social Media, videoLeave a Comment

The 2010 Blogs 4 Life conference is set to begin at 8:30 am EST. Tune in here to watch it live. To stream it on your own site get the embed code here. If you’re on Twitter you can direct questions/comments to #blogs4life.

“Dr.” Tiller Speaks from the Grave

ChelseaAbortion, video, Women5 Comments

In these never before seen videos, released last week by Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, Dr. George Tiller explains why he became an abortion provider. They are outtakes from Voices of Choice, a 2001 documentary by PRCH. Ironically, in the second video he talks about how “everything has a risk” and “more people get shot” in other professions – which is true. Tiller was shot and killed on May 31, 2009. The trial against Scott Roeder for his murder is currently being conducted in Wichita.

Most interesting: upon taking over his clinic, he describes being “horrified” to find out that his father performed abortions, saying, “the only thing worse than a woman that would request an abortion was a physician that would do the abortion.” He then reveals that he thought abortionists were “scumbag-type” physicians.

Most disturbing: he describes killing babies as “emotionally and spiritually rewarding.” That is, of course, because he really believed that he was “helping women”. Abortion is no real help to women, but he is correct in that, for the abortion minded woman, it is about her, not the baby. According to a recent report by the Gutmacher Institute 60% of women obtaining abortions already have children. There is no way these women do not know they’re carrying a baby – they just don’t want to keep it. This is what has caused organizations, like the Vitae Caring Foundation, to change their tactics about trying to persuade women to not choose abortion – focusing more on the needs of the woman, rather than just the life of her unborn child.

Also, in the first video he explains that his father started performing abortions after one of his patients died in the 1940s after he refused to kill her unborn child and she instead obtained a “non-health care provider abortion”. But it should be noted that women also die from “safe and legal” health-care provider obtained abortions as well.

Tune In for the Blogs 4 Life Webcast Friday Morning

ChelseaPro LifeLeave a Comment

“New technologies, in particular, create further opportunities for communication understood as a service to the pastoral government and organization of the different tasks of the Christian community. One clear example today is how the Internet not only provides resources for more information, but habituates persons to interactive communication.[9]. Many Christians are already creatively using this instrument, exploring its potential to assist in the tasks of evangelization and education, as well as of internal communication, administration and governance…

If the communications media are a good destined for all humanity, then ever-new means must be found…to make possible a true participation in their management by all. The culture of co-responsibility must be nurtured.” (JP II, Apostolic Letter to Those Responsible for Communications 1/24/05, paragraphs 9 and 11).

Blogs for LifeIn recent years the pro-life movement has really embraced the use of the internet as an effective tool to communicate, educate, motivate and advance a culture of life throughout the world. The good people behind Blogs 4 Life recognized this method of evangelization and for the last five years have been holding an annual conference on the strategic use of the blogosphere and weblog technology to communicate the pro-life message.

This year Blogs4Life has asked pro-life bloggers to host the live webcast of their 5th annual conference, sponsored by the Family Research Council, this Friday January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. So, hopefully, if all goes well technically, you will be able to watch the conference for pro-life bloggers right here on my blog Friday morning from 8:30-11:30 EST. I’m not sure what other blogs will be hosting the event online, but if it doesn’t work out here, I know you can also catch it on the Family Research Council’s website. This year’s Blogs 4 Life speakers include:

Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Jill Stanek, blogger and speaker, JillStanek.com
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., President and CEO of Americans United for Life
Dr. David Prentice, Senior Fellow, Family Research Council
Joseph Farrah, Founder and CEO, WorldNetDaily
Katie Walker, Communications Director, American Life League
Carol Clews, Executive Director, Center for Pregnancy Concerns, Baltimore, MD
Kristin Hansen, Vice President for Communications, Care Net
Kristen Day, Executive Director, Democrats for Life
Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List
Peter Shinn, President, Pro-life Unity
Molotov Mitchell, Founder and President, Illuminati Pictures
Krystle Weeks, Web Editor, Family Research Council

Will any of you be at the March this Friday? If you are be sure to check out some of the other events taking place around the march. I would also encourage you to visit your local Congressmen! I’m sure some of these guys try very hard to hide and ignore what’s going on outside the Capitol on days like this and Lord knows they won’t see an accurate report on the event in the media. So it is vitally important that our representatives have the chance to see the commitment of pro-life constituents and to hear their collective voice.

Speaking of using the internet – for those, like me, who cannot make it to Washington, but want to show their support and solidarity with the March for Life pilgrims, the innovative minds at Americans United for Life have come up with a “Virtual March for Life“. Sign up today and let your avatar do the marching for you!
Blogs for Life.

TOB Tuesday: The Purpose of Our Existence

ChelseaSex, Sexuality, Theology of the Body, TOB TuesdayLeave a Comment

St. Theresa in EcstasyAs a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you. (Is 62:5)

A friend of mine had this as her Facebook status today:

“If the human body is really God’s image in the visible world, then the deep and powerful attraction we feel to the body is the image of an even deeper desire for God. Because that desire is an ache of the soul and not of the body, we may not perceive it as readily. But the very purpose of our existence is communion with another Person, body and soul. This is why our sexual craving is so strong and persistent – when we feel it, we are feeling our soul. And because the depth of the soul’s longing is infinite, it cannot be satisfied fully by any finite person.”

She tells me she had to memorize it in her senior religion class and attributes it to her teacher, Fr. James Shea.

The image above is Bernini’s St. Theresa in Ecstasy

P.S. the friend I spoke of above has a blog dedicated to Christian modesty.

TOB Tuesdays

God Works in Mysterious Ways

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Regarding today’s special election to fill the Massachusetts Senate seat and the fate of the abortion funding Obamacare bill, Creative Minority Report‘s Patrick Archibold writes at the National Catholic Register

This is what it has come to. Our pro-life hopes are pinned to a Republican, a pro-choice Republican, winning in Kennedyland and if some recent polls are to be believed, it just might happen. They say God works in mysterious ways and I think it is true.

Just to reiterate, Scott Brown is not pro-life – even favors Roe v. Wade. That being said, I do understand that he is, all things considered, more preferable to his Democrat opponent and seems to be what we need, at the moment, to help halt the passage of the current health care reform bills making their way through Congress that are riddled with pro-life problems (see here and here, as well). Personally, I still don’t know if I could vote for the man – and I’m glad I don’t have to make that decision!!

Whatever the outcome, may the most just, the most lovable, the most high and the very mysterious Will of God be done, be fulfilled, be praised and exalted in all things forever!

MLK: The Fight for Human Rights and Dignity Continues

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nullDr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., reflects on the dream of her late uncle (via Priests for Life):

“Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of a Beloved Community where all are treated with respect and dignity…He fought against society’s exclusion of people who were treated as less than human because of their appearance. Today, we are compelled to continue Uncle Martin’s fight by standing up for those who are treated as less than human because of their helplessness and inconvenience.

“The unborn are as much a part of the Beloved Community as are newborns, infants, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Too many of us speak of tolerance and inclusion, yet refuse to tolerate or include the weakest and most innocent among us in the human family. As we celebrate the life of Uncle Martin, let us renew our hearts and commit our lives to treating each other, whatever our race, status, or stage of life, as we would want to be treated. Let us let each other live.”

In America abortion is truly an equal opportunity destroyer, but African American’s have been particularly targeted over the last 37 years. Despite constituting only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, black women make up about 36% of the abortions. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.

Find out more at Maafa 21 and BlackGenocide.org

The battle that our ancestors fought for freedom the the rights of all human beings is far from over and, by and large, the threats to the dignity of the human person are only getting worse.

Tebow Super Bowl Ad Follow-up

ChelseaAbortion2 Comments

The Denver Post confirms what was, up till now, only speculation:

Focus on the Family will air a 30-second television spot featuring University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother Pam, during the Super Bowl Feb. 7.

The Colorado Springs-based media ministry shot the ad with the Tebows Tuesday in Orlando, Focus spokesman Gary Schneeberger said this morning. It is set to air before and then again during the CBS broadcast of the game from Dolphin Stadium near Miami, he said.

Tebow and his mother will share one of their many personal family-affirming stories, Schneeberger said, but he wouldn’t reveal which one. One such story could be her decision to carry him to term despite a life-threatening pregnancy in the Philippines where she and her husband Bob were serving as Christian missionaries.

Read more

(h/t Tebow’s Eyeblack)

Pro-Life Play About Post-Abortion Healing

ChelseaAbortion4 Comments

TillyIn my hometown here in Missouri the Stained Glass Theater, a local Christian theater group, will be putting on a play from now until January 30 that deals with the subject of post abortion regret and healing. The play is adapted from Christian novelist Frank Peretti‘s novel “Tilly”. In 2oo2 Tilly was actually adapted into a short forty minute film in by a pro-life group, Love Life America and shown on both PAX TV and briefly on the EWTN show Defending Life before being released on DVD.

It is a story about a woman who falls asleep one day and dreams that she is in heaven and meets “Tilly”, the daughter she aborted nine years earlier, who shares with her God’s message of forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. The theater fully expects the audience to get a bit emotional during the play and plans to offer tissues to theatergoers at the door. According to director Lisa Howard

“There are real tears on the set every night. It has touched the cast and us in a way I don’t think any other play has ever done.”

Silent No MoreThat’s probably because, directly or indirectly, abortion itself has touched the lives of so many, especially in the last 37 years. Statistically speaking, nearly 40 percent of women who get pregnant have an abortion and, despite it being a legal “procedure” for over three decades and and relatively normalized in our society, many women do, indeed, feel bad about their decision to end their child(ren)’s life, right away or years later. Thankfully, for those who seek it, healing is possiblefor men, too!

This production of Tilly is sponsored by First Assembly of God and Life Network of Central Missouri. I’ll definitely have to check it out! Has anyone read this book or seen the movie?

*photo from the Jefferson City News Tribune

Previous posts:
The Legacy of Abortion
The Pressure to Abort
“Fatherhood Begins at Conception”