I was able to watch a little bit of the Values Voter Summit today on C-Span. And I turned it on right as Star Parker was speaking. She’s so fun to watch. My dad got to know her pretty well when he was working at Vitae Caring Foundation and she was a frequent speaker for them and he would rave about her when he had to pick her up from the airport and take her to an event. For those of you who don’t know, Star once lived a life of drug abuse, crime, promiscuity, multiple abortions, and welfare dependency before her final conversion. And now she is very outspoken on social policy issues. Here is a part of her speech today, followed by a one of her speaking at the Heritage Foundation:
Rick Santorum had a fantastic speech at the summit, but I can’t find a good video of it. Dakota Voice has been doing a good job of keeping up with all of the speakers and has video of some of them, including Santorum, but it is not that great and the audio keeps skipping. If I can find a better video sometime, I will be sure to put it up. I just liked his account of debating partial birth abortion with Sen. Hillary Clinton on the senate floor.
See Star Parker’s column archive
Star’s books
Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats: From Welfare Cheat to Conservative Messenger
Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About It
White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner City Decay