Abortion is NOT Good or Loving

ChelseaAbortion, Love, Women5 Comments

In a new ad campaign Northland Family Planning Centers of Michigan touts the “essential goodness of our work” and encourages women to feel good about choosing to end the life of their unborn child (h/t Creative Minority Report). This is diabolical:

Despite abortion being a legal “procedure” for over 35 years and and relatively normalized in our society (based on current abortion rates, one in three American women will have had an abortion by age 45), many women do, indeed, feel bad about their decision to abort, right away or years later. And there is a perfectly good reason for this. Maternal instincts are natural, built in, chief among these being the instinct to protect one’s own child, not kill it. Now, this certainly does not mean that women who choose abortion are “bad people.” However, plenty of otherwise “good people” do make lots of bad choices – and abortion is one of them. From the video: “hard choices do not make us bad people” – no, but hard cases do not justify taking the life of an innocent human being. Whatever the reason, abortion is neither good nor loving, as those at the Northland Family Planning Center suggest. In fact, it is a rejection of love, it kills it and that necessarily has a profound affect both on the woman who chooses abortion and society as a whole. Said Mother Teresa

love means to be willing to give until it hurts…By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems…Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

For post-abortion healing visit:
Project Rachel
or any of these other support and recovery groups – including some for men.

Pregnant & need help? Call 800-395-HELP for free, confidential counseling services and discover a real good and loving decision for you and your unborn child.

5 Comments on “Abortion is NOT Good or Loving”

  1. Did you notice that the woman in this video has difficulty swallowing and also has the “deadest delivery” since The Stepford Wives? I wonder why. St. Michael, the Archangel …

    P.S. Here’s a protest video from Randall Terry you/your readers might enjoy.

  2. Oh my…dare I say “goodness”? That last quote was horrific! Sacred work? Really? Wow. Did you notice her big gulp when she said “essential goodness of our work”? Maybe it wasn’t a gulp, maybe it was an up-chuck. The other line that stood out to me was “deciding to have an abortion is a normal experience”. There is nothing normal about taking the life of the most innocent. These people truly do believe they are doing a good thing, it’s frightening.

  3. mlizzy – thanks for the link! I try to stay as far away from Randall Terry as I possibly can. Some of the stunts he’s pulled, like the one in that video, are pretty ridiculous and rather counter-productive, if you ask me. I admire his passion, but I do not think the man helps our cause one bit. Maybe it’s just me, but his flair for the dramatic seems to take the focus off the issue and onto himself, instead.


  4. I’ve always WONDERED whatever became of Molly Ringwald.

    re the 1-in-3 statistic: isn’t that skewed a bit by women who’ve had multiple abortions?

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